530 research outputs found

    Relatively Inaccessible Abundance: Reflections on U.S. Health Care

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    Outsiders' views of American health care - and Canadian views in particular - contains this paradox: ready access to excellent high tech services for those who can pay but unfortunately too expensive for many Americans; in essence, inaccessible abundance. In this paper, I embellish upon this paradox with an initial examination of the rather complicated organization of American health care as viewed by an outside observer. I then highlight the key benefits and drawbacks seen of U.S. health care, grounded in empirical data, and how despite its drawbacks it is being spread to other countries. I conclude with a discussion of the values inherent in the provision of health care - that is, whether it should be viewed as a commodity or as a right of the citizens of a nation.U.S. health care, accessibility, external views

    L’universitĂ© aujourd’hui, comme hier ? Le regard d’Emmanuel Kant sur l’université  200 ans plus tard

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    Universitaire prenant le risque de parler de l’universitĂ© sans renoncer au « je », l’auteur propose une analyse du champ universitaire aujourd’hui sous l’angle du « conflit des facultĂ©s » dont parlait Emmanuel Kant il y a plus de deux cents ans. À l’heure de la globalisation d’un marchĂ© mondialisĂ©, il y a risque que les rapports entre sociĂ©tĂ©(s) et universitĂ©(s) conduisent Ă  une nouvelle sujĂ©tion, non plus aux pouvoirs religieux ou politique, mais Ă©conomique. La conclusion prend la forme d’un plaidoyer en faveur du maintien d’une nĂ©cessaire et fĂ©conde tension entre divers ordres et divers modes de rationalitĂ© dans les universitĂ©s et dans les sociĂ©tĂ©s.As a University academic who dares to speak frankly, this author proposes an analysis of the current university situation from the viewpoint of « conflict of faculties », a topic discussed by Emmanuel Kant over 200 years ago. Given the current globalisation of world markets, there is a risk that relations between societies and universities lead to a new constraint, not related to religious or political power, but rather economic. The conclusion is stated in the form of a plea in favour of the maintenance of a necessary and developing tension between various levels and various ways of rationalizing both in universities and societies.Universitario, arriesgĂĄndose a hablar de la universidad sin renunciar al « yo », el autor propone un anĂĄlisis del campo universitario actual bajo el ĂĄngulo del « conflicto de facultades » del cual hablaba Emmanul Kant hace mas de doscientos años. En el momento de la globalizaciĂłn de un mercado mundializado, existe el riesgo que las relaciones entre sociedad(es) y universidad(es) conduzcan a un servilismo, no ya a los poderes religiosos o polĂ­ticos, sino al econĂłmico. La conclusiĂłn toma la forma de un alegato en favor del mantenimiento de una necesaria y fecunda tensiĂłn entre Ăłrdenes diversos y modos diferentes de racionalidad en la universidades y en las sociedades.Der Autor, der sich nicht scheut, in der ersten Person zu sprechen, obwohl er selbst einer UniversitĂ€t angehört, will die gegenwĂ€rtige Situation der UniversitĂ€ten analysieren unter dem Aspekt des „FakultĂ€tenkonflikts“ (ein Terminus, den schon Emmanuel Kant vor mehr als 200 Jahren verwendet hat). Angesichts der Globalisierung des Weltmarkts besteht heutzutage die Gefahr, dass das VerhĂ€ltnis zwischen Gesellschaft(en) und Universi-tĂ€t(en)zu neuen AbhĂ€ngigkeiten fĂŒhrt, nicht von politischen oder religiösen, aber von wirtschaftlichen MĂ€chten. Anstelle einer Schluss-folgerung liefert der Autor ein PlĂ€doyer zugunsten einer ebenso notwendigen wie fruchtbaren Spannung zwischen den ver-schie-denen RationalitĂ€ten, von denen sowohl die UniversitĂ€ten als auch die Gesellschaften geprĂ€gt sind

    Le risque de vivre

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    Des familles ressources : à quelles conditions?

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    AprĂšs avoir rappelĂ© les principales orientations du rĂŽle des familles dans ton projet de santĂ© mentale du comitĂ© Harnois, l'auteur tente de rĂ©pondre aux trois questions suivantes : de quelles familles s'agit-il?, que peut ĂȘtre leur concours Ă©ventuel et quelles sont les conditions nĂ©cessaires pour ce faire?After having spelled out the role of families as described in the proposal outlined by the Harnois committee on mental health, the author attempts to answer three questions : who are these families, what can become of their involvement and what conditions are required for it to succeed

    L'éthique et le droit aujourd'hui : quand les fondations sont ébranlées...

