1,377 research outputs found

    Die bepaling van die ‘sentrum van hoofbelange’ by oorgrens insolvensies: Is die Parmalat-benadering voldoende om die behoeftes van moderne handel te bevredig?

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    Despite various viewpoints on the determination of the centre of main interest (COMI), the legal question in this investigation is whether, and to what extent, the approach in In re Eurofood IFSC Ltd (the Parmalat case) brings about an effective solution for the determination of the location of the COMI of individual companies, either unattached or as part of a group (in contrast with companies forming a so called economic unit). There exists a presumption that the COMI is situated there where the company’s registered office is. This is the physical factor in determining the COMI. There is also a mental or psychological factor. The COMI must correspond with the place which third parties (including foreigners) regard as the place where the debtor ordinarily manages its business and most prominent interests on a regular basis. If the registered office is situated at one place and the judgment of third parties with regard to the COMI is elsewhere, the presumption will not come into operation and the ordinary onus of proof will rest on the party concerned. If the subsidiary’s registered office and the opinion of third parties point to the same location (in order for the presumption to come into operation) the holding company should lead more substantial evidence so as to rebut the presumption. The presumption shall not be rebutted easily. An essential and delicate process of weighing up relevant factors should take place. The COMI must be identified with reference to criteria which are objectively foreseeable by all parties involved

    In Search of an Alternative to Fire for Manipulating Bush Encroachment in the Arid Karoo Region of South Africa

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    Burning of natural rangeland in order to rejuvenate and increase palatability of grazing is a common practice in parts of South Africa. Concern about the long-term effects on biodiversity and the depletion of much-needed soil car-bon led to this investigation

    Bullinger en die verbond na aanleiding van die Tweede Switserse Konfessie

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    Bullinger's concept of the covenant and the Confessio Helvetica Posterior The Confessio Helvetica Posterior is not only one of the most extensive confessions of the Reformed churches but it is also very widely accepted. The composer of the confession was JH Bullinger (1504—1575) who was one of the first, if not the first. Reformer to make use of the concept of the covenant in his theological thinking, Bullinger's specific idea of a bilateral or conditional covenant is most probably unprecedented in Christian Thought and in this respect he not only differed from Calvin but he also initiated another tradition in reformed Protestantism. Basically the Confessio Helvetica Posterior is nothing else than an unfolding of Bullinger's concept of the covenant

    Ds Marié Joseph Goddefroy as volksman

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    Ortodoks as slagspreuk en liberaal as etiket

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    Chromospheric seismology above sunspot umbrae

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    The acoustic resonator is an important model for explaining the three-minute oscillations in the chromosphere above sunspot umbrae. The steep temperature gradients at the photosphere and transition region provide the cavity for the acoustic resonator, which allows waves to be both partially transmitted and partially reflected. In this paper, a new method of estimating the size and temperature profile of the chromospheric cavity above a sunspot umbra is developed. The magnetic field above umbrae is modelled numerically in 1.5D with slow magnetoacoustic wave trains travelling along magnetic fieldlines. Resonances are driven by applying the random noise of three different colours---white, pink and brown---as small velocity perturbations to the upper convection zone. Energy escapes the resonating cavity and generates wave trains moving into the corona. Line of sight (LOS) integration is also performed to determine the observable spectra through SDO/AIA. The numerical results show that the gradient of the coronal spectra is directly correlated with the chromosperic temperature configuration. As the chromospheric cavity size increases, the spectral gradient becomes shallower. When LOS integrations is performed, the resulting spectra demonstrate a broadband of excited frequencies that is correlated with the chromospheric cavity size. The broadband of excited frequencies becomes narrower as the chromospheric cavity size increases. These two results provide a potentially useful diagnostic for the chromospheric temperature profile by considering coronal velocity oscillations

