2,329 research outputs found

    Closed orbits and spatial density oscillations in the circular billiard

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    We present a case study for the semiclassical calculation of the oscillations in the particle and kinetic-energy densities for the two-dimensional circular billiard. For this system, we can give a complete classification of all closed periodic and non-periodic orbits. We discuss their bifurcations under variation of the starting point r and derive analytical expressions for their properties such as actions, stability determinants, momentum mismatches and Morse indices. We present semiclassical calculations of the spatial density oscillations using a recently developed closed-orbit theory [Roccia J and Brack M 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 200408], employing standard uniform approximations from perturbation and bifurcation theory, and test the convergence of the closed-orbit sum.Comment: LaTeX, 42 pp., 17 figures (24 *.eps files, 1 *.tex file); final version (v3) to be published in J. Phys.

    On the canonically invariant calculation of Maslov indices

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    After a short review of various ways to calculate the Maslov index appearing in semiclassical Gutzwiller type trace formulae, we discuss a coordinate-independent and canonically invariant formulation recently proposed by A Sugita (2000, 2001). We give explicit formulae for its ingredients and test them numerically for periodic orbits in several Hamiltonian systems with mixed dynamics. We demonstrate how the Maslov indices and their ingredients can be useful in the classification of periodic orbits in complicated bifurcation scenarios, for instance in a novel sequence of seven orbits born out of a tangent bifurcation in the H\'enon-Heiles system.Comment: LaTeX, 13 figures, 3 tables, submitted to J. Phys.

    Semiclassical Theory of Time-Reversal Focusing

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    Time reversal mirrors have been successfully implemented for various kinds of waves propagating in complex media. In particular, acoustic waves in chaotic cavities exhibit a refocalization that is extremely robust against external perturbations or the partial use of the available information. We develop a semiclassical approach in order to quantitatively describe the refocusing signal resulting from an initially localized wave-packet. The time-dependent reconstructed signal grows linearly with the temporal window of injection, in agreement with the acoustic experiments, and reaches the same spatial extension of the original wave-packet. We explain the crucial role played by the chaotic dynamics for the reconstruction of the signal and its stability against external perturbations.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Semiclassical description of shell effects in finite fermion systems

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    A short survey of the semiclassical periodic orbit theory, initiated by M. Gutzwiller and generalized by many other authors, is given. Via so-called semiclassical trace formmulae, gross-shell effects in bound fermion systems can be interpreted in terms of a few periodic orbits of the corresponding classical systems. In integrable systems, these are usually the shortest members of the most degenerate families or orbits, but in some systems also less degenerate orbits can determine the gross-shell structure. Applications to nuclei, metal clusters, semiconductor nanostructures, and trapped dilute atom gases are discussed.Comment: LaTeX (revteX4) 6 pages; invited talk at Int. Conference "Finite Fermionic Systems: Nilsson Model 50 Years", Lund, Sweden, June 14-18, 200

    Analytical perturbative approach to periodic orbits in the homogeneous quartic oscillator potential

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    We present an analytical calculation of periodic orbits in the homogeneous quartic oscillator potential. Exploiting the properties of the periodic Lam{\'e} functions that describe the orbits bifurcated from the fundamental linear orbit in the vicinity of the bifurcation points, we use perturbation theory to obtain their evolution away from the bifurcation points. As an application, we derive an analytical semiclassical trace formula for the density of states in the separable case, using a uniform approximation for the pitchfork bifurcations occurring there, which allows for full semiclassical quantization. For the non-integrable situations, we show that the uniform contribution of the bifurcating period-one orbits to the coarse-grained density of states competes with that of the shortest isolated orbits, but decreases with increasing chaoticity parameter α\alpha.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, 7 figures; revised and extended version, to appear in J. Phys. A final version 3; error in eq. (33) corrected and note added in prin

    Absolute Calibration of a Large-diameter Light Source

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    A method of absolute calibration for large aperture optical systems is presented, using the example of the Pierre Auger Observatory fluorescence detectors. A 2.5 m diameter light source illuminated by an ultra--violet light emitting diode is calibrated with an overall uncertainty of 2.1 % at a wavelength of 365 nm.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to JINS

