25 research outputs found

    Ruolo delle mutazioni del gene BRAF nei tumori tiroidei a basso rischio di malignitĂ .

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    I recenti studi di biologia molecolare hanno aperto nuovi orizzonti nello studio dei carcinomi tiroidei differenziati. In questo contesto la mutazione BRAF V600E rappresenta attualmente uno dei target principali delle ricerche nella cancerogenesi dei carcinomi papillari. Questa mutazione infatti risulta espressa unicamente in questi carcinomi tiroidei, con una prevalenza stimata in letteratura intorno al 44%. Inoltre, da recenti studi condotti, sembrerebbe che la mutazione BRAF V600E conferisca caratteristiche particolarmente aggressive ai carcinomi tiroidei che la esprimono, nonostante questi rimangano tra le neoplasie maligne con la prognosi migliore. Obiettivo del presente lavoro è stato quello di valutare la frequenza della mutazione di BRAF in una casistica molto ampia (2864 pazienti operati per carcinoma papillare della tiroide) e analizzare se questa mutazione effettivamente conferisca aspetti suggestivi di aggressività ai tumori che la esprimono. Nella seconda fase del nostro studio abbiamo concentrato le nostre energie nel valutare se la mutazione di BRAF rappresenti un possibile fattore prognostico anche in casistiche selezionate di pazienti, che, secondo le linee guida internazionali, si caratterizzano per un teorico basso rischio di recidiva e per un decorso particolarmente indolente della malattia. I risultati attualmente in nostro possesso confermano, nella casistica generale, la correlazione tra mutazione di BRAF e una serie di aspetti istologici suggestivi di aggressività (assenza di capsula tumorale, invasione della capsula tiroidea e dei tessuti circostanti, multifocalità e presenza di mestastasi linfonodali). Inoltre anche nelle casistiche a basso e bassissimo rischio la mutazione di BRAF sembrerebbe conferire un comportamento più aggressivo alla neoplasia. Sulla base di questi dati potrebbe essere opportuno una rivalutazione delle casistiche a basso rischio mediante l’introduzione di parametri di biologia molecolare nella loro determinazione

    Calcifediol Rather Than Cholecalciferol for a Patient Submitted to Malabsortive Bariatric Surgery: A Case Report

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    Vitamin D deficiency following malabsorptive bariatric surgery can lead to osteomalacia. We report a patient with severe vitamin D deficiency following malabsorptive bariatric surgery successfully treated with calcifediol but not cholecalciferol. A 40-year-old woman, submitted to biliopancreatic diversion 20 years before and chronically treated with 50,000 IU cholecalciferol weekly, was admitted to our Endocrine Unit because of severe lower back pain, muscle weakness, and generalized muscular hypotrophy, associated with hypocalcemia and elevated PTH levels. Initial evaluation revealed low serum albumin, low albumin-corrected serum calcium (7.36 mg/dL), high serum PTH (240 pg/mL), bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (125 ÎĽg/L) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (112 pg/mL) concentrations, undetectable serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (<7 ng/mL), and evidence of reduced liver function. Bone mineral density was markedly low. Normocalcemia was initially restored with intravenous albumin and calcium gluconate. Treatment with calcitriol (0.5 ÎĽg three times daily) and oral calcium carbonate (1000 mg daily) was simultaneously started and cholecalciferol was replaced with calcifediol [125 ÎĽg (5000 IU) daily)]. During follow-up the calcifediol dose was progressively tapered to 25 ÎĽg (1000 IU) daily and the calcitriol dose was progressively reduced and finally withdrawn. Serum albumin and other biochemical parameters normalized, bone mineral density significantly increased, and the patient's clinical conditions progressively improved, with a substantial recovery of autonomy. Serum vitamin D binding protein at the last observation was in the normal range. Our data suggest that calcifediol might be more efficacious than cholecalciferol for prevention and treatment of vitamin D deficiency in patients treated by malabsorptive bariatric surgery

    A patient with MEN1 and end‑stage chronic kidney disease due to Alport syndrome: Decision making on the eligibility of transplantation

