33 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Hungarian Wines for Resveratrol by Overpressured Layer Chromatography

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    A method, including solid phase extraction sample preparation, overpressured layer chromatographic separation and subsequent densitometric evaluation, was developed for measurement of total resveratrol (cis- and trans-isomers) content of wine. The amount of resveratrol was determined in wine samples from different winemaking regions of Hungary. The total resveratrol was high in Hungarian red wines (3.6–11 mg/L), and much lower in white ones (0.04–1.5 mg/L)

    Metabolomic approach in the analysis of the oxidative evolution of wines using high resolution mass spectrometry

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    Tout au long du procĂ©dĂ© d’élaboration d’un vin, des rĂ©actions d’oxydation peuvent se produire y compris au cours du vieillissement en bouteilles. Depuis quelques annĂ©es, la profession viti-vinicole est confrontĂ©e au problĂšme de l’oxydation prĂ©maturĂ©e des vins blancs.. A ce jour, peu d’études ont pu apporter des explications d’ordre chimique Ă  ce phĂ©nomĂšne, et les mĂ©canismes rĂ©actionnels intervenant restent peu connus.L’objectif de ce travail de thĂšse est d’apporter, au travers d’une analyse molĂ©culaire non ciblĂ©e en spectromĂ©trie de masse Ă  transformĂ©e de Fourier et Ă  rĂ©sonance cyclotronique des ions (FT-ICR-MS) couplĂ©e Ă  une Ă©tude chimiomĂ©trique, des rĂ©ponses originales aux questions posĂ©es par la problĂ©matique actuelle d’oxydation prĂ©maturĂ©e des vins blancs. Nous avons montrĂ© suite Ă  l’étude d’une sĂ©rie de vins oxydĂ©s prĂ©maturĂ©ment non seulement la grande diversitĂ© chimique des vins, mais aussi la prĂ©sence d’un ensemble de masses typiques associĂ©es Ă  ce phĂ©nomĂšne. Pour une meilleure comprĂ©hension de l’origine de cette problĂ©matique, nous avons considĂ©rĂ© deux autres types d’oxydation : une oxydation relative exclusivement Ă  un apport contrĂŽlĂ© en oxygĂšne et une autre relative Ă  l'Ă©volution naturelle de vins en bouteilles. Cette derniĂšre consiste en le suivi de l'Ă©volution des espaces chimiques de sĂ©ries verticales de vins blancs et rouges en fonction du temps. Sur la sĂ©rie verticale des vins blancs allant de 1979 Ă  2006, une charniĂšre Ă  l’annĂ©e 1990 a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e avec des groupes de masses typiques de chacun des vins jeunes (1979-1990) et des vieux vins (1991-2006).La comparaison entre les espaces chimiques discriminants chacun de ces trois types d’oxydation ne rĂ©vĂšle la prĂ©sence que de trois masses en commun, ce qui appuie l'hypothĂšse de causes multiparamĂ©triques Ă  l’oxydation prĂ©maturĂ©e des vins blancs, qui ne serait donc pas un phĂ©nomĂšne du exclusivement Ă  une exposition non contrĂŽlĂ©e Ă  l'oxygĂšne.Des essais d’élucidation structurale en FT-ICR-MS/MS des masses discriminantes des vins oxydĂ©s et de la sĂ©rie verticale ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s et des schĂ©mas de fragmentation pour certaines masses sont proposĂ©sDuring winemaking processes, many oxidation reactions may occur especially during the aging period. Recently, white wines are characterized by a problem of premature oxidation for which few studies have provided chemical explanation. To date, the involved mechanisms in this phenomenon remain poorly understood.The aim of this thesis project is to provide, through an untargeted molecular analysis using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) coupled to chemometric analysis, original clue to understand the premature oxidation of white wines. Based on the study of a series of premature oxidized white wines, we were able to elucidate the high complexity and the chemical diversity of wine, and got out typical masses characterizing the oxidation state. In order to better understand the origin of this phenomenon, we considered two alternative possibilities of oxidation: the first one induced by oxygen, and the second through a natural evolution of wines in bottles. The latter included the monitoring of the chemical evolution of white and red wines as a function of time. A very interesting result was obtained on the vertical series of white wines from 1979 to 2006, where two groups were separated at the 1990 vintage to provide a group of old wines (1979-1990) and a group of new wines (1991-2006). Typical discriminant masses were found for each group.A comparison between the chemical spaces discriminating each of the three types of oxidation (premature oxidation, oxidation with oxygen and natural evolution of wine in bottle) revealed very few common masses that may indicate that the phenomenon of premature oxidation is indeed influenced by multiple factors.Finally, a structural elucidation of the typical masses of the groups of oxidized and aged wines were established using FT-ICR-MS/MS. Possible fragmentations schemes of some of these masses were propose

