6,252 research outputs found

    Women and Priestly Ministry: The New Testament Evidence

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    In August 1976 the Executive Board of the Catholic Biblical Association of America appointed a committee of prominent scholars from its membership to study and report on the Role of Women in Early Christianity. This Committee developed into a Task Force whose members are Madeleine Boucher, Richard J Dillon, John R Donahue, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Eugene H Maly, Sandra M Schneiders, and Richard J Sklba. The statement is a précis of the ongoing discussion of the Task Force. Their conclusion: an examination of the biblical evidence shows that there is positive evidence in the NT that ministries were shared by various groups and that women did in fact exercise roles and functions later associated with priestly ministry; that the arguments against the admission of women to priestly ministry based on the praxis of Jesus and the apostles, disciplinary regulations, and the created order cannot be sustained. The conclusion we draw is that the NT evidence, while not decisive by itself, points toward the admission of women to priestly ministry

    Alien Registration- Boucher, Joe J. (Mapleton, Aroostook County)

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    Aggregation of metallochlorophylls - Examination by spectroscopy

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    Nuclear magnetic resonance measurements determine which metallochlorophylls, besides magnesium-containing chlorophylls, possess coordination aggregation properties. Infrared spectroscopy reveals that only zinc pheophytin and zinc methyl pheophorbide showed significant coordination aggregation, whereas divalent nickel and copper did not

    The Stuttering Analysis Experienced by Bobby Boucher in The Waterboy Movie

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    Stuttering is one of the speaking troubles that disturbs a person's ability to speak fluently. This study has two purposes: (1) the types of stuttering and (2) the consequences of being a stuttering person in social life experienced by Bobby Boucher in The Waterboy movie. Moreover, this study was conducted by using a content analysis qualitative method. Dealing with the research purposes, it was found that Bobby Boucher experienced four stuttering types namely; repetition, sound prolongation, block (silent pause), and broken word. It was also found that the consequences experienced by a stuttering character depend on social life. The consequences experienced by Bobby Boucher are; hard to get friends or partners and mocking or bullying

    Doris Boucher Honored

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    Évrecy – La Croix Boucher

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    La fouille réalisée sur la commune d’Évrecy, avant l’installation d’une résidence pavillonnaire porte sur une surface de 9 416 m2. Le diagnostic avait mis au jour un ensemble de fossés attribués alors à l’âge du Bronze final. La fouille a finalement permis d’attribuer le site à une période légèrement postérieure (âge du Fer, La Tène ancienne, ive s. av. J.‑C.). Le locus se développe sous la forme d’un ensemble de fossés curvilignes reliés entre eux, déterminant une forme d’enclos au plan tréf..

    To: J.D. Boucher

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    Ophthalmologic Findings of Boucher-Neuhäuser Syndrome

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    To report a case of Boucher-Neuhäuser syndrome, which is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by the triad of spinocerebellar ataxia, chorioretinal dystrophy, and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. An 18-year-old man was seen for visual problems, which had been diagnosed as retinitis pigmentosa at the age of 12 years. His puberty was delayed. At 16 years of age, the patient experienced progressive deterioration of his balance and gait disturbance. Then he was referred to our clinic because Boucher-Neuhäuser syndrome was suspected. He had no specific family history; his visual acuity was 0.04 in both eyes. We observed broad retinal pigment epithelium atrophy and degeneration in both fundi. Both fluorescein and indocyanine green angiography showed choriocapillaris atrophy in the posterior pole area and midperiphery. Macular optical coherence tomography showed thinning of the neurosensory retina. An electroretinographic examination showed no photopic or scotopic responses. The Boucher-Neuhäuser syndrome should be included in the differential diagnosis of patients with retinitis pigment epithelium atrophy and degeneration

    To: J.D. Boucher

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