    Security threats and measures on multifunctional devices

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    Abstract: Multifunctional devices are employed in office networks for functionality and comfort, most often considered only as peripheral devices enabling the printing, copying and scanning of documents. Based on a study performed by InfoTrends in 2013 in the USA and Western Europe, the majority of people surveyed are of the opinion that computers pose the biggest security threats of all technological devices (Forbes, 2017a). In many cases, users of multifunctional devices do not realise that a multifunctional device is also a network device which have similar vulnerabilities, whereby the security threats relating to these devices are often overlooked. This paper provides an overview of the physical and network security risks relating to networked multifunctional devices. It includes a number of experiments and tests performed on multifunctional devices, security analysis, discussions on possible exploits as well as recommendations on various security measures. This paper could serve as a high-level guideline when installing multifunctional devices in a network environment and informing administrators and users of the security risks associated with installation and daily use

    Reconstruction of an Extensive Midfacial Defect Using Additive Manufacturing Techniques

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    Published ArticleMalignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors are extremely rare tumors arising in peripheral nerves. Only 17 cases involving the trigeminal nerve have ever been reported. These tumors have a very poor prognosis and very high rates of recurrence and metastases. Their recommended treatment involves complete tumor resection followed by radiation. This can be problematic in the head and neck region. We present a clinical case involving a 33-year-old female patient presenting with a slow-growing, exophytic mass of the anterior maxilla. Incisional biopsy and subsequent histological examination revealed a diagnosis of a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor. Surgical resection involved a complete maxillectomy, rhinectomy, and resection of the upper lip and aspects of the left and right cheeks. Reconstruction of the subsequent defect incorporated the placement of four zygomatic oncology implants to aid in retention of a facial prosthesis. These implants, however, were subsequently lost; and an anatomical model of the hard tissues was manufactured via 3D printing. This model was used to design and manufacture a titanium frame (customized implant) for the patient. The frame was then fixated and secured intraoperative with 21 cortical screws. A maxillary denture and silicone facial prosthesis were also made to fit onto this frame. This is the first known case where additive manufacturing, via the use of rapid prototyping and 3D printing, was employed to manufacture a facial prosthesis

    Characterisation of penA and tetM resistance genes of Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolated in southern Africa - epidemiological monitoring and resistance development

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    Objective. To investigate penA and tetM resistance gene variation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in order to define gene types for epidemiological monitoring and resistance development. Design. Isolates of N. gonorrhoeae which were susceptible and resistant to penicillin and/or tetracycline were selected. Strains comprised South African isolates (22 from Bloemfontein, 13 from Transvaal, 20 from the Cape) and 15 Botswana and 4 Namibia isolates. The penA genes (2 kb) of all strains and tetM genes (765 bp) of 11 high-level tetracycline-resistant strains were amplified and restricted with Hpall. Results and conclusions. Twelve different Hpall fingerprint patterns were obtained from the 74 isolates analysed for penicillin-binding protein (PBP) 2 gene (penA) alterations. Focusing on the transpeptidase domain, 25 isolates (3 whole gene patterns, minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) ~ 0,03 - 0,125 ug/ml) had restriction sites equivalent to those previously described for a susceptible strain. Of the remaining 9 PBP 2 'gene groups, 25 strains fell into a designated group E. Penicillin/ penicillin + clavulanic acid MICs determined on these group E isolates gave a range of 0,125 - 2,0 ug/ml, although MICs against 4 strains were ~ 0,03 ug/ml. MICs of penicillin/penicillin + c1avulanic acid for the 24 isolates that contained altered PBP 2 transpeptidase gene regions not designated group E were only ~ 0,03 - 0,125 ug/ml. The lack of a Hpall restriction site at nucleotide 1934 in the PBP 2 gene of group E strains was indicative of a small terminal region of N. cinerea DNA. This gene block, which was found in all the southern African areas studied, appears to predispose isolates to increased penicillin resistance. The 25,2 MDa conjugative plasmid carrying the tetM resistance determinant was readily demonstrated in 11 Botswana Namibia isolates exhibiting high-level resistance to tetracycline (MICs > 16 ug/ml). The tetM gene was shown to be of the American type
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