45 research outputs found

    Novel Biomarkers in Pancreatic Cancer

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    The Involvement of Epigenetic Mechanisms in HPVā€Induced Cervical Cancer

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    Highā€risk human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes infection associates with cervical dysplasia and carcinogenesis. hrā€HPV transforming potential is based on E6 and E7 viral oncoproteins actions on cellular proteins. A persistent infection with hrā€HPV leads to progression from precursor lesions to invasive cervical cancer inducing changes in host genome and epigenome. Pathogenesis and development of cancer associated with both genetic and epigenetic defects alter transcriptional program. An important role for malignant transformation in HPVā€induced cervical cancer is played by epigenetic changes that occur in both viral and host genome. Furthermore, there are observations demonstrating that oncogenic viruses, once they integrated into host genome, become susceptible to epigenetic alterations made by host machinery. Epigenetic regulation of viral gene expression is an important factor in HPVā€associated disease. Gene expression control is complex and involves epigenetic changes: DNA methylation, histone modification, and nonā€coding RNAs activity. Persistent infection with hrā€HPV can cause viral DNA integration into host genome attracting defense mechanisms such as methylation machinery. In this chapter, we aim to review HPV infection role in chromatin modification/remodeling and the impact of HPV infection on nonā€coding RNAs in cervix oncogenesis. The reversible nature of epigenetic alterations provides new opportunities in the development of therapeutic agents targeting epigenetic modification in oncogenesis

    The role of biological markers in predicting infertility associated with non-obstructive endometriosis

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    Objectives: Our study evaluates if the use of biological markers can predict the infertility in women with non-obstructiveendometriosis.Material and methods: Two prospective, non-randomised studies were conducted to identify if CA-125, IL-6 and IL-8 can beused as predictive markers for infertility in women with non-obstructive endometriosis. Peripheral levels of CA-125, IL-6 andIL-8 were measured before laparoscopy in all patients.Results: We found a total number of 152 patients with non-obstructive endometriosis, we divided them in two groups: fertileand infertile women. There was a statistically significant difference of the mean of CA-125 values between the two groups(p = 0.00). The patients with infertility had a significantly higher IL-6 serum values than the fertile patients (p = 0.00). Regardingthe IL-8 serum values, there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups fertile vs infertile, (p = 0.06).Conclusions: The elevated serum levels of CA-125 and IL-6 was associated with an increased probability of being diagnosedwith infertility. The IL-8 had no value in predicting infertility associated with non-obstructive endometriosis

    Periodontitis as a potential risk factor for premature delivery

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    Pregnancy is a particular period of time for a woman, so that it is important to accurately determine the impact of adjacent pathologies on the natural evolution of the nine months of pregnancy. Although there is still much to debate on the association between periodontal disease and pregnancy, the conclusion seems to remain the same: untreated periodontal pathology in pregnancy could have adverse consequences such as premature birth or low birth weight fetuses. Periodontopathies are introduced as risk factors, the novelty of the subject being the association between untreated periodontal pathology and the evolution of pregnancy. The affected periodontal tissue has the potential of releasing microorganisms that could colonize the placenta, ultimately having adverse consequences on the evolution of pregnancy, consequences such as premature birth or inadequate birth weight. The purpose of this review is to assess the association between periodontal disease and the negative consequences on pregnancy. Using databases such as PubMed, more than 1,500 articles were screened, including systematic reviews, case-control studies and prospective cohort studies assessing the association between periodontitis and pregnancy. Only 54 from the abovementioned papers were included in the final review

    Behcetā€™s disease with oral manifestations during pregnancy

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    BehƧetā€™s disease is a multisystemic inflammatory chronic vasculitis of unknown etiology characterized by recurrent oral ulcers, genital ulcers, eye lesions, and dermatological manifestations that is usually diagnosed during the reproductive years. There is limited information about the effects of BehƧetā€™s disease on pregnancy and vice versa, but in most women, it appears to improve during this period. However, cases of activation or exacerbation of the disease in pregnancy are not uncommon and they are mainly manifested by oral ulcers, genital ulcers, and skin lesions. Corticosteroids and topical sucralfate are safe to use in pregnancy and while breastfeeding to treat oral ulcerations. The purpose of this study is to synthesize available information about BehƧetā€™s disease oral manifestations in pregnancy, diagnosis, and treatment

