1,402 research outputs found

    Comments on (Non-)Chiral Gauge Theories and Type IIB Branes

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    We use type IIB brane configurations which were recently suggested by Hanany and Zaffaroni to study four dimensional N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories. We calculate the one loop beta function and realize Seiberg's duality using a particular configuration. We also comment on the anomaly cancelation condition in the case of chiral theories and the beta function in the case of chiral and SO/Sp theories.Comment: 11 pages, Latex. 5 figures. Several changes in text and a reference was added. Accepted to Phys.Lett.

    Self-Dual Strings and Stability of BPS States in N=2 SU(2) Gauge Theories

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    We show how BPS states of supersymmetric SU(2) Yang-Mills with matter -both massless and massive- are described as self-dual strings on a Riemann surface. This connection enables us to prove the stability and the strong coupling behaviour of these states. The Riemann surface naturally arises from type-IIB Calabi-Yau compactifications whose three-branes wrapped around vanishing two-cycles correspond to one-cycles on this surface.Comment: 27 LaTex with figs., Some changes in W-boson decay discussion, Refs. adde

    Quantum MHV Diagrams

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    Over the past two years, the use of on-shell techniques has deepened our understanding of the S-matrix of gauge theories and led to the calculation of many new scattering amplitudes. In these notes we review a particular on-shell method developed recently, the quantum MHV diagrams, and discuss applications to one-loop amplitudes. Furthermore, we briefly discuss the application of D-dimensional generalised unitarity to the calculation of scattering amplitudes in non-supersymmetric Yang-Mills.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures; based on two talks given at the 7th Workshop On Continuous Advances In QCD, 11-14 May 2006, Minneapolis, Minnesot

    Wilson loops from multicentre and rotating branes, mass gaps and phase structure in gauge theories

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    Within the AdS/CFT correspondence we use multicentre D3-brane metrics to investigate Wilson loops and compute the associated heavy quark-antiquark potentials for the strongly coupled SU(N) super-Yang-Mills gauge theory, when the gauge symmetry is broken by the expectation values of the scalar fields. For the case of a uniform distribution of D3-branes over a disc, we find that there exists a maximum separation beyond which there is no force between the quark and the antiquark, i.e. the screening is complete. We associate this phenomenon with the possible existence of a mass gap in the strongly coupled gauge theory. In the finite-temperature case, when the corresponding supergravity solution is a rotating D3-brane solution, there is a class of potentials interpolating between a Coulombic and a confining behaviour. However, above a certain critical value of the mass parameter, the potentials exhibit a behaviour characteristic of statistical systems undergoing phase transitions. The physical path preserves the concavity property of the potential and minimizes the energy. Using the same rotating-brane solutions, we also compute spatial Wilson loops, associated with the quark-antiquark potential in models of three-dimensional gauge theories at zero temperature, with similar results.Comment: 27 pages, latex, 7 figures; v2: no substantial changes, version to appear in Adv. Theor. Math. Phy

    Periods, Coupling Constants and Modular Functions in N=2 SU(2) SYM with Massive Matter

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    We determine the mass dependence of the coupling constant for N=2 SYM with N_f=1,2,3 and 4 flavours. All these cases can be unified in one analytic expression, given by a Schwarzian triangle function. Moreover we work out the connection to modular functions which enables us to give explicit formulas for the periods. Using the form of the J-functions we are able to determine in an elegant way the couplings and monodromies at the superconformal points.Comment: Some changes, final version to appear in IJMPA. 14 LaTex page

    PP-waves from rotating and continuously distributed D3-branes

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    We study families of PP-wave solutions of type-IIB supergravity that have (light-cone) time dependent metrics and RR five-form fluxes. They arise as Penrose limits of supergravity solutions that correspond to rotating or continuous distributions of D3-branes. In general, the solutions preserve sixteen supersymmetries. On the dual field theory side these backgrounds describe the BMN limit of N=4 SYM when some scalars in the field theory have non-vanishing expectation values. We study the perturbative string spectrum and in several cases we are able to determine it exactly for the bosons as well as for the fermions. We find that there are special states for particular values of the light-cone constant P_+.Comment: 23 pages, Latex. v2: a few extra remarks and aesthetic changes, version to appear in JHE

    Crystal Manyfold Universes in AdS Space

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    We derive crystal braneworld solutions, comprising of intersecting families of parallel n+2n+2-branes in a 4+n4+n-dimensional AdSAdS space. Each family consists of alternating positive and negative tension branes. In the simplest case of exactly orthogonal families, there arise different crystals with unbroken 4D Poincare invariance on the intersections, where our world can reside. A crystal can be finite along some direction, either because that direction is compact, or because it ends on a segment of AdSAdS bulk, or infinite, where the branes continue forever. If the crystal is interlaced by connected 3-branes directed both along the intersections and orthogonal to them, it can be viewed as an example of a Manyfold universe proposed recently by Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, Dvali and the author. There are new ways for generating hierarchies, since the bulk volume of the crystal and the lattice spacing affect the 4D Planck mass. The low energy physics is sensitive to the boundary conditions in the bulk, and has to satisfy the same constraints discussed in the Manyfold universe. Phenomenological considerations favor either finite crystals, or crystals which are infinite but have broken translational invariance in the bulk. The most distinctive signature of the bulk structure is that the bulk gravitons are Bloch waves, with a band spectrum, which we explicitly construct in the case of a 5-dimensional theory.Comment: 16 pages, latex, no figures. v2: comments added and misprints correcte

    Branes at Singularities in Type 0 String Theory

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    We consider Type 0B D3-branes placed at conical singularities and analyze in detail the conifold singularity. We study the non supersymmetric gauge theories on their worldvolume and their conjectured dual gravity descriptions. In the ultraviolet the solutions exhibit a logarithmic running of the gauge coupling. In the infrared we find confining solutions and IR fixed points.Comment: 18 pages, uses BibTeX, ssg.bs

    Domain walls of gauged supergravity, M-branes, and algebraic curves

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    We provide an algebraic classification of all supersymmetric domain wall solutions of maximal gauged supergravity in four and seven dimensions, in the presence of non-trivial scalar fields in the coset SL(8,R)/SO(8) and SL(5,R)/SO(5) respectively. These solutions satisfy first-order equations, which can be obtained using the method of Bogomol'nyi. From an eleven-dimensional point of view they correspond to various continuous distributions of M2- and M5-branes. The Christoffel-Schwarz transformation and the uniformization of the associated algebraic curves are used in order to determine the Schrodinger potential for the scalar and graviton fluctuations on the corresponding backgrounds. In many cases we explicitly solve the Schrodinger problem by employing techniques of supersymmetric quantum mechanics. The analysis is parallel to the construction of domain walls of five-dimensional gauged supergravity, with scalar fields in the coset SL(6,R)/SO(6), using algebraic curves or continuous distributions of D3-branes in ten dimensions. In seven dimensions, in particular, our classification of domain walls is complete for the full scalar sector of gauged supergravity. We also discuss some general aspects of D-dimensional gravity coupled to scalar fields in the coset SL(N,R)/SO(N).Comment: 46 pages, latex. v2: typos corrected and some references added. v3: minor corrections and improvements, references added, to appear in ATM
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