683 research outputs found

    Introducing an on-demand model for GoBabyGoEarly childhood power mobility provision

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    Poster presented at the 2017 Health Sciences Research Day which was organized and sponsored by the University of Missouri School of Medicine Research Council and held on November 9, 2017.Background: Early childhood power mobility (ECPM) helps children with neuromuscular and orthopedic conditions improve mobility and attain developmental milestones (Henderson, Skelton, & Rosenbaum, 2008). ; The standard GoBabyGomodel calls for scheduled car "build" events that occur several times yearly, introducing a gap between child identification and ECPM provision. ; Significant gaps may mean missing developmentally sensitive periods, mitigating the benefits of the ECPM device. Discussion and conclusion: The primary barrier to implementation was coordination of varying schedules. Barrier was overcome by: Providing release time schedules for therapists ; Student roster to complete evaluations and modifications ; Implementing a plan to ensure institutional memory ; Because the on-demand model puts children in cars faster than the traditional model, we propose that the benefits justify the costs

    REE minerals at the Songwe Hill carbonatite, Malawi: HREE-enrichment in late-stage apatite

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    Compared to all published data from carbonatites and granitoids, the fluorapatite compositions in the Songwe Hill carbonatite, determined by EPMA and LA ICP-MS, have the highest heavy (H)REE concentration of any carbonatite apatite described so far. A combination of this fluorapatite and the REE fluorocarbonates, synchysite-(Ce) and parisite-(Ce), which are the other principal REE bearing minerals at Songwe, gives a REE deposit with a high proportion of Nd and a higher proportion of HREE (Eu–Lu including Y) than most other carbonatites. Since Nd and HREE are currently the most sought REE for commercial applications, the conditions that give rise to this REE profile are particularly important to understand. Multiple apatite crystallisation stages have been differentiated texturally and geochemically at Songwe and fluorapatite is divided into five different types (Ap-0–4). While Ap-0 and Ap-1 are typical of apatite found in fenite and calcite-carbonatite, Ap-2, -3 and -4 are texturally atypical of apatite from carbonatite and are progressively HREE-enriched in later paragenetic stages. Ap-3 and Ap-4 exhibit anhedral, stringer-like textures and their REE distributions display an Y anomaly. These features attest to formation in a hydrothermal environment and fluid inclusion homogenisation temperatures indicate crystallisation occurred between 200–350 °C. Ap-3 crystallisation is succeeded by a light (L)REE mineral assemblage of synchysite-(Ce), strontianite and baryte. Finally, late-stage Ap-4 is associated with minor xenotime-(Y) mineralisation and HREE-enriched fluorite. Fluid inclusions in the fluorite constrain the minimum HREE mineralisation temperature to approximately 160 °C. A model is suggested where sub-solidus, carbonatite-derived, (carbo)-hydrothermal fluids remobilise and fractionate the REE. Chloride or fluoride complexes retain LREE in solution while rapid precipitation of apatite, owing to its low solubility, leads to destabilisation of HREE complexes and substitution into the apatite structure. The LREE are retained in solution, subsequently forming synchysite-(Ce). This model will be applicable to help guide exploration in other carbonatite complexes

    The Oxidation and Protection of Gamma Titanium Aluminides

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    The excellent density-specific properties of the gamma class of titanium aluminides make them attractive for intermediate-temperature (600-850 C) aerospace applications. The oxidation and embrittlement resistance of these alloys is superior to that of the alpha(sub 2) and orthorhombic classes of titanium aluminides. However, since gamma alloys form an intermixed Al2O3/TiO2 scale in air rather than the desired continuous Al2O3 scale, oxidation resistance is inadequate at the high end of this temperature range (i.e., greater than 750-800 C). For applications at such temperatures, an oxidation-resistant coating will be needed; however, a major drawback of the oxidation-resistant coatings currently available is severe degradation in fatigue life by the coating. A new class of oxidation-resistant coatings based in the Ti-Al-Cr system offers the potential for improved fatigue life

    Cultural Consensus on Salmon Fisheries and Ecology in the Copper River, Alaska

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    This study assessed levels of agreement in knowledge and opinions about salmon fisheries and ecology of the Copper River, Alaska, in three user groups: the Ahtna, an Alaska Native people indigenous to the upper river; commercial fishers who fish at the mouth of the river; and fishery managers and biologists with jurisdiction over the entire watershed. We anticipated that cultural background, academic training, long-term experience on the water, and spatial focus would be reflected in each group’s knowledge and opinions. Cultural consensus analysis showed agreement within each group, similar opinions between commercial fishers and managers and biologists, and distinct Ahtna opinions. Managers and biologists were the most cohesive group; they related to the entire watershed and relied on quantitative information as the basis for fisheries management. Ahtna focused on the upper river and incorporated observed long-term sociocultural, economic, and environmental changes into their opinions about the fisheries. Commercial fishers focused on the lower river and had strong familiarity with scientific principles of fisheries management. The similar views of commercial fishers and managers and biologists may result from the fact that commercial fishers’ economic success also depends on their understanding of fisheries management. To respond to socioeconomic and ecological sustainability issues, fisheries management would benefit from recognizing these perspectives and promoting participation of all stakeholder groups and effective communication among them.Cette étude a permis d’évaluer les degrés d’accord en matière de connaissances et d’opinions sur l’écologie et la pêche au saumon de la rivière Copper, en Alaska, chez trois groupes d’utilisateurs : les Ahtna, peuple autochtone de l’Alaska natif du haut de la rivière; les pêcheurs commerciaux qui pêchent à l’embouchure de la rivière; et les gestionnaires et biologistes des pêches qui ont compétence sur l’ensemble du bassin versant. Nous nous attendions à ce que les connaissances et les opinions de chaque groupe soient rattachées aux antécédents culturels, à l’expérience académique, à l’expérience à long terme de la pêche et l’orientation spatiale. L’analyse du consensus culturel a permis de démontrer un accord au sein de chaque groupe, des opinions similaires entre les pêcheurs commerciaux et les biologistes-gestionnaires, et des opinions distinctes chez les Ahtna. Les biologistes-gestionnaires ont constitué le groupe le plus cohérent. Ils comprenaient l’ensemble du bassin versant et s’appuyaient sur des données quantitatives pour gérer les pêches. Pour leur part, les Ahtna se concentraient sur le haut de la rivière et tenaient compte, dans leurs opinions au sujet des pêches, des changements socioculturels, économiques et environnementaux observés à long terme. Les pêcheurs commerciaux se concentraient sur le bas de la rivière et connaissaient bien les principes scientifiques de la gestion des pêches. Les points de vue similaires des pêcheurs commerciaux et des biologistes-gestionnaires peuvent découler du fait que la réussite financière des pêcheurs commerciaux dépend aussi de leur compréhension de la gestion des pêches. Pour répondre aux questions de durabilité écologique et socioéconomique, la gestion des pêches pourrait bénéficier de la reconnaissance de ces perspectives, puis promouvoir la participation de tous les groupes d’intervenants de même que des communications efficaces entre eux

    Radiative falloff in Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime

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    We consider the time evolution of a scalar field propagating in Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime. At early times, the field behaves as if it were in pure Schwarzschild spacetime; the structure of spacetime far from the black hole has no influence on the evolution. In this early epoch, the field's initial outburst is followed by quasi-normal oscillations, and then by an inverse power-law decay. At intermediate times, the power-law behavior gives way to a faster, exponential decay. At late times, the field behaves as if it were in pure de Sitter spacetime; the structure of spacetime near the black hole no longer influences the evolution in a significant way. In this late epoch, the field's behavior depends on the value of the curvature-coupling constant xi. If xi is less than a critical value 3/16, the field decays exponentially, with a decay constant that increases with increasing xi. If xi > 3/16, the field oscillates with a frequency that increases with increasing xi; the amplitude of the field still decays exponentially, but the decay constant is independent of xi.Comment: 10 pages, ReVTeX, 5 figures, references updated, and new section adde

    Terrestrial primary production for the conterminous United States derived from Landsat 30 m and MODIS 250 m

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    Terrestrial primary production is a fundamental ecological process and a crucial component in understanding the flow of energy through trophic levels. The global MODIS gross primary production (GPP) and net primary production (NPP) products (MOD17) are widely used for monitoring GPP and NPP at coarse resolutions across broad spatial extents. The coarse input datasets and global biome‐level parameters, however, are well‐known limitations to the applicability of the MOD17 product at finer scales. We addressed these limitations and created two improved products for the conterminous United States (CONUS) that capture the spatiotemporal variability in terrestrial production. The MOD17 algorithm was utilized with medium resolution land cover classifications and improved meteorological data specific to CONUS in order to produce: (a) Landsat derived 16‐day GPP and annual NPP at 30 m resolution from 1986 to 2016 (GPPL30 and NPPL30, respectively); and (b) MODIS derived 8‐day GPP and annual NPP at 250 m resolution from 2001 to 2016 (GPPM250 and NPPM250 respectively). Biome‐specific input parameters were optimized based on eddy covariance flux tower‐derived GPP data from the FLUXNET2015 database. We evaluated GPPL30 and GPPM250 products against the standard MODIS GPP product utilizing a select subset of representative flux tower sites, and found improvement across all land cover classes except croplands. We also found consistent interannual variability and trends across NPPL30, NPPM250, and the standard MODIS NPP product. We highlight the application potential of the production products, demonstrating their improved capacity for monitoring terrestrial production at higher levels of spatial detail across broad spatiotemporal scales

    Genome-wide linkage using the Social Responsiveness Scale in Utah autism pedigrees

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Autism Spectrum Disorder<b>s </b>(ASD) are phenotypically heterogeneous, characterized by impairments in the development of communication and social behaviour and the presence of repetitive behaviour and restricted interests. Dissecting the genetic complexity of ASD may require phenotypic data reflecting more detail than is offered by a categorical clinical diagnosis. Such data are available from the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) which is a continuous, quantitative measure of social ability giving scores that range from significant impairment to above average ability.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We present genome-wide results for 64 multiplex and extended families ranging from two to nine generations. SRS scores were available from 518 genotyped pedigree subjects, including affected and unaffected relatives. Genotypes from the Illumina 6 k single nucleotide polymorphism panel were provided by the Center for Inherited Disease Research. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were done using MCLINK, a software package that uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to perform multilocus linkage analysis on large extended pedigrees.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>When analysed as a qualitative trait, linkage occurred in the same locations as in our previous affected-only genome scan of these families, with findings on chromosomes 7q31.1-q32.3 [heterogeneity logarithm of the odds (HLOD) = 2.91], 15q13.3 (HLOD = 3.64), and 13q12.3 (HLOD = 2.23). Additional positive qualitative results were seen on chromosomes 6 and 10 in regions that may be of interest for other neuropsychiatric disorders. When analysed as a quantitative trait, results replicated a peak found in an independent sample using quantitative SRS scores on chromosome 11p15.1-p15.4 (HLOD = 2.77). Additional positive quantitative results were seen on chromosomes 7, 9, and 19.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The SRS linkage peaks reported here substantially overlap with peaks found in our previous affected-only genome scan of clinical diagnosis. In addition, we replicated a previous SRS peak in an independent sample. These results suggest the SRS is a robust and useful phenotype measure for genetic linkage studies of ASD. Finally, analyses of SRS scores revealed linkage peaks overlapping with evidence from other studies of neuropsychiatric diseases. The information available from the SRS itself may, therefore, reveal locations for autism susceptibility genes that would not otherwise be detected.</p

    Very Long Term Oxidation of Titanium Aluminides Investigated

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    Titanium aluminides (TiAl) are of great interest for intermediate-temperature (600 to 850 C) aerospace and power-generation applications because they offer significant weight savings over today's nickel alloys. TiAl alloys are being investigated for low-pressure turbine blade applications, exhaust nozzle components, and compressor cases in advanced subsonic and supersonic engines. Significant progress has been made in understanding the fundamental aspects of the oxidation behavior of binary TiAl alloys. However, most of this work has concentrated on short term (<1000 hr), high-temperature (900 to 1000 C) exposures. Also, there is not much data available in the literature regarding the oxidation behavior of the quaternary and higher order engineering alloys. This is especially true for the very long term, low-temperature conditions likely to be experienced during aerospace applications. An investigation at the NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field was undertaken to characterize the long-term oxidation behavior of various model and advanced titanium aluminides for periods up to 7000 hr at 704 C in air using a high-resolution field emission scanning electron microscope. Also, a unique surface treatment technique developed to improve the oxidation resistance of TiAl was evaluated. The alloys included in this investigation are listed in the table. The table also shows typical alloy compositions and the specific weight changes and scale thickness measured for each alloy after exposure to 700 C for 7000 hr in air