192 research outputs found

    Further studies on dehydration of prawns in rotary drum dryer

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    The paper deals with studies made to modify the process of drying of prawns in rotary drum dryer reported by the authors earlier. Prawns belonging to any species except M. monoceros can be satisfactorily dried. With M. monoceros invariably considerable adherence of shell occurs. Prawns of any size group can be dried provided in the case of medium and big size prawns they are beheaded prior to drying. In all size groups, beheading prior to drying results in better appearance of the end product in addition to the output of the dryer per charge being increased

    Dehydration of prawns in tunnel dryers

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    This paper deals with the dehydration of prawns in a tunnel dryer. Conditions required to produce an end-product of desired colour, shape and texture as well as good reconstitution and organoleptic properties which are not obtained in the normal hot air drying, have been worked out. An initial temperature and relative humidity of 90°C. and 85%-90% respectively and an air velocity not more than 1 metre/second are the essential conditions required. Both temperature and relative humidity are to be reduced to 70°C and 40% respectively after about an hour's operation, till the drying is complete. Flavour of the reconstituted product is close to that of the fresh cooked prawns and the texture is judged to be soft. Drying time required to reduce the moisture content of fresh prawns to 15% level is about 7 hours compared to 6-7 hours in normal hot air drying and more than 36 hours in sun-drying

    Fabrication of a water sampler for use in aquaculture

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    Details are given of the construction of a water sampler for use in aquaculture work. The equipment is 3m long, light and easy to fabricate and operate in aquaculture ponds

    Prediction of drained weight in canned prawn under commercial conditions

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    A general formula for the prediction of drained weight of canned prawn processed under laboratory condition has been worked out earlier (Chaudhuri et al., 1978). Attempts were made in this communication to modify the general formula to predict the drained weight under commercial conditions of processing particularly blanching, as the moisture content of meat depends on the quantum of heat received during blanching (Govindan, 1975)

    Preservation of Bombay duck (Harpodon nehereus) and Rohu (Labeo rohita) by gamma irradiation

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    The gamma irradiation procedures for preservation of Bombay duck and rohu were studied in collaboration with Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay. Irradiation at 0.1 M rad extended the storage life of Bombay duck to 20-22 days at 0-2°C due to partial destruction of spoilage organisms as against rapid deterioration of un-irradiated samples within 5-6 days. In the case of the fresh water fish, rohu, the storage life was enhanced by about 7-10 days by the same dose of irradiation over the control under identical storage condition. In all the cases, empirical relations were worked out between organoleptic rating and total volatile nitrogen

    Effects of different types of drying on the nutritive value of proteins in the fishmeals

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    A comparative study on the effect of different types of drying on the nutritive value of the proteins in the different fishmeals of known history was made. From the observations, it is clear that the mode of drying has got little or no effect on the nutritive value of the meal as revealed by the chemical indices of available lysine and pepsin digestibility, provided enough precautions were taken to avoid scorching during drying process. Sun dried meals are in no way inferior to the meals prepared by hot-air, steam or vacuum drying

    Locally acting transcription factors regulate p53-dependent cis-regulatory element activity

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    The master tumor suppressor p53 controls transcription of a wide-ranging gene network involved in apoptosis, cell cycle arrest, DNA damage repair, and senescence. Recent studies revealed pervasive binding of p53 to cis-regulatory elements (CREs), which are non-coding segments of DNA that spatially and temporally control transcription through the combinatorial binding of local transcription factors. Although the role of p53 as a strong trans-activator of gene expression is well known, the co-regulatory factors and local sequences acting at p53-bound CREs are comparatively understudied. We designed and executed a massively parallel reporter assay (MPRA) to investigate the effect of transcription factor binding motifs and local sequence context on p53-bound CRE activity. Our data indicate that p53-bound CREs are both positively and negatively affected by alterations in local sequence context and changes to co-regulatory TF motifs. Our data suggest p53 has the flexibility to cooperate with a variety of transcription factors in order to regulate CRE activity. By utilizing different sets of co-factors across CREs, we hypothesize that global p53 activity is guarded against loss of any one regulatory partner, allowing for dynamic and redundant control of p53-mediated transcription

    FNR-mediated regulation of bioluminescence and anaerobic respiration in the light-organ symbiont Vibrio fischeri

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    Vibrio fischeri induces both anaerobic respiration and bioluminescence during symbiotic infection. In many bacteria, the oxygen-sensitive regulator FNR activates anaerobic respiration, and a preliminary study using the light-generating lux genes from V. fischeri MJ1 cloned in Escherichia coli suggested that FNR stimulates bioluminescence. To test for FNR-mediated regulation of bioluminescence and anaerobic respiration in V. fischeri, we generated fnr mutants of V. fischeri strains MJ1 and ES114. In both strains, FNR was required for normal fumarate- and nitrate-dependent respiration. However, contrary to the report in transgenic E. coli, FNR mediated the repression of lux. ArcA represses bioluminescence, and ParcA-lacZ reporters showed reduced expression in fnr mutants, suggesting a possible indirect effect of FNR on bioluminescence via arcA. Finally, the fnr mutant of ES114 was not impaired in colonization of its host squid, Euprymna scolopes. This study extends the characterization of FNR to the Vibrionaceae and underscores the importance of studying lux regulation in its native background

    Contribution of rapid evolution of the luxR-luxI intergenic region to the diverse bioluminescence outputs of Vibrio fischeri strains isolated from different environments

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    Vibrio fischeri serves as a valuable model of bacterial bioluminescence, its regulation, and its functional significance. Light output varies more than 10,000-fold in wild-type isolates from different environments, yet dim and bright strains have similar organization of the light-producing lux genes, with the activator-encoding luxR divergently transcribed from luxICDABEG. By comparing the genomes of bright strain MJ11 and the dimmer ES114, we found that the lux region has diverged more than most shared orthologs, including those flanking lux. Divergence was particularly high in the intergenic sequence between luxR and luxI. Analysis of the intergenic lux region from 18 V. fischeri strains revealed that, with one exception, sequence divergence essentially mirrored strain phylogeny but with relatively high substitution rates. The bases conserved among intergenic luxR-luxI sequences included binding sites for known regulators, such as LuxR and ArcA, and bases of unknown significance, including a striking palindromic repeat. By using this collection of diverse luxR-luxI regions, we found that expression of PluxI-lacZ but not PluxR-lacZ transcriptional reporters correlated with the luminescence output of the strains from which the promoters originated. We also found that exchange of a small stretch of the luxI-luxR intergenic region between two strains largely reversed their relative brightness. Our results show that the luxR-luxI intergenic region contributes significantly to the variable luminescence output among V. fischeri strains isolated from different environments, although other elements of strain backgrounds also contribute. Moreover, the lux system appears to have evolved relatively rapidly, suggesting unknown environment-specific selective pressures
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