191 research outputs found

    An Algebraic Formulation of the Division Property: Revisiting Degree Evaluations, Cube Attacks, and Key-Independent Sums

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    Since it was proposed in 2015 as a generalization of integral properties, the division property has evolved into a powerful tool for probing the structures of Boolean functions whose algebraic normal forms are not available. We capture the most essential elements for the detection of division properties from a pure algebraic perspective, proposing a technique named as monomial prediction, which can be employed to determine the presence or absence of a monomial in any product of the coordinate functions of a vectorial Boolean function f\boldsymbol f by counting the number of the so-called monomial trails across a sequence of simpler functions whose composition is f\boldsymbol f. Under the framework of the monomial prediction, we formally prove that most algorithms for detecting division properties in literature raise no false alarms but may miss. We also establish the equivalence between the monomial prediction and the three-subset bit-based division property without unknown subset presented at EUROCRYPT 2020, and show that these two techniques are perfectly accurate. The monomial prediction technique can be regarded as a purification of the definitions of the division properties without resorting to external multisets. This algebraic formulation gives more insights into division properties and inspires new search strategies. With the monomial prediction, we obtain the exact algebraic degrees of TRIVIUM up to 834 rounds for the first time. In the context of cube attacks, we are able to explore a larger search space in limited time and recover the exact algebraic normal forms of complex superpolies with the help of a divide-and-conquer strategy. As a result, we identify more cubes with smaller dimensions, leading to improvements of some near-optimal attacks against 840-, 841- and 842-round TRIVIUM

    Re-evaluating microglia expression profiles using RiboTag and cell isolation strategies

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    Transcriptome profiling is widely used to infer functional states of specific cell types, as well as their responses to stimuli, to define contributions to physiology and pathophysiology. Focusing on microglia, the brain’s macrophages, we report here a side-by-side comparison of classical cell-sorting-based transcriptome sequencing and the ‘RiboTag’ method, which avoids cell retrieval from tissue context and yields translatome sequencing information. Conventional whole-cell microglial transcriptomes were found to be significantly tainted by artifacts introduced by tissue dissociation, cargo contamination and transcripts sequestered from ribosomes. Conversely, our data highlight the added value of RiboTag profiling for assessing the lineage accuracy of Cre recombinase expression in transgenic mice. Collectively, this study indicates method-based biases, reveals observer effects and establishes RiboTag-based translatome profiling as a valuable complement to standard sorting-based profiling strategies

    Provable Security Evaluation of Structures against Impossible Differential and Zero Correlation Linear Cryptanalysis

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    Impossible differential and zero correlation linear cryptanalysis are two of the most important cryptanalytic vectors. To characterize the impossible differentials and zero correlation linear hulls which are independent of the choices of the non-linear components, Sun et al. proposed the structure deduced by a block cipher at CRYPTO 2015. Based on that, we concentrate in this paper on the security of the SPN structure and Feistel structure with SP-type round functions. Firstly, we prove that for an SPN structure, if \alpha_1\rightarrow\beta_1 and \alpha_2\rightarrow\beta_ are possible differentials, \alpha_1|\alpha_2\rightarrow\beta_1|\beta_2 is also a possible differential, i.e., the OR | operation preserves differentials. Secondly, we show that for an SPN structure, there exists an r-round impossible differential if and only if there exists an r-round impossible differential \alpha\not\rightarrow\beta where the Hamming weights of both \alpha and \beta are 1. Thus for an SPN structure operating on m bytes, the computation complexity for deciding whether there exists an impossible differential can be reduced from O(2^{2m}) to O(m^2). Thirdly, we associate a primitive index with the linear layers of SPN structures. Based on the matrices theory over integer rings, we prove that the length of impossible differentials of an SPN structure is upper bounded by the primitive index of the linear layers. As a result we show that, unless the details of the S-boxes are considered, there do not exist 5-round impossible differentials for the AES and ARIA. Lastly, based on the links between impossible differential and zero correlation linear hull, we projected these results on impossible differentials to zero correlation linear hulls. It is interesting to note some of our results also apply to the Feistel structures with SP-type round functions

    Optimisation of Biochemical Condition and Substrates In Vitro for Tissue Engineering of Ligament

