167 research outputs found

    Operando X-ray characterization of interfacial charge transfer and structural rearrangements

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    Key technologies in energy conversion and storage, sensing and chemical synthesis rely on a detailed knowledge about charge transfer processes at electrified solid-liquid interfaces. However, these interfaces continuously evolve as a function of applied potentials, ionic concentrations and time. We therefore need to characterize chemical composition, atomic arrangement and electronic structure of both the liquid and the solid side of the interface under operating conditions. In this chapter, we discuss the state-of-the-art X-ray based spectroscopy and diffraction approaches for such 'operando' characterization. We highlight recent examples from literature and demonstrate how X-ray absorption spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and surface X-ray diffraction can reveal the required interface-sensitive information

    Next generation single-domain antibodies against respiratory zoonotic RNA viruses

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    The global impact of zoonotic viral outbreaks underscores the pressing need for innovative antiviral strategies, particularly against respiratory zoonotic RNA viruses. These viruses possess a high potential to trigger future epidemics and pandemics due to their high mutation rate, broad host range and efficient spread through airborne transmission. Recent pandemics caused by coronaviruses and influenza A viruses underscore the importance of developing targeted antiviral strategies. Single-domain antibodies (sdAbs), originating from camelids, also known as nanobodies or VHHs (Variable Heavy domain of Heavy chain antibodies), have emerged as promising tools to combat current and impending zoonotic viral threats. Their unique structure, coupled with attributes like robustness, compact size, and cost-effectiveness, positions them as strong alternatives to traditional monoclonal antibodies. This review describes the pivotal role of sdAbs in combating respiratory zoonotic viruses, with a primary focus on enhancing sdAb antiviral potency through optimization techniques and diverse administration strategies. We discuss both the promises and challenges within this dynamically growing field

    Next generation single-domain antibodies against respiratory zoonotic RNA viruses

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    The global impact of zoonotic viral outbreaks underscores the pressing need for innovative antiviral strategies, particularly against respiratory zoonotic RNA viruses. These viruses possess a high potential to trigger future epidemics and pandemics due to their high mutation rate, broad host range and efficient spread through airborne transmission. Recent pandemics caused by coronaviruses and influenza A viruses underscore the importance of developing targeted antiviral strategies. Single-domain antibodies (sdAbs), originating from camelids, also known as nanobodies or VHHs (Variable Heavy domain of Heavy chain antibodies), have emerged as promising tools to combat current and impending zoonotic viral threats. Their unique structure, coupled with attributes like robustness, compact size, and cost-effectiveness, positions them as strong alternatives to traditional monoclonal antibodies. This review describes the pivotal role of sdAbs in combating respiratory zoonotic viruses, with a primary focus on enhancing sdAb antiviral potency through optimization techniques and diverse administration strategies. We discuss both the promises and challenges within this dynamically growing field

    Inflammoskopie: Dermatoskopie bei entz\ufcndlichen, infiltrierenden und infekti\uf6sen Dermatosen : Indikation und standardisierte dermatoskopische Terminologie

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    Dermatoscopy as a\ua0noninvasive diagnostic tool is not only useful in the differentiation of malignant and benign skin tumors, but is also effective in the diagnosis of inflammatory, infiltrative and infectious dermatoses. As a result, the need for diagnostic punch biopsies in dermatoses could be reduced. Hereby the selection of affected skin areas is essential. The diagnostic accuracy is independent of the skin type. Helpful dermatoscopic features include vessels morphology and distribution, scales colors and distribution, follicular findings, further structures such as colors and morphology as well as specific clues. The dermatoscopic diagnosis is made based on the descriptive approach in clinical routine, teaching and research. In all clinical and dermatoscopic diagnoses that remain unclear, a\ua0punch biopsy with histopathology should be performed. The dermatoscope should be cleaned after every examination according to the guidelines

    Enhancing Access to Online Education: Quality Machine Translation of MOOC Content

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    Contains fulltext : 162505.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)The International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC) 2016, 23 mei 201

    Diagnòstic del nivell d'implantació de la perspectiva de gènere en el Grau en Infermeria de l'Escola Superior d'Infermeria del Mar

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    L’Escola Superior d’Infermeria del Mar, des de l’any 2017, té com a objectiu estratègic aplicar la perspectiva de gènere de forma transversal en els estudis del Grau en Infermeria. Un pas previ per a portar a terme aquest projecte ha estat realitzar una diagnosi de la situació prèvia per a saber en quin nivell estem, que estem fent i al mateix temps, assentar les bases per allò que cal i volem fer. La diagnosi es va materialitzar amb un estudi que es va realitzar durant el curs 2017-2018. Es pretenia analitzar la percepció del professorat i de l’alumnat sobre la incorporació de la perspectiva de gènere en el Grau i analitzar els Plans Docents de totes les assignatures en quant a la inclusió de continguts, estratègies docents i referències bibliogràfiques relatives al gènere. Els resultats d’aquest estudi ens han permès copsar la realitat de la que partim i dissenyar un pla d’actuació a mig i llarg termini que ens permetrà aplicar la mirada de gènere en la docència i la recerca disciplinar per tal de detectar, diagnosticar i eliminar possibles biaixos de gènere vinculats a la infermeri

    First Measurement of the 96^{96}Ru(p,γ\gamma)97^{97}Rh Cross Section for the p-Process with a Storage Ring

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    This work presents a direct measurement of the 96^{96}Ru(p,γp, \gamma)97^{97}Rh cross section via a novel technique using a storage ring, which opens opportunities for reaction measurements on unstable nuclei. A proof-of-principle experiment was performed at the storage ring ESR at GSI in Darmstadt, where circulating 96^{96}Ru ions interacted repeatedly with a hydrogen target. The 96^{96}Ru(p,γp, \gamma)97^{97}Rh cross section between 9 and 11 MeV has been determined using two independent normalization methods. As key ingredients in Hauser-Feshbach calculations, the γ\gamma-ray strength function as well as the level density model can be pinned down with the measured (p,γp, \gamma) cross section. Furthermore, the proton optical potential can be optimized after the uncertainties from the γ\gamma-ray strength function and the level density have been removed. As a result, a constrained 96^{96}Ru(p,γp, \gamma)97^{97}Rh reaction rate over a wide temperature range is recommended for pp-process network calculations.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figs, Accepted for publication at PR