30 research outputs found

    Nature-based solutions and mental health

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    This chapter demonstrates the mental health benefits of nature-based solutions in cities. First, factors that determine urban mental health and adverse health effects of environmental stressors in cities are explained. Second, it is demonstrated that green spaces as nature-based solutions for many societal challenges provide co-benefits for mental health by reducing these stressors. It is further discussed how nature-based solutions may target supporting mental health by providing resources for human–nature interaction, enhancing social interaction and strengthening mental resilience. Nature-based interventions that are originally intended to support persons with psychiatric illness are introduced as models for the design of mentally supportive cities. And third, two case studies illustrate the mental health benefits of urban parks with the example of Leipzig, Germany and of street trees by the example of Hyderabad, India. The two case studies were used as application cases for a recent conceptual framework as a guide for putting science into practice

    Grünlandenergie Havelland

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    Im Rahmen des Projekts „Grünlandenergie Havelland“ untersuchte das Deutsche Biomasseforschungszentrum in Kooperation mit dem Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik Potsdam-Bornim e. V. und der Bosch & Partner GmbH am Beispiel der Modellregion Havelland (Landkreis Havelland und umliegende Gebiete) mögliche Konversionspfade zur Energiegewinnung von halmgutartigem Grüngut. Im Fokus stand die Verwertung von überschüssigem Gras von extensiv bewirtschafteten Grünlandflächen sowie von halmgutartiger Biomasse aus der Gewässerunterhaltung und Biotoppflege. Als Reststoffe lässt die energetische Nutzung dieser Substrate eine besonders gute Treibhausgasbilanz erwarten. Aufgrund der stofflichen Eigenschaften sowie der dezentralen und häufig sehr heterogenen Aufkommen ist die energetische Nutzung dieser Substrate jedoch mit besonderen technischen und logistischen Herausforderungen verbunden. Ziel des Projekts war die Entwicklung von übertragbaren Konzepten zur Nutzung der betrachteten Grüngutsortimente für die Wärme- und Stromerzeugung. Ausgehend von der Analyse der entsprechenden Biomassepotenziale sowie geeigneter Standorte und Technologien wurden vollständige Bereistellungsketten verschiedener Nutzungskonzepte untersucht. Die abschließende Bewertung der Nutzungskonzepte erfolgt anhand der Parameter: Wirtschaftlichkeit, Treibhausgasemissionsminderungspotenzial und Umsetzbarkeit. Im Ergebnis werden für die regionalen Akteure anwendungsreife Analysemethoden bereitgestellt, Empfehlungen für einzelne Nutzungskonzepte ausgesprochen und weitergehender Forschungsbedarf benannt. [... aus der Zusammenfassung

    Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search

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    Document recommendation systems for locating relevant literature have mostly relied on methods developed a decade ago. This is largely due to the lack of a large offline gold-standard benchmark of relevant documents that cover a variety of research fields such that newly developed literature search techniques can be compared, improved and translated into practice. To overcome this bottleneck, we have established the RElevant LIterature SearcH consortium consisting of more than 1500 scientists from 84 countries, who have collectively annotated the relevance of over 180 000 PubMed-listed articles with regard to their respective seed (input) article/s. The majority of annotations were contributed by highly experienced, original authors of the seed articles. The collected data cover 76% of all unique PubMed Medical Subject Headings descriptors. No systematic biases were observed across different experience levels, research fields or time spent on annotations. More importantly, annotations of the same document pairs contributed by different scientists were highly concordant. We further show that the three representative baseline methods used to generate recommended articles for evaluation (Okapi Best Matching 25, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency and PubMed Related Articles) had similar overall performances. Additionally, we found that these methods each tend to produce distinct collections of recommended articles, suggesting that a hybrid method may be required to completely capture all relevant articles. The established database server located at https://relishdb.ict.griffith.edu.au is freely available for the downloading of annotation data and the blind testing of new methods. We expect that this benchmark will be useful for stimulating the development of new powerful techniques for title and title/abstract-based search engines for relevant articles in biomedical research.Peer reviewe

