7 research outputs found

    RÎle De La Fracturation Dans La Circulation Des Eaux Souterraines Et La Répartition Des Sources : Cas Du Bassin Hydrogéologique De Sefrou (Moyen Atlas Septentrional, Maroc)

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    The formation of the basin of Sefrou is related to the normal successive movements of the faults N130, N80, N30 and N170 which follow one another since the upper Miocene until the recent medium-Quaternary. Seeing the dynamic of groundwater in the carbonated lands (Liasic dolomites) is primarily guided by the fractures and the cracks; we propose to study the influence of brittle tectonics on the spatial organization of the flows and the relation of the groundwater circulation with the fracturing. The analysis of the fracturing (affecting the Flavio-lake and travertines deposits of plio-quaternary age and their Miocene and Jurassic substratum) and the structural cuts as well as the correlation of the piezometric map established from the piezometric reports with that of the fracturing, allowed us to note that the fractures play a very important part in the geometry of the Liasic aquifer and the mode of the circulation of groundwater. This circulation is dependent on the zones of weaknesses along the faults and fractures. Water emergences are very variable and controlled by the paramount influence of the nature of the lithological formations and the tectonic structure on underground circulations. Indeed, the sources of water located in the basin of Sefrou are indexed, according to their origin, inside two types: sources of emergence and sources of discharge

    L’Analyse Des Pratiques Enseignantes LiĂ©es Aux Sorties De Terrain Dans L’Enseignement Des Sciences De La Vie Et De La Terre

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    Dans l’enseignement des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre (SVT), les sorties de terrain jouent un rĂŽle important, dans la mesure oĂč elles permettent de donner un sens aux apprentissages en mettant les apprenants directement en contact des concepts scientifiques abordĂ©s. Ces sorties peuvent avoir une approche beaucoup plus sensitive et Ă©motionnelle des notions observĂ©es que dans l’enceinte des Ă©tablissements scolaires. Le dĂ©paysement Ă©prouvĂ© par les apprenants a le mĂ©rite de stimuler leur curiositĂ© pour de meilleurs apprentissages. L’objectif de cette recherche est de montrer l’importance des sorties de terrain en tant qu’outil clĂ© d’apprentissage et de dĂ©veloppement de l’esprit scientifique des apprenants ainsi que l’ancrage des valeurs positives envers l’environnement. Elle a aussi pour finalitĂ©s d’analyser les pratiques enseignantes liĂ©es Ă  cette activitĂ© parascolaire, de rĂ©vĂ©ler les obstacles empĂȘchant les enseignants d’organiser de telles sorties et proposer des solutions adĂ©quates pour une meilleure efficacitĂ© de cette pratique pĂ©dagogique intimement liĂ©e Ă  l’enseignement des SVT. La mĂ©thodologie suivie repose sur un questionnaire destinĂ© aux enseignants des SVT du secondaire qualifiant exerçant au sein de 13 Ă©tablissements rĂ©partis relevant de quatre villes du Maroc : KĂ©nitra, TĂ©touan, Ouazzane et BenguĂ©rir. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus ont permis de mettre en Ă©vidence : les diffĂ©rentes finalitĂ©s propres aux sorties de terrain, telles que l’observation et l’exploitation des milieux naturels qui englobent un ensemble d’activitĂ©s nĂ©cessitant l’application d’un certain nombre de techniques et l’usage d’outils adĂ©quats, les conditions favorables Ă  la rĂ©alisation de ces sorties liĂ©e Ă  la prĂ©sence de milieux naturels proches de leur zone de travail ; sans omettre les multiples contraintes entravant leur organisation, et qui ont dissuadĂ© les enseignants enquĂȘtĂ©s de ne plus les organiser, notamment les limites sĂ©curitaires des apprenants et des enseignants, les ressources financiĂšres et logistiques spĂ©cifiques Ă  ces activitĂ©s et l’accompagnement administratif. In the teaching of life and earth sciences, field trips have an important role; they are the gateway which allows to give meaning to learning by putting the learners directly in contact with the target scientific concepts. These Field trips may have a much more sensitive and emotional approach to the notions in question than the context of classroom within an institution. The change of scenery as experienced by the learners can be a new source of questioning and may stimulate their curiosity for learning. The aim of this research is to show the importance of field trips as key tool for learning and developing the scientific mind among learners as well as anchoring positive values towards the environment, also to analyze teaching practices related to field trips, to highlight the obstacles encountered by teachers during these field trips and which prevent them from achievingand finally to suggest solutions that could improve thissituation in order to give sense to this kind of pedagogical activity which typifies the teaching of life and earth sciences. The methodology used is based on a questionnaire for teachers of life and earth sciencesin theSecondary schoolpracticing in 13 institutions in four citiesof Morocco: Kenitra, Tetouan, Ouazzane and Benguerir. The results obtained allow to highlight: the different purposes specific to the field trips such as the observation and exploitation of the natural environments which encompass a set of activities requiring the application of a certain number of techniques and tools, the appropriate conditions to the achievement of these Field trips which reside in the presence of natural environments close to their work zone; and finally, the constraints related to their organization which led the target teachers to no longer carry them out, especially the safety limits of learners and teachers, the financial and logistical resources related to these activities as well as lack of administrative support

    Solar drying, hygroscopic equilibrium and biochemical quality of Punica granatum legrelliae’s flowers

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    Punica granatum Legrelliae is a valuable medicinal plant that is widely planted in Morocco. The equilibrium moisture content was investigated. Peleg model was found the most suitable to describe the sorption phenomenon. The drying kinetic of Punica granatum Legrelliae’s flowers was investigated by using a convection solar dryer. Midilli-Kucuk model described well the drying curves’ trend. The effective moisture diffusivity values were obtained. The Arrhenius relation, with an activation energy value of 92.91 kJ.mol-1 expressed the temperature effect on the diffusion coefficient. Finally, the effect of drying these flowers at different temperatures on their quality was investigated. To assess the quality of the product after solar drying; the color, polyphenols content, antioxidant activity, and polyphenoloxydase and peroxydase activities were considered. 40 °C was the best drying temperature for the preservation of color and bioactive molecules with antioxidant property