    Approche métabolomique dans l'analyse de l'évolution oxydative des vins en spectrométrie de masse à trÚs haute résolution

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    Tout au long du procédé d élaboration d un vin, des réactions d oxydation peuvent se produire y compris au cours du vieillissement en bouteilles. Depuis quelques années, la profession viti-vinicole est confrontée au problÚme de l oxydation prématurée des vins blancs.. A ce jour, peu d études ont pu apporter des explications d ordre chimique à ce phénomÚne, et les mécanismes réactionnels intervenant restent peu connus.L objectif de ce travail de thÚse est d apporter, au travers d une analyse moléculaire non ciblée en spectrométrie de masse à transformée de Fourier et à résonance cyclotronique des ions (FT-ICR-MS) couplée à une étude chimiométrique, des réponses originales aux questions posées par la problématique actuelle d oxydation prématurée des vins blancs. Nous avons montré suite à l étude d une série de vins oxydés prématurément non seulement la grande diversité chimique des vins, mais aussi la présence d un ensemble de masses typiques associées à ce phénomÚne. Pour une meilleure compréhension de l origine de cette problématique, nous avons considéré deux autres types d oxydation : une oxydation relative exclusivement à un apport contrÎlé en oxygÚne et une autre relative à l'évolution naturelle de vins en bouteilles. Cette derniÚre consiste en le suivi de l'évolution des espaces chimiques de séries verticales de vins blancs et rouges en fonction du temps. Sur la série verticale des vins blancs allant de 1979 à 2006, une charniÚre à l année 1990 a été observée avec des groupes de masses typiques de chacun des vins jeunes (1979-1990) et des vieux vins (1991-2006).La comparaison entre les espaces chimiques discriminants chacun de ces trois types d oxydation ne révÚle la présence que de trois masses en commun, ce qui appuie l'hypothÚse de causes multiparamétriques à l oxydation prématurée des vins blancs, qui ne serait donc pas un phénomÚne du exclusivement à une exposition non contrÎlée à l'oxygÚne.Des essais d élucidation structurale en FT-ICR-MS/MS des masses discriminantes des vins oxydés et de la série verticale ont été effectués et des schémas de fragmentation pour certaines masses sont proposésDuring winemaking processes, many oxidation reactions may occur especially during the aging period. Recently, white wines are characterized by a problem of premature oxidation for which few studies have provided chemical explanation. To date, the involved mechanisms in this phenomenon remain poorly understood.The aim of this thesis project is to provide, through an untargeted molecular analysis using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) coupled to chemometric analysis, original clue to understand the premature oxidation of white wines. Based on the study of a series of premature oxidized white wines, we were able to elucidate the high complexity and the chemical diversity of wine, and got out typical masses characterizing the oxidation state. In order to better understand the origin of this phenomenon, we considered two alternative possibilities of oxidation: the first one induced by oxygen, and the second through a natural evolution of wines in bottles. The latter included the monitoring of the chemical evolution of white and red wines as a function of time. A very interesting result was obtained on the vertical series of white wines from 1979 to 2006, where two groups were separated at the 1990 vintage to provide a group of old wines (1979-1990) and a group of new wines (1991-2006). Typical discriminant masses were found for each group.A comparison between the chemical spaces discriminating each of the three types of oxidation (premature oxidation, oxidation with oxygen and natural evolution of wine in bottle) revealed very few common masses that may indicate that the phenomenon of premature oxidation is indeed influenced by multiple factors.Finally, a structural elucidation of the typical masses of the groups of oxidized and aged wines were established using FT-ICR-MS/MS. Possible fragmentations schemes of some of these masses were proposedDIJON-BU Doc.électronique (212319901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A grape and wine chemodiversity comparison of different appellations in Burgundy: Vintage vs terroir effects.

