378 research outputs found

    Le premier congrès international de Psychiatrie infantile (Paris, 1937), ou le baptême d’une spécialité ambitieuse

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    Cet article propose de mettre en perspective le premier congrès international de Psychiatrie infantile. Organisé par Georges Heuyer du 24 juillet au 1er août 1937, dans le cadre de l’Exposition internationale de Paris, le congrès réunit plusieurs centaines de médecins venus de plus d’une vingtaine de pays. L’événement est d’importance et une lecture des archives d’Heuyer en fait ressortir ses multiples enjeux. D’abord, il repose sur les intentions professionnelles de ce dernier, tentant d’atteindre le firmament de sa carrière de psychiatre d’enfant. Ensuite pour le groupe professionnel dans son ensemble, qui par ce moment tente d’affirmer la légitimité de cette spécialité, la psychiatrie infantile, aux yeux des pouvoirs publics notamment. Le moment est d’importance, tant l’enfance déficiente est à l’ordre du jour politique sous le Front populaire. Il est tout aussi majeur sur le plan international, alors que les circulations sont denses et que la psychiatrie devient un objet scientifique central. Enfin, le congrès international, moment de croisement par excellence, permet d’aborder les questions scientifiques mises à l’agenda des psychiatres et ainsi de saisir les angles d’étude de l’enfant. Enfin, le congrès international est un moment d’échanges par excellence et permet ainsi aux psychiatres de débattre sur les différentes approches pour analyser l’enfant dans sa complexité.This article proposes to put into perspective the First International Congress of Child Psychiatry. Organised by Georges Heuyer from 24 July to 1 August 1937, as part of the International Exhibition in Paris, the conference brings together hundreds of doctors from over twenty countries. The event is important and an exploration of the Heuyer files underscores its multiple challenges. First, it is based on his professional intentions, trying to reach the firmament of his child psychiatrist career. Then for the professional group as a whole which is at that time trying to build up the legitimacy of this specialty of child psychiatry for the authorities especially. Handicapped children is an important issue at this time given that it is at the forefront of the political agenda of the Popular Front’ cabinet. It is equally important at the international level, since the circulations are intense and psychiatry is becoming a central scientific object. Finally, the international congress is a time of exchanges by excellence and drives psychiatrists to discuss over the different approaches raised to explore and to understand the complexity of the child

    De l’honneur d’une profession. Les éducateurs face aux affaires et à leur retentissement médiatique (1945-1965)

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    Après la réforme des institutions éducatives qui a suivi les scandales et campagnes de presse engagés dans les années 1930, se construit une légende dorée de la rééducation. Les institutions nouvellement crées sont encensées. L’ANEJI, principale association corporative d’éducateurs, est l’un des opérateurs de cette évolution des discours. Son action médiatique, souvent laudative, est également défensive dans la mesure où certains scandales continuent de secouer les milieux de la rééducation et constituent une menace pour une professionnalité en construction.After the educational institutions reformation which followed the scandals and fervent media campaigns in the 30s, a paragon of rehabilitation was born. The newly created institutions were praised. ANEJI, the main corporate youth workers association, was one of the main operators in this evolution. Its work in the media was not only laudatory but was equally defensive considering that scandals were still affecting the rehabilitation environment and were a threat to a profession in the process of construction

    A Possible Relation between Wind Conditions, Advanced Control and Early Gearbox Failures in Offshore Wind Turbines

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    AbstractDuring the past decades, great efforts have been undertaken to make wind power a competitive source for electrical energy. By the end of 2012, global installed wind capacity had risen to 264GW, almost a tenfold increase of the capacity in 2002. Nevertheless, the wind energy sector is still far too expensive to be profitable, especially the strong growing offshore branch. However, a significant part (about 25%) of the cost is related to operation and maintenance (O&M), in particular the failures of the main components (i.e. gearbox and drivetrain) resulting in long downtimes and hence high O&M costs. Various studies today discuss if condition monitoring systems, which allow the forecasting of failures at a very early stage, might be the cure to the problems related to the reliability of the gearbox. Rather than formulating yet another methodology to forecast upcoming failures, the aim of this paper is to identify the underlying cause of the reliability issues related to the gearbox

    Présentation du dossier

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    À sa manière, le précédent numéro de la Revue d’histoire de l’enfance « irrégulière » a déjà rendu compte de l’agrégation progressive d’intervenants au chevet de l’enfant difficile au cours du XXe siècle, que ce dernier relève de l’Assistance publique, de la Justice ou d’établissements médicopédagogiques, d’observation, etc. Les dossiers individuels élaborés au cœur des institutions ont été ainsi la mise par écrit d’une partition jouée par plusieurs professionnels. Ceux-là représentent alors ..

