102 research outputs found


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    Secara teoretis kata “anak” mempunyai dua pengertian, pertama: anak dalam pengertian biologis, yaitu kedudukan sebagai anak yang disebabkan oleh faktor kelahiran, nasab, atau keturunan, dan kedua: anak ideologis, yaitu kedudukan sebagai anak yang disebabkan oleh ikatan-ikatan nilai, seperti nilai kemanusiaan, kepatuhan, ikatan batiniah dan kesamaan pandangan. Menurut pandangan M. Quraish Shihab, term anak dalam al-Qur’ân yang merujuk pada kedua pengertian di atas tercakup dalam beberapa istilah, yaitu: aulâd, al-banûn, aż-żurriyyah, ťifl, śabiy, dan ģulâm. Istilah-istilah tersebut tidaklah berimplikasi pada perbedaan-perbedaan normatif yang mengarah pada perbedaan sikap dan cara pandang orangtua, guru dan masyarakat terhadap anak dalam kaitannya dengan pendidikan, melainkan sebatas pada implikasi konseptual. Shihab menegaskan bahwa setiap kata dalam al-Qur’ân yang mengandung arti anak, menggambarkan suatu keadaan yang khusus menurut konteksnya

    Voronoi binding site models: Calculation of binding modes and influence of drug binding data accuracy

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    A new and accurate method for calculating the geometrically allowed modes of binding of a ligand molecule to a Voronoi site model is reported. It is shown that the feasibility of the binding of a group of atoms to a Voronoi site reduces to a simple set of linear and quadratic inequalities and quadratic equalities which can be solved by minimization of a simple function. Newton's numerical method of solution coupled to a line search proved to be successful. Moreover, we have developed efficient molecular and site data bases to discard quickly infeasible binding modes without time-consuming numerical calculation. The method is tested with a data set consisting of the binding constants for a series of biphenyls binding to prealbumin. After determination of the conformation space of the molecules and proposal of a Voronoi site geometry, the geometrically feasible modes are calculated and the energy interaction parameters determined to fit the observed binding energies to the site within experimental error ranges. We actually allowed these ranges to vary in order to study the influence of their broadness on the site geometry and found that as they increase, one can first model the receptor as a three-region site then as a single region site, but never as a two-region site.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/38280/1/540100509_ftp.pd


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    Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengidentifikasi konsentrasi aglomerasi industri olahan di Kota Kotamobagu, Untuk menganalisis pengaruh aglomerasi industri olahan terhadap PDRB ADHK per kapita Kota Kotamobagu, Untuk menganalisis pengaruh industri olahan terhadap PDRB ADHK per kapita Kota Kotamobagu, Untuk menganalisis pengaruh tenaga kerja yang bekerja di industri olahan terhadap PDRB ADHK per kapita Kota Kotamobagu dan Untuk menganalisis pengaruh industri olahan, jumlah industry olahan dan tenaga kerja yang bekerja di industri olahan terhadap PDRB ADHK per kapita Kota Kotamobagu. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari instansi-instansi terkait seperti BPS, Dinas Perindustrian dan Bappelitbangda. Data yang digunakan adalah data jumlah industri olahan, jumlah tenaga dan PDRB ADHK, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, jumlah penduduk dan PDRB ADHK/kapita periode 2017-2021 (lima tahun). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pentingnya aglomerasi industri olahan yang terjadi di Kecamatan Kotamobagu Timur dalam meningkat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang diproksi dengan PDRB ADHK per kapita. Besaran aglomerasi di Kecamatan Kotamobagu Timur mencapai diatas 10 selang 5 (lima) tahun terakhir atau memiliki rata-rata tingkat spesialisasi industri olahan sebesar 11,65. Sesuai dengan fungsinya bahwa Aglomerasi industri pada suatu daerah akan mempercepat pertumbuhan perekonomian, karena menciptakan pola konsumsi yang berbeda antar daerah sehingga perkembangan industri di daerah tersebut akan mempengaruhi perkembangan daerah-daerah lainnya.   Kata Kunci : Aglomerasi, Industri Olahan, Pertumbuhan Ekonom

    Economics of identity and economics of the firm: why and how their three central questions overlap

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    Toward a Personal Identity Argument to Combine Potentially Conflicting Social Identities

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    International audienceDespite the boom in research on identity in economics, the question of how to depict personal identity in a fashion that combines potentially conflicting social identities has so far been largely ignored. This paper introduces a framework that relies on the structure of the social realm that is exogenous to the individual in order to depict investment decisions as per social identities. The structure of the environment is identified using organizational boundaries and identity production functions are used to combine social identities. The inclusion of the various social spaces that are relevant to personal identity strategies enables one to simultaneously study identification strategies and individuation strategies. It also allows the depiction of social identities that may be conflicting, due to different social commitments and/or norm valuations. This externalist conception of identity helps discuss the limitations of internalist conceptions of identity and accounts for the heterogeneity of identity strategies across individuals