    Brassinosteroid regulation of plant stem cells: the bravo pathway

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    La present tesi doctoral descriu la configuració del complex proteic de BRAVO en el nínxol de cèl·lules mare d'Arabidopsis. També demostra que BRAVO-WOX5-BES1 formen part d'una xarxa organitzadora que comprèn heterodímeros de BRAVO-WOX5, i que junts mantenen la quiescencia en els nínxols de cèl·lules mare de l'arrel. I tot això està controlat pels BRs. Aquestes dades proporcionen nous coneixements sobre l'organització de la divisió del centre quiescente en les arrels vegetals. Es va investigar la composició del complex proteic BRAVO de l'arrel primària d'Arabidopsis in vivo mitjançant tècniques de InmunoPrecipitación i cromatografia líquida/masses. Però a causa de la baixa expressió nativa de BRAVO, ens vam veure obligats a realitzar un examen exhaustiu dels possibles interactores de BRAVO en llevat, per a aconseguir augmentar la sensibilitat del nostre enfocament. Les anàlisis van revelar que BRAVO, un membre de la família R2R3 MYB, interactua amb una proteïna de la superfamília homeobox. Aquest treball demostra que BRAVO, a més d'interaccionar amb WOX5, també ho fa amb BES1 i TPL. El resultat va ser confirmat mitjançant tècniques moleculars in vitro per assajos de Y2H i també in vivo utilitzant FRET-FLIM i BiFC en fulles de Nicotiana benthamiana. Les nostres dades proporcionen evidències d'interacció directa de BRAVO amb WOX5, i al mateix temps, proposem que tots dos podrien formar part del complex transcripcional BES1/TPL en el SCN, i tot això regulat mitjançant BRs. Vam mostrar que la interacció de BES1-TPL és essencial per a la divisió del QC en el nínxol de cèl·lules mare de l'arrel. L'augment dels nivells de BR indueix la divisió del QC mitjançant un mecanisme controlat amb precisió per BRAVO. Els resultats estableixen que TPL regula la divisió de cèl·lules del QC a través de la supressió mediada per BES1 de BRAVO, i en resposta als BRs. A més, mitjançant una anàlisi genètic i matemàtic revelem que la interacció de BRAVO i WOX5 és essencial per a determinar el destí de les cèl·lules mare. De particular interès és el fet que BRAVO i WOX5 es reforcen mútuament en el nínxol de cèl·lules mare d'arrel. Això és sorprenent, ja que els nivells de WOX5 estan regulats per BRs de manera oposada que ho són en BRAVO. Un anàlisi exhaustiu del patró d'expressió de tots dos gens en els mutants KO simples i dobles, secunda que BRAVO és necessari per a mantenir els nivells normals de WOX5 en el QC. A més, les nostres dades són coherents amb el fet que WOX5 pot induir l'expressió de BRAVO, però només en el seu domini natiu. D'acord amb la nostra hipòtesi, el nostre model matemàtic prediu que WOX5 es reprimeix transcripcionalmente i al mateix temps activa l'expressió de BRAVO, tenint en compte la formació de heterodímeros i del complex. En aquest escenari, les interaccions del model indiquen que BRAVO no pot activar l'expressió WOX5 fora del seu domini, d'acord amb els resultats. Vam mostrar una xarxa reguladora de les nostres interaccions predita pel model matemàtic. A més, en augmentar la concentració de BR observem una major correlació entre les concentracions de proteïnes BRAVO i WOX5 quan un d'ells està absent, però no quan falten tots dos. Aquest mecanisme podria ser un mecanisme de compensació. I finalment, en l'últim capítol, aprofundim en l'evolució de BRAVO i de WOX5 amb l'objectiu de comprendre l'organització primitiva i la funció del nostre SCN actual en l'arrel.La presente tesis doctoral describe la configuración del complejo proteico de BRAVO en el nicho de células madre de Arabidopsis. También demuestra que BRAVO-WOX5-BES1 forman parte de una red organizadora que comprende heterodímeros de BRAVO-WOX5, y que juntos mantienen la quiescencia en los nichos de células madre de la raíz. Y todo esto está controlado por los BRs. Estos datos proporcionan nuevos conocimientos sobre la organización de la división del centro quiescente en las raíces vegetales. Se investigó la composición del complejo proteico BRAVO de la raíz primaria de Arabidopsis in vivo mediante técnicas de Inmuno-precipitación y cromatografía líquida/masas. Pero debido a la baja expresión nativa de BRAVO, nos vimos obligados a realizar un examen exhaustivo de los posibles interactores de BRAVO en levadura, para conseguir aumentar la sensibilidad de nuestro enfoque. Los análisis revelaron que BRAVO, un miembro de la familia R2R3 MYB, interactúa con una proteína de la superfamilia homeobox. Este trabajo demuestra que BRAVO, además de interaccionar con WOX5, también lo hace con BES1 y TPL. El resultado fue confirmado mediante técnicas moleculares in vitro por ensayos de Y2H y también in vivo utilizando FRET-FLIM y BiFC en hojas de Nicotiana benthamiana. Nuestros datos proporcionan evidencias de interacción directa de BRAVO con WOX5, y al mismo tiempo, proponemos que ambos podrían formar parte del complejo transcripcional BES1/TPL en el SCN, y todo esto regulado mediante BRs. Mostramos que la interacción de BES1-TPL es esencial para la división del QC en el nicho de células madre de la raíz. El aumento de los niveles de