138 research outputs found

    Multislice CT in the pre- and postinterventional evaluation of mesenteric perfusion

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    Multislice computed tomography angiography (CTA) has been found feasible for the evaluation of visceral vasculature. The development of multislice technology has overcome past limitations. First, the faster scanning speed increases volume coverage during a single breath-hold and improves the exploitation of contrast medium. Second, the better spatial resolution results in nearly isotropic voxels allowing reconstruction of high-resolution three-dimensional images with different algorithms. Volume rendering is capable of displaying the visceral vasculature from any external vantage point. Compared to conventional angiography, CTA not only delineates vessels but also depicts the anatomical relationship to adjacent structures and allows the evaluation of perfused organs. CTA also has become an emerging tool for the pre- and postinterventional assessment of vascular anatomy. The purpose of this pictorial essay is to present a spectrum of visceral vascular diseases and interventional and surgical therapies, and to highlight the role of postprocessing for their evaluatio

    Multi-detector computed tomography of acute abdomen

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    Acute abdominal pain is one of the most common causes for referrals to the emergency department. The sudden onset of severe abdominal pain characterising the "acute abdomen” requires rapid and accurate identification of a potentially life-threatening abdominal pathology to provide a timely referral to the appropriate physician. While the physical examination and laboratory investigations are often non-specific, computed tomography (CT) has evolved as the first-line imaging modality in patients with an acute abdomen. Because the new multi-detector CT (MDCT) scanner generations provide increased speed, greater volume coverage and thinner slices, the acceptance of CT for abdominal imaging has increased rapidly. The goal of this article is to discuss the role of MDCT in the diagnostic work-up of acute abdominal pai

    Acute gastrointestinal bleeding: detection of source and etiology with multi-detector-row CT

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    This study was conducted to determine the ability of multi-detector-row computed tomography (CT) to identify the source and etiology of acute gastrointestinal bleeding. Eighteen patients with acute upper (n = 10) and lower (n = 8) gastrointestinal bleeding underwent 4-detector-row CT (n = 6), 16-detector-row CT (n = 11), and 64-slice CT (n = 1) with an arterial and portal venous phase of contrast enhancement. Unenhanced scans were performed in nine patients. CT scans were reviewed to determine conspicuity of bleeding source, underlying etiology, and for potential causes of false-negative prospective interpretations. Bleeding sources were prospectively identified with CT in 15 (83%) patients, and three (17%) bleeding sources were visualized in retrospect, allowing the characterization of all sources of bleeding with CT. Contrast extravasation was demonstrated with CT in all 11 patients with severe bleeding, but only in 1 of 7 patients with mild bleeding. The etiology could not be identified on unenhanced CT scans in any patient, whereas arterial-phase and portal venous-phase CT depicted etiology in 15 (83%) patients. Underlying etiology was correctly identified in all eight patients with mild GI bleeding. Multi-detector-row CT enables the identification of bleeding source and precise etiology in patients with acute gastrointestinal bleedin

    Contrast-enhanced MR cholangiography with Gd-EOB-DTPA in patients with liver cirrhosis: visualization of the biliary ducts in comparison with patients with normal liver parenchyma

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the quality of biliary duct visualization using Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced magnetic resonance cholangiography (EOB-MRC) in patients with liver cirrhosis. Forty adult patients with liver cirrhosis (cirrhosis group) and 20 adult individuals with normal liver parenchyma (control group) underwent EOB-MRC using T1-weighted GRE imaging up to 180min after Gd-EOB-DTPA administration. Two observers assessed the visualization of each biliary structure and the overall anatomical visualization of the biliary tree. Child-Pugh, MELD score and laboratory findings were compared. The grade of visualization for each evaluated biliary structure was statistically different in the two groups (P = 0.004 to <0.001). The overall EOB-MRC quality was rated as sufficient for anatomical visualization of the biliary tree in all individuals of the control group 20min after Gd-EOB-DTPA application, but in only 16/40 patients (40%) of the cirrhosis group within 30min after application. Analysis of the ROC curves revealed that the cut-off values, for non-sufficient visualization of the biliary tree 20min after Gd-EOB-DTPA application, were MELD scores ≥11 and total serum bilirubin levels ≥30 μmol/l. Consecutively, EOB-MRC in patients with liver cirrhosis resulted in a decreased or even non-visualization of the biliary tree in a substantial percentage of patient

    Coronal thick CT reconstruction: an alternative for initial chest radiography in trauma patients

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    It has been proposed that the imaging workup of trauma patients be accelerated by omitting the initial chest radiography (CR) and directly performing a computed tomography (CT); however, the baseline CR is then lacking. The purpose of this study was to assess if coronal thick reconstructions generated from chest CT could present an adequate alternative for CR. Sixty trauma patients underwent bedside CR and multidetector row chest CT in the emergency room. The image quality of thoracic anatomical structures, the diagnostic accuracy for chest pathology, and the depiction of indwelling devices were assessed on both modalities. Main pulmonary arteries and perihilar bronchi were equally visualized with both modalities. Central bronchi, retrocardial lung parenchyma, diaphragm, descending aorta, and vertebral pedicles were better visualized on thick CT reconstructions, whereas peripheral lung vessels were better depicted on CR (p<0.05). The accuracy to delineate various pathological findings did not differ between both modalities, except for a higher sensitivity to diagnose bronchial cuffing on CR (p<0.05). The location of indwelling devices was similarly and correctly depicted with both modalities. Coronal thick CT reconstructions provide a similar image quality and diagnostic accuracy compared with CR. These reconstructions may serve as an equivalent baseline image in trauma patients in whom emergency radiological evaluation has to be accelerate

    Comparison of retrospectively ECG-gated and nongated MDCT of the chest in an emergency setting regarding workflow, image quality, and diagnostic certainty

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    Purpose: This study aims to assess the influence of ECG-gated acquisition on workflow and to compare image quality and diagnostic certainty for retrospectively ECG-gated and nongated multidetector computed tomography of the chest in the emergency suite. Materials and methods: Thirty-two consecutive patients were referred for both an ECG-gated and a nongated CT to rule out traumatic thoracic injury (n=15) or acute aortic dissection (n=17). The time from the start of the transportation from the emergency suite to the CT room until the start of the CT scan was recorded. Using a scoring system, the image quality of axial images and multiplanar reformats, the presence of disease, and the subjective diagnostic certainty were assessed with regard to the vascular structures, the bone structures, and the lung parenchyma. Results: The time needed for transportation and patient preparation was 12.1±1.7min (8.1-14.5min). The motion artifacts of the thoracic aorta and the supra-aortic vessels were significantly reduced in the ECG-gated data acquisition compared with the nongated technique (P<0.001). Subjective diagnostic certainty for assessment of the aorta was significantly better using ECG gating. The image quality of the lung parenchyma (P<0.005), the spine (P<0.005), and the ribs (P<0.002) was inferior in the ECG-gated data sets but did not compromise the detection rate of traumatic lesions and fractures. Conclusion: Performing ECG gating in the emergency room did not slow down the diagnostic workup. ECG-gated acquisition performed better in the assessment of the aorta, but image quality for lung and bone structures was slightly reduced. Further studies are required to assess the influence of the imaging technique on the diagnostic outcom

    Evaluation of radiological workstations and web-browser-based image distribution clients for a PACS project in hands-on workshops

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    The methodology and outcome of a hands-on workshop for the evaluation of PACS (picture archiving and communication system) software for a multihospital PACS project are described. The following radiological workstations and web-browser-based image distribution software clients were evaluated as part of a multistep evaluation of PACS vendors in March 2001: Impax DS 3000 V 4.1/Impax Web1000 (Agfa-Gevaert, Mortsel, Belgium); PathSpeed V 8.0/PathSpeed Web (GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, Wis., USA); ID Report/ID Web (Image Devices, Idstein, Germany); EasyVision DX/EasyWeb (Philips Medical Systems, Eindhoven, Netherlands); and MagicView 1000 VB33a/MagicWeb (Siemens Medical Systems, Erlangen, Germany). A set of anonymized DICOM test data was provided to enable direct image comparison. Radiologists (n=44) evaluated the radiological workstations and nonradiologists (n=53) evaluated the image distribution software clients using different questionnaires. One vendor was not able to import the provided DICOM data set. Another vendor had problems in displaying imported cross-sectional studies in the correct stack order. Three vendors (Agfa-Gevaert, GE, Philips) presented server-client solutions with web access. Two (Siemens, Image Devices) presented stand-alone solutions. The highest scores in the class of radiological workstations were achieved by ID Report from Image Devices (p<0.005). In the class of image distribution clients, the differences were statistically not significant. Questionnaire-based evaluation was shown to be useful for guaranteeing systematic assessment. The workshop was a great success in raising interest in the PACS project in a large group of future clinical users. The methodology used in the present study may be useful for other hospitals evaluating PAC

