656 research outputs found

    Temperature structure of the intergalactic medium within seven nearby and bright clusters of galaxies observed with XMM-Newton

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    Aims. We map the temperature structure of the intra-cluster medium (ICM) within a nearly complete X-ray flux limited sample of galaxy clusters in the redshift range z=[0.045,0.096]. Our sample contains seven bright clusters of galaxies observed with XMM-Newton: Abell 399, Abell 401, Abell 478, Abell 1795, Abell 2029, Abell 2065, Abell 2256. Methods. We use a multi-scale spectral mapping algorithm especially designed to map spectroscopic observables from X-ray extended emission of the ICM. Derived from a former algorithm using Haar wavelets, our algorithm is now implemented with B-spline wavelets in order to perform a more regular analysis of the signal. Results. For the four clusters in our sample that are major mergers, we find a complex thermal structure with strong thermal variations consistent with their dynamics. For two of them, A2065 and A2256, we perform a 3-d analysis of cold front features evidenced from the gas temperature and brightness maps. Furthermore, we detect a significant non-radial thermal structure outside the cool core region of the other 3 more "regular" clusters, with relative amplitudes of about about 10%. We investigate possible implications of this structure on the mass estimates of the "regular" clusters A1795 and A2029, by extracting surface brightness and temperature profiles from sectors correspondings to the hottest and coldest regions in the maps. While compensating with surface brightness for A2029, leading to consistent mass profiles, the temperature structure leads to significant mass discrepancies in the innermost region of A1795.Comment: published in A&

    A multiscale regularized restoration algorithm for XMM-Newton data

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    We introduce a new multiscale restoration algorithm for images with few photons counts and its use for denoising XMM data. We use a thresholding of the wavelet space so as to remove the noise contribution at each scale while preserving the multiscale information of the signal. Contrary to other algorithms the signal restoration process is the same whatever the signal to noise ratio is. Thresholds according to a Poisson noise process are indeed computed analytically at each scale thanks to the use of the unnormalized Haar wavelet transform. Promising preliminary results are obtained on X-ray data for Abell 2163 with the computation of a temperature map.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of `Galaxy Clusters and the High Redshift Universe Observed in X-rays', XXIth Moriond Astrophysics Meeting (March 2001), Eds. Doris Neumann et a

    Shock heating of the merging galaxy cluster A521

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    A521 is an interacting galaxy cluster located at z=0.247, hosting a low frequency radio halo connected to an eastern radio relic. Previous Chandra observations hinted at the presence of an X-ray brightness edge at the position of the relic, which may be a shock front. We analyze a deep observation of A521 recently performed with XMM-Newton in order to probe the cluster structure up to the outermost regions covered by the radio emission. The cluster atmosphere exhibits various brightness and temperature anisotropies. In particular, two cluster cores appear to be separated by two cold fronts. We find two shock fronts, one that was suggested by Chandra and that is propagating to the east, and another to the southwestern cluster outskirt. The two main interacting clusters appear to be separated by a shock heated region, which exhibits a spatial correlation with the radio halo. The outer edge of the radio relic coincides spatially with a shock front, suggesting this shock is responsible for the generation of cosmic ray electrons in the relic. The propagation direction and Mach number of the shock front derived from the gas density jump, M = 2.4 +/- 0.2, are consistent with expectations from the radio spectral index, under the assumption of Fermi I acceleration mechanism

