619 research outputs found

    A real solution to the ‘blight’ of unauthorised Traveller sites

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    Examining the dire conditions at Traveller camps, Joseph Cottrell-Boyce argues that current policy has failed and is costly to us all; both in terms of the expense of repeat evictions and in the huge social costs attached to banishing a community to the margins of our society. Having adequate authorised sites is an achievable solution

    Measurement of the threshold sensitivity of honeybees to weak, extremely low-frequency magnetic fields

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    Experiments reported previously demonstrate that free-flying honeybees are able to detect static intensity fluctuations as weak as 26 nT against the background, earth-strength magnetic field. We report here an extension of this work to weak, alternating fields at frequencies of 10 and 60 Hz. Our results indicate that the sensitivity of the honeybee magnetoreception system decreases rapidly with increasing frequency. At 60 Hz, alternating field strengths above 100 ”T are required to elicit discrimination. These results are consistent with biophysical predictions of a magnetite-based magnetoreceptor

    Tellurium, selenium and cobalt enrichment in Neoproterozoic black shales, Gwna Group, UK : Deep marine trace element enrichment during the Second Great Oxygenation Event

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    We are grateful to John Still for his skilled technical support and the ACEMAC facility at the University of Aberdeen. Research funded by NERC grant NE/M010953/1 and NERC facility grant IP-1631-0516. AJB is funded by NERC support of the Isotope Community Support Facility SUERC. The authors thank Eva StĂŒeken, Ross Large and one anonymous reviewer for their constructive feedback on the original manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Modified Timed Efficient Stream Loss-tolerant Authentication to Secure Power Line Communication

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    This paper investigates the feasibility of Timed Efficient Stream Loss-tolerant Authentica- tion to serve security needs of Power Line Communication (PLC) system. PLC network has been identified as the ideal choice to function as the last mile network, deliver load management messages to smart meters. However, there is need to address the security concerns for load management messages delivered over power line communications. The ubiquitous nature of the power line communication infrastructure exposes load management systems (LMS) deployed over it to a security risk. Ordinarily, PLC network does not em- ploy any security measures on which the smart meters and data concentrators can depend on. Therefore, the need to provide a secure mechanism for communication of load man- agement system messages over a PLC network. In LMS, source authentication is of highest priority because we need to respond only to messages from an authenticated source. This is achieved by investigating suitable robust authentication protocols. In this paper we present modifications to Timed Efficient Stream Loss-tolerant Authentication for secure authentica- tion to secure messages for load management over PLC. We demonstrate that PLC can be used to securely and effectively deliver Load Management messages to smart meters, with minimal overhead.

    The Bedrock Surface of the Western Lake Ontario Region: Evidence of Reactivated Basement Structures?

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    Lower Paleozoic bedrock strata, in south-central Ontario and the adjacent part of New York State are covered by a thick (100m+) blanket of Pleistocene glacial and interglacial sediments. The form of the buried bedrock surface has been reconstructed from 70,000 waterwell boreholes that extend through the entire Pleistocene cover using GIS data processing techniques. The sub-drift bedrock surface shows linear channels that connect the basins of lakes Huron, Ontario and Erie and which form part of an ancestral mid-continent Great Lake drainage system prior to modification and infilling during successive Pleistocene glaciations. This relict drainage system is cut across Lower Paleozoic carbonates and elastics up to 500 m thick, but the position of several channels is aligned above terrane boundaries, faults and other deep-seated and poorly understood geophysical anomalies in underlying mid-Proterozoic Grenville basement rocks. Other channels are controlled by a dominant northwest and northeast trending regional joint system. A close relationship among deeply seated geophysical lineaments, basement structures and topographic lineaments cut across thick Paleozoic cover strata suggests a history of Phanerozoic reactivation and upward propagation of fractures from the Precambrian basement. Several basement structures and lineaments are seismically active suggesting ongoing neotectonic activity across the 'stable' craton of south-central Ontario.La surface de la roche de fond dans la partie ouest du lac Ontario: indices de rĂ©activation des structures du socle. Les couches gĂ©ologiques de la roche de fond du PalĂ©ozoĂŻque infĂ©rieur, dans le centre sud de l'Ontario et la partie adjacente de l'État de New York, sont recouvertes par une grande Ă©paisseur (> 100 m) de sĂ©diments glaciaires et interglaciaires. La forme de la surface de la roche de fond enfouie a Ă©tĂ© reconstituĂ©e Ă  partir de 70 000 puits de sondage qui traversent toute la couverture du Pleistocene. La surface sous les dĂ©pĂŽts glaciaires laisse voir des chenaux linĂ©aires qui relient les bassins des lac Hurons, Ontario et ÉriĂ© et qui forment une partie de l'ancien systĂšme de drainage des Grands Lacs. Ce rĂ©seau de drainage relique entaille les carbonates du PalĂ©ozoĂŻque infĂ©rieur et les dĂ©pĂŽts dĂ©tritiques jusqu'Ă  500 m d'Ă©paisseur, mais l'emplacement de plusieurs chenaux est alignĂ© au-dessus des limites de la formation fissurĂ©e, des failles et autres anomalies gĂ©ophysiques profondes et mal connues du socle grenvillien du ProtĂ©rozoĂŻque moyen. D'autres chenaux sont sous la dĂ©pendance d'un rĂ©seau de fractures en grande partie orientĂ©es vers le NW et vers le NE. Les fortes relations qui existent entre les linĂ©aments gĂ©ophysiques profonds, les structures du socle et les linĂ©aments topographiques entaillant l'Ă©paisse couverture palĂ©ozoĂŻque laissent entrevoir une rĂ©activation au PhanĂ©rozoĂŻque et une propagation ascendante des fractures Ă  partir du socle prĂ©cambrien. Plusieurs structures et linĂ©aments du socle sont sismiquement actifs signalant ainsi une activitĂ© nĂ©otectonique continue Ă  travers tout le craton dit stable du centre-sud de l'Ontario.Die Sockelstrata aus dem unteren PalĂ ozoikum im sĂčdlichen Zentrum von Ontario und dem angrenzenden Teil des Staates New York sind von einer dicken (100 m+) Decke glazialer und interglazialer PleistozĂ nsedimente Ăčberlagert. Die Form der vergrabenen Oberflache des Sockels ist mittles 70 000 BrunnenbohrlĂŽchern, die durch die ganze PleistozĂąndecke hindurch-gehen, rekonstruiert worden. Die SockeloberglĂ che unter den glazialen Ablagerungen zeigt lineare Rinnen, welche die Becken des Huron-, Ontario-und Eriesees miteinander verbinden und Teil eines alten halbkontinentalen Drainage-systems der GrofĂźen Seen bilden. Dieses Reliktdrainagesystem schneidet quer durch die Karbonate des unteren PalĂ ozoikums und die TrĂčmmergesteine bis zu einer Dicke von 500 m, aber die Position gewisser Rinnen ist oberhalb der Grenzen der gespaltenen Foramation, den Verwerfungen und anderen tiefgelegenen und schlecht verstandenen geophysikalischen Anomalien der darunterliegenden Felsen des Grenville-Unterbaus aus dem mittleren PalĂ ozoikum ausgerichtet. Andere Rinnen werden durch ein rĂ©gionales Kluftsystem, das vor allem nach Nordwesten und Nordosten ausgerichtet ist, kontrolliert. Eine enge Beziehung zwischen tief gelegenen geophysikalischen Lineamenten, Unterbaustrukturen und topographischen Lineamenten, deuten auf eine Reaktivierung im PhanĂ rozoikum und eine aufsteigende Verbreitung der Bruche vom Unterbau des PrĂ kambriums. Mehrere Unterbaustrukturen und Lineamente sind seismisch aktiv und zeigen so eine anhaltende neotektonische AktivitĂ t quer durch den als "Stabil" angesehenen Kraton vom sĂčdlichen Zentrum Ontarios

    Geriatric care as an introductory pharmacy practice experience

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    Objective. To describe the design, delivery, and impact of a geriatric introductory pharmacy practice experience (IPPE) to develop students’ skills related to consultant pharmacists’ roles and patient care responsibilities. Design. A required 2-unit geriatric IPPE, involving 40 hours in a geriatric-care facility, 5 reflection hours, and 12 classroom-discussion hours, was developed for first- and second-year pharmacy students. Students interviewed patients and caregivers, reviewed patient charts, triaged patient needs, prepared care plans, and performed quality-assurance functions. Assessment. After completing the IPPE, students’ geriatric- and patient-care abilities were enhanced, based on review of their interactions, care plans, reflections, and examinations, and they demonstrated cognitive, affective, and psychomotor-domain learning skills. Students’ care plans and quality assurance activities revealed positive patient outcomes, opportunities for measurable patient health improvement, and a positive impact on quality assurance activities. Student evaluations and feedback from health workers at the facilities also were positive. Conclusions. This geriatric IPPE in which students cared for a specific patient and interacted with other health care providers is an innovative approach to enhancing students’ abilities to serve the growing geriatric population

    Intraspeaker Comparisons of Acoustic and Articulatory Variability in American English /r/ Productions

