875 research outputs found

    Long Term Aggresome Accumulation Leads to DNA Damage, p53-dependent Cell Cycle Arrest, and Steric Interference in Mitosis.

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    Juxtanuclear aggresomes form in cells when levels of aggregation-prone proteins exceed the capacity of the proteasome to degrade them. It is widely believed that aggresomes have a protective function, sequestering potentially damaging aggregates until these can be removed by autophagy. However, most in-cell studies have been carried out over a few days at most, and there is little information on the long term effects of aggresomes. To examine these long term effects, we created inducible, single-copy cell lines that expressed aggregation-prone polyglutamine proteins over several months. We present evidence that, as perinuclear aggresomes accumulate, they are associated with abnormal nuclear morphology and DNA double-strand breaks, resulting in cell cycle arrest via the phosphorylated p53 (Ser-15)-dependent pathway. Further analysis reveals that aggresomes can have a detrimental effect on mitosis by steric interference with chromosome alignment, centrosome positioning, and spindle formation. The incidence of apoptosis also increased in aggresome-containing cells. These severe defects developed gradually after juxtanuclear aggresome formation and were not associated with small cytoplasmic aggregates alone. Thus, our findings demonstrate that, in dividing cells, aggresomes are detrimental over the long term, rather than protective. This suggests a novel mechanism for polyglutamine-associated developmental and cell biological abnormalities, particularly those with early onset and non-neuronal pathologies


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    In antiquity, beach sand was one of the main raw materials for glass-making and for the production of other vitreous materials, like Egyptian blue and faience. During the 1st century AD, glass and pigments manufacturing industry was active along the Gulf of Naples, Italy, where we sampled four littoral sands. Samples were analyzed with different techniques: chemical analysis was performed by means of X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and mineralogical analyses with X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD) and Raman Spectroscopy. The complete sintering to melting thermal behaviour of the four sands was studied by heating microscopy or hot-stage microscope (HSM) equipped with an high resolution camera capable to collect sample profile during heating. The effect of the grain size on the sintering curves, which were automatically elaborated by specimen profile transformation, was also investigated. Finally, some deductions about the granulometry effect and the presence of alkaline and alkaline-earth oxides on sintering and melting behaviour were drawn. All the four sands were found suitable for highly sintered manufacts rather than glasses, to reach complete amorphous materials the addition of fluxes was necessary

    Contenidos de fósforo total en suelos con características vérticas de la Provincia de Entre Ríos

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    p.53-58En Entre Ríos, los suelos con características vérticas ocupan el 69 por ciento del total de la superficie provincial, sin contar el D elta del río Paraná (Proyecto PN U D-FA O -INTA, 1980), generalmente estos suelos son deficientes en fósforo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el contenido de fósforo total y su distribución en las fracciones orgánicas e inorgánicas en perfiles de suelos con características vérticas de Entre Ríos. Se tomaron muestras de suelo provenientes de cuatro Vertisoles, tres Alfisoles y un Molisol con características vérticas. En superficie los contenidos de fósforo total (Pt) de los suelos de los tres ordenes estudiados fueron de 200 a 300 mg kg. Del P total superficial de estos suelos predomina la fracción de P orgánico (Po) en relación a las formas inorgánicas (Pi). La distribución del P orgánico total en el perfil sigue un patrón general de disminución con el aumento de la profundidad, mientras que el Pi tiene una tendencia opuesta. Los horizontes C mostraron valores de P inorgánico de 150 a 200 mg de P kg `1 de suelo, reduciéndose aproximadamente a la mitad en los horizontes superficiales. Como resultado de este estudio, se puede concluir que los suelos del centro norte de la provincia de Entre Ríos presentan valores bajos de Pt. En estos suelos son im portantes las proporciones de Po en superficie, las cuales oscilan entre el 60 por ciento el 70 por ciento del Pt

    Extreme-tolerance mechanisms in meiofaunal organisms: a case study with tardigrades, rotifers and nematodes

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    To persist in extreme environments, some meiofaunal taxa have adopted outstanding resistance strategies. Recent years have seen increased enthusiasm for understanding extreme-resistance mechanisms evolved by tardigrades, nematodes and rotifers, such as the capability to tolerate complete desiccation and freezing by entering a state of reversible suspension of metabolism called anhydrobiosis and cryobiosis, respectively. In contrast, the less common phenomenon of diapause, which includes encystment and cyclomorphosis, is defined by a suspension of growth and development with a reduction in metabolic activity induced by stressful environmental conditions. Because of their unique resistance, tardigrades and rotifers have been proposed as model organisms in the fields of exobiology and space research. They are also increasingly considered in medical research with the hope that their resistance mechanisms could be used to improve the tolerance of human cells to extreme stress. This review will analyse the dormancy strategies in tardigrades, rotifers and nematodes with emphasis on mechanisms of extreme stress tolerance to identify convergent and unique strategies occurring in these distinct groups. We also examine the ecological and evolutionary consequences of extreme tolerance by summarizing recent advances in this field

    Horizontal gene transfer in bdelloid rotifers is ancient, ongoing and more frequent in species from desiccating habitats.

