33 research outputs found

    Heterologously expressed bacterial and human multidrug resistance proteins confer cadmium resistance to Escherichia coli

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    The human MDR1 gene is induced by cadmium exposure although no resistance to this metal is observed in human cells overexpressing hMDR1. To access the role of MDR proteins in cadmium resistance, human MDR1, Lactococcus lactis lmrA, and Oenococcus oeni omrA were expressed in an Escherichia coli tolC mutant strain which proved to be hypersensitive to cadmium. Both the human and bacterial MDR genes conferred cadmium resistance to E. coli up to 0.4 mM concentration. Protection was abolished by 100 mu M verapamil. Quantification of intracellular cadmium concentration by atomic absorption spectrometry showed a reduced cadmium accumulation in cells expressing the MDR genes. Inside-out membrane vesicles of L. lactis overexpressing lmrA displayed an ATP-dependent Cd-109(2+) uptake that was stimulated by glutathione. An evolutionary model is discussed in which MDR proteins have evolved independently from an ancestor protein displaying both organic xenobiotic- and divalent metal-extrusion abilities

    Detection and Functional Characterization of a 215 Amino Acid N-Terminal Extension in the Xanthomonas Type III Effector XopD

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    During evolution, pathogens have developed a variety of strategies to suppress plant-triggered immunity and promote successful infection. In Gram-negative phytopathogenic bacteria, the so-called type III protein secretion system works as a molecular syringe to inject type III effectors (T3Es) into plant cells. The XopD T3E from the strain 85-10 of Xanthomonas campestris pathovar vesicatoria (Xcv) delays the onset of symptom development and alters basal defence responses to promote pathogen growth in infected tomato leaves. XopD was previously described as a modular protein that contains (i) an N-terminal DNA-binding domain (DBD), (ii) two tandemly repeated EAR (ERF-associated amphiphillic repression) motifs involved in transcriptional repression, and (iii) a C-terminal cysteine protease domain, involved in release of SUMO (small ubiquitin-like modifier) from SUMO-modified proteins. Here, we show that the XopD protein that is produced and secreted by Xcv presents an additional N-terminal extension of 215 amino acids. Closer analysis of this newly identified N-terminal domain shows a low complexity region rich in lysine, alanine and glutamic acid residues (KAE-rich) with high propensity to form coiled-coil structures that confers to XopD the ability to form dimers when expressed in E. coli. The full length XopD protein identified in this study (XopD1-760) displays stronger repression of the XopD plant target promoter PR1, as compared to the XopD version annotated in the public databases (XopD216-760). Furthermore, the N-terminal extension of XopD, which is absent in XopD216-760, is essential for XopD type III-dependent secretion and, therefore, for complementation of an Xcv mutant strain deleted from XopD in its ability to delay symptom development in tomato susceptible cultivars. The identification of the complete sequence of XopD opens new perspectives for future studies on the XopD protein and its virulence-associated functions in planta


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    The Tol/PAL and TonB systems : two envelope-spanning protein complexes involved in colicin import in E. coli.

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    International audienceMutants in tolA, B, Q, and R genes have been isolated on the basis of their tolerance to bacterial toxins (colicins) and their resistance to the infection of filamentous phages (Ml3, fd, and fl) (Davies and Reeves, 1975a, 1975b ; Nagel de Zwaig and Luria, 1967). These genes form a cluster at 16,8 min on the chromosomal map of E. coli. tol mutants are hypersensitive to detergents and to certain drugs, and they release periplasmic proteins into the growth medium (Nagel de Zwaig and Luria, 1967). Mutations in a contiguous gene, pal, which encodes the outer membrane Peptidoglycan Associated Lipoprotein (PAL), generate a similar phenotype (Fognini-Lefebvre et al., 1987). This suggests that the Tol/PAL proteins are involved in maintaining the integrity of the outer membrane of E. coli. However, the exact physiological role of the Tol/PAL system has not yet been elucidated

    Validation of the use of multiple internal control genes, and the application of real-time quantitative PCR, to study esterase gene expression in Oenococcus oeni

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    The study of gene expression and accurate quantitation of target genes in any organism depends on correct normalisation. Due to the increase in studies on Oenococcus oeni gene expression, there is a clear need for alternative reference genes in order to reliably measure expression levels. In this manuscript, we propose the approach of using multiple reference genes to provide a more robust basis for establishing a reference gene set. The identification and evaluation of a panel of nine reference genes, including the commonly used ldhD, for real-time PCR normalisation was performed in O. oeni. Expression levels of these reference genes were then measured by real-time qPCR in an independent set of O. oeni samples (n = 30). The nine genes were ranked according to their stability of gene expression measure (M) using geNorm to identify the most consistently expressed reference genes. This approach resulted in the identification of multiple reference genes that may be used for a screening and more robust normalisation of target gene expression measured by real-time RT-qPCR. Expression of esterase genes was then measured in these O. oeni samples in the presence of known esterase substrates. The results give an indication of how these genes may be involved in ester synthesis and hydrolysis in O. oeni.Krista M. Sumby, Paul R. Grbin, Vladimir Jirane