46 research outputs found

    Food matrix and isoflavones bioavailability in early post menopausal women: A European clinical study

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    The estrogenic effects of soy isoflavones (IF) on symptoms of menopause are of particular interest. The aim of the present study was to improve compliance of IF in two IF-enriched foods providing the same IF circulating levels in postmenopausal women. Forty-two healthy postmenopausal women (mean age: 53.28 years) were recruited for a randomized, crossover, multicenter trial conducted in the Netherlands, Italy and France. Over 18 days, volunteers were assigned to two groups and supplemented with two different IF-enriched foods (100 mg IF aglycones/two servings). The first group had to eat two biscuits daily for three days. After a wash-out period (11 d), they received cereal bars for three days. The second group started with the cereal bars and finished with biscuits. After IF intake, plasma and urinary levels of genistein, daidzein, O desmethyl angolensin and equol significantly increased and returned to baseline level after the washout period. There was no difference between biscuits and cereals bars intake, as shown by group values at each end of experimental period (day 4 or day 18). Both matrixes are comparable in terms of IF-circulating levels and could be used independently

    The Kraft Heinz Company global nutrition targets for the innovation and reformulation of food and beverages: Current and future directions

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    Reformulating packaged foods has the potential to improve the nutrient density of the global diet. The present perspective illustrates The Kraft Heinz Company’s approach to product (re)formulation to develop healthier product lines that are lower in saturated fats, total sugars, and sodium, and contain health promoting components. Here we present the rationale for The Kraft Heinz Company’s global nutrition targets used for the global innovation and renovation of foods and beverages. The global nutrition targets use a category specific approach to set maximum levels for the main nutrients of public health concern: saturated fat, total sugars and sodium, taking into account product characteristics (typical portion size, eating occasion, role in the diet, etc.) as well as regulatory, technological, sensory and safety constraints. Benchmarking examples illustrate how the nutrition targets are positioned within the United States, France, and Australia. These global nutrition targets serve as part of The Kraft Heinz Company’s environmental, social and governance nutrition commitments and demonstrates how the food industry is improving the nutritional value of packaged foods and beverages both now and into the future

    Inhibition of bone turnover by milk intake in postmenopausal women

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    Increased postmenopausal bone turnover leads to bone loss and fragility fracture risk. In the absence of osteoporosis, risk preventive measures, particularly those modifying nutritional lifestyle, are appropriate. We tested the hypothesis that milk supplementation affects bone turnover related to biochemical markers in a direction that, in the long term, may be expected to reduce postmenopausal bone loss. Thirty healthy postmenopausal women aged 59·3 (sd 3·3) years were enrolled in a prospective crossover trial of 16 weeks. After a 4-week period of adaptation with diet providing 600mg calcium plus 300mg ingested as 250ml semi-skimmed milk, participants were maintained during 6 weeks under the same 600mg calcium diet and randomized to receive either 500ml semi-skimmed milk, thus providing a total of 1200mg calcium, or no milk supplement. In the next 6 weeks they were switched to the alternative regimen. At the end of the each period, i.e. after 4, 10 and 16 weeks, blood and urinary samples were collected. The changes in blood variables between the periods of 6 weeks without and with milk supplementation were: for parathyroid hormone, −3·2pg/ml (P=0·0054); for crosslinked telopeptide of type I collagen, −624pg/ml (P<0·0001); for propeptide of type I procollagen, −5·5ng/ml (P=0·0092); for osteocalcin, −2·8ng/ml (P=0·0014). In conclusion, a 6-week period of milk supplementation induced a decrease in several biochemical variables compatible with diminished bone turnover mediated by reduction in parathyroid hormone secretion. This nutritional approach to postmenopausal alteration in bone metabolism may be a valuable measure in the primary prevention of osteoporosi

    Iron for Africa-Report of an Expert Workshop.

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    Scientific experts from nine countries gathered to share their views and experience around iron interventions in Africa. Inappropriate eating habits, infections and parasitism are responsible for significant prevalence of iron deficiency, but reliable and country-comparable prevalence estimates are lacking: improvements in biomarkers and cut-offs values adapted to context of use are needed. Benefits of iron interventions on growth and development are indisputable and outweigh risks, which exist in populations with a high infectious burden. Indeed, pathogen growth may increase with enhanced available iron, calling for caution and preventive measures where malaria or other infections are prevalent. Most African countries programmatically fortify flour and supplement pregnant women, while iron deficiency in young children is rather addressed at individual level. Coverage and efficacy could improve through increased access for target populations, raised awareness and lower cost. More bioavailable iron forms, helping to decrease iron dose, or prebiotics, which both may lower risk of infections are attractive opportunities for Africa. Fortifying specific food products could be a relevant route, adapted to local context and needs of population groups while providing education and training. More globally, partnerships involving various stakeholders are encouraged, that could tackle all aspects of the issue

    6.2. Aliment et médicament – Aspects réglementaires

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    La fameuse phrase attribuée à Hippocrate – « Que ton aliment soit ta première médecine ! » – traduit bien le recouvrement des notions d’« aliment » et de « médicament ». Pourtant, les progrès scientifiques en médecine et en nutrition, le poids économique des industries pharmaceutique et agro-alimentaire et la présence croissante de normes et de réglementations tentent de les dissocier. Sur le plan juridique, seul le médicament dispose d’une définition englobant « toute substance ou compositio..