BR induce la división del QC mediante un mecanismo controlado con precisión por BRAVO. Los resultados establecen que TPL regula la división de células del QC a través de la supresión mediada por BES1 de BRAVO, y en respuesta a los BRs. Además, mediante un análisis genético y matemático revelamos que la interacción de BRAVO y WOX5 es esencial para determinar el destino de las células madre. De particular interés es el hecho de que BRAVO y WOX5 se refuerzan mutuamente en el nicho de células madre de raíz. Esto es sorprendente, ya que los niveles de WOX5 están regulados por BRs de forma opuesta que lo son en BRAVO. Un análisis exhaustivo del patrón de expresión de ambos genes en los mutantes KO simples y dobles, apoya que BRAVO es necesario para mantener los niveles normales de WOX5 en el QC. Además, nuestros datos son coherentes con el hecho de que WOX5 puede inducir la expresión de BRAVO, pero sólo en su dominio nativo. De acuerdo con nuestra hipótesis, nuestro modelo matemático predice que WOX5 se reprime transcripcionalmente y a su vez activa la expresión BRAVO, teniendo en cuenta la formación de heterodímeros y del complejo. En este escenario, las interacciones del modelo indican que BRAVO no puede activar la expresión WOX5 fuera de su dominio, de acuerdo con los resultados. Mostramos una red reguladora de nuestras interacciones predicha por el modelo matemático. Además, al aumentar la concentración de BR observamos una mayor correlación entre las concentraciones de proteínas BRAVO y WOX5 cuando uno de ellos está ausente. Pero no cuando faltan ambos. Este mecanismo podría ser un mecanismo de compensación. Y finalmente, en el último capítulo, profundizamos en la evolución de BRAVO y de WOX5 con el objetivo de comprender la organización primitiva y la función de nuestro SCN actual en la raíz.The present PhD thesis dissertation describes the configuration of BRAVO protein complex in Arabidopsis stem cell niche, while demonstrates that BRAVO-WOX5-BES1 are part of a main regulator network that comprises BRAVO-WOX5 heterodimers, and together contribute to cell specific regulation of BR-controlled quiescence in root stem cell niches. The current data provide new insights into the QC division organization in plant roots. It was investigated the composition of BRAVO protein complex from Arabidopsis primary root in vivo by IP and LC-MS/MS techniques. Giving the low expression of native BRAVO, we conducted an exhaustive screening for BRAVO interactors in Yeast to increase the sensitivity of our approach. The analyses revealed that BRAVO, a member of the R2R3 MYB family, interact with a homeobox superfamily protein. The work further demonstrate that BRAVO interacts with WOX5, BES1 and TPL. This result was confirmed by molecular techniques in vitro by Y2H assays and in vivo using FRET-FLIM and BiFC in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. Our data provides evidences of BRAVO directly interaction with WOX5, and at the same time both could be part of the BES1/TPL transcriptional complex at the SCN trough the BR signalling cascade. We display that the interaction of BES1-TPL is essential for the QC division in root SCN. Increasing BR levels induce QC division through a fine mechanism which is accurately controlled by BRAVO. The results establish that TPL regulates QC cell division through BES1-mediated suppression of BRAVO, and in response to BRs, the last step seems to be the promotion of the QC division. By a genetical and a mathematical analysis, we revealed that BRAVO and WOX5 interaction is essential for stem cell fate. Of particular interest is the fact that BRAVO and WOX5 reinforce each other at the root stem cell niche. This was surprising, since WOX5 levels are oppositely regulated by BRs than in BRAVO. The exhaustive analysis of the expression pattern of both genes in all the simple and double KO mutants, support that BRAVO is required to maintain normal WOX5 levels in the QC. In addition our data are coherent with the fact that WOX5 can induce BRAVO expression but only in the BRAVO native domain. Consistent with our hypothesis, a mathematical model predicted that WOX5 transcriptionally represses itself and activates BRAVO expression, taking in account the heterodimers and complex formation. In this scenario, the model interactions indicate that BRAVO is unable to activate WOX5 expression outside of its domain, in agreement with the results of the BRAVO overexpression line. We show a regulatory network of our interactions predicted by the mathematical model. We added the protein fold changes predicted by this model when changing the BR concentrations due to the BR signalling cascade in different situations and we observed better correlation of BRAVO and WOX5 protein concentrations when one of them are absent. But not when both are out. The exact reasons for these differences are not clear. This mechanism could be a compensation mechanism. And finally, in the last chapter, we delve into evolution with the aim to comprehend the primitive organisation and function of our present root SCN.Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Programa de Doctorat en Biologia i Biotecnologia Vegeta