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    This study aimed at assessing the ability of high resolution Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance - Mass Spectrometry (FTICR-MS) to differentiate grapes and corresponding wines from distinct vineyards managed by a same producer, according to complex chemical fingerprints. Grape extracts (at harvest) and corresponding wines from four different vineyards, sampled immediately after the alcoholic fermentation over three successive vintages, were analysed by FTICR-MS. Thousands of metabolites that are specific to a given vintage, or a given class (wine, skin or must) could be revealed, thus emphasising a strong vintage effect. The same wines were reanalyzed after a few years in bottle. Within the frame of this study, FTICR-MS along with multivariate statistical analyses could reveal significant terroir-discriminant families of metabolites from geographically close - though distinct - vineyards, but only after a few years of bottle ageing. It is supposed that the chemical composition of a wine holds memories of various environmental factors that have impacted its metabolic baggage at the moment of its elaboration. For the first time, such preliminary results indicate that non-targeted experiments can reveal such memories through terroir-related metabolic signatures of wines on a regional-scale that can potentially be as small as the countless "climats" of Burgundy

    Robust graph representation of images with underlying structural networks. Application to the classification of vascular networks of mice’s colon

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    International audienceIn this letter, we consider scenes constituted by underlying structural networks. This is an important issue since such scenes appear in many domains of sciences with for instance images of road networks, vascular networks, root systems, etc. The extraction of information from such networks requires characterization methods specifically designed to preserve the topological structure of the network hidden in the image. We propose an entire image processing pipeline for this task with a robust joint segmentation and graph-based representation approach. The proposed method relates, in the closest literature, to the so-called Maximally Stable Extremal Region here extended to extremally stable graph. The method is successfully illustrated with a real world biomedical pattern recognition problem solved with our approach. The robustness of the most common graph parameters is discussed from Monte Carlo simulations on synthetic graphs

    Attachment of chloride anion to sugars: mechanistic investigation and discovery of a new dopant for efficient sugar ionization/detection in mass spectrometers.

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    International audienceA new method for efficient ionization of sugars in the negative-ion mode of electrospray mass spectrometry is presented. Instead of using strongly hydrophobic dopants such as dichloromethane or chloroform, efficient ionization of sugars has been achieved by using aqueous HCl solution for the first time. This methodology makes it possible to use hydrophilic dopants, which are more appropriate for chromatographic separation techniques with efficient sugar ionization and detection in mass spectrometry. The interaction between chloride anions and monosaccharides (glucose and galactose) was studied by DFT in the gas phase and by implementing the polarizable continuum model (PCM) for calculations in solution at the high B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p)//B3LYP/6-311+G(2d,p) level of theory. In all optimized geometries of identified [M+Cl](-) anions, a non-covalent interaction exists. Differences were revealed between monodentate and bidentate complex anions, with the latter having noticeably higher binding energies. The calculated affinity of glucose and galactose toward the chloride anion in the gas phase and their chloride anion binding energies in solution are in excellent agreement with glucose and galactose [M+Cl](-) experimental intensity profiles that are represented as a function of the chloride ion concentration. Density functional calculations of gas-phase affinities toward chloride anion were also performed for the studied disaccharides sucrose and gentiobiose. All calculations are in excellent agreement with the experimental data. An example is introduced wherein HCl was used to effectively ionize sugars and form chlorinated adduct anions to detect sugars and glycosylated metabolites (anthocyanins) in real biological systems (Vitis vinifera grape extracts and wines), whereas they would not have been easily detectable under standard infusion electrospray mass spectrometry conditions as deprotonated species

    Determination of stilbene derivatives in Burgundy red wines by ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography.

