379 research outputs found

    Results from One Year of Ka-Band Beacon Measurements at Svalbard

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    Since April 1, 2016, a Ka-band (20.198 GHz) propagation terminal has been installed and operating at the Svalsat facility in Longyearbyen, Norway. This campaign is a joint effort between the European Space Agency (ESA), Kongsberg Satellite Services (KSAT), the French Aerospace Laboratory (ONERA), the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), and NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) to characterize atmospheric attenuation, scintillation, and depolarization in the Ka-band in high latitude regions at low elevation angles. The propagation terminal observes the Thor 7 20.198 GHz RHCP beacon at nominally 2.6 deg elevation angle. Simultaneous 10 Hz and 1 Hz sampling is performed and a total dynamic range of 35 dB is achieved. One year of propagation data has been collected and the preliminary results are presented in this paper. From the first year of measurements, it is observed that at these low elevation angles, strong scintillation/multi-path conditions, as well as significant depolarization events can occur which may impose difficulties in meeting mission link acquisition requirements at 5 deg elevation angle, such as those desired by the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) mission. The design of the dual-polarized terminal with integrated digital radiometer, as well as the data processing techniques are described, along with the first year results and preliminary conclusions

    Simulating the Spitzer mid-IR color-color diagrams

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    We use a simple parameterization of the mid-IR spectra of a wide range of galaxy types in order to predict their distribution in the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) 3.6um, 4.5um, 5.8um, and 8.0um and Multiband Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) 24um color-color diagrams. We distinguish three basic spectral types by the energetically dominant component in the 3--12 micron regime: stellar-dominated; PAH-dominated; and continuum-dominated. We have used a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach to arrive at a more systematic and robust representation of the mid-IR spectra of galaxies than more traditional approaches. We find that IRAC color-color plots are well suited to distinguishing the above spectral types, while the addition of 24 micron data allows us to suggest practical 3-color cuts which preferentially select higher redshift sources of specific type. We compare our simulations with the color-color plot obtained by the Spitzer First Look Survey (FLS) and find reasonable agreement. Lastly, we discuss other applications as well as future directions for this work.Comment: 20p, 12figures, submitted to Ap

    ISOCAM view of the starburst galaxies M82, NGC253, and NGC1808

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    We present results of mid-infrared 5.0-16.5 micron spectrophotometric imaging of the starburst galaxies M82, NGC253, and NGC1808 from the ISOCAM instrument on board the Infrared Space Observatory. The mid-infrared spectra of the three galaxies are very similar in terms of features present. The > 11 micron continuum attributed to very small dust grains (VSGs) exhibits a large spread in intensity relative to the short-wavelength emission. We find that the 15 micron dust continuum flux density correlates well with the fine-structure [ArII] 6.99 micron line flux and thus provides a good quantitative indicator of the level of star formation activity. By contrast, the 5-11 micron region dominated by emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) has a nearly invariant shape. Variations in the relative intensities of the PAH features are nevertheless observed, at the 20%-100% level. We illustrate extinction effects on the shape of the mid-infrared spectrum of obscured starbursts, emphasizing the differences depending on the applicable extinction law and the consequences for the interpretation of PAH ratios and extinction estimates. The relative spatial distributions of the PAH, VSG, and [ArII] 6.99 micron emission between the three galaxies exhibit remarkable differences. The < 1 kpc size of the mid-infrared source is much smaller than the optical extent of our sample galaxies and 70%-100% of the IRAS 12 micron flux is recovered within the ISOCAM < 1.5 arcmin squared field of view, indicating that the nuclear starburst dominates the total mid-infrared emission while diffuse light from quiescent disk star formation contributes little.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics; Figs. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12 appear after Sect.