    A technique for improving the germinability of grape seeds for breeding purposes

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    A method, using bunches from pre-rooted cuttings which are defoliated very early during bud burst, allows the cultivation of fruiting plants in the glasshouse. The germinability of the seeds obtained in this way is improved, which permits, in particular, progenies of an early mutant of the cultivar "Cot", the seeds of which obtained in the field do practically never germinate.Une technique pour améliorer la germinabilité des graines de vigne pour les besoinsde l'améliorationUne technique, consistant à obtenir des grappes sur des boutures préenracinées puis soumises à un effeuillage très précoce au débourrement, permet de cultiver des plantes fructifères en serre. Les graines ainsi obtenues ont une proportion de germination meilleure, ce qui a permis en particulier d'obtenir des descendants d'un mutant précoce du Cot dont les graines obtenues au champ ne germent pratiquement jamais.

    Metabolically active volumes automatic delineation methodologies in PET imaging: review and perspectives

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    International audiencePET imaging is now considered a gold standard tool in clinical oncology, especially for diagnosis purposes. More recent applications such as therapy follow up or tumor targeting in radiotherapy require a fast, accurate and robust metabolically active tumor volumes on emission images, which cannot be obtained through manual contouring. This clinical need has sprung a large number of methodological developments regarding automatic methods to defined tumor volumes on PET images. This paper reviews most of the methodologies that have been recently proposed and discusses their framework and methodological and/or clinical validation. Perspectives regarding the future work to be done are also suggested


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    Ce numéro de la Revue d’histoire de l’enfance « irrégulière » (Rhei) pose le curseur sur un moment précis de l’histoire de la psychiatrie infantile, son premier congrès international, tenu à Paris du 24 juillet au 1er août 1937. Pourquoi se concentrer sur un tel événement ? D’abord, l’étude de ce congrès international permet d’évoquer la question de l’institutionnalisation d’une spécialité médicale qui a fait de l’enfant « irrégulier » son objet. Et cela permet de croiser plusieurs histoires,..

    Fetal tachycardia: A role for amiodarone as first- or second-line therapy?

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    SummaryBackgroundFetal tachycardias result in serious prenatal and postnatal morbidity and mortality. Intrauterine treatment can improve prognosis dramatically and the therapeutic protocol is well defined. Currently, amiodarone is used as third-line therapy and is reserved for refractory cases.AimsOur aim was to review the management and outcome of fetal tachycardia, giving particular consideration to the efficacy and safety of amiodarone therapy.MethodsThis was a retrospective study of 24 consecutive cases of sustained fetal tachycardia, treated mainly with digoxin and/or amiodarone administered by the transplacental route.ResultsThe 24 fetal tachycardias comprised 16 supraventricular tachycardias with 1:1 atrioventricular conduction, seven atrial flutters and one ventricular tachycardia. Seven fetuses were hydropic and eight experienced less severe cardiac failure. Digoxin monotherapy converted 5/12 non-hydropic fetuses and 0/2 hydropic fetuses, with one intrauterine death. Amiodarone monotherapy converted 5/5 fetuses, including two hydropic fetuses: one ventricular tachycardia, two atrial flutters and two supraventricular tachycardias. When administered with digoxin, amiodarone converted all but two fetuses (7/9). No deaths were associated with amiodarone, but there was moderate morbidity, with six transient elevations of thyroid stimulating hormone at birth, two of which required short-term thyroid hormonal substitution therapy.ConclusionMaternal oral amiodarone seems to be effective and relatively safe, even in hydropic fetuses. We suggest that this treatment could be used earlier than is currently advised
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