7,732 research outputs found

    Eviction of a 125 GeV "heavy"-Higgs from the MSSM

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    We prove that the present experimental constraints are already enough to rule out the possibility of the ~125 GeV Higgs found at LHC being the second lightest Higgs in a general MSSM context, even with explicit CP violation in the Higgs potential. Contrary to previous studies, we are able to eliminate this possibility analytically, using simple expressions for a relatively small number of observables. We show that the present LHC constraints on the diphoton signal strength, tau-tau production through Higgs and BR(B -> X_s gamma) are enough to preclude the possibility of H_2 being the observed Higgs with m_H~125 GeV within an MSSM context, without leaving room for finely tuned cancellations. As a by-product, we also comment on the difficulties of an MSSM interpretation of the excess in the gamma-gamma production cross section recently found at CMS that could correspond to a second Higgs resonance at m_H~136 GeV.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figures. Final version accepted at JHEP. Sections 2, 3 and appendices simplified. Experimental results updated, several references added. Small typos corrected and a new comparison of approximate formulas with full expressions include

    Cyclic mutually unbiased bases, Fibonacci polynomials and Wiedemann's conjecture

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    We relate the construction of a complete set of cyclic mutually unbiased bases, i. e., mutually unbiased bases generated by a single unitary operator, in power-of-two dimensions to the problem of finding a symmetric matrix over F_2 with an irreducible characteristic polynomial that has a given Fibonacci index. For dimensions of the form 2^(2^k) we present a solution that shows an analogy to an open conjecture of Wiedemann in finite field theory. Finally, we discuss the equivalence of mutually unbiased bases.Comment: 11 pages, added chapter on equivalenc

    Tracking Down a Critical Halo Mass for Killing Galaxies through the Growth of the Red-Sequence

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    Red-sequence galaxies record the history of terminated star-formation in the Universe and can thus provide important clues to the mechanisms responsible for this termination. We construct composite samples of published cluster and field galaxy photometry in order to study the build-up of galaxies on the red-sequence, as parameterised by the dwarf-to-giant ratio (DGR). We find that the DGR in clusters is higher than that of the field at all redshifts, implying that the faint end of the red-sequence was established first in clusters. We find that the DGR evolves with redshift for both samples, consistent with the ``down-sizing'' picture of star formation. We examine the predictions of semi-analytic models for the DGR and find that neither the magnitude of its environmental dependence nor its evolution is correctly predicted in the models. Red-sequence DGRs are consistently too high in the models, the most likely explanation being that the strangulation mechanism used to remove hot gas from satellite galaxies is too efficient. Finally we present a simple toy model including a threshold mass, below which galaxies are not strangled, and show that this can predict the observed evolution of the field DGR.Comment: MNRAS letters accepted. 5 pages, 1 figur

    Motivic Serre invariants, ramification, and the analytic Milnor fiber

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    We show how formal and rigid geometry can be used in the theory of complex singularities, and in particular in the study of the Milnor fibration and the motivic zeta function. We introduce the so-called analytic Milnor fiber associated to the germ of a morphism f from a smooth complex algebraic variety X to the affine line. This analytic Milnor fiber is a smooth rigid variety over the field of Laurent series C((t)). Its etale cohomology coincides with the singular cohomology of the classical topological Milnor fiber of f; the monodromy transformation is given by the Galois action. Moreover, the points on the analytic Milnor fiber are closely related to the motivic zeta function of f, and the arc space of X. We show how the motivic zeta function can be recovered as some kind of Weil zeta function of the formal completion of X along the special fiber of f, and we establish a corresponding Grothendieck trace formula, which relates, in particular, the rational points on the analytic Milnor fiber over finite extensions of C((t)), to the Galois action on its etale cohomology. The general observation is that the arithmetic properties of the analytic Milnor fiber reflect the structure of the singularity of the germ f.Comment: Some minor errors corrected. The original publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Microquasar models for 3EG J1828+0142 and 3EG J1735-1500

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    Microquasars are promising candidates to emit high-energy gamma-rays. Moreover, statistical studies show that variable EGRET sources at low galactic latitudes could be associated with the inner spiral arms. The variable nature and the location in the Galaxy of the high-mass microquasars, concentrated in the galactic plane and within 55 degrees from the galactic center, give to these objects the status of likely counterparts of the variable low-latitude EGRET sources. We consider in this work the two most variable EGRET sources at low-latitudes: 3EG J1828+0142 and 3EG J1735-1500, proposing a microquasar model to explain the EGRET data in consistency with the observations at lower energies (from radio frequencies to soft gamma-rays) within the EGRET error box.Comment: (1)Universitat de Barcelona, (2)Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia (3) Facultad de Ciencias Astronomicas y Geofisicas (4)Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 6 pages, 2 figures. Presented as a poster at the V Microquasar Workshop, Beijing, June 2004. Accepted for publication in the Chinese Journal of Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Electron-beam-induced shift in the apparent position of a pinned vortex in a thin superconducting film

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    When an electron beam strikes a superconducting thin film near a pinned vortex, it locally increases the temperature-dependent London penetration depth and perturbs the circulating supercurrent, thereby distorting the vortex's magnetic field toward the heated spot. This phenomenon has been used to visualize vortices pinned in SQUIDs using low-temperature scanning electron microscopy. In this paper I develop a quantitative theory to calculate the displacement of the vortex-generated magnetic-flux distribution as a function of the distance of the beam spot from the vortex core. The results are calculated using four different models for the spatial distribution of the thermal power deposited by the electron beam.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, resubmitted to PRB with referee-suggested revisions, includes new paragraph on numerical evaluatio

    Harmful fouling communities on fish farms in the SW mediterranean sea: Composition, growth and reproductive periods

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    none5siBiological fouling organisms on fish cages represent a major issue and costly factor in marine finfish aquaculture. Cnidarians have been identified as one of the most problematical groups, contributing significantly to the occlusion and structural stress of the cage nets, but also dramatically affecting farmed species health in aquaculture facilities worldwide. Recently, significant relationships were established in different Spanish aquaculture facilities between hydrozoans and juvenile fish affected by gill injuries and mortality episodes. Community composition, growth rate and reproductive potential of biofouling were monitored on fish cages over two seasonal periods of fry cages farming, located in southern Spain (SW Alboran Sea), with a special focus on cnidarians. Biomass and community composition of biofouling changed with time and between studied periods, with a marked seasonality in colonization periods and taxonomic composition, particularly for the colonial hydrozoans. The hydroids Ectopleura larynx and Pennaria disticha were found at the highest densities. P. disticha was responsible for major biomass contribution to total hydroid biomass with the fastest growth rates. In addition, actinulae larvae of E. larynx were identified in zooplankton samples at high densities especially during periods of fry introduction in sea cages (when fish are highly vulnerable). These results corroborate evidence of the detrimental influence of fouling cnidarians in Mediterranean finfish aquaculture due to a direct harmful impact on fish health. Investigations on population dynamics, reproductive biology and envenomation potential of fouling hydrozoans should be regarded as key component of best monitoring practices to ensure good farmed fish welfare, maximization of aquaculture production and overall marine spatial planning.openBosch-Belmar M.; Escurriola A.; Milisenda G.; Fuentes V.L.; Piraino S.Bosch-Belmar, M.; Escurriola, A.; Milisenda, G.; Fuentes, V. L.; Piraino, S
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