15 research outputs found

    Relationship of HLA antigens to larynx carcinoma. Incidence and five-year survival

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    Parmi 110 cancers sus-glottiques au moment du diagnostic on n'observe pas de différence avec les témoins contrairement aux 65 cancers glottiques où le RR est 2,87 (15% vs 6% ) pour B27. A 2 et 5 ans, A2 s'avère relativement protecteur pour les cancers sus-glottiques (RR 2,04) tandis que B27 est éminemment péjoratif parmi les cancers glottiques (RR 0,07)

    HLA and Breast Cancer

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    peer reviewedHLA determinations among breast cancer patients led to the indication that HLA-A28 in menopausal nulliparous women is high vs in controls with an increased relative risk

    Corrélation positive entre HLA B27 et le cancer laryngé

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    peer reviewedHLA determinations among 192 larynx cancers were compared to 1613 healthy blood donors. An increased frequency (15 % versus 6 % with P corrected < 0,05) of B27 is present in glottic carcinomas underlying a three fold risk. Followed prospectively after treatment, the glottic carcinoma group showed a 18 % incidence of B27 at 3 years and 23 % at 5 years indicating a potential favorable influence of this histocompatibility antigen of second locusL'analyse HLA de 192 cancers laryngés a été comparée avec le profil de 1613 donneurs de sang en bonne santé. Une fréquence accrue (15 % versus 6 % avec P corrigé < 0,05) du B27 est présente parmi les cancers glottiques, soulignant un risque plus élevé de 3 fois. Suivi prospectivement après traitement, le groupe des cancers de la corde vocale a montré une incidence du B27 à 3 ans de 18 % et à 5 ans de 23 %, indiquant une possibilité d'influence favorable sur la survie de cet antigène d'histocompatibilité du deuxième locus

    HLA and larynx cancer

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    peer reviewedHLA determinations among larynx cancers patients were compared to healthy blood donors. An increased frequency of B27 is present in glottic carcinomas with a three fold risk. Followed at 3 years, the glottic carcinoma group showed a high incidence of B27 as if this histocompatibility antigen of second locus could exerce a favorable influenc

    Positive correlation between HLA-B35 and breast cancer incidence

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    peer reviewedConfirmation of a previous observation on a larger scale (394 breast cancer patients) : HLA-B 35 is increased in the whole cancerous population (28% vs 18 % ) with x = 2.07 among the nulliparous group

    Positive Correlation between Breast Cancer Incidence and HLA Antigens

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    peer reviewedHLA determinations among 141 breast cancer patients led to the indication that A28 in menopausal nulliparous women is as high as 26 % vs 7 % in controls (p corrected 0.038) with a relative risk of 6.63 (p 0.001)

    Corrélation positive entre HLA-B35 et l'incidence du cancer du sein

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    peer reviewedConfirmation sur une plus large échelle (394 cas) de la fréquence accrue de la présence de HLA-B35 dans une population de patientes porteuses d'un cancer du sein (typage au moment du diagnostic). L'état hormonal et la nulliparité modulent la signification statistique des observations

    Lymphocytes subsets before and after neoadjuvant polychemotherapy for head and neck cancers

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    peer reviewedSubpopulations of blood lymphocytes were quantified among head and neck cancer patients receiving a neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Significant changes took place : increase of T lymphocytes opposed to marked depletion of B cells and null cells. An effect against cancer is possible either by amplification of cytotoxicity as well as by decrease of suppressor function

    Changes of lymphocytes subsets after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for head and neck cancers

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    Significant variations in lymphocytes subsets are observed in a population of 61 head and neck cancer patients receiving a neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Tumour regression seems to go along with amplification of T lymphocytes functions, increase of H/S ratio and fall in percentage of null cells

    Immunological modifications associated with radiotherapy of larynx cancer : longitudinal analysis and correlations with the course of disease

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    peer reviewedThe immune capacities of larynx cancer patients were investigated along exclusive radiotherapy. Skin reactivity and lymphocytes are depressed at diagnosis. After treatment a subgroup of immunosuppressed patients is identified but another subset has enhanced immune functions. Immunomonitoring might eventually modulate treatment options