451 research outputs found

    “I am the Handmaid of the Lord”: The Spiritual Development of Mary Ward Amidst English Catholic Clerical Crisis, 1585 – 1630

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    In late Tudor and Stuart England, exercising one’s Catholic beliefs could potentially lead to a martyr’s reward. Since the practice of Catholicism was clandestine, homes became parishes within themselves, with the woman of the house serving as pastoral administrator. She was charged with taking care of the priests she was illegally harboring, and she was also responsible for educating the young in the ways of the Faith to ensure it did not die with her generation. These were indeed subversive acts, because she defied the State and its laws. Mary Ward, foundress of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the first self-governing unenclosed order of female religious, was born into Elizabeth’s England in 1585, and experienced this subversive activity through the way the Catholic recusant women in her life managed their homes. She also experienced a much different Church than her Catholic brethren on the Continent had; the Catholic Church in England had little structure, with secular priests and Jesuits fighting for the souls of England’s faithful. Her lack of understanding of the Church’s hierarchal structure and chain of command, coupled with her increasingly independent approach to spiritual discernment, resulted in her Institute’s suppression by Pope Urban VIII in 1630. Though modern journalists may portray her as one of the Church’s first feminists, Ward did not create the Institute because she desired more power for women in the Church. Rather, like her foremothers, she desired that God’s will to preserve the Catholic faith in England be done through her

    Using Firm-Level Data to Assess Gender Wage Discrimination in the Belgian Labour Market

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    In this paper we explore a matched employer-employee data set to investigate the presence of gender wage discrimination in the Belgian private economy labour market. We identify and measure gender wage discrimination from firm-level data using a labour index decomposition pioneered by Hellerstein and Neumark (1995), which allows us to compare direct estimates of a gender productivity differential with those of a gender labour costs differential. We take advantage of the panel structure of the data set and identify gender wage discrimination from within-firm variation. Moreover, inspired by recent developments in the production function estimation literature, we address the problem of endogeneity in input choice using a structural production function estimator (Levinsohn and Petrin, 2003). Our results suggest that there is no gender wage discrimination inside private firms located in Belgium.labour productivity; wages; gender discrimination; structural production function estimation; panel data

    Transferts culturels à la télévision francoallemande Arte

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    The increasingly intensive cultural, information, language, political and economic contacts and exchanges between countries and the developement of different new technologies make it necessary to foresee some media communications which from the beginning are addressed to recipients of different cultures. The Franco-German channel Arte, a European company is an example of this conception. It is responsible for the production and diffusion of cultural programmes which are aimed at various national audiences. Part of that as Arte broadcasts simultaneously all its programmes in two languages: French and German, it is necessary to use translators and interpreters who make it possible for the French audience to watch the German version and vice versa. In the following article, the results of our study about the translation of sociocultural aspects via Arte will be presented. First we will talk about the specific characteristic of the translation in the media -which apart from words also includes images. We will also show that sometimes an extra explanation is required to understand what is shown in the programme. Eventually, we will introduce the different procedures of translation used by translators when they are confronted with a term related to sociocultural aspects. Some samples from Arte TV news will be provided as a support for this article.The increasingly intensive cultural, information, language, political and economic contacts and exchanges between countries and the developement of different new technologies make it necessary to foresee some media communications which from the beginning are addressed to recipients of different cultures. The Franco-German channel Arte, a European company is an example of this conception. It is responsible for the production and diffusion of cultural programmes which are aimed at various national audiences. Part of that as Arte broadcasts simultaneously all its programmes in two languages: French and German, it is necessary to use translators and interpreters who make it possible for the French audience to watch the German version and vice versa. In the following article, the results of our study about the translation of sociocultural aspects via Arte will be presented. First we will talk about the specific characteristic of the translation in the media -which apart from words also includes images. We will also show that sometimes an extra explanation is required to understand what is shown in the programme. Eventually, we will introduce the different procedures of translation used by translators when they are confronted with a term related to sociocultural aspects. Some samples from Arte TV news will be provided as a support for this article