    Absolute Calibration of the Auger Fluorescence Detectors

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    Absolute calibration of the Pierre Auger Observatory fluorescence detectors uses a light source at the telescope aperture. The technique accounts for the ombined effects of all detector components in a single measurement. The calibrated 2.5 m diameter light source fills the aperture, providing uniform illumination to each pixel. The known flux from the light source and the response of the acquisition system give the required calibration for each pixel. In the lab, light source uniformity is studied using CCD images and the intensity is measured relative to NIST-calibrated photodiodes. Overall uncertainties are presently 12%, and are dominated by systematics.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure. Submitted to the 29th ICRC, Pune, Indi

    Uniform semiclassical trace formula for U(3) --> SO(3) symmetry breaking

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    We develop a uniform semiclassical trace formula for the density of states of a three-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator (HO), perturbed by a term r4\propto r^4. This term breaks the U(3) symmetry of the HO, resulting in a spherical system with SO(3) symmetry. We first treat the anharmonic term in semiclassical perturbation theory by integration of the action of the perturbed periodic HO orbits over the manifold C\mathbb{C}P2^2 which characterizes their 4-fold degeneracy. Then we obtain an analytical uniform trace formula which in the limit of strong perturbations (or high energy) asymptotically goes over into the correct trace formula of the full anharmonic system with SO(3) symmetry, and in the limit ϵ\epsilon (or energy) 0\to 0 restores the HO trace formula with U(3) symmetry. We demonstrate that the gross-shell structure of this anharmonically perturbed system is dominated by the two-fold degenerate diameter and circular orbits, and {\it not} by the orbits with the largest classical degeneracy, which are the three-fold degenerate tori with rational ratios ωr:ωϕ=N:M\omega_r:\omega_\phi=N:M of radial and angular frequencies. The same holds also for the limit of a purely quartic spherical potential V(r)r4V(r)\propto r^4.Comment: LaTeX (revtex4), 26pp., 5 figures, 1 table; final version to be published in J. Phys. A (without appendices C and D

    Occurrence of periodic Lam\'e functions at bifurcations in chaotic Hamiltonian systems

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    We investigate cascades of isochronous pitchfork bifurcations of straight-line librating orbits in some two-dimensional Hamiltonian systems with mixed phase space. We show that the new bifurcated orbits, which are responsible for the onset of chaos, are given analytically by the periodic solutions of the Lam\'e equation as classified in 1940 by Ince. In Hamiltonians with C_2v{2v} symmetry, they occur alternatingly as Lam\'e functions of period 2K and 4K, respectively, where 4K is the period of the Jacobi elliptic function appearing in the Lam\'e equation. We also show that the two pairs of orbits created at period-doubling bifurcations of touch-and-go type are given by two different linear combinations of algebraic Lam\'e functions with period 8K.Comment: LaTeX2e, 22 pages, 14 figures. Version 3: final form of paper, accepted by J. Phys. A. Changes in Table 2; new reference [25]; name of bifurcations "touch-and-go" replaced by "island-chain

    Uniform approximations for pitchfork bifurcation sequences

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    In non-integrable Hamiltonian systems with mixed phase space and discrete symmetries, sequences of pitchfork bifurcations of periodic orbits pave the way from integrability to chaos. In extending the semiclassical trace formula for the spectral density, we develop a uniform approximation for the combined contribution of pitchfork bifurcation pairs. For a two-dimensional double-well potential and the familiar H\'enon-Heiles potential, we obtain very good agreement with exact quantum-mechanical calculations. We also consider the integrable limit of the scenario which corresponds to the bifurcation of a torus from an isolated periodic orbit. For the separable version of the H\'enon-Heiles system we give an analytical uniform trace formula, which also yields the correct harmonic-oscillator SU(2) limit at low energies, and obtain excellent agreement with the slightly coarse-grained quantum-mechanical density of states.Comment: LaTeX, 31 pp., 18 figs. Version (v3): correction of several misprint