    Menstrual cycle abnormalities in women vaccinated against COVID-19

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    As more reports of menstrual cycle abnormalities after COVID-19 vaccine inoculation are emerging in media and in clinical practice as well, it was deemed necessary to investigate these claims. This review aims to gather current scientific evidence on COVID vaccinationā€™s effect on menstrual cycle. Further and extensive research is undeniably needed to fully understand these phenomena, but current studies have demonstrated an undeniable link between some menstrual cycle abnormalities (especially heavy menstrual flow and variations in cycle length) and breakthrough bleeding in nonmenstruating population and vaccination against SARS-CoV-2. Up to this point, these disturbances seem to be temporary, not lasting for more than a few cycles. The reported menstrual changes have appeared after inoculations of all brands of vaccines, and no particular technology (mRNA or adenovirus-vectored) was particularly associated with them. The greatest concerns raised were those regarding fertility. However, until now, there is no evidence of any of the COVID vaccines affecting fertility when comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated populations

    Uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine in pregnancy

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has rapidly become a global pandemic with a devastating morbidity and mortality. Pregnant women seem to be at increased susceptibility to have a severe disease and suffer adverse pregnancy outcomes. The only solution to mitigate this pandemic is prophylaxis by mass vaccination. We report a review based on current literature about the evidence available on efficacy and safety of anti-COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy to aid women decide whether to vaccinate or not, while being pregnant or lactating. Studies so far did not find concerning maternal or fetal outcomes and show a similar efficiency of mRNA vaccines as in non-pregnant population. Moreover, anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies resulted from the vaccination seem to be transferred to the newborn through the placenta or the breastmilk building up the neonatal immunity. However, the exclusion from clinical trials created a great deficiency of evidence regarding the vaccination in this high-risk population resulting in their reluctance

    Parvovirus infection in fetal life. Case report and recent literature updates

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    Background. The parvovirus B19 (B19V) belongs to the Parvoviridae family, genus Erythrovirus, and is a virus that causes a common childhood disease called erythema infectiosum, also largely known as the fifth childhood disease. The clinical appearance is marked by the ā€œslapped cheekā€ facies and an erythematous rash localized mainly on the extremities and on the trunk. Most people gain immunity during childhood, and when it occurs in pregnancy in non-immunized women, there are some serious complications for the fetus that can occur. B19V infection in pregnancy can conduct to fetal loss or severe hydrops fetalis, due to the risk of vertical transmission to the fetus and the virus tropism for the erythropoietic fetal stem cells with subsequent cell destruction and fetal anemia. Invasive treatment, as intrauterine fetal transfusion, is necessary for the cases of severe fetal anemia with good survival rates afterwards. The purpose of this review is to update the current knowledge regarding the best management of severe fetal anemia and other complications related to B19V infection in pregnancy, based on the latest data from literature and guidelines. Methods. Electronic research for relevant articles published in the last years was made, with the usage of PubMed, Medline, Cochrane Data Base, and the current international guidelines promoted by the Obstetrics and Gynecology Societies. Results and conclusions. The importance of prenatal detection of non-immunized women by serologic testing for parvovirus B19 should not be overlooked, and subsequent follow-up should be recommended in order to lower the incidence of fetal complications associated with developing the disease in pregnancy, especially during epidemics. In case of P19V infection in pregnancy, serial ultrasounds and lab tests should be performed in order to determine the impact on the fetus and the apparition of fetal hydrops. The future moms who are not immunized to B19V should be advised about the risk of vertical transmission and the associated fetal sequelae that can occur. Assessment for maternal disease and for fetal impairment has to become a priority when there are signs of primary infection in pregnancy