    Transferts culturels à la télévision francoallemande Arte

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    The increasingly intensive cultural, information, language, political and economic contacts and exchanges between countries and the developement of different new technologies make it necessary to foresee some media communications which from the beginning are addressed to recipients of different cultures. The Franco-German channel Arte, a European company is an example of this conception. It is responsible for the production and diffusion of cultural programmes which are aimed at various national audiences. Part of that as Arte broadcasts simultaneously all its programmes in two languages: French and German, it is necessary to use translators and interpreters who make it possible for the French audience to watch the German version and vice versa. In the following article, the results of our study about the translation of sociocultural aspects via Arte will be presented. First we will talk about the specific characteristic of the translation in the media -which apart from words also includes images. We will also show that sometimes an extra explanation is required to understand what is shown in the programme. Eventually, we will introduce the different procedures of translation used by translators when they are confronted with a term related to sociocultural aspects. Some samples from Arte TV news will be provided as a support for this article.The increasingly intensive cultural, information, language, political and economic contacts and exchanges between countries and the developement of different new technologies make it necessary to foresee some media communications which from the beginning are addressed to recipients of different cultures. The Franco-German channel Arte, a European company is an example of this conception. It is responsible for the production and diffusion of cultural programmes which are aimed at various national audiences. Part of that as Arte broadcasts simultaneously all its programmes in two languages: French and German, it is necessary to use translators and interpreters who make it possible for the French audience to watch the German version and vice versa. In the following article, the results of our study about the translation of sociocultural aspects via Arte will be presented. First we will talk about the specific characteristic of the translation in the media -which apart from words also includes images. We will also show that sometimes an extra explanation is required to understand what is shown in the programme. Eventually, we will introduce the different procedures of translation used by translators when they are confronted with a term related to sociocultural aspects. Some samples from Arte TV news will be provided as a support for this article

    Accounting For Endogenous Search Behavior in Matching Function Estimation

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    We show that equilibrium matching models imply that standard estimates of the matching function elasticities are exposed to an endogeneity bias, which arises from the search behavior of agents on either side of the market. We offer an estimation method which, under certain assumptions, is immune from that bias. Application of our method to the estimation of a basic version of the matching function using aggregate U.S. data from the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) suggests that the bias is quantitatively important.matching function estimation, unemployment, vacancies, job finding

    Placing the Digital Economy: the Spatiality of Work in 'Tech City', London

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    Utjecaj zamračivanja biljaka i načna priređivanja inokuluma na prijemljivost graška za virus mozaika krastavca

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    Cilj istraživanja, koja su obavljena u stakleniku, bio je da se pronađe metoda koja će povećati prijemljivost graška za infekciju virusom mozaika krastavca. Ustanovilo se da je inokulum priređen s fosfatnim puferom pH 7 bio najefikasniji, jer je oboljelo 92% inokuliranih biljaka. Ako se vodovodna voda dodavala biljkama prije gnječenja, efikasnost je bila 58%. Dodavanje vode poslije gnječenja bilo je manje povoljno (31 %). Zamračivanje biljaka u vremenu od jednoga ili dva dana prije inokulacije znatno je smanjivalo infektivnost inokuluma, tako da je efikasnost iznosila samo 31%, odnosno 23%. Dodatak biljnog soka od graška ili modre vučike reducirao je znatno infektivnost, tako da je oboljelo samo 12%, odnosno 16% biljaka

    The Rise of Part-time Employment

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    We construct new monthly time series of U.S. labor market stocks and flows from 1976 onwards. These data reveal an upward secular trend in turnover between full-time and part-time employment, and a large cyclical component chiefly explained by fluctuations in involuntary part-time work. Both short-run and long-run reallocations occur mostly without an intervening spell of non-employment, and therefore cannot be uncovered without splitting employment into finer categories. We emphasize the importance of our findings for several active debates, such as the slