266 research outputs found

    Quantum metrology and its application in biology

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    Quantum metrology provides a route to overcome practical limits in sensing devices. It holds particular relevance to biology, where sensitivity and resolution constraints restrict applications both in fundamental biophysics and in medicine. Here, we review quantum metrology from this biological context, focusing on optical techniques due to their particular relevance for biological imaging, sensing, and stimulation. Our understanding of quantum mechanics has already enabled important applications in biology, including positron emission tomography (PET) with entangled photons, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using nuclear magnetic resonance, and bio-magnetic imaging with superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs). In quantum metrology an even greater range of applications arise from the ability to not just understand, but to engineer, coherence and correlations at the quantum level. In the past few years, quite dramatic progress has been seen in applying these ideas into biological systems. Capabilities that have been demonstrated include enhanced sensitivity and resolution, immunity to imaging artifacts and technical noise, and characterization of the biological response to light at the single-photon level. New quantum measurement techniques offer even greater promise, raising the prospect for improved multi-photon microscopy and magnetic imaging, among many other possible applications. Realization of this potential will require cross-disciplinary input from researchers in both biology and quantum physics. In this review we seek to communicate the developments of quantum metrology in a way that is accessible to biologists and biophysicists, while providing sufficient detail to allow the interested reader to obtain a solid understanding of the field. We further seek to introduce quantum physicists to some of the central challenges of optical measurements in biological science.Comment: Submitted review article, comments and suggestions welcom

    Injection locking of an electro-optomechanical device

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    The techniques of cavity optomechanics have enabled significant achievements in precision sensing, including the detection of gravitational waves and the cooling of mechanical systems to their quantum ground state. Recently, the inherent non-linearity in the optomechanical interaction has been harnessed to explore synchronization effects, including the spontaneous locking of an oscillator to a reference injection signal delivered via the optical field. Here, we present the first demonstration of a radiation-pressure driven optomechanical system locking to an inertial drive, with actuation provided by an integrated electrical interface. We use the injection signal to suppress drift in the optomechanical oscillation frequency, strongly reducing phase noise by over 55 dBc/Hz at 2 Hz offset. We further employ the injection tone to tune the oscillation frequency by more than 2 million times its narrowed linewidth. In addition, we uncover previously unreported synchronization dynamics, enabled by the independence of the inertial drive from the optical drive field. Finally, we show that our approach may enable control of the optomechanical gain competition between different mechanical modes of a single resonator. The electrical interface allows enhanced scalability for future applications involving arrays of injection-locked precision sensors.Comment: Main text: 10 pages, 7 figures. Supplementary Information: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Experimental demonstration of continuous variable polarization entanglement

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    We report the experimental transformation of quadrature entanglement between two optical beams into continuous variable polarization entanglement. We extend the inseparability criterion proposed by Duan, et al. [Duan00] to polarization states and use it to quantify the entanglement between the three Stokes operators of the beams. We propose an extension to this scheme utilizing two quadrature entangled pairs for which all three Stokes operators between a pair of beams are entangled.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Enhancement of mechanical squeezing via feedback control

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    We explore the generation of nonclassical mechanical states by combining continuous position measurement and feedback control. We find that feedback-induced spring softening can greatly enhance position squeezing. Conversely, even with a pure position measurement, we find that spring hardening can enable momentum squeezing. Beyond enhanced squeezing, we show that feedback also mitigates degradation introduced by background mechanical modes. Together, this significantly lowers the barrier to measurement-based preparation of nonclassical mechanical states at room temperature

    Detuned Mechanical Parametric Amplification as a Quantum Non-Demolition Measurement

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    Recently it has been demonstrated that the combination of weak-continuous position detection with detuned parametric driving can lead to significant steady-state mechanical squeezing, far beyond the 3 dB limit normally associated with parametric driving. In this work, we show the close connection between this detuned scheme and quantum non-demolition (QND) measurement of a single mechanical quadrature. In particular, we show that applying an experimentally realistic detuned parametric drive to a cavity optomechanical system allows one to effectively realize a QND measurement despite being in the bad-cavity limit. In the limit of strong squeezing, we show that this scheme offers significant advantages over standard backaction evasion, not only by allowing operation in the weak measurement and low efficiency regimes, but also in terms of the purity of the mechanical state.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Mechanical Entanglement via Detuned Parametric Amplification

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    We propose two schemes to generate entanglement between a pair of mechanical oscillators using parametric amplification. In contrast to existing parametric drive-based protocols, both schemes operate in the steady-state. Using a detuned parametric drive to maintain equilibrium and to couple orthogonal quadratures, our approach can be viewed as a two-mode extension of previous proposals for parametric squeezing. We find that robust steady-state entanglement is possible for matched oscillators with well-controlled coupling. In addition, one of the proposed schemes is robust to differences in the damping rates of the two oscillators.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum optomechanics beyond the quantum coherent oscillation regime

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    Interaction with a thermal environment decoheres the quantum state of a mechanical oscillator. When the interaction is sufficiently strong, such that more than one thermal phonon is introduced within a period of oscillation, quantum coherent oscillations are prevented. This is generally thought to preclude a wide range of quantum protocols. Here, we introduce a pulsed optomechanical protocol that allows ground state cooling, general linear quantum non-demolition measurements, optomechanical state swaps, and quantum state preparation and tomography without requiring quantum coherent oscillations. Finally we show how the protocol can break the usual thermal limit for sensing of impulse forces.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Feedback Enhanced Sensitivity in Optomechanics: Surpassing the Parametric Instability Barrier

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    The intracavity power, and hence sensitivity, of optomechanical sensors is commonly limited by parametric instability. Here we characterize the parametric instability induced sensitivity degradation in a micron scale cavity optomechanical system. Feedback via optomechanical transduction and electrical gradient force actuation is applied to suppress the parametric instability. As a result a 5.4 fold increase in mechanical motion transduction sensitivity is achieved to a final value of 1.9×10−18mHz−1/21.9\times 10^{-18}\rm m Hz^{-1/2}.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Near threshold all-optical backaction amplifier

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    A near threshold all-optical backaction amplifier is realized. Operating near threshold in an integrated micronscale architecture allows a nearly three orders of magnitude improvement in both gain and optical power requirements over the only previous all-optical implementation, with 37 dB of gain achieved for only 12 uW of input power. Minor adjustments to parameters allows optical filtering with narrow bandwidth dictated by the mechanical quality factor. Operation at cryogenic temperatures may enable standard quantum limit surpassing measurements and ponderomotive squeezing.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    On the transduction of various noise sources in optical microtoroids

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    Optical microresonators constitute the basic building block for numerous precision measurements including single-particle detection, magnetometry, force and position sensing. The ability to resolve a signal of interest is limited however by various noise sources. In this tutorial style paper we provide a matrix formalism to analyze the effect of various modulations upon the optical cavity. The technique can in principle be used to estimate the sensitivity of microresonator based sensors and potentially to identify the optimal detection basis and cavity parameters to optimise the signal to noise ratio
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