    Are Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labels Influencing Food Choices and Purchases, Diet Quality, and Modeled Health Outcomes? A Narrative Review of Four Systems

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    Front-of-Pack Nutrition labels (FOPNLs) aim to improve consumers’ food purchases and prompt product reformulation by the food and beverage industry. Despite their widespread use, the effectiveness of FOPNL in achieving these goals is still a matter of debate. This review has gathered 65 original studies exploring the performances of four widely used FOPNLs (Multiple Traffic Light, Warning signs, Nutri-Score and Health Star Rating). Although FOPNLs have been associated with healthier food purchases, the magnitude of improvements was small and dependent on study settings. Any associated health effects were modeled rather than observed. None of the four FOPNLs clearly outperformed the other ones on any outcome. Few studies dealt with the impact of FOPNL on product reformulation. Some of those studies, but not all, found small reductions in energy, sodium, sugar and saturated fat content of foods in some food categories. Although global trends point to a small favorable effect of FOPNL, this conclusion is subject to caution since the evidence is inconsistent and comes from a wide variety of contexts and study designs. There remain numerous research gaps, notably with regard to the optimal characteristics of FOPNLs, the durability of FOPNL effects on consumer behaviors, and any possible unexpected consequences


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    CLERMONT FD-BCIU-Santé (631132104) / SudocPARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Healthy food and healthy choices: a new European profile approach

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    Poor or unbalanced nutrition, or both, is linked to the development of a variety of diseases, including cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes mellitus, which collectively represent significant causes of disability and premature death and impose a substantial economic burden. As a result, health authorities and regulatory bodies across Europe are implementing policies to promote healthy eating habits with the aim to attenuate the burgeoning incidence of diet-related diseases. In order to support these efforts, and within the context of a project dedicated to interrelations between nutrition and atherosclerosis, European experts convened on October 24, 2008 at a Session on “Healthy food and healthy choices: A new European profile approach,” during an international symposium in Venice, Italy. The aim of this session was to review issues relating to dietary policies, eating behaviour, food labelling, and nutritional profiling of foods. The present article highlights the key points of this session. Since eating takes place in a behavioural, social, and cultural context, a more relaxed pattern of interacting with food needs to be fostered, especially in children. Excessive regulation alone is insufficient and probably counter-productive to substantially impact population eating practices because automatic behaviour dominates our decision-making process with respect to food choices. Consumers urgently need simple, practical tools to help them make healthy food choices in a real-life setting. Front of pack labelling allows consumers to see the levels of key nutrients in foods; nevertheless more research is needed to assess how people use the different food labelling systems in real-life contexts. While policy changes including legislation and regulation can play an important role in changing behaviour, individuals need more assistance, education, and tools to help them to increase their personal responsibility for their health particularly with respect to diet

    Consumption Patterns of Fruit and Vegetable Juices and Dietary Nutrient Density among French Children and Adults

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    Background: Fruit and vegetable consumption is a marker of higher-quality diets; less is known about the contribution of 100% fruit and vegetable juices (FVJ) to diet quality. Objective: To explore FVJ consumption patterns in relation to dietary nutrient density among French children (aged 3–14 years old) and adults (≥21 years old). Methods: Analyses were based on the nationally representative 2013 CCAF (Comportements et Consommations Alimentaires en France) survey of 1930 respondents, stratified by age group, FVJ consumption, and socioeconomic status (SES). Dietary nutrient density was based on the Nutrient Rich Food (NRF9.3) index, adjusted for gender and age. Results: Mean total consumption of fruits and vegetables was 2.6 servings/day for children and 3.8 servings/day for adults. Mean population consumption of FVJ was 83 mL/day for children and 54.6 mL/day for adults, equivalent to 0.4 servings/day and 0.3 servings/day respectively. FVJ consumers had higher quality diets than did non-consumers, after adjusting for covariates. The respective NRF9.3 values were 486.4 ± 4.3 vs. 428.7 ± 7.5 for children and 460.7 ± 4.4 vs. 435.4 ± 4.4 for adults. FVJ consumers had similar or higher intakes of fruits and vegetables than did non-consumers. The socioeconomic gradient for FVJ consumption was much weaker (p &lt; 0.046) than for whole fruit (p &lt; 0.01). Conclusions: In a nationally representative sample of French children and adults, fruit and vegetable consumption fell short of recommended values. Higher FVJ consumption was associated with higher-quality diets and better compliance with the French National Plan for Nutrition and Health (PNNS)

    From the SAIN,LIM system to the SENS algorithm: a review of a French approach of nutrient profiling

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    Proceedings of The Nutrition Society Summer Meeting 2016 held at University College, Dublin on 11–14 July 2016 Conference on ‘New technology in nutrition research and practice’ Nutrient profiling as a tool to respond to public health needs Uses of nutrient profiling to address public health needs: from regulation to reformulationNutrient profiling aims to classify or rank foods according to their nutritional composition to assist policies aimed at improving the nutritional quality of foods and diets. The present paper reviews a French approach of nutrient profiling by describing the SAIN,LIM system and its evolution from its early draft to the simplified nutrition labelling system (SENS) algorithm. Considered in 2010 by WHO as the 'French model' of nutrient profiling, SAIN,LIM classifies foods into four classes based on two scores: a nutrient density score (NDS) called SAIN and a score of nutrients to limit called LIM, and one threshold on each score. The system was first developed by the French Food Standard Agency in 2008 in response to the European regulation on nutrition and health claims (European Commission (EC) 1924/2006) to determine foods that may be eligible for bearing claims. Recently, the European regulation (EC 1169/2011) on the provision of food information to consumers allowed simplified nutrition labelling to facilitate consumer information and help them make fully informed choices. In that context, the SAIN,LIM was adapted to obtain the SENS algorithm, a system able to rank foods for simplified nutrition labelling. The implementation of the algorithm followed a step-by-step, systematic, transparent and logical process where shortcomings of the SAIN,LIM were addressed by integrating specificities of food categories in the SENS, reducing the number of nutrients, ordering the four classes and introducing European reference intakes. Through the French example, this review shows how an existing nutrient profiling system can be specifically adapted to support public health nutrition policies