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    Le dĂ©veloppement technologique des derniĂšres dĂ©cennies, parmi bien d'autres facteurs d'une mutation sociale en cours, place la vie des personnes et des collectivitĂ©s sous le triple signe de la pluralitĂ© et de la relativitĂ©, du changement et du transitoire, d'interdĂ©pendances multiples et sans cesse plus larges. Cela remet en cause l'Ă©thique et le droit dans leurs repĂšres habituels et jusque dans leurs fondements. Éthiciens et juristes doivent en consĂ©quence reprendre les patients chemins de l'interrogation et de la discussion, acceptant de participer aux larges dĂ©bats pour tenter de dĂ©gager les consensus provisoires requis et proposer des repĂšres utiles pour l'exercice d'une responsabilitĂ© dĂ©sormais partagĂ©e.Technological development over these past decades —along with many other factors driving social changes — has put individuals and communities under the triple sign of plurality and relativity, change and transition, and increasingly multiple interdependencies. This calls ethics and law into question in areas traditionally their own and even touches their foundations. As a result, ethicists and jurists must patiently trod the paths of interrogation and discussion, accepting participation in general debates in an attempt to find requisite temporary consensus and put forth useful reference points to assist the assuming of what is now a shared responsibility

    « Mort ou faute » : essai sur les fantasmes de suicide-limite comme effets d’une diffĂ©renciation interdite

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    À partir d’une lecture de La MĂ©tamorphose de Franz Kafka, l’auteur propose une thĂ©orie du suicide-limite qui tienne compte de la pathologie familiale introjectĂ©e par le sujet suicidant. D’abord, la transformation radicale de Gregor Samsa en cancrelat et, ensuite, sa lente agonie vers la mort seront comprises comme ses tentatives de se diffĂ©rencier d’une famille aux limites mal rĂ©gulĂ©es. Paradoxalement, le passage Ă  trĂ©pas de Gregor sera aussi sa seule façon de se rĂ©unir avec une image idĂ©alisĂ©e de sa famille, Ă©branlĂ©e par sa rĂ©cente mĂ©tamorphose. L’article permet Ă©galement de discuter de l’étrangetĂ© mortifĂšre qui envahit l’expĂ©rience-limite du corps et du langage, enferme le sujet dans une solitude sans bons objets intĂ©riorisĂ©s, et le fait glisser vers la mort, devenue l’ultime solution Ă  son problĂšme d’exister

    Brain Drain and Regain: The Migration Behaviour of South African Medical Professionals (Migration Policy Series No. 65)

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    Since the end of apartheid, South Africa has experienced a significant outflow of health professionals. The out-migration of health professionals from the country is part of a broader global trend of health professional migration from the Global South to the Global North. In the health sector, this “brain drain” has led to a significant decline in the quality of care in affected countries. The costs of health professional migration for countries of origin are usually measured in terms of lost investment in training and the gaps in medical care left by their departure. One recent study, for example, estimated that the cost to South Africa in lost investment in training from the emigration of health physicians to Australia, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom amounts to USD1.4 billion. Previous studies have predicted that medical migration from South Africa is unlikely to subside in the short and medium term as health professionals and trainees exhibit very high emigration potential. This report provides an updated (2013) picture of the state of mind of South African health professionals. It also allows an assessment of whether professional attitudes and perceptions have changed between 2007 and 2013 including (a) whether levels of satisfaction with work and life in South Africa have improved or worsened; (b) whether emigration potential has declined or intensified amongst health professionals and (c) whether the “brain drain” from South Africa is likely to continue. These questions are of particular relevance given various changes in the health sector since 2007. Return migration has been advocated internationally as an antidote to the brain drain and an important downstream benefit for countries of origin in the South. This report therefore provides important new information about the implications of health professional return migration to South Africa. Another strategy adopted by some countries is to use immigration policy as a means of dealing with health professional shortages. South Africa is a destination country for health professionals from some countries although, with the exception of official schemes to temporarily import Cuban and Tunisian doctors, this is not official policy. Significantly, the medical professions have only just appeared on the government scarceskills lists that have been published for nearly a decade. This survey provided an opportunity to profile a sub-group of non-South African doctors to assess whether they are more inclined to remain in the country than their South African counterparts. The current survey was developed in collaboration with the Institute of Population Health at the University of Ottawa as part of a CIHR-funded global project on health professional migration from India, Jamaica, the Philippines and South Africa. The questionnaire was hosted on the MEDpages website and potential respondents were invited by email to complete the survey. A total of 1,383 completed questionnaires were received from physicians, dentists and pharmacists – a response rate of 7%
