1,312 research outputs found

    Distributed simulation with COTS simulation packages: A case study in health care supply chain simulation

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    The UK National Blood Service (NBS) is a public funded body that is responsible for distributing blood and asso-ciated products. A discrete-event simulation of the NBS supply chain in the Southampton area has been built using the commercial off-the-shelf simulation package (CSP) Simul8. This models the relationship in the health care supply chain between the NBS Processing, Testing and Is-suing (PTI) facility and its associated hospitals. However, as the number of hospitals increase simulation run time be-comes inconveniently large. Using distributed simulation to try to solve this problem, researchers have used techniques informed by SISO’s CSPI PDG to create a version of Simul8 compatible with the High Level Architecture (HLA). The NBS supply chain model was subsequently divided into several sub-models, each running in its own copy of Simul8. Experimentation shows that this distri-buted version performs better than its standalone, conven-tional counterpart as the number of hospitals increases

    Knowledge tree: Putting discourse into computer‐based learning

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    Most CBL materials currently in use model only the declarative aspects of the learning process. If such courseware is used without careful planning, this can be dangerous because one of the most fundamental aspects of education is the dialogue that occurs between teachers and the students. Traditionally, this has taken place in informal discussions as well as in formal small‐group learning sessions such as the conventional tutorial. However, as the student‐staff ratio increases, so does the opportunity for this type of personal dialogue decrease. Modern networking technology offers a huge potential to add discourse to CBL, but there are many pedagogical problems involved with the intrinsically ephemeral and anarchic nature both of the Internet and of most conferencing or bulletin‐board systems. In this paper we describe a software system called Knowledge Tree (KT) which we have developed to address some of these issues. KT combines a hierarchical concept‐oriented database functionality with that of a Usenet‐style bulletin board Using this, a knowledge garden may be developed for any subject area. These each contain a hypermedia database of frequently asked questions, together with answers provided by subject experts. There is provision for inter‐student discussions of problems and issues. When students ask new questions these are automatically emailed to a relevant subject expert (determined by a subject‐specific concept thesaurus). The answer is then placed in the database which eventually grows to become a valuable teaching resource. KT is discipline‐independent as the concept thesaurus can be changed to encapsulate any domain of knowledge. We have used it in support of conventional lecture courses, as an important component of a multimedia course, and for general IT support. These examples illustrate the role that this system can play both in basic information provision, and in facilitating the discussion of deep issues

    Agency problems and capital expenditure announcements

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    This article examines the market valuation of announcements of new capital expenditure. Prior research suggests that the firm's growth opportunities and cash flow position condition the market response. This study jointly examines the role of growth and cash flow, and the interaction between them. Using a new data set of Australian firms that avoids problems associated with expectations models, the results are remarkably strong and support a positive association between growth opportunities and the market valuation, in addition to supporting the role of free cash flow. The findings have implications for the relationship between general investment information and stock prices

    Exploring alternative routes to realising the benefits of simulation in healthcare

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    Discrete event simulation should offer numerous benefits in designing healthcare systems but the reality is often problematic. Healthcare modelling faces particular challenges: genuine, fundamental variations in practice and an opposition to any suggestion of standardisation from some professional groups. This paper compares the experiences of developing a new simulation in an Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department, a subsequent adaptation for modelling an outpatient clinic and applications of a generic A&E simulation. These studies provide examples of three distinct approaches to realising the potential benefits of simulation: the bespoke, the reuse and the generic route. Reuse has many advantages: it is relatively efficient in exploiting previous modelling experience, delivering timely results while providing scope for adaptations to local practice. Explicitly demonstrating this willingness to adapt to local conditions and engaging with stakeholders is particularly important in healthcare simulation

    Emergency and on-demand health care: modelling a large complex system

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    This paper describes how system dynamics was used as a central part of a whole-system review of emergency and on-demand health care in Nottingham, England. Based on interviews with 30 key individuals across health and social care, a 'conceptual map' of the system was developed, showing potential patient pathways through the system. This was used to construct a stock-flow model, populated with current activity data, in order to simulate patient flows and to identify system bottle-necks. Without intervention, assuming current trends continue, Nottingham hospitals are unlikely to reach elective admission targets or achieve the government target of 82% bed occupancy. Admissions from general practice had the greatest influence on occupancy rates. Preventing a small number of emergency admissions in elderly patients showed a substantial effect, reducing bed occupancy by 1% per annum over 5 years. Modelling indicated a range of undesirable outcomes associated with continued growth in demand for emergency care, but also considerable potential to intervene to alleviate these problems, in particular by increasing the care options available in the community

    Separate compilation of structured documents

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    This paper draws a parallel between document preparation and the traditional processes of compilation and link editing for computer programs. A block-based document model is described which allows for separate compilation of various portions of a document. These portions are brought together and merged by a linker program, called dlink, whose pilot implementation is based on ditroff and on its underlying intermediate code. In the light of experiences with dlink the requirements for a universal object-module language for documents are discussed. These requirements often resemble the characteristics of the intermediate codes used by programming-language compilers but with interesting extra constraints which arise from the way documents are executed

    Evaluating Invariances in Document Layout Functions

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    With the development of variable-data-driven digital presses - where each document printed is potentially unique - there is a need for pre-press optimization to identify material that is invariant from document to document. In this way rasterisation can be confined solely to those areas which change between successive documents thereby alleviating a potential performance bottleneck. Given a template document specified in terms of layout functions, where actual data is bound at the last possible moment before printing, we look at deriving and exploiting the invariant properties of layout functions from their formal specifications. We propose future work on generic extraction of invariance from such properties for certain classes of layout functions

    Reflowable documents composed from pre-rendered atomic components

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    Mobile eBook readers are now commonplace in today’s society, but their document layout algorithms remain basic, largely due to constraints imposed by short battery life. At present, with any eBook file format not based on PDF, the layout of the document, as it appears to the end user, is at the mercy of hidden reformatting and reflow algorithms interacting with the screen parameters of the device on which the document is rendered. Very little control is provided to the publisher or author, beyond some basic formatting options. This paper describes a method of producing well-typeset, scalable, document layouts by embedding several pre-rendered versions of a document within one file, thus enabling many computationally expensive steps (e.g. hyphenation and line-breaking) to be carried out at document compilation time, rather than at ‘view time’. This system has the advantage that end users are not constrained to a single, arbitrarily chosen view of the document, nor are they subjected to reading a poorly typeset version rendered on the fly. Instead, the device can choose a layout appropriate to its screen size and the end user’s choice of zoom level, and the author and publisher can have fine-grained control over all layouts