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    In this work, we analysed the effect of growth factors on in vitro cell proliferation and collagens synthesis by fibroblasts cultured for 72 h on different substrates (silicon sheet with or without 1% gelatin, and glass as control surface) for ligament tissue engineering. A human fibroblast cell line (CRL-2703) was used. The synthesis of type I and type III collagens were evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively by RT-PCR and confocal microscopy, respectively. Cell proliferation was evaluated by two methods: (1) MTT assay (2) cell cycle analysis. It was found that PDGF-AB stimulate the proliferation of fibroblast cultured on gelatin coated silicon sheet in dose dependant manner with a maximum effect at 10 ng ml(−1). The exogenous TGF-β1 induced the expression of type I and type III collagens in a dose and substrate-dependant manner. We deduce from this work that biochemical conditions and substrates have an important impact for optimisation of the tissue neo synthesis

    Improved Key Recovery Attacks on Reduced-Round AES with Practical Data an d Memory Complexities

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    Determining the security of AES is a central problem in cryptanalysis, but progress in this area had been slow and only a handful of cryptanalytic techniques led to significant advancements. At Eurocrypt 2017 Grassi et al. presented a novel type of distinguisher for AES-like structures, but so far all the published attacks which were based on this distinguisher were inferior to previously known attacks in their complexity. In this paper we combine the technique of Grassi et al. with several other techniques in a novel way to obtain the best known key recovery attack on 5-round AES in the single-key model, reducing its overall complexity from about 2322^{32} to less than 2222^{22}. Extending our techniques to 7-round AES, we obtain the best known attacks on AES-192 which use practical amounts of data and memory, breaking the record for such attacks which was obtained in 2000 by the classical Square attack

    Compact Polyelectrolyte Complexes: “Saloplastic” Candidates for Biomaterials

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    Precipitates of polyelectrolyte complexes were transformed into rugged shapes suitable for bioimplants by ultracentrifugation in the presence of high salt concentration. Salt ions dope the complex, creating a softer material with viscous fluid-like properties. Complexes that were compacted under the centrifugal field (CoPECs) were made from poly(diallyldimethyl ammonium), PDADMA, as polycation, and poly(styrene sulfonate), PSS, or poly(methacrylic acid), PMAA, as polyanion. Dynamic mechanical testing revealed a rubbery plateau at lower frequencies for PSS/PDADMA with moduli that decreased with increasing salt concentration, as internal ion pair cross-links were broken. CoPECs had significantly lower modulii compared to similar polyelectrolyte complexes prepared by the “multilayering ” method. The difference in mechanical properties was ascribed to higher water content (located in micropores) for the former and, more importantly, to their nonstoichiometric polymer composition. The modulus of PMAA/PDADMA CoPECs, under physiological conditions, demonstrated dynamic mechanical properties that were close to those of the nucleus pulposus in an intervertebral disk

    TBC1D3, a Hominoid-Specific Gene, Delays IRS-1 Degradation and Promotes Insulin Signaling by Modulating p70 S6 Kinase Activity

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    Insulin/IGF-1 signaling plays a pivotal role in the regulation of cellular homeostasis through its control of glucose metabolism as well as due to its effects on cell proliferation. Aberrant regulation of insulin signaling has been repeatedly implicated in uncontrolled cell growth and malignant transformations. TBC1D3 is a hominoid specific gene previously identified as an oncogene in breast and prostate cancers. Our efforts to identify the molecular mechanisms of TBC1D3-induced oncogenesis revealed the role of TBC1D3 in insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathway. We document here that TBC1D3 intensifies insulin/IGF-1-induced signal transduction through intricate, yet elegant fine-tuning of signaling mechanisms. We show that TBC1D3 expression substantially delayed ubiquitination and degradation of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1). This effect is achieved through suppression of serine phosphorylation at S636/639, S307 and S312 of IRS-1, which are key phosphorylation sites required for IRS-1 degradation. Furthermore, we report that the effect of TBC1D3 on IRS-1:S636/639 phosphorylation is mediated through TBC1D3-induced activation of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), followed by suppression of T389 phosphorylation on p70 S6 kinase (S6K). TBC1D3 specifically interacts with PP2A regulatory subunit B56γ, indicating that TBC1D3 and PP2A B56γ operate jointly to promote S6K:T389 dephosphorylation. These findings suggest that TBC1D3 plays an unanticipated and potentially unique role in the fine-tuning of insulin/IGF-1 signaling, while providing novel insights into the regulation of tumorigenesis by a hominoid-specific protein