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    Absence of neoplastic disease in the organ‑recipient is required in order to allow organ transplantation. Due to its rarity, no data regarding management of patients with Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) and end‑stage renal failure candidates for kidney transplantation are available. A 36 year‑old man was referred to the present hospital with MEN1, with a neuroendocrine pancreatic tumor and primary hyperparathyroidism and associated Alport syndrome with end stage renal failure. The present study aimed to establish the eligibility of the patient for a kidney transplantation. The neuroendocrine tumor had been treated with duodenopancreatectomy two years earlier and hyperparathyroidism by parathyroidectomy. The review of the literature did not provide data regarding the eligibility for kidney transplantation of patients harboring a neuroendocrine pancreatic tumor in the context of MEN1. Due to the end‑stage renal failure, neuroendocrine markers were unreliable and the investigation therefore relied on imaging studies, which were unremarkable. Young age, low‑grade tumor, low expression of Ki67, absence of metastatic lymph nodes, onset in the setting of a MEN1 were all positive prognostic factors of the neuroendocrine tumor. Normal serum calcium ruled out persistent primary hyperparathyroidism. Overall, hemodyalisis is known to significantly reduce life expectancy. Benefits of kidney transplantation overcome the risk of neuroendocrine tumor recurrence in a young patient bearing MEN1

    Il gozzo multinodulare

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    SommarioSi definisce gozzo l'incremento diffuso o nodulare della ghiandola tiroidea. Il suo sviluppo è legato a fattori genetici e ambientali, di cui il più importante è rappresentato dalla carenza iodica. L'inquadramento clinico prevede un'attenta valutazione dei sintomi, dei segni, dei risultati degli esami ormonali, delle caratteristiche ecografiche e citologiche. Il trattamento deve essere poi individualizzato tenendo conto della disponibilità di molteplici opzioni terapeutiche

    Thyroid autoimmunity, thyroglobulin autoantibodies and thyroid cancer prognosis

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    Relevance of thyroid autoimmunity to prognosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma is still unsettled. We decided to investigate the impact of thyroid autoimmunity on prognosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma and the handling of TgAbs. We evaluated the clinical course of a large group of patients according to the presence (PTC-LT) or absence (PTC) of lymphocytic thyroiditis at histology. We studied 194 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of PTC and treated with total thyroidectomy plus ¹³¹I ablation between 2007 and 2009. Median follow-up (with 25th-75th percentiles) was 84·0 (56·4-118·0) months. The remission criteria were: basal Tg <0·2 ng/mL (or stimulated Tg <1), TgAbs <8 IU/mL (otherwise "decreasing TgAb trend", a decline of ≥20% in sequential TgAb measurements) and unremarkable imaging. PTC-LT and PTC patients had comparable treatment.TgAbs were detectable in 72·5% of PTC-LT and 16·5% of PTC patients. Time to remission was longer in the detectable than in the undetectable TgAb cohort (28·5 vs· 7·5 months [median]; HR 0·54, CI 0·35-0·83, p=0·005). When comparing PTC-LT to PTC patients the difference was maintained in the detectable TgAb (29·3 vs 13·0 months; HR 0·38, CI 0·18-0·80; p=0·01), but not in the undetectable TgAb cohort (7·7 vs 7·3 months; HR 0·90, CI 0·55-1·47; p=0·68). Using the decreasing TgAb trend, the influence of detectable TgAbs on time to remission was abolished. Thyroid autoimmunity does not influence the prognosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma. A decreasing TgAb trend seems an appropriate criterion to establish the remission of papillary thyroid carcinoma

    Steroid treatment in the management of destructive thyrotoxicosis induced by PD1 blockade

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    Objective: Destructive thyroiditis is the most common endocrine immune related adverse event (iRAEs) in patients treated with anti-PD1/PD-L1 agents. Given its self-limited course, current guidelines recommend no treatment for this iRAE. Nevertheless in patients with enlarged thyroid volume and a poor performance status, thyrotoxicosis may be particularly severe and harmful. Aim of the study is to evaluate if steroid treatment might be useful in improving thyrotoxicosis in subjects with a poor performance status. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study, comparing the course of thyrotoxicosis of 4 patients treated with oral prednisone at the dosage of 25 mg/d (tapered to discontinuation in three weeks) and an enlarged thyroid volume to that of 8 patients with similar thyroid volume who were left untreated. Results: The levels of thyroid hormones were lower in subjects treated compared to those untreated at time 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 60 and 90 days (P<0.05 at each time). The time to remission of thyrotoxicosis was 24 days in patients treated with steroids and 120 days in untreated patients (P<0.001). At 6 months, the rate of evolution to hypothyroidism was similar in the 2 groups (4/4 in steroid group vs 7/8 in untreated group, P=0.74) and no difference was found in tumor progression (P=0.89). Conclusions: Our preliminary data suggest that in patients with a poor performance status experiencing a severe destructive thyrotoxicosis induced by PD-1 blockade, a short period of administration of oral prednisone is effective in obtaining a quick reduction of the levels of thyroid hormones

    Evaluation of predictive factors for the development of endocrine immune related adverse events during therapy with immune check point inhibitors and detection of their targets in endocrine glands

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    Context and aims: Immune check point inhibitors (ICIs) are a promising novel anti-tumoral treatment for cancer that have been shown to increase the overall survival of patients with different tumors. The hyperactivation of immune system against the cancer induced by ICIs may also favor the onset of inflammatory reaction known as immune related adverse events (irAEs). Endocrinological irAEs are common, especially thyroid dysfunction, involving more than 50% of subjects treated with ICIs. To date, many questions remain unanswered on the incidence, prevalence, and pathogenesis of irAEs as well as the physiologic role of PD-L1 and CTLA-4 (the target of ICIs) in endocrine tissues. Moreover, although most endocrine irAEs are mild and self-limited, some reactions can be severe and potentially life-threatening and evidence on the best management of these conditions is lacking. The main aims of the study were 1) To identify the risk factors associated with the onset of endocrine irAEs; 2) To better characterize thyroid dysfunction induced by ICIs to favor management and treatment; 3) To evaluate the expression of PD-L1 in normal thyroid tissue and in Grave’s disease (GD). Methods: For the first aim, we prospectively followed a cohort of 118 patients before starting immunotherapy and during ICIs treatment. At screening visit and during follow-up we recorded clinical data and performed measurement of thyroid hormone, thyroid antibodies, cortisol, ACTH. Neck ultrasound was performed before starting immunotherapy and one year later. For the second aim, we conducted two different retrospective study. In the first study (part 1), we studied 20 consecutive patients who had normal thyroid function before starting immunotherapy and then experienced thyrotoxicosis upon PD1 or PD-L1 blockade. Clinical assessment was combined with thyroid ultrasound, 99mTechnecium scintiscan and longitudinal thyroid function tests. In the second study (part 2), we compared the course of thyrotoxicosis of 4 patients treated with oral prednisone at the dosage of 25 mg/day (tapered to discontinuation in three weeks) and an enlarged thyroid volume to that of 8 patients with similar thyroid volume who were left untreated. For the third aim, we analyzed the immunohistochemistry (IHC) expression of PD-L1 in 25 normal thyroid tissues and in 25 samples from Graves’ disease (GD) patients. IHC was correlated with clinical and biochemical data at the diagnosis of GD. Results: Prospective study: 87 patients of 118 (73%) experienced at least one endocrine irAEs being thyrotoxicosis the most prevalent. Patients with positive TgAbs and TPOAbs before starting immunotherapy were more prone to develop hypothyroidism during ICIs treatment. Moreover, patients treated with an association therapy (Nivolumab plus Ipilimumab) and patients treated with Avelumab showed a higher rate of endocrine iRAes. Thyroid volume significantly decreased in patients with positive TgAbs and TPOAbs at baseline who experienced hypothyroidism during follow-up. Retrospective study (part 1): Five patients had normal scintigraphic uptake (Sci+), no serum TRAbs and remained hyperthyroid throughout follow-up. The other 15 patients had no scintigraphic uptake (Sci-) and experienced destructive thyrotoxicosis followed by hypothyroidism (N= 9) or euthyroidism (N= 6). Hypothyroidism was more readily seen in those with normal thyroid volume than in those with goiter (P= 0.04). Among Sci- subjects, a larger thyroid volume was associated to a longer time to remission (P<0.05). Methimazole (MMI) was effective only in Sci+ subjects (P<0.05). Retrospective study (part 2): The levels of thyroid hormones were lower in subjects treated with steroids compared to those who were left untreated. The time to remission of thyrotoxicosis was 24 days in patients treated with steroids and 120 days in untreated patients (P<0.001). At 6 months, the rate of hypothyroidism was similar in both groups (4/4 in steroid group vs 7/8 in untreated group, P=0.74) and no difference was found in tumor progression (P=0.89). IHC study: The expression of PD-L1 was higher in samples from GD subjects compared to controls. The expression of PD-L1 was directly correlated to the levels of lymphocytic infiltration in GD. The levels of TgAbs and TPOAbs at diagnosis of GD was correlated with the expression of PD-L1 at univariate analysis but no at multivariate analysis. Conclusions: 1) patients with positive TgAbs and TPOAbs have an increased risk to develop hypothyroidism during ICIs treatment; 2) patients treated with an association therapy (anti-PD1/PD-L1 and anti-CTLA-4) have an increased risk to develop endocrine irAEs; 3) IgG subclasses have a role in the risk of develop endocrine irAEs, especially destructive thyrotoxicosis; 4) patients treated with anti-PD1 or anti-PD-L1 drugs may undergo two types of thyrotoxicosis which do not differ in severity at their onset. Thyroid scintigraphy and ultrasound are useful, low invasive and low cost-benefit tools in the management of thyrotoxicosis induced by PD1 and PD-L1 blockade; 5) in patients with a poor performance status experiencing a severe destructive thyrotoxicosis induced by PD-1 blockade, a short period of administration of oral prednisone is effective in obtaining a quick reduction of the levels of thyroid hormones and related symptoms; 6) the expression of PD-L1 on thyroid cells is higher in subjects with GD compared to healthy controls and is directly corelated to the levels of lymphocytic infiltration