    Identité, Coopération et les Frontières de la Firme

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    Cette thèse développe la théorie de l'identité en économie en utilisant les frontières de la firme pour étudier l'effet de l'identification à la firme sur la coopération intrafirme. Nous nous appuyions sur la définition de l'identité personnelle de John B. Davis et proposons un cadre théorique qui conceptualise la relation entre l'identité et la coopération. Dans ce cadre, l'identité personnelle est le produit du management des identités sociales qu'un individu développe et maintient au travers d'effort d'investissement dans ces identités. Nous utilisons les frontières de la firme pour distinguer les identités sociales qui sont liées à l'entreprise de celles qui ne le sont pas. Nous testons les prédictions théoriques avec des expérimentations de terrain dans de vraies firmes et avec leurs employés, et nous contrôlons l'effet des différents degrés d'affiliation à la firme, notamment en étudiant la coopération entre individus de deux firmes appartenant au même groupe. En cohérence avec la théorie, nous trouvons que l'affiliation à la firme a un impact positif et progressif sur la coopération dans un jeu de contributions volontaires. De plus, une plus grande distance sociale entre les individus implique moins de coopération. Notre stratégie théorique et expérimentale permet de surmonter les nombreuses critiques des approches en termes d'identité sociale. Elle rend compte de l'hétérogénéité des stratégies individuelles dans la gestion des identités sociales, l'impact des institutions sur le comportement individuel et la coopération intrafirme. L'identité personnelle ajoute à l'étude traditionnelle de l'identification à la firme les questions de l'individuation et de l'effet des identités sociales multiples. Nous identifions la structure de cette nouvelle approche du lien entre la cognition et la motivation dans la firme. Nous expliquons comment les questions de cette théorie étendue de l'identité sont liées aux questions centrales de la nature de la firme, de l'organisation interne et des frontières de la firme. Nous analysons les implications de l'inclusion de l'analyse de l'individuation et d’identités sociales multiples sur l'analyse de la coopération. Nous étudions également les effets de l'apprentissage et de la culture d'entreprise sur les stratégies identitaires dans la firmeThis thesis develops the current theory on identity in economics to study the effect of individuals' identification with the firm on intrafirm cooperation by using the boundaries of the firm. We rely on the definition of personal identity given by John B. Davis to develop a theoretical framework that conceptualizes the relationship between identity and cooperation. In that framework, personal identity is the product of the management of the social identities that an individual develops and maintains through investment efforts in those social identities. We exploit firm boundaries to identify how social identities that are related to the firm can be distinguished from those that are not. We test the theoretical predictions by using framed field experiments involving real firms their employees, and we control the effect of different degrees of firm affiliation, notably by studying cooperation between individuals of two firms which are part of the same corporate group. We find that, consistent with theory, affiliation to firms has a positive and gradual impact on cooperation in voluntary contributions mechanism experiments. In addition, higher social distance among individuals implies less cooperation. Our theoretical and experimental strategy overcomes the numerous critiques of social identity approaches. It accounts for the heterogeneity of individual strategies as regards the management of their social identities, the impact of institutions on individual behavior as well as intrafirm cooperation. Personal identity adds to the traditional study of identification with the firm the questions of individuation and of the effect of multiple social identities. We identify the structure of this new approach to the link between cognition and motivation in the firm. We explain how the questions of this extended theory of identity are related to the central questions of the nature of the firm, of internal organization and of the boundaries of the firm. We analyze the implications of the inclusion of the analysis of individuation and multiple social identities concerning cooperation. We also study the effect of learning and corporate culture on identity strategies

    Cooperation and the Boundaries of the Firm: A Framed-Field Experiment

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    This paper studies the effect of firm boundaries on inter-individual cooperation in corporate settings. I conduct a framed-field linear public good game experiment in the natural environment of the workplace. I use information about the actual boundaries of two firms, which are a parent firm and its subsidiary. I document differences in the overall level of cooperation across the parent firm, its subsidiary, and an intra-corporate group that comprises players from both the parent firm and the subsidiary. In stark contrast to previous results, I find that cooperation is increasing over time within the parent firm, indicating that firms can foster stronger cooperation within their boundaries. In other treatments the standard declining cooperation is not rejected. Overall, I find higher levels of contribution to the public good relative to conventional laboratory experiments. I estimate the importance of individuals' identity and find that higher weight placed on identity is associated with higher contributions, but only within the parent firm. Higher levels of self-awareness can help explain patterns of cooperation within the boundaries of the firm

    Possible in Economics

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    Individuals and Identity in Economics

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