    Assessment of the abdominal aorta and its visceral branches by contrast-enhanced dynamic volumetric hepatic parallel magnetic resonance imaging: feasibility, reliability and accuracy

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate a new three-dimensional gradient-echo (GRE) MR sequence performed with a parallel acquisition technique to shorten breath-hold times (parallel GRE MRI) in the detection of arterial variants and stenosis of the abdominal aorta and its visceral branches. A total of 102 patients underwent dynamic parallel GRE MRI, timed to the arterial phase by a test bolus (mean breath-hold time, 17s). For both quantitative and qualitative analysis, the abdominal aorta and its visceral branches were divided into 13 arterial segments. In a subanalysis of 55/102 patients, the accuracy of parallel GRE MRI compared to MDCT in the detection arterial variants and stenosis was calculated for two independent readers. Mean SNRs and CNRs were 47.2 and 35.6, respectively. Image quality was rated good or excellent in 1,234/1,326 segments (93%). Hepatic and renal arterial variants were identified with an accuracy of 93 and 95%, respectively (reader 1) and 98 and 100%, respectively (reader 2). Both readers detected arterial stenosis with an accuracy of 98%. Interobserver agreement was good to excellent for the detection of hepatic (κ=0.69) and renal (κ=0.92) variants and for the diagnosis of stenosis (κ=0.96). Dynamic three-dimensional parallel GRE MRI is feasible and allows a reliable and accurate diagnosis of arterial variants and stenosis of the abdominal aorta and its visceral branches in a short breath-hold-tim

    Transvenous Biopsy of Cavo-Atrial Tumors with the Quick-Core Needle

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    A variant application of the renal Quick-Core needle in 3 patients with cavo-atrial tumors is reported. In all 3 patients either a transjugular or transfemoral venous biopsy approach with this device yielded sufficient tissue for histological diagnosis at the first attempt. Bioptic diagnoses were confirmed either by surgery or radiological and clinical response to a specific chemotherapy. There were no procedure-related complication

    Evaluation of radiological workstations and web-browser-based image distribution clients for a PACS project in hands-on workshops

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    The methodology and outcome of a hands-on workshop for the evaluation of PACS (picture archiving and communication system) software for a multihospital PACS project are described. The following radiological workstations and web-browser-based image distribution software clients were evaluated as part of a multistep evaluation of PACS vendors in March 2001: Impax DS 3000 V 4.1/Impax Web1000 (Agfa-Gevaert, Mortsel, Belgium); PathSpeed V 8.0/PathSpeed Web (GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, Wis., USA); ID Report/ID Web (Image Devices, Idstein, Germany); EasyVision DX/EasyWeb (Philips Medical Systems, Eindhoven, Netherlands); and MagicView 1000 VB33a/MagicWeb (Siemens Medical Systems, Erlangen, Germany). A set of anonymized DICOM test data was provided to enable direct image comparison. Radiologists (n=44) evaluated the radiological workstations and nonradiologists (n=53) evaluated the image distribution software clients using different questionnaires. One vendor was not able to import the provided DICOM data set. Another vendor had problems in displaying imported cross-sectional studies in the correct stack order. Three vendors (Agfa-Gevaert, GE, Philips) presented server-client solutions with web access. Two (Siemens, Image Devices) presented stand-alone solutions. The highest scores in the class of radiological workstations were achieved by ID Report from Image Devices (p<0.005). In the class of image distribution clients, the differences were statistically not significant. Questionnaire-based evaluation was shown to be useful for guaranteeing systematic assessment. The workshop was a great success in raising interest in the PACS project in a large group of future clinical users. The methodology used in the present study may be useful for other hospitals evaluating PAC