57 research outputs found

    Influence of dietary conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on lipid and fatty acid composition in liver and flesh of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on lipid and fatty acid metabolism in Atlantic salmon. The overall objective being to test the hypotheses that CLA has beneficial effects in salmon including growth enhancement, improved flesh quality through decreased adiposity and lipid deposition thereby minimising detrimental effects of feeding high fat diets, and increased nutritional quality through increased levels of beneficial fatty acids including n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) and CLA itself. Salmon smolts were fed diets containing two levels of fish oil (low, ~18% and high, ~34%) containing three levels of CLA (a 1:1 mixture of 9-cis,trans-11 and trans-10,cis-12. at 0, 1 and 2% of diet) for 3 months and the effects on growth performance, liver and muscle (flesh) lipid contents and class compositions, and fatty acid compositions determined. The diets were also specifically formulated to investigate whether the effects of CLA, if any, were more dependent upon absolute content of CLA in the diet (as percentage of total diet) or the relative level of CLA to other fatty acids. Dietary CLA in salmon smolts had no effect on growth parameters or biometric parameters. However, there was a clear trend of increased total lipid and triacylglycerol contents in both liver and flesh in fish fed CLA, particularly in fish fed the high oil diets. Finally, CLA was incorporated into tissue lipids, with levels in flesh being 2-fold higher than in liver, but importantly, incorporation in liver was at the expense of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids whereas in flesh it was at the expense of n-3HUFA

    Influence of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) or tetradecylthioacetic acid (TTA) on growth, lipid composition, fatty acid metabolism and lipid gene expression of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss L.)

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    Our objective was to test the hypotheses that conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and/or tetradecylthioacetic acid (TTA) would have beneficial effects on the nutritional quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) through decreased lipid content of flesh or viscera, and increased levels of beneficial fatty acids including accumulation of CLA or TTA themselves. The specific aims of this study were to determine the effects of CLA and TTA on growth performance, lipid and fatty acid metabolism, and selected gene expression in commercial sized trout grown in seawater. Trout were fed for eight weeks on fish meal and fish oil diets containing either 0.5% or 1% CLA, or 0.5% TTA. The effects of the supplemented fatty acids on growth, feed efficiency, lipid contents, class compositions and fatty acid compositions of flesh and liver were determined, along with liver highly unsaturated fatty acid synthesis, activities of key enzymes of fatty acid oxidation in liver and muscle, and expression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I (CPT-I) and fatty acyl desaturase and elongase genes. Neither functional fatty acid had any effect on growth parameters, condition factor, viscero- and hepato-somatic indices or fillet colour, and there were no mortalities in any of the treatments. Dietary CLA, but not TTA, decreased the lipid content of liver, but neither fatty acid had any significant effect on lipid class compositions of liver and flesh. Both CLA and TTA were incorporated into tissue lipids, with higher percentages found in flesh compared to liver. In addition, production of hexaene fatty acid by liver microsomes was increased by dietary CLA or TTA, and both functional fatty acids increased the proportion of n-3 fatty acids in liver mainly due to increased 20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3. However, the expression of fatty acyl Δ6 desaturase was significantly lower in fish fed CLA or TTA, whereas the expression of PUFA elongase was increased, significantly so in fish fed 1% CLA. CPT-I activity was increased by TTA in liver and red muscle, and acyl CoA oxidase activity was increased by TTA in liver and CLA at the higher dietary inclusion level in red muscle. There was a clear trend for CPT-I expression to be increased in fish fed 0.5% CLA or TTA in all tissues although this was only significant in white muscle. The results showed that both CLA and TTA had effects on lipid metabolism that partly support the hypotheses tested. Although CLA or TTA did not enhance growth parameters, feed conversion or potential yield, nutritional quality could be enhanced, and sea-run trout fed CLA or TTA could be beneficial in the human diet through provision of bioactive fatty acids, with no detrimental effects on 20:5n-3 or 22:6n-3 levels

    Effects of Conjugated Linoleic Acid, Fish Oil and Soybean Oil on PPARs (α & γ) mRNA Expression in Broiler Chickens and Their Relation to Body Fat Deposits

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    An experiment was conducted on broiler chickens to study the effects of different dietary fats (Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), fish oil, soybean oil, or their mixtures, as well as palm oil, as a more saturated fat), with a as fed dose of 7% for single fat and 3.5 + 3.5% for the mixtures, on Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors (PPARs) gene expression and its relation with body fat deposits. The CLA used in this experiment was CLA LUTA60 which contained 60% CLA, so 7% and 3.5% dietary inclusions of CLA LUTA60 were equal to 4.2% and 2.1% CLA, respectively. Higher abdominal fat pad was found in broiler chickens fed with a diet containing palm oil compared to chickens in the other experimental groups (P ≤ 0.05). The diets containing CLA resulted in an increased fat deposition in the liver of broiler chickens (P ≤ 0.05). The only exception was related to the birds fed with diets containing palm oil or fish oil + soybean oil, where contents of liver fat were compared to the CLA + fish oil treatment. PPARγ gene in adipose tissue of chickens fed with palm oil diet was up-regulated compared to other treatments (P ≤ 0.001), whereas no significant differences were found in adipose PPARγ gene expression between chickens fed with diets containing CLA, fish oil, soybean oil or the mixture of these fats. On the other hand, the PPARα gene expression in liver tissue was up-regulated in response to the dietary fish oil inclusion and the differences were also significant for both fish oil and CLA + fish oil diets compared to the diets with palm oil, soybean oil or CLA as the only oil source (P ≤ 0.001). In conclusion, the results of present study showed that there was a relationship between the adipose PPARγ gene up-regulation and abdominal fat pad deposition for birds fed with palm oil diet, while no deference was detected in n-3 and n-6 fatty acids, as well as CLA on PPARγ down regulation in comparison to a more saturated fat. When used on its own, fish oil was found to be a more effective fat in up-regulating hepatic PPARα gene expression and this effect was related to a less fat deposition in liver tissue. A negative correlation coefficient (−0.3) between PPARα relative gene expression and liver tissue fat content confirm the anti-lipogenic effect of PPARα, however, the change in these parameters was not completely parallel

