86 research outputs found

    Architecture multi-agents pour la composition automatique de web services

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    http://democritique.org/IT/Documents/Semantic_SOA/Architecture_multi-agents_pour_la_composition_de_web_services.pdfNational audienceLes propositions actuelles de composition automatique de web services atteignent leurs limites dans le cas d'environnements distribués et dynamiques. Nous proposons dans cet article de résoudre ce problÚme en utilisant la planification distribuée multi-agents. Les agents de notre architecture génÚrent collaborativement une description exécutable de service composite, prenant en compte la QoS. ABSTRACT. The existing web service automatic composition approaches are not scaled to dynamic and distributed environments. In this paper, we thus propose to use multi-agent distributed planning. The agents of our architecture collaborate to synthesise an executable description of a QoS-aware composite service

    Sacrifice ratio dispersion within the Euro Zone:What can be learned about implementing a Single Monetary Policy?

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    This article focuses on the comparison of sacrifice ratios as an indicator for structural dispersion within the euro area over the period 1972-2003. Estimates of the sacrifice ratio, defined as the cumulative output cost arising from permanent inflation reduction, are obtained using structural VAR models. Results from sub-period analysis as well as ten-year-period rolling estimates lead to two main conclusions. Firstly empirical evidence displays a recent increase in the average sacrifice ratio, which can be linked to the simultaneous decrease in the average inflation rate: this negative relationship between the initial level of inflation and the cost of disinflation can be seen as a justification for the choice of an inflation objective close to 2% for the European Central Bank (ECB) rather than a target of perfect price stability, potentially very damaging. Secondly, we can't provide evidence of any reduction in European sacrifice ratio dispersion, which would suggest that the nominal convergence triggered by the Maastricht Treaty didn't involve a true reduction of structural differences. It is likely to be a problem in the stance of a single monetary policy, since structural differences imply asymmetric responses of real national economies to the same monetary impulse.Sacrifice ratio ; monetary policy ; convergence ; Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)

    The nonstructural NS1 protein of influenza viruses modulates TP53 splicing through host factor CPSF4

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    International audienceInfluenza A viruses (IAV) are known to modulate and "hijack" several cellular host mechanisms, including gene splicing and RNA maturation machineries. These modulations alter host cellular responses and enable an optimal expression of viral products throughout infection. The interplay between the host protein p53 and IAV, in particular through the viral nonstructural protein NS1, has been shown to be supportive for IAV replication. However, it remains unknown whether alternatively spliced isoforms of p53, known to modulate p53 transcriptional activity, are affected by IAV infection and contribute to IAV replication. Using a TP53 minigene, which mimics intron 9 alternative splicing, we have shown here that the NS1 protein of IAV changes the expression pattern of p53 isoforms. Our results demonstrate that CPSF4 (cellular protein cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor 4) independently and the interaction between NS1 and CPSF4 modulate the alternative splicing of TP53 transcripts, which may result in the differential activation of p53-responsive genes. Finally, we report that CPSF4 and most likely beta and gamma spliced p53 isoforms affect both viral replication and IAV-associated type I interferon secretion. All together, our data show that cellular p53 and CPSF4 factors, both interacting with viral NS1, have a crucial role during IAV replication that allows IAV to interact with and alter the expression of alternatively spliced p53 isoforms in order to regulate the cellular innate response, especially via type I interferon secretion, and perform efficient viral replication

    Probabilistic Modeling of Microbial Metabolic Networks for Integrating Partial Quantitative Knowledge Within the Nitrogen Cycle

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    Understanding the interactions between microbial communities and their environment sufficiently to predict diversity on the basis of physicochemical parameters is a fundamental pursuit of microbial ecology that still eludes us. However, modeling microbial communities is problematic, because (i) communities are complex, (ii) most descriptions are qualitative, and (iii) quantitative understanding of the way communities interact with their surroundings remains incomplete. One approach to overcoming such complications is the integration of partial qualitative and quantitative descriptions into more complex networks. Here we outline the development of a probabilistic framework, based on Event Transition Graph (ETG) theory, to predict microbial community structure across observed chemical data. Using reverse engineering, we derive probabilities from the ETG that accurately represent observations from experiments and predict putative constraints on communities within dynamic environments. These predictions can feedback into the future development of field experiments by emphasizing the most important functional reactions, and associated microbial strains, required to characterize microbial ecosystems

    Mise en place d'un local de confidentialité à l'officine

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    PARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    ModÚles analytiques simplifiés des composants de puissance passifs et actifs pour la conception optimale de convertisseurs

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    Le choix d'une architecture de convertisseur puis la conception d'un prototype démonstrateur, pour répondre à une spécification donnée, reste un exercice difficile dans une jungle topologique et technologique. Le développement d'outils d'aide à la conception est donc un passage obligé pour faciliter la tùche des concepteurs mais aussi pour optimiser véritablement les solutions. La puissance sans cesse croissante des plates-formes logicielles et des ordinateurs personnels offre un potentiel largement suffisant pour atteindre des objectifs ambitieux dans cette assistance à la conception. Cela dit, de nombreux problÚmes restent à résoudre et parmi eux, la synthÚse de modÚles réalistes et utilisables dans l'optimisation d'un systÚme complet n'est pas le moindre. Cette contribution propose une philosophie mixant analyses physiques, formulations empiriques issues de bases de données et caractérisations expérimentales pour construire les modÚles des principaux acteurs des étages de puissance que sont les composants actifs et passifs, associés selon les cas à des vecteurs de refroidissements.</p

    Improving multi-pinhole CZT myocardial perfusion imaging specificity without changing sensibility by using adapted filter parameters

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    Abstract Background Meta-analysis show the diagnostic performance of cardiac dedicated multi-pinhole cadmium-zinc-telluride myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) with a sensibility around 0.9 and a specificity around 0.7. The aim of the present study is to explore a simple method to generate less artefact on MPI using single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and to enhance specificity without changing sensibility. Results From October 2018 to March 2019, 200 patients who underwent SPECT with [99mTc]Tc-tetrofosmin were prospectively recruited: 100 patients with ischemia or necrosis diagnosis (first arm), and 100 patients with myocardial reversible SPECT artefact (second arm). Each SPECT was explored using two image process based on a Butterworth prefilter and post-filter: the original image processing (reconstruction A) with a cut-off frequency equals to 37% of the Nyquist frequency and order equals to 7, and a second image processing (reconstruction B) with a cut-off frequency equals to 25% of the Nyquist frequency and order equals to 5. For each patient, sum stress or rest score with and without septum (SSRS and SSRSws) were calculated with the two reconstructions. No significant statistical difference between SSRSa and SSRSb was identified for the first arm (P = 0.54) and the relative difference ∆r was − 0.5 ± 11.1% (95% CI − 2.7 to 1.7). We found a significant statistical difference between SSRSa and SSRSb for the second arm (p < 0.0001) and the relative difference ∆r was 69.7 ± 16.2% (95% CI 66.6–72.9). Conclusion In conclusion, using a Butterworth prefilter and post-filter cut-off frequency equal to 25% of the Nyquist frequency before iterative reconstruction generates less artefact and improves myocardial SPECT specificity without affecting sensibility compared with the original reconstruction

    Trust in complex actions

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    International audienceCurrent formal models of trust are limited since they only consider an agent’s trust in the atomic action of another agent and therefore do not apply to trust in complex actions where the elements in the complex action are atomic actions of dierent agents. Our aim is to present a logical formalization of trust in complex actions, and to show that this formalization can be useful for the formal characterization of trust in composite services, where trust in a composed service is defined in a compositional way from trust in the components of that service