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    The polyphenols, for example stilbenes and flavonoids, are an important family of compounds present in grapes and wines. Several studies have shown that stilbenes are antioxidants and cancer-preventing agents. For the first time, eight natural stilbenes (trans-resveratrol, trans-piceid, cis-piceid, trans-astringin, trans-piceatannol, (+)-trans-ε-viniferin, pallidol, and hopeaphenol), isolated and purified from Vitis vinifera, were simultaneously analysed by ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled with photodiode-array detection. Separation of the stilbenes by UHPLC was optimized with the assistance of "Quality-by-Design" commercial software. Four different reversed-phase columns packed with 1.5-1.7-μm particles were tested and compared for their retention behaviour and separation efficiency. On the basis of the performance characteristics determined, the VisionHT C18 HL column was selected for the stilbenes studied, because resolution of the critical pair was 1.5 with a peak width of 2-4 s. The optimized method resulted in highly repeatable retention times (RSD 0.03-0.07%), peak areas (RSD 3-6%), and linear ranges were between 0.005 and 50 mg L-1 for most of the compounds. All stilbenes, except trans-astringin, trans-piceatannol, and pallidol were identified and quantified in Burgundy red wines at different concentrations after direct injection of the wines. [Figure not available: see fulltext.] © 2011 Springer-Verlag

    Automatic Identification of Paraffin Pixels on FTIR Images Acquired on FFPE Human Samples

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    International audienceThe transfer of mid-infrared spectral histopathology to the clinic will be possible provided that its application in clinical practice is simple. Rapid analysis of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue section is thus a prerequisite. The chemical dewaxing of these samples before image acquisition used by the majority of studies is in contradiction with this principle. Fortunately, the in silico analysis of the images acquired on FFPE samples is possible using extended multiplicative signal correction (EMSC). However, the removal of pure paraffin pixels is essential to perform a relevant classification of tissue spectra. So far, this task was possible only if using manual and subjective histogram analysis. In this article, we thus propose a new automatic and multivariate methodology based on the analysis of optimized combinations of EMSC regression coefficients by validity indices and KMeans clustering to separate paraffin and tissue pixels. The validation of our method is performed using simulated infrared spectral images by measuring the Jaccard index between our partitions and the image model, with values always over 0.90 for diverse baseline complexity and signal-to-noise ratio. These encouraging results were also validated on real images by comparing our method with classical ones and by computing the Jaccard index between our partitions and the KMeans partitions obtained on the infrared image acquired on the same samples but after chemical dewaxing, with values always over 0.84

    Authentication approach of the chemodiversity of grape and wine by FTICR-MS.

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    The metabolic composition of grapes and related wines results from a complex interplay between environmental, genetic and human factors which are not easily or possibly resolvable into their unambiguous individual contributions. Whether it is in the vineyard or in the cellar, several processes can indeed subtly modulate the characteristics of grape and wine, and these modulations often involve 'trace' amounts and interplay of metabolites within a complex matrix. As a consequence, considering wine as a complex biological system, the whole of which being more than the sum of its parts, is likely to provide deeper understanding of specificities associated with varieties and/or geographical origins and/or wine making practices. We show that non-targeted analyses of grape and wine products by ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry can reveal snapshots of their chemodiversities, and that these chemodiversities, characterized by thousands of metabolites, precisely hold fingerprints of specific environmental parameters such as the "terroir" of a wine or even of oaks used for barrel ageing