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    The purpose of this report is to test the hypothesis that speakers utilize an acoustic, rather than articulatory, planning space for speech production. It has been well-documented that many speakers of American English use different tongue configurations to produce /r/ in different phonetic contexts. The acoustic planning hypothesis suggests that although the /r/ configuration varies widely in different contexts, the primary acoustic cue for /r/, a dip in the F3 trajectory, will be less variable due to tradeoffs in articulatory variability, or trading relations, that help maintain a relatively constant F3 trajectory across phonetic contexts. Acoustic data and EMMA articulatory data from seven speakers producing /r/ in different phonetic contexts were analyzed. Visual inspection of the EMMA data at the point of F3 minimum revealed that each speaker appeared to use at least two of three trading relation strategies that would be expected to reduce F3 variability. Articulatory covariance measures confirmed that all seven speakers utilized a trading relation between tongue back height and tongue back horizontal position, six speakers utilized a trading relation between tongue tip height and tongue back height, and the speaker who did not use this latter strategy instead utilized a trading relation between tongue tip height and tongue back horizontal position. Estimates of F3 variability with and without the articulatory covariances indicated that F3 would be much higher for all speakers if the articulatory covariances were not utilized. These conclusions were further supported by a comparison of measured F3 variability to F3 variabilities estimated from the pellet data with and without articulatory covariances. In all subjects, the actual F3 variance was significantly lower than the F3 variance estimated without articulatory covariances, further supporting the conclusion that the articulatory trading relations were being used to reduce F3 variability. Together, these results strongly suggest that the neural control mechanisms underlying speech production make elegant use of trading relations between articulators to maintain a relatively invariant acoustic trace for /r/ across phonetic contexts

    Service tough composite structures using the Z-direction reinforcement process

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    Foster-Miller has developed a new process to provide through thickness reinforcement of composite structures. The process reinforces laminates locally or globally on-tool during standard autoclave processing cycles. Initial test results indicate that the method has the potential to significantly reduce delamination in carbon-epoxy. Laminates reinforced with the z-fiber process have demonstrated significant improvements in mode 1 fracture toughness and compression strength after impact. Unlike alternative methods, in-plane properties are not adversely affected

    Intraspeaker Comparisons of Acoustic and Articulatory Variability in American English /r/ Productions

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    The purpose of this report is to test the hypothesis that speakers utilize an acoustic, rather than articulatory, planning space for speech production. It has been well-documented that many speakers of American English use different tongue configurations to produce /r/ in different phonetic contexts. The acoustic planning hypothesis suggests that although the /r/ configuration varies widely in different contexts, the primary acoustic cue for /r/, a dip in the F3 trajectory, will be less variable due to tradeoffs in articulatory variability, or trading relations, that help maintain a relatively constant F3 trajectory across phonetic contexts. Acoustic data and EMMA articulatory data from seven speakers producing /r/ in different phonetic contexts were analyzed. Visual inspection of the EMMA data at the point of F3 minimum revealed that each speaker appeared to use at least two of three trading relation strategies that would be expected to reduce F3 variability. Articulatory covariance measures confirmed that all seven speakers utilized a trading relation between tongue back height and tongue back horizontal position, six speakers utilized a trading relation between tongue tip height and tongue back height, and the speaker who did not use this latter strategy instead utilized a trading relation between tongue tip height and tongue back horizontal position. Estimates of F3 variability with and without the articulatory covariances indicated that F3 would be much higher for all speakers if the articulatory covariances were not utilized. These conclusions were further supported by a comparison of measured F3 variability to F3 variabilities estimated from the pellet data with and without articulatory covariances. In all subjects, the actual F3 variance was significantly lower than the F3 variance estimated without articulatory covariances, further supporting the conclusion that the articulatory trading relations were being used to reduce F3 variability. Together, these results strongly suggest that the neural control mechanisms underlying speech production make elegant use of trading relations between articulators to maintain a relatively invariant acoustic trace for /r/ across phonetic contexts

    Smart Borders or a Humane World?

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    On January 20, 2021, his first day in office, President Biden issued an executive order pausing the remaining construction of the southern border wall initiated during the Trump administration. Soon after, the White House sent a bill to Congress, the US Citizenship Act of 2021, calling for the deployment of "smart technology" to "manage and secure the southern border."This report delves into the rhetoric of "smart borders" to explore their ties to a broad regime of border policing and exclusion that greatly harms migrants and refugees who either seek or already make their home in the United States. Investment in an approach centered on border and immigrant policing, it argues, is incompatible with the realization of a just and humane world.The report concludes by arguing that we must move beyond a narrow debate limited to "hard" versus "smart" borders toward a discussion of how we can move toward a world where all people have the support needed to lead healthy, secure, and vibrant lives. A just border policy would ask questions such as: How do we help create conditions that allow people to stay in the places they call home, and to thrive wherever they reside? When people do have to move, how can we ensure they are able to do so safely? When we take these questions as our starting point, we realize that it is not enough to fix a "broken" system. Rather, we need to reimagine the system entirely
