382 research outputs found

    Improved age constraints for the AB Dor quadruple system - The binary nature of AB Dor B

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    We present resolved NACO photometry of the close binary AB Dor B in H- and Ks-band. AB Dor B is itself known to be a wide binary companion to AB Dor A, which in turn has a very low-mass close companion named AB Dor C. These four known components make up the young and dynamically interesting system AB Dor, which will likely become a benchmark system for calibrating theoretical pre-main sequence evolutionary mass tracks for low-mass stars. However, for this purpose the actual age has to be known, and this subject has been a matter of discussion in the recent scientific literature. We compare our resolved photometry of AB Dor Ba and Bb with theoretical and empirical isochrones in order to constrain the age of the system. This leads to an age estimate of about 50 to 100 Myr. We discuss the implications of such an age range for the case of AB Dor C, and compare with other results in the literature.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Image quality and high contrast improvements on VLT/NACO

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    NACO is the famous and versatile diffraction limited NIR imager and spectrograph with which ESO celebrated 10 years of Adaptive Optics at the VLT. Since two years a substantial effort has been put in to understanding and fixing issues that directly affect the image quality and the high contrast performances of the instrument. Experiments to compensate the non-common-path aberrations and recover the highest possible Strehl ratios have been carried out successfully and a plan is hereafter described to perform such measurements regularly. The drift associated to pupil tracking since 2007 was fixed in October 2011. NACO is therefore even better suited for high contrast imaging and can be used with coronagraphic masks in the image plane. Some contrast measurements are shown and discussed. The work accomplished on NACO will serve as reference for the next generation instruments on the VLT, especially those working at the diffraction limit and making use of angular differential imaging (i.e. SPHERE, VISIR, possibly ERIS).Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, SPIE 2012 Astronomical Instrumentation Proceedin

    An infrared imaging search for low-mass companions to members of the young nearby beta Pic and Tucana/Horologium associations

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    We present deep high dynamic range infrared images of young nearby stars in the Tucana/Horologium and beta Pic associations, all ~ 10 to 35 Myrs young and at ~10 to 60 pc distance. Such young nearby stars are well-suited for direct imaging searches for brown dwarf and even planetary companions, because young sub-stellar objects are still self-luminous due to contraction and accretion. We performed our observations at the ESO 3.5m NTT with the normal infrared imaging detector SofI and the MPE speckle camera Sharp-I. Three arc sec north of GSC 8047-0232 in Horologium a promising brown dwarf companion candidate is detected, which needs to be confirmed by proper motion and/or spectroscopy. Several other faint companion candidates are already rejected by second epoch imaging. Among 21 stars observed in Tucana/Horologium, there are not more than one to five brown dwarf companions outside of 75 AU (1.5" at 50 pc); most certainly only < 5 % of the Tuc/HorA stars have brown dwarf companions (13 to 78 Jupiter masses) outside of 75 AU. For the first time, we can report an upper limit for the frequency of massive planets (~ 10 M_jup) at wide separations (~ 100 AU) using a meaningfull and homogeneous sample: Of 11 stars observed sufficiently deep in beta Pic (12 Myrs), not more than one has a massive planet outside of ~ 100 AU, i.e. massive planets at large separations are rare (< 9 %).Comment: Astronomische Nachrichten, in pres

    Low-mass star formation in CG1: a diffraction limited search for pre-main sequence stars next to NX Puppis

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    Using adaptive optics at the ESO 3.6m telescope, we obtained diffraction limited JHK-images of the region around the Herbig AeBe star NX Pup. We clearly resolved the close companion (sep. 0.128") to NX Pup -- originally discovered by HST -- and measured its JHK magnitudes. A third object at a separation of 7.0" from NX Pup was identified as a classical T Tauri star so that NX Pup may in fact form a hierarchical triple system. We discuss the evolutionary status of these stars and derive estimates for their spectral types, luminosities, masses and ages.Comment: Latex using l-aa-ps.sty with links to 5 postscript figures. Complete postscript version also available at http://lucky.astro.uni-wuerzburg.de/ Accepted for publication in A&

    Status and new operation modes of the versatile VLT/NACO

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    This paper aims at giving an update on the most versatile adaptive optics fed instrument to date, the well known and successful NACO . Although NACO is only scheduled for about two more years at the Very Large Telescope (VLT), it keeps on evolving with additional operation modes bringing original astronomical results. The high contrast imaging community uses it creatively as a test-bench for SPHERE and other second generation planet imagers. A new visible wavefront sensor (WFS) optimized for Laser Guide Star (LGS) operations has been installed and tested, the cube mode is more and more requested for frame selection on bright sources, a seeing enhancer mode (no tip/tilt correction) is now offered to provide full sky coverage and welcome all kind of extragalactic applications, etc. The Instrument Operations Team (IOT) and Paranal engineers are currently working hard at maintaining the instrument overall performances but also at improving them and offering new capabilities, providing the community with a well tuned and original instrument for the remaining time it is being used. The present contribution delivers a non-exhaustive overview of the new modes and experiments that have been carried out in the past months.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, SPIE 2010 Astronomical Instrumentation Proceedin

    Five new very low mass binaries

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    We report the discovery of companions to 5 nearby late M dwarfs (>M5), LHS1901, LHS4009, LHS6167, LP869-26 and WT460, and we confirm that the recently discovered mid-T brown dwarf companion to SCR1845-6357 is physically bound to that star. These discoveries result from our adaptive optics survey of all M dwarfs within 12 pc. The new companions have spectral types M5 to L1, and orbital separations between 1 and 10 AU. They add significantly to the number of late M dwarfs binaries in the immediate solar neighbourhood, and will improve the multiplicity statistics of late M dwarfs. The expected periods range from 3 to 130 years. Several pairs thus have good potential for accurate mass determination in this poorly sampled mass range.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Deep search for companions to probable young brown dwarfs

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    We have obtained high contrast images of four nearby, faint, and very low mass objects 2MASSJ04351455-1414468, SDSSJ044337.61+000205.1, 2MASSJ06085283-2753583 and 2MASSJ06524851-5741376 (here after 2MASS0435-14, SDSS0443+00, 2MASS0608-27 and 2MASS0652-57), identified in the field as probable isolated young brown dwarfs. Our goal was to search for binary companions down to the planetary mass regime. We used the NAOS-CONICA adaptive optics instrument (NACO) and its unique capability to sense the wavefront in the near-infrared to acquire sharp images of the four systems in Ks, with a field of view of 28"*28". Additional J and L' imaging and follow-up observations at a second epoch were obtained for 2MASS0652-57. With a typical contrast DKs= 4.0-7.0 mag, our observations are sensitive down to the planetary mass regime considering a minimum age of 10 to 120 Myr for these systems. No additional point sources are detected in the environment of 2MASS0435-14, SDSS0443+00 and 2MASS0608-27 between 0.1-12" (i.e about 2 to 250 AU at 20 pc). 2MASS0652-57 is resolved as a \sim230 mas binary. Follow-up observations reject a background contaminate, resolve the orbital motion of the pair, and confirm with high confidence that the system is physically bound. The J, Ks and L' photometry suggest a q\sim0.7-0.8 mass ratio binary with a probable semi-major axis of 5-6 AU. Among the four systems, 2MASS0652-57 is probably the less constrained in terms of age determination. Further analysis would be necessary to confirm its youth. It would then be interesting to determine its orbital and physical properties to derive the system's dynamical mass and to test evolutionary model predictions.Comment: Research note, 5 pages, 2 tables and 3 figures, accepted to A&