    Nel morbo di Basedow il volume tiroideo stimato con l'ecografia e l'elemento determinante la gravita dell'ipertiroidismo e il tipo di trattamento definitivo

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    Introduzione. Il morbo di Basedow rappresenta la causa più comune di ipertiroidismo nel mondo occidentale, con una prevalenza stimata di 20-50 casi ogni 100.000 persone. Sebbene l’ipertiroidismo sia la manifestazione più comune di malattia, sono solitamente presenti anche manifestazione extratiroidee, di cui la più comune è l’oftalmopatia basedowiana. Numerosi fattori di rischio genetici ed ambientali sono stati identificati ma la patogenesi della malattia non è chiara. Sia l’immunità mediata dalle cellule T che quella mediata dalle cellule B contribuiscono alla patogenesi. La perdita della tolleranza nei confronti di antigeni tiroidei determina l’attivazione del sistema immunitario, con produzione di anticorpi diretti contro differenti autoantigeni, di cui i più importanti sono quelli contro il recettore del TSH (TSHR-Ab, TRAb). Questi anticorpi hanno solitamente attività stimolante il recettore del TSH (TSHR stimulatingantibodies, TSAb) mentreiTRAb con attività bloccante il recettore del TSH (TSHR blockingantibodies, TBAb) possono essere presenti nella forma atrofica della tiroidite di Hashimoto. Oltre il 95% dei pazienti affetti da morbo di Basedow hanno TRAbcircolanti che possono essere misurati mediante i “bindingassays”o i “functionalassays”. I bindingassayvalutanola capacità del siero del paziente di inibire il legame tra il TSH marcato (o un anticorpo monoclonale anti-TSHR marcato) e il TSHR (TBI).Ifunctionalassayvalutano invece la capacità del siero di stimolare il TSHR (TSAb) o di bloccare l’azione del TSH (TBAb). E’ stato riportato che oltre il 90% dei soggetti con morbo di Basedow sono positivi anche per gli AbTg e gli AbTPO, sebbene il ruolo di questi anticorpi nella patogenesi e nel decorso clinico della malattia siastato poco studiato. Clinicamente il morbo di Basedow si presenta con i sintomi e i segni caratteristici dell’ipertiroidismo (palpitazioni, intolleranza al caldo, senso di agitazione, cute sudata) anche se la presentazione può essere più sfumata, soprattutto nei soggetti anziani. L’oftalmopatia basedowiana insorge spesso contestualmente all’ipertiroidismo, anche se talora può precederlo o seguirlo anche di molti anni. Il trattamento del morbo di Basedow si basa sulla terapia medica (antitiroidei di sintesi) o sul trattamento definitivo (terapia radiometabolicao tiroidectomia totale). Nessuno dei trattamenti è scevro da complicanze e diversi fattori entrano in gioco nella scelta terapeutica (caratteristiche ecografiche, gravità dell’ipertiroidismo, presenza di oftalmopatia basedowiana, preferenze del paziente, esperienza del centro). Scopo della tesi. Valutare le caratteristiche biochimiche ed ecografiche di un’ampia casistica di pazienti affetti da morbo di Basedow, come queste caratteristiche si correlino tra di loro e come influenzino il decorso della malattia e le scelte terapeutiche. Materiali e metodi. Abbiamo identificato retrospettivamente139 pazienti consecutivi con morbo di Basedow e conTRAb positivi al TBI. Di questi 74 erano giunti alla nostra attenzione al momento dell’esordio della malattia e pertanto non avevano mai assunto anti-tiroidei di sintesi. Abbiamo raccolto i dati riguardanti la funzione tiroidea (FT4, FT3 e TSH), il titolo degli anticorpi (AbTg, AbTPO e TRAb), le caratteristiche ecografiche (volume tiroideo, ecogenicità, presenza di noduli), il tipo di terapia definitiva, se eseguita, e la presenza di oftalmopatia basedowiana media o grave e attiva. Risultati.Il VTS correla con il grado di ipoecogenicità della ghiandola ed entrambisi correlano positivamente con AbTg, AbTPO e TRAb. I pazienti con ghiandola più ipoecogena hanno inoltre valori più elevati di AbTg, AbTPO e TRAb. Il titolo