    Norepinephrine Controls Both Torpor Initiation and Emergence via Distinct Mechanisms in the Mouse

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    Some mammals, including laboratory mice, enter torpor in response to food deprivation, and leptin can attenuate these bouts of torpor. We previously showed that dopamine β-hydroxylase knockout (Dbh −/−) mice, which lack norepinephrine (NE), do not reduce circulating leptin upon fasting nor do they enter torpor. To test whether the onset of torpor in mice during a fast requires a NE-mediated reduction in circulating leptin, double mutant mice deficient in both leptin (ob/ob) and DBH (DBL MUT) were generated. Upon fasting, control and ob/ob mice entered torpor as assessed by telemetric core Tb acquisition. While fasting failed to induce torpor in Dbh −/− mice, leptin deficiency bypassed the requirement for NE, as DBL MUT mice readily entered torpor upon fasting. These data indicate that sympathetic activation of white fat and suppression of leptin is required for the onset of torpor in the mouse. Emergence from torpor was severely retarded in DBL MUT mice, revealing a novel, leptin-independent role for NE in torpor recovery. This phenotype was mimicked by administration of a β3 adrenergic receptor antagonist to control mice during a torpor bout. Hence, NE signaling via β3 adrenergic receptors presumably in brown fat is the first neurotransmitter-receptor system identified that is required for normal recovery from torpor

    Influence of Dietary Oil Content and Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) on Lipid Metabolism Enzyme Activities and Gene Expression in Tissues of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.)

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    The overall objective is to test the hypothesis that conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has beneficial effects in Atlantic salmon through affecting lipid and fatty acid metabolism. The specific aims of the present study were to determine the effects of CLA on some key pathways of fatty acid metabolism including fatty acid oxidation and highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA) synthesis. Salmon smolts were fed diets containing two levels of fish oil (low, ~18% and high, ~34%) containing three levels of CLA (a 1:1 mixture of 9-cis,trans-11 and trans-10,cis-12 at 0, 1 and 2% of diet) for 3 months. The effects of dietary CLA on HUFA synthesis and β-oxidation were measured and the expression of key genes in the fatty acid oxidation and HUFA synthesis pathways, and potentially important transcription factors, peroxisome proliferators activated receptors (PPARs), determined in selected tissues. Liver HUFA synthesis and desaturase gene expression was increased by dietary CLA and decreased by high dietary oil content. Carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I (CPT-I) activity and gene expression were generally increased by CLA in muscle tissues although dietary oil content had relatively little effect. In general CPT-I activity or gene expression was not correlated with β-oxidation. Dietary CLA tended to increase PPARα and β gene expression in both liver and muscle tissues, and PPARγ in liver. In summary, gene expression and activity of the fatty acid pathways were altered in response to dietary CLA and/or oil content, with data suggesting that PPARs are also regulated in response to CLA. Correlations were observed between dietary CLA, liver HUFA synthesis and desaturase gene expression, and liver PPARα expression, and also between dietary CLA, CPT-I expression and activity, and PPARα expression in muscle tissues. In conclusion, this study suggests that dietary CLA has effects on fatty acid metabolism in Atlantic salmon and on PPAR transcription factors. However, further work is required to assess the potential of CLA as a dietary supplement, and the role of PPARs in the regulation of lipid metabolism in fish

    What to think of canine obesity? Emerging challenges to our understanding of human-animal health relationships.

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    The coincident and increasing occurrence of weight-related health problems in humans and canines in Western societies poses a challenge to our understanding of human–animal health relationships. More specifically, the epistemological and normative impetus provided by current approaches to shared health risks and chronic diseases in cohabiting human and animal populations does not account for causal continuities in the way that people and their pets live together. An examination of differences in medical responses to these conditions in human and pet dogs points to the existence of a distinct conceptual and ethical sphere for companion animal veterinary medicine. The disengagement of veterinary medicine for companion animals from human medicine has implications for our understanding what is required for health and disease prevention at the level of populations. This disengagement of companion animal veterinarians from family and preventive medicine, in particular, constrains professional roles, planning processes and, thereby, the potential for better-integrated responses to shared burdens of chronic conditions that increasingly affect the health and welfare of people and companion animals. Keywords: Human–Animal Relationships, Medical Epistemology, Companion Animal Welfare, Veterinary Ethics, Public Health Ethics, One HealthCanadian Institutes of Health Research, Open Operating Gran
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