    Brassinosteroid regulation of plant stem cells: the BRAVO pathway

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for obtainig the degree of Doctor (PhD) by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).[CA]: La present tesi doctoral descriu la configuració del complex proteic de BRAVO en el nínxol de cèl·lules mare d'Arabidopsis. També demostra que BRAVO-WOX5-BES1 formen part d'una xarxa organitzadora que comprèn heterodímeros de BRAVO-WOX5, i que junts mantenen la quiescencia en els nínxols de cèl·lules mare de l'arrel. I tot això està controlat pels BRs. Aquestes dades proporcionen nous coneixements sobre l'organització de la divisió del centre quiescente en les arrels vegetals. Es va investigar la composició del complex proteic BRAVO de l'arrel primària d'Arabidopsis in vivo mitjançant tècniques de InmunoPrecipitación i cromatografia líquida/masses. Però a causa de la baixa expressió nativa de BRAVO, ens vam veure obligats a realitzar un examen exhaustiu dels possibles interactores de BRAVO en llevat, per a aconseguir augmentar la sensibilitat del nostre enfocament. Les anàlisis van revelar que BRAVO, un membre de la família R2R3 MYB, interactua amb una proteïna de la superfamília homeobox. Aquest treball demostra que BRAVO, a més d'interaccionar amb WOX5, també ho fa amb BES1 i TPL. El resultat va ser confirmat mitjançant tècniques moleculars in vitro per assajos de Y2H i també in vivo utilitzant FRET-FLIM i BiFC en fulles de Nicotiana benthamiana. Les nostres dades proporcionen evidències d'interacció directa de BRAVO amb WOX5, i al mateix temps, proposem que tots dos podrien formar part del complex transcripcional BES1/TPL en el SCN, i tot això regulat mitjançant BRs. Vam mostrar que la interacció de BES1-TPL és essencial per a la divisió del QC en el nínxol de cèl·lules mare de l'arrel. L'augment dels nivells de BR indueix la divisió del QC mitjançant un mecanisme controlat amb precisió per BRAVO. Els resultats estableixen que TPL regula la divisió de cèl·lules del QC a través de la supressió mediada per BES1 de BRAVO, i en resposta als BRs. A més, mitjançant una anàlisi genètic i matemàtic revelem que la interacció de BRAVO i WOX5 és essencial per a determinar el destí de les cèl·lules mare. De particular interès és el fet que BRAVO i WOX5 es reforcen mútuament en el nínxol de cèl·lules mare d'arrel. Això és sorprenent, ja que els nivells de WOX5 estan regulats per BRs de manera oposada que ho són en BRAVO. Un anàlisi exhaustiu del patró d'expressió de tots dos gens en els mutants KO simples i dobles, secunda que BRAVO és necessari per a mantenir els nivells normals de WOX5 en el QC. A més, les nostres dades són coherents amb el fet que WOX5 pot induir l'expressió de BRAVO, però només en el seu domini natiu. D'acord amb la nostra hipòtesi, el nostre model matemàtic prediu que WOX5 es reprimeix transcripcionalmente i al mateix temps activa l'expressió de BRAVO, tenint en compte la formació de heterodímeros i del complex. En aquest escenari, les interaccions del model indiquen que BRAVO no pot activar l'expressió WOX5 fora del seu domini, d'acord amb els resultats. Vam mostrar una xarxa reguladora de les nostres interaccions predita pel model matemàtic. A més, en augmentar la concentració de BR observem una major correlació entre les concentracions de proteïnes BRAVO i WOX5 quan un d'ells està absent, però no quan falten tots dos. Aquest mecanisme podria ser un mecanisme de compensació. I finalment, en l'últim capítol, aprofundim en l'evolució de BRAVO i de WOX5 amb l'objectiu de comprendre l'organització primitiva i la funció del nostre SCN actual en l'arrel.