degli AbTPOsi correla positivamente con il titolo dei TRAb edegli AbTg. Gli AbTg non si correlano con i TRAb. Suddividendo i pazienti in tre gruppi in base al tipo di trattamento eseguito (medico, radioiodio o tiroidectomia totale), i pazienti con VTS maggiore, con più elevato titolo di TRAb e con oftalmopatia basedowiana graveerano andati più spesso incontro a tiroidectomia totale. Nessun parametro di laboratoriosi correla con l’oftalmopatia media o grave. I livelli di FT3 ed FT4 all’esordio di malattia (valutato nei 74 pazienti mai trattati) si correlano con il titolo dei TRAb e con il VTS. All’analisi multivariata il VTS è l’unico fattore indipendente che influisce sui livelli di FT3 e di FT4 all’esordio. Il rapporto FT3/FT4 si correla positivamente con il VTS e negativamente con il titolo degli AbTg. Discussione.La percentuale di pazienti con AbTg e AbTPO entrambi negativi è risultata più elevata di quanto riportato in letteratura. Sulla base delle caratteristiche di laboratorio ed ecograficheè possibile identificare due fenotipi di morbo diBasedow, uno “tiroiditico” caratterizzato da elevati livelli di AbTg, AbTPO, volume tiroideo maggiore e maggiore ipoecogenicità e uno “non tiroiditico” caratterizzato da bassi livelli di anticorpi, volume tiroideo inferiore e minore ipoecogenicità. I livelli di AbTg e AbTPO non influenzano la gravità dell’ipertiroidismo all’esordio di malattia. I livelli di FT3 ed FT4 all’esordio di malattia sono influenzati dai livelli dei TRAb e dal volume tiroideo. Sebbene questi risultati concordino con dati già riportati in letteratura, in nessun lavoro l’ecografia tiroidea era emersa come il fattore determinante la gravità dell’ipertiroidismo e la scelta terapeutica. In contrasto con quanto descritto in alcuni lavori, nessun fattore di laboratorio ed ecografico si associa con il rischio di sviluppare l’oftalmopatia basedowiana media o grave. Infine i nostri dati dimostrano l’elevata sensibilità ed affidabilità del dosaggio dei TRAb con metodica TBI. Conclusioni.Tra ipazienti con morbo di Basedow e TRAb positivi, la percentuale di soggetti con AbTg e AbTPO negativi è più elevata di quanto riportato in precedenza. I pazienti con AbTg e AbTPO negativi presentanocaratteristiche ecografiche peculiari. L’ecografia tiroidea è l’unico fattore indipendente che determina la gravità dell’ipertiroidismo all’esordio di malattia. I pazienti con volumi tiroidei maggiori vanno più spesso incontro a tiroidectomia totale. Nel nostro centro la presenza di oftalmopatia basedowiana grave è un fattore determinante per la scelta del trattamento definitivo. Infine, il dosaggio dei TRAb con metodica TBI è altamente sensibile e affidabile

    COVID-induced thyroid autoimmunity

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    : Breakdown of self-tolerance to thyroid antigens (thyroperoxidase, thyroglobulin and the thyrotropin-receptor) is the driver of thyroid autoimmunity. It has been suggested that infectious disease might trigger autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD). Involvement of the thyroid has been reported during severe acute respiratory syndrome virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, in the form of subacute thyroiditis in subjects with mild coronavirus disease 19 disease (COVID-19) and of painless, destructive thyroiditis in hospitalized patients with severe infection. In addition, cases of AITD, both Graves' disease (GD) and Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT), have been reported in association with (SARS-CoV-2) infection. In this review, we focus on the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 infection and occurrence of AITD. Nine cases of GD strictly related to SARS-CoV-2 infection and only three cases of HT associated to COVID-19 infection have been reported. No study has demonstrated a role of AITD as a risk factor for a poor prognosis of COVID-19 infection