    Climate change alone cannot explain boreal caribou range recession in Quebec since 1850

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    The contraction of species range is one of the most significant symptoms of biodiversity loss worldwide. While anthropogenic activities and habitat alteration are major threats for several species, climate change should also be considered. For species at risk, differentiating the effects of human disturbances and climate change on past and current range transformations is an important step towards improved conservation strategies. We paired historical range maps with global atmospheric reanalyses from different sources to assess the potential effects of recent climate change on the observed northward contraction of the range of boreal populations of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in Quebec (Canada) since 1850. We quantified these effects by highlighting the discrepancies between different southern limits of the caribou's range (used as references) observed in the past and reconstitutions obtained through the hindcasting of the climate conditions within which caribou are currently found. Hindcasted southern limits moved ~105 km north over time under all reanalysis datasets, a trend drastically different from the ~620 km reported for observed southern limits since 1850. The differences in latitudinal shift through time between the observed and hindcasted southern limits of distribution suggest that caribou range recession should have been only 17% of what has been observed since 1850 if recent climate change had been the only disturbance driver. This relatively limited impact of climate reinforces the scientific consensus stating that caribou range recession in Quebec is mainly caused by anthropogenic drivers (i.e. logging, development of the road network, agriculture, urbanization) that have modified the structure and composition of the forest over the past 160 years, paving the way for habitat-mediated apparent competition and overharvesting. Our results also call for a reconsideration of past ranges in models aiming at projecting future distributions, especially for endangered species. -- Keywords : anthropogenic disturbances ; climate niche ; eastern Canada ; modelling ; Rangifer tarandus caribou ; species distribution model

    A Comparison of TSV Etch Metrology Techniques

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    International audienceWe use three metrology techniques, vertical scanning interferometry (VSI), confocal chromatic microscopy (CCM), and time domain optical coherence tomography (TD-OCT), for depth measurement of through-silicon vias (TSVs) of various cross sections and depths. The merits of these techniques are discussed and compared. Introduction While sales of semiconductor equipment broke a new record this year, many metrology needs should be addressed to support the development and production of electronic chips based on "More than Moore" scaling. Among these scaling approaches, 3D integration based on TSVs offers superior integration density and reduces interconnect length/latency. Measurements are needed to evaluate the depth uniformity of etched TSVs. Indeed, upon metal filling, geometrical variations of TSVs can affect Cu nails coplanarity and can warp the wafer, resulting in a low stacking yield. Measuring the depth of TSVs is an increasingly challenging task as the diameter of many TSVs has now shrunk to only a few microns

    Mid-IR emission of galaxies in the Virgo cluster and in the Coma supercluster.IV. The nature of the dust heating sources

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    We study the relationship between the mid-IR (5-18 μ\mum) emission of late-type galaxies and various other star formation tracers in order to investigate the nature of the dust heating sources in this spectral domain. The analysis is carried out using a sample of 123 normal, late-type, nearby galaxies with available data at several frequencies. The mid-IR luminosity (normalized to the H-band luminosity) correlates better with the far-IR luminosity than with more direct tracers of the young stellar population such as the Hα\alpha and the UV luminosity. The comparison of resolved images reveals a remarkable similarity in the Hα\alpha and mid-IR morphologies, with prominent HII regions at both frequencies. The mid-IR images, however, show in addition a diffuse emission not associated with HII regions nor with the diffuse Hα\alpha emission. This evidence indicates that the stellar population responsible for the heating of dust emitting in the mid-IR is similar to that heating big grains emitting in the far-IR, including relatively evolved stars responsible for the non-ionizing radiation. The scatter in the mid-IR vs. Hα\alpha, UV and far-IR luminosity relation is mostly due to metallicity effects, with metal-poor objects having a lower mid-IR emission per unit star formation rate than metal-rich galaxies. Our analysis indicates that the mid-IR luminosity is not an optimal star formation tracer in normal, late-type galaxies.Comment: accepted for publication on A&

    Remarkable Disk and Off-nuclear Starburst Activity in the "Tadpole Galaxy" as revealed by the Spitzer Space Telescope

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    We present ground-based optical and Spitzer infrared imaging observations of the interacting galaxy UGC 10214, the "Tadpole Galaxy" (z = 0.0310), focusing on the star formation activity in the nuclear, disk, spiral arms and tidal tail regions. The major findings of this study are that the Tadpole is actively forming stars in the main disk outside of the nucleus and in the tidal plume, with an estimated mean star formation rate of ~2 to 4 M_sun/yr. The most prominent sites of mid-infrared emission define a "ring" morphology that, combined with the overall morphology of the system, suggest the interaction may belong to the rare class of off-center collisional ring systems that form both shock-induced rings of star formation and tidal plumes. The nuclear emission is solely powered by older stars, with little evidence for ongoing star formation at the center of the Tadpole. Extra-nuclear star formation accounts for >50% of the total star formation in the disk and spiral arms, featuring infrared-bright 'hot spots' that exhibit strong PAH emission, whose band strength is comparable to that of late-type star-forming disk galaxies. The tidal tail, which extends 2 arcmin (~75 kpc) into the intergalactic medium, is populated by super massive star clusters likely triggered by the galaxy-galaxy interaction that has distorted UGC 10214 into its current "tadpole" shape.Comment: to appear in the January 2006 (vol 131) issue of the Astronomical Journal; high quality graphics are located here: http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/jarrett/tadpole.htm

    Active Disk Building in a local HI-Massive LIRG: The Synergy between Gas, Dust, and Star Formation

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    HIZOA J0836-43 is the most HI-massive (M_HI = 7.5x10^10 Msun) galaxy detected in the HIPASS volume and lies optically hidden behind the Milky Way. Markedly different from other extreme HI disks in the local universe, it is a luminous infrared galaxy (LIRG) with an actively star forming disk (>50 kpc), central to its ~ 130 kpc gas disk, with a total star formation rate (SFR) of ~20.5 Msun yr^{-1}. Spitzer spectroscopy reveals an unusual combination of powerful polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission coupled to a relatively weak warm dust continuum, suggesting photodissociation region (PDR)-dominated emission. Compared to a typical LIRG with similar total infrared luminosity (L_TIR=10^11 Lsun), the PAHs in HIZOA J0836-43 are more than twice as strong, whereas the warm dust continuum (lambda > 20micron) is best fit by a star forming galaxy with L_TIR=10^10 Lsun. Mopra CO observations suggest an extended molecular gas component (H_2 + He > 3.7x10^9 Msun) and a lower limit of ~ 64% for the gas mass fraction; this is above average compared to local disk systems, but similar to that of z~1.5 BzK galaxies (~57%). However, the star formation efficiency (SFE = L_IR/L'_CO) for HIZOA J0836-43 of 140 Lsun (K km s^{-1} pc^2)^{-1} is similar to that of local spirals and other disk galaxies at high redshift, in strong contrast to the increased SFE seen in merging and strongly interacting systems. HIZOA J0836-43 is actively forming stars and building a massive stellar disk. Its evolutionary phase of star formation (M_stellar, SFR, gas fraction) compared to more distant systems suggests that it would be considered typical at redshift z~1. This galaxy provides a rare opportunity in the nearby universe for studying (at z~0.036) how disks were building and galaxies evolving at z~1, when similarly large gas fractions were likely more common.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. 16 pages, 8 figure

    A Spitzer high resolution mid-infrared spectral atlas of starburst galaxies

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    We present an atlas of Spitzer/IRS high resolution (R~600) 10-37um spectra for 24 well known starburst galaxies. The spectra are dominated by fine-structure lines, molecular hydrogen lines, and emission bands of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Six out of the eight objects with a known AGN component show emission of the high excitation [NeV] line. This line is also seen in one other object (NGC4194) with, a priori, no known AGN component. In addition to strong polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission features in this wavelength range (11.3, 12.7, 16.4um), the spectra reveal other weak hydrocarbon features at 10.6, 13.5, 14.2um, and a previously unreported emission feature at 10.75um. An unidentified absorption feature at 13.7um is detected in many of the starbursts. We use the fine-structure lines to derive the abundance of neon and sulfur for 14 objects where the HI 7-6 line is detected. We further use the molecular hydrogen lines to sample the properties of the warm molecular gas. Several basic diagrams characterizing the properties of the sample are also shown. We have combined the spectra of all the pure starburst objects to create a high S/N template, which is available to the community.Comment: 25 pages (emulate apj), 6 tables, 14 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