    Pressure profiles of distant galaxy clusters in the Planck catalog

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    Successive releases of Planck data have demonstrated the strength of the Sunyaev--Zeldovich (SZ) effect in detecting hot baryons out to the galaxy cluster peripheries. To infer the hot gas pressure structure from nearby galaxy clusters to more distant objects, we developed a parametric method that models the spectral energy distribution and spatial anisotropies of both the Galactic thermal dust and the Cosmic Microwave Background, that are mixed-up with the cluster SZ and dust signals. Taking advantage of the best angular resolution of the High Frequency Instrument channels (5 arcmin) and using X-ray priors in the innermost cluster regions that are not resolved with Planck, this modelling allowed us to analyze a sample of 61 nearby members of the Planck catalog of SZ sources (0<z<0.50 < z < 0.5, z~=0.15\tilde{z} = 0.15) using the full mission data, as well as to examine a distant sample of 23 clusters (0.5<z<10.5 < z < 1, z~=0.56\tilde{z} = 0.56) that have been recently followed-up with XMM-Newton and Chandra observations. We find that (i) the average shape of the mass-scaled pressure profiles agrees with results obtained by the Planck collaboration in the nearby cluster sample, and that (ii) no sign of evolution is discernible between averaged pressure profiles of the low- and high-redshift cluster samples. In line with theoretical predictions for these halo masses and redshift ranges, the dispersion of individual profiles relative to a self-similar shape stays well below 10 % inside r500r_{500} but increases in the cluster outskirts.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Merging clusters of galaxies observed with XMM-Newton

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    We present results from the XMM-Newton observations of our ongoing program on merging clusters. To date three clusters have been observed, covering the temporal sequence from early to late stage mergers: A1750, A2065 and A3921. Using spatially-resolved spectroscopy of discrete regions, hardness ratio and temperature maps, we show that all three clusters display a complex temperature structure. In the case of A1750, a double cluster, we argue that the observed temperature structure is not only related to the ongoing merger but also to previous merger events. A2065 seems an excellent example of a `compact merger', i.e. when the centres of the two clusters have just started to interact, producing a shock in the ICM. Using comparisons with numerical simulations and complementary optical data, the highly complex temperature structure evident in A3921 is interpreted as an off-axis merger between two unequal mass components. These results illustrate the complex physics of merger events. The relaxation time can be larger than the typical time between merger events, so that the present day morphology of clusters depends not only on on-going interaction but also on the more ancient formation history.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Use elsart.cls. Accepted for publication in Advances in Space Research. A version with full resolution figures can be found at http://www.star.bris.ac.uk/elena/cospar_3clusters.pd

    Shapley Supercluster Survey: Ram-Pressure Stripping vs. Tidal Interactions in the Shapley Supercluster

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    We present two new examples of galaxies undergoing transformation in the Shapley supercluster core. These low-mass (stellar mass from 0.4E10 to 1E10 Msun) galaxies are members of the two clusters SC-1329-313 (z=0.045) and SC-1327-312 (z=0.049). Integral-field spectroscopy complemented by imaging in ugriK bands and in Halpha narrow-band are used to disentangle the effects of tidal interaction (TI) and ram-pressure stripping (RPS). In both galaxies, SOS-61086 and SOS-90630, we observe one-sided extraplanar ionized gas extending respectively 30kpc and 41kpc in projection from their disks. The galaxies' gaseous disks are truncated and the kinematics of the stellar and gas components are decoupled, supporting the RPS scenario. The emission of the ionized gas extends in the direction of a possible companion for both galaxies suggesting a TI. The overall gas velocity field of SOS-61086 is reproduced by ad hoc N-body/hydrodynamical simulations of RPS acting almost face-on and starting about 250Myr ago, consistent with the age of the young stellar populations. A link between the observed gas stripping and the cluster-cluster interaction experienced by SC-1329-313 and A3562 is suggested. Simulations of ram pressure acting almost edge-on are able to fully reproduce the gas velocity field of SOS-90630, but cannot at the same time reproduce the extended tail of outflowing gas. This suggests that an additional disturbance from a TI is required. This study adds a piece of evidence that RPS may take place in different environments with different impacts and witnesses the possible effect of cluster-cluster merger on RPS.Comment: 27 pages, 28 figures, MNRAS accepte

    A2163: Merger events in the hottest Abell galaxy cluster II. Subcluster accretion with galaxy-gas separation

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    Located at z = 0.203, A2163 is a rich galaxy cluster with an intra-cluster medium (ICM) that exhibits extraordinary properties, including an exceptionally high X-ray luminosity, average temperature, and a powerful and extended radio halo. The irregular and complex morphology of its gas and galaxy structure suggests that this cluster has recently undergone major merger events that involve two or more cluster components. In this paper, we study the gas structure and dynamics by means of spectral-imaging analysis of X-ray data obtained from XMM-Newton and Chandra observations. From the evidence of a cold front, we infer the westward motion of a cool core across the E-W elongated atmosphere of the main cluster A2163-A. Located close to a galaxy over-density, this gas 'bullet' appears to have been spatially separated from its galaxy (and presumably dark matter component) as a result of high-velocity accretion. From gas brightness and temperature profile analysis performed in two opposite regions of the main cluster, we show that the ICM has been adiabatically compressed behind the crossing 'bullet' possibly because of shock heating, leading to a strong departure of the ICM from hydrostatic equilibrium in this region. Assuming that the mass estimated from the Yx proxy best indicates the overall mass of the system and that the western cluster sector is in approximate hydrostatic equilibrium before subcluster accretion, we infer a merger scenario between two subunits of mass ratio 1:4, leading to a present total system mass of M500 1.9×1015M\propto 1.9 \times 1015 M_{\odot}. The exceptional properties of A2163 present various similarities with those of 1E0657-56, the so-called 'bullet-cluster'. These similarities are likely to be related to a comparable merger scenario.Comment: A&A, in pres

    A weak lensing analysis of the PLCK G100.2-30.4 cluster

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    We present a mass estimate of the Planck-discovered cluster PLCK G100.2-30.4, derived from a weak lensing analysis of deep SUBARU griz images. We perform a careful selection of the background galaxies using the multi-band imaging data, and undertake the weak lensing analysis on the deep (1hr) r-band image. The shape measurement is based on the KSB algorithm; we adopt the PSFex software to model the Point Spread Function (PSF) across the field and correct for this in the shape measurement. The weak lensing analysis is validated through extensive image simulations. We compare the resulting weak lensing mass profile and total mass estimate to those obtained from our re-analysis of XMM-Newton observations, derived under the hypothesis of hydrostatic equilibrium. The total integrated mass profiles are in remarkably good agreement, agreeing within 1σ\sigma across their common radial range. A mass M5007×1014MM_{500} \sim 7 \times 10^{14} M_\odot is derived for the cluster from our weak lensing analysis. Comparing this value to that obtained from our reanalysis of XMM-Newton data, we obtain a bias factor of (1-b) = 0.8 ±\pm 0.1. This is compatible within 1σ\sigma with the value of (1-b) obtained by Planck Collaboration XXIV from their calibration of the bias factor using newly-available weak lensing reconstructed masses.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysics; updates in affiliation

    Merging history of three bimodal clusters

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    We present a combined X-ray and optical analysis of three bimodal galaxy clusters selected as merging candidates at z ~ 0.1. These targets are part of MUSIC (MUlti--Wavelength Sample of Interacting Clusters), which is a general project designed to study the physics of merging clusters by means of multi-wavelength observations. Observations include spectro-imaging with XMM-Newton EPIC camera, multi-object spectroscopy (260 new redshifts), and wide-field imaging at the ESO 3.6m and 2.2m telescopes. We build a global picture of these clusters using X-ray luminosity and temperature maps together with galaxy density and velocity distributions. Idealized numerical simulations were used to constrain the merging scenario for each system. We show that A2933 is very likely an equal-mass advanced pre-merger ~ 200 Myr before the core collapse, while A2440 and A2384 are post-merger systems ~ 450 Myr and ~1.5 Gyr after core collapse, respectively). In the case of A2384, we detect a spectacular filament of galaxies and gas spreading over more than 1 h^{-1} Mpc, which we infer to have been stripped during the previous collision. The analysis of the MUSIC sample allows us to outline some general properties of merging clusters: a strong luminosity segregation of galaxies in recent post-mergers; the existence of preferential axes --corresponding to the merging directions-- along which the BCGs and structures on various scales are aligned; the concomitance, in most major merger cases, of secondary merging or accretion events, with groups infalling onto the main cluster, and in some cases the evidence of previous merging episodes in one of the main components. These results are in good agreement with the hierarchical scenario of structure formation, in which clusters are expected to form by successive merging events, and matter is accreted along large--scale filaments