[ES]: La presente tesis doctoral describe la configuración del complejo proteico de BRAVO en el nicho de células madre de Arabidopsis. También demuestra que BRAVO-WOX5-BES1 forman parte de una red organizadora que comprende heterodímeros de BRAVO-WOX5, y que juntos mantienen la quiescencia en los nichos de células madre de la raíz. Y todo esto está controlado por los BRs. Estos datos proporcionan nuevos conocimientos sobre la organización de la división del centro quiescente en las raíces vegetales. Se investigó la composición del complejo proteico BRAVO de la raíz primaria de Arabidopsis in vivo mediante técnicas de Inmuno-precipitación y cromatografía líquida/masas. Pero debido a la baja expresión nativa de BRAVO, nos vimos obligados a realizar un examen exhaustivo de los posibles interactores de BRAVO en levadura, para conseguir aumentar la sensibilidad de nuestro enfoque. Los análisis revelaron que BRAVO, un miembro de la familia R2R3 MYB, interactúa con una proteína de la superfamilia homeobox. Este trabajo demuestra que BRAVO, además de interaccionar con WOX5, también lo hace con BES1 y TPL. El resultado fue confirmado mediante técnicas moleculares in vitro por ensayos de Y2H y también in vivo utilizando FRET-FLIM y BiFC en hojas de Nicotiana benthamiana. Nuestros datos proporcionan evidencias de interacción directa de BRAVO con WOX5, y al mismo tiempo, proponemos que ambos podrían formar parte del complejo transcripcional BES1/TPL en el SCN, y todo esto regulado mediante BRs. Mostramos que la interacción de BES1-TPL es esencial para la división del QC en el nicho de células madre de la raíz. El aumento de los niveles de BR induce la división del QC mediante un mecanismo controlado con precisión por BRAVO. Los resultados establecen que TPL regula la división de células del QC a través de la supresión mediada por BES1 de BRAVO, y en respuesta a los BRs. Además, mediante un análisis genético y matemático revelamos que la interacción de BRAVO y WOX5 es esencial para determinar el destino de las células madre. De particular interés es el hecho de que BRAVO y WOX5 se refuerzan mutuamente en el nicho de células madre de raíz. Esto es sorprendente, ya que los niveles de WOX5 están regulados por BRs de forma opuesta que lo son en BRAVO. Un análisis exhaustivo del patrón de expresión de ambos genes en los mutantes KO simples y dobles, apoya que BRAVO es necesario para mantener los niveles normales de WOX5 en el QC. Además, nuestros datos son coherentes con el hecho de que WOX5 puede inducir la expresión de BRAVO, pero sólo en su dominio nativo. De acuerdo con nuestra hipótesis, nuestro modelo matemático predice que WOX5 se reprime transcripcionalmente y a su vez activa la expresión BRAVO, teniendo en cuenta la formación de heterodímeros y del complejo. En este escenario, las interacciones del modelo indican que BRAVO no puede activar la expresión WOX5 fuera de su dominio, de acuerdo con los resultados. Mostramos una red reguladora de nuestras interacciones predicha por el modelo matemático. Además, al aumentar la concentración de BR observamos una mayor correlación entre las concentraciones de proteínas BRAVO y WOX5 cuando uno de ellos está ausente. Pero no cuando faltan ambos. Este mecanismo podría ser un mecanismo de compensación. Y finalmente, en el último capítulo, profundizamos en la evolución de BRAVO y de WOX5 con el objetivo de comprender la organización primitiva y la función de nuestro SCN actual en la raíz.[EN]: The present PhD thesis dissertation describes the configuration of BRAVO protein complex in Arabidopsis stem cell niche, while demonstrates that BRAVO-WOX5-BES1 are part of a main regulator network that comprises BRAVO-WOX5 heterodimers, and together contribute to cell specific regulation of BR-controlled quiescence in root stem cell niches. The current data provide new insights into the QC division organization in plant roots. It was investigated the composition of BRAVO protein complex from Arabidopsis primary root in vivo by IP and LC-MS/MS techniques. Giving the low expression of native BRAVO, we conducted an exhaustive screening for BRAVO interactors in Yeast to increase the sensitivity of our approach. The analyses revealed that BRAVO, a member of the R2R3 MYB family, interact with a homeobox superfamily protein. The work further demonstrate that BRAVO interacts with WOX5, BES1 and TPL. This result was confirmed by molecular techniques in vitro by Y2H assays and in vivo using FRET-FLIM and BiFC in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. Our data provides evidences of BRAVO directly interaction with WOX5, and at the same time both could be part of the BES1/TPL transcriptional complex at the SCN trough the BR signalling cascade. We display that the interaction of BES1-TPL is essential for the QC division in root SCN. Increasing BR levels induce QC division through a fine mechanism which is accurately controlled by BRAVO. The results establish that TPL regulates QC cell division through BES1-mediated suppression of BRAVO, and in response to BRs, the last step seems to be the promotion of the QC division. By a genetical and a mathematical analysis, we revealed that BRAVO and WOX5 interaction is essential for stem cell fate. Of particular interest is the fact that BRAVO and WOX5 reinforce each other at the root stem cell niche. This was surprising, since WOX5 levels are oppositely regulated by BRs than in BRAVO. The exhaustive analysis of the expression pattern of both genes in all the simple and double KO mutants, support that BRAVO is required to maintain normal WOX5 levels in the QC. In addition our data are coherent with the fact that WOX5 can induce BRAVO expression but only in the BRAVO native domain. Consistent with our hypothesis, a mathematical model predicted that WOX5 transcriptionally represses itself and activates BRAVO expression, taking in account the heterodimers and complex formation. In this scenario, the model interactions indicate that BRAVO is unable to activate WOX5 expression outside of its domain, in agreement with the results of the BRAVO overexpression line. We show a regulatory network of our interactions predicted by the mathematical model. We added the protein fold changes predicted by this model when changing the BR concentrations due to the BR signalling cascade in different situations and we observed better correlation of BRAVO and WOX5 protein concentrations when one of them are absent. But not when both are out. The exact reasons for these differences are not clear. This mechanism could be a compensation mechanism. And finally, in the last chapter, we delve into evolution with the aim to comprehend the primitive organisation and function of our present root SCN.Peer reviewe

    Adding Natural Areas to Social Indicators of Intra-Urban Health Inequalities among Children. A Case Study from Berlin, Germany

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    Research suggests that there is a relationship between the health of urban populations and the availability of green and water spaces in their daily environment. In this paper, we analyze the potential intra-urban relationships between children’s health determinants and outcomes and natural areas in Berlin, Germany. In particular, health indicators such as deficits in viso-motoric development in children are related to environmental indicators such as the natural area cover, natural area per capita and distance to natural areas; however, these indicators are also correlated with social determinants of health. The methodological approach used in this study included bivariate and multivariate analyses to explore the relations between health inequalities and social, socio-economic, and land use parameters. The results on a sub-district level indicated that there was a correlation between natural areas and social health determinants, both of which displayed a certain intra-urban spatial pattern. In particular, a lower percentage of natural area cover was correlated with deficits in viso-motoric development. However, results with percentage of natural area cover and per capita natural area with childhood overweight were not conclusive. No significant correlation was found for percentage of natural area cover and overweight, while significant negative correlation values were found between overweight and per capita natural area. This was identified particularly in the districts that had lower social conditions. On the other hand, the districts with the highest social conditions had the comparatively lowest levels of complete measles immunization. This study may facilitate public health work by identifying the urban areas in which the strengthening of health resources and actions should be prioritized and also calls for the inclusion of natural areas among the social health indicators included in intra-urban health inequality tools.Peer Reviewe

    The health benefits of nature-based solutions to urbanization challenges for children and the elderly â\u80\u93 A systematic review

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    Urban green and blue spaces promote health by offering areas for physical activity, stress relief, and social interaction, which may be considered as cultural ecosystem services. They also provide a number of regulating ecosystem services that can be regarded as nature-based solutions to mitigate impacts from urbanization-induced challenges. Urban trees and other vegetation provide cooling through shade and evapotranspiration, which reduce the impact of the urban heat island on hot summer days. Urban vegetation may improve air quality by removing air pollutants. Open areas in cities, such as parks, gardens, playgrounds and cemeteries, are unsealed spaces that also improve infiltration during extreme precipitation events providing water regulating functions. All these services have the potential to improve the health of urban residents, particularly of specific vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the current state of evidence on the relationship between the health of children and the elderly and urban green and blue spaces that can account as nature-based solutions to urbanization-induced challenges. We discuss potential confounding factors and refer to the different green space metrics used to identify associations to health. From the results, we cannot conclude on a universal protective health effect of urban green and blue spaces for children and the elderly. While the association trend is positive, the results remain inconclusive, context dependent and are partly overridden by socioeconomic confounders. However, the research area is consistently increasing, and we advance important prospects for future research on urban green and blue spaces in the face of global challenges such as urbanization

    Delving into the ancient stem cell niche

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    Resumen del póster presentado al Congreso 'At the Forefront of Plant Research', celebrado en Barcelona (España) del 6 al 8 de mayo de 2019.Plant growth and development is sustained by a pool of undifferentiated and pluripotent stem cells. These cells have the ability to self-renew and give rise to all type of tissues. Genes in the WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX(WOX) family constitute the master regulators that maintain a stable stem cell population in superior plants. The WOX family consists of three clades: the ancient clade, present in the earliest diverging green plants; the intermediate clade that emerged in vascular plants; and the WUSCHEL(WUS) clade, which appears specifically in ferns and seed plants. Therefore, the complexity of WOX protein family has increased during plant evolution coupled with a tighter regulation and organization of stem cells. To date, the major studies to understand stem cell regulation were carried out in angiosperms models. However, the knowledge about stem cell control in early divergent land plants is still limited. Focusing our efforts in this direction may help to clarify how the activity and regulation pathway of WOXs members evolved. In this sense, the bryophyte Marchantia polymorpha constitute a suitable model due to its critical evolutionary position and genome simplicity. Here, we identified one WOX protein(MpWOX) closely related with members from the WOX ancient clade. Overexpressor, amiRNA and reporter lines of MpWOX were generated in Marchantia and a phenotypic analysis of these lines in meristematic and stem cell function is undergoing. In addition, we are carrying a complementation of Arabidopsis thaliana wox mutants to investigate the ancestral role of these proteins. Our preliminary results indicate a possible conservation of the WOX function on stem cells maintenance.Peer reviewe

    BRAVO self-confined expression through WOX5 in the Arabidopsis root stem-cell niche

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaIn animals and plants, stem-cell niches are local microenvironments that are tightly regulated to preserve their unique identity while communicating with adjacent cells that will give rise to specialized cell types. In the primary root of Arabidopsis thaliana, two transcription factors, BRAVO and WOX5, among others, are expressed in the stem-cell niche. Intriguingly, BRAVO, a repressor of quiescent center divisions, confines its own gene expression to the stem-cell niche, as evidenced in a bravo mutant background. Here, we propose through mathematical modeling that BRAVO confines its own expression domain to the stem-cell niche by attenuating a WOX5-dependent diffusible activator of BRAVO. This negative feedback drives WOX5 activity to be spatially restricted as well. The results show that WOX5 diffusion and sequestration by binding to BRAVO are sufficient to drive the experimentally observed confined BRAVO expression at the stem-cell niche. We propose that the attenuation of a diffusible activator can be a general mechanism acting at other stem-cell niches to spatially confine genetic activity to a small region while maintaining signaling within them and with the surrounding cells

    Resting state brain network function in major depression – Depression symptomatology, antidepressant treatment effects, future research

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    The alterations of functional connectivity brain networks in major depressive disorder (MDD) have been subject of a large number of studies. Using different methodologies and focusing on diverse aspects of the disease, research shows heterogeneous results lacking integration. Disrupted network connectivity has been found in core MDD networks like the default mode network (DMN), the central executive network (CEN), and the salience network, but also in cerebellar and thalamic circuitries. Here we review literature published on resting state brain network function in MDD focusing on methodology, and clinical characteristics including symptomatology and antidepressant treatment related findings. There are relatively few investigations concerning the qualitative aspects of symptomatology of MDD, whereas most studies associate quantitative aspects with distinct resting state functional connectivity alterations. Such depression severity associated alterations are found in the DMN, frontal, cerebellar and thalamic brain regions as well as the insula and the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex. Similarly, different therapeutical options in MDD and their effects on brain function showed patchy results. Herein, phar- maceutical treatments reveal functional connectivity alterations throughout multiple brain regions notably the DMN, fronto-limbic, and parieto-temporal regions. Psychotherapeutical interventions show significant functional connectivity alterations in fronto-limbic networks, whereas electroconvulsive therapy and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation result in alterations of the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex, the DMN, the CEN and the dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex. While it appears clear that functional connectivity alterations are associated with the pathophysiology and treatment of MDD, future research should also generate a common strategy for data acquisition and analysis, as a least common denominator, to set the basis for comparability across studies and implementation of functional connectivity as a scientifically and clinically useful biomarker