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    BACKGROUND: Although prevalent in prokaryotes, horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is rarer in multicellular eukaryotes. Bdelloid rotifers are microscopic animals that contain a higher proportion of horizontally transferred, non-metazoan genes in their genomes than typical of animals. It has been hypothesized that bdelloids incorporate foreign DNA when they repair their chromosomes following double-strand breaks caused by desiccation. HGT might thereby contribute to species divergence and adaptation, as in prokaryotes. If so, we expect that species should differ in their complement of foreign genes, rather than sharing the same set of foreign genes inherited from a common ancestor. Furthermore, there should be more foreign genes in species that desiccate more frequently. We tested these hypotheses by surveying HGT in four congeneric species of bdelloids from different habitats: two from permanent aquatic habitats and two from temporary aquatic habitats that desiccate regularly. RESULTS: Transcriptomes of all four species contain many genes with a closer match to non-metazoan genes than to metazoan genes. Whole genome sequencing of one species confirmed the presence of these foreign genes in the genome. Nearly half of foreign genes are shared between all four species and an outgroup from another family, but many hundreds are unique to particular species, which indicates that HGT is ongoing. Using a dated phylogeny, we estimate an average of 12.8 gains versus 2.0 losses of foreign genes per million years. Consistent with the desiccation hypothesis, the level of HGT is higher in the species that experience regular desiccation events than those that do not. However, HGT still contributed hundreds of foreign genes to the species from permanently aquatic habitats. Foreign genes were mainly enzymes with various annotated functions that include catabolism of complex polysaccharides and stress responses. We found evidence of differential loss of ancestral foreign genes previously associated with desiccation protection in the two non-desiccating species. CONCLUSIONS: Nearly half of foreign genes were acquired before the divergence of bdelloid families over 60 Mya. Nonetheless, HGT is ongoing in bdelloids and has contributed to putative functional differences among species. Variation among our study species is consistent with the hypothesis that desiccating habitats promote HGT

    Assessment of maize nitrogen uptake from PRISMA hyperspectral data through hybrid modelling

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    The spaceborne imaging spectroscopy mission PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa (PRISMA), launched on 22 March 2019 by the Italian Space Agency, opens new opportunities in many scientific domains, including precision farming and sustainable agriculture. This new Earth Observation (EO) data stream requires new-generation approaches for the estimation of important biophysical crop variables (BVs). In this framework, this study evaluated a hybrid approach, combining the radiative transfer model PROSAIL-PRO and several machine learning (ML) regression algorithms, for the retrieval of canopy chlorophyll content (CCC) and canopy nitrogen content (CNC) from synthetic PRISMA data. PRISMA-like data were simulated from two images acquired by the airborne sensor HyPlant, during a campaign performed in Grosseto (Italy) in 2018. CCC and CNC estimations, assessed from the best performing ML algorithms, were used to define two relations with plant nitrogen uptake (PNU). CNC proved to be slightly more correlated to PNU than CCC (R-2 = 0.82 and R-2 = 0.80, respectively). The CNC-PNU model was then applied to actual PRISMA images acquired in 2020. The results showed that the estimated PNU values are within the expected ranges, and the temporal trends are compatible with plant phenology stages

    Biochemical Diversification through Foreign Gene Expression in Bdelloid Rotifers

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    Bdelloid rotifers are microinvertebrates with unique characteristics: they have survived tens of millions of years without sexual reproduction; they withstand extreme desiccation by undergoing anhydrobiosis; and they tolerate very high levels of ionizing radiation. Recent evidence suggests that subtelomeric regions of the bdelloid genome contain sequences originating from other organisms by horizontal gene transfer (HGT), of which some are known to be transcribed. However, the extent to which foreign gene expression plays a role in bdelloid physiology is unknown. We address this in the first large scale analysis of the transcriptome of the bdelloid Adineta ricciae: cDNA libraries from hydrated and desiccated bdelloids were subjected to massively parallel sequencing and assembled transcripts compared against the UniProtKB database by blastx to identify their putative products. Of ∼29,000 matched transcripts, ∼10% were inferred from blastx matches to be horizontally acquired, mainly from eubacteria but also from fungi, protists, and algae. After allowing for possible sources of error, the rate of HGT is at least 8%–9%, a level significantly higher than other invertebrates. We verified their foreign nature by phylogenetic analysis and by demonstrating linkage of foreign genes with metazoan genes in the bdelloid genome. Approximately 80% of horizontally acquired genes expressed in bdelloids code for enzymes, and these represent 39% of enzymes in identified pathways. Many enzymes encoded by foreign genes enhance biochemistry in bdelloids compared to other metazoans, for example, by potentiating toxin degradation or generation of antioxidants and key metabolites. They also supplement, and occasionally potentially replace, existing metazoan functions. Bdelloid rotifers therefore express horizontally acquired genes on a scale unprecedented in animals, and foreign genes make a profound contribution to their metabolism. This represents a potential mechanism for ancient asexuals to adapt rapidly to changing environments and thereby persist over long evolutionary time periods in the absence of sex

    Whey protein supplement adulteration with rice flour quantification: A simple method using ATR-FT-MIR and iPLS

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    In this work, a method using ATR-FT-MIR and iPLS was developed to quantify whey protein supplement adulteration with rice flour. The original vanilla flavor commercial whey protein samples were adulterated with commercial rice flour with concentrations between 11.49% to 29.14% (w/w). After the adulteration, the ATR-FT-MIR spectra were obtained with no additional preparation procedure. The iPLS model analysis was performed using RStudio software with the mdatools package. The RMSEC was 1.26, the R2= 0.954 and the cross-validation error (RMSECV) was 3.31. The prediction error (RMSEP) for the validation set was equal 3.48 and the validation R2 was 0.610. These parameters, associated with the fact that the method does not require sample preparation, demonstrate the procedure viability as a tool to quantify adulterations of whey protein with rice flour
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