1,924 research outputs found

    Hide-and-Seek with Directional Sensing

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    We consider a game played between a hider, who hides a static object in one of several possible positions in a bounded planar region, and a searcher, who wishes to reach the object by querying sensors placed in the plane. The searcher is a mobile agent, and whenever it physically visits a sensor, the sensor returns a random direction, corresponding to a half-plane in which the hidden object is located. We first present a novel search heuristic and characterize bounds on the expected distance covered before reaching the object. Next, we model this game as a large-dimensional zero-sum dynamic game and we apply a recently introduced randomized sampling technique that provides a probabilistic level of security to the hider. We observe that, when the randomized sampling approach is only allowed to select a very small number of samples, the cost of the heuristic is comparable to the security level provided by the randomized procedure. However, as we allow the number of samples to increase, the randomized procedure provides a higher probabilistic security level.Comment: A short version of this paper (without proofs) will be presented at the 18th IFAC World Congress (IFAC 2011), Milan (Italy), August 28-September 2, 201

    On 2-switches and isomorphism classes

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    A 2-switch is an edge addition/deletion operation that changes adjacencies in the graph while preserving the degree of each vertex. A well known result states that graphs with the same degree sequence may be changed into each other via sequences of 2-switches. We show that if a 2-switch changes the isomorphism class of a graph, then it must take place in one of four configurations. We also present a sufficient condition for a 2-switch to change the isomorphism class of a graph. As consequences, we give a new characterization of matrogenic graphs and determine the largest hereditary graph family whose members are all the unique realizations (up to isomorphism) of their respective degree sequences.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Observing the intrinsic linewidth of a quantum-cascade laser: beyond the Schawlow-Townes limit

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    A comprehensive investigation of the frequency-noise spectral density of a free-running mid-infrared quantum-cascade laser is presented for the first time. It provides direct evidence of the leveling of this noise down to a white noise plateau, corresponding to an intrinsic linewidth of a few hundred Hz. The experiment is in agreement with the most recent theory on the fundamental mechanism of line broadening in quantum-cascade lasers, which provides a new insight into the Schawlow-Townes formula and predicts a narrowing beyond the limit set by the radiative lifetime of the upper level.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Cellular-Automata model for dense-snow avalanches

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    This paper introduces a three-dimensional model for simulating dense-snow avalanches, based on the numerical method of cellular automata. This method allows one to study the complex behavior of the avalanche by dividing it into small elements, whose interaction is described by simple laws, obtaining a reduction of the computational power needed to perform a three-dimensional simulation. Similar models by several authors have been used to model rock avalanches, mud and lava flows, and debris avalanches. A peculiar aspect of avalanche dynamics, i.e., the mechanisms of erosion of the snowpack and deposition of material from the avalanche is taken into account in the model. The capability of the proposed approach has been illustrated by modeling three documented avalanches that occurred in Susa Valley (Western Italian Alps). Despite the qualitative observations used for calibration, the proposed method is able to reproduce the correct three-dimensional avalanche path, using a digital terrain model, and the order of magnitude of the avalanche deposit volume

    Excitonic Effects in Quantum Wires

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    We review the effects of Coulomb correlation on the linear and non-linear optical properties of semiconductor quantum wires, with emphasis on recent results for the bound excitonic states. Our theoretical approach is based on generalized semiconductor Bloch equations, and allows full three-dimensional multisubband description of electron-hole correlation for arbitrary confinement profiles. In particular, we consider V- and T-shaped structures for which significant experimental advances were obtained recently. Above band gap, a very general result obtained by this approach is that electron-hole Coulomb correlation removes the inverse-square-root single-particle singularity in the optical spectra at band edge, in agreement with previous reports from purely one-dimensional models. Strong correlation effects on transitions in the continuum are found to persist also at high densities of photoexcited carriers. Below bandgap, we find that the same potential- (Coulomb) to kinetic-energy ratio holds for quite different wire cross sections and compositions. As a consequence, we identify a shape- and barrier-independent parameter that governs a universal scaling law for exciton binding energy with size. Previous indications that the shape of the wire cross-section may have important effects on exciton binding are discussed in the light of the present results.Comment: Proc. OECS-5 Conference, G\"ottingen, 1997 (To appear in Phys. Stat. Sol. (b)

    Effect of quantum confinement on exciton-phonon interactions

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    We investigate the homogeneous linewidth of localized type-I excitons in type-II GaAs/AlAs superlattices. These localizing centers represent the intermediate case between quasi-two-dimensional (Q2D) and quasi-zero-dimensional localizations. The temperature dependence of the homogeneous linewidth is obtained with high precision from micro-photoluminescence spectra. We confirm the reduced interaction of the excitons with their environment with decreasing dimensionality except for the coupling to LO-phonons. The low-temperature limit for the linewidth of these localized excitons is five times smaller than that of Q2D excitons. The coefficient of exciton-acoustic-phonon interaction is 5 ~ 6 times smaller than that of Q2D excitons. An enhancement of the average exciton-LO-phonon interaction by localization is found in our sample. But this interaction is very sensitive to the detailed structure of the localizing centers.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Temperature dependence of polarization relaxation in semiconductor quantum dots

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    The decay time of the linear polarization degree of the luminescence in strongly confined semiconductor quantum dots with asymmetrical shape is calculated in the frame of second-order quasielastic interaction between quantum dot charge carriers and LO phonons. The phonon bottleneck does not prevent significantly the relaxation processes and the calculated decay times can be of the order of a few tens picoseconds at temperature T≃100T \simeq 100K, consistent with recent experiments by Paillard et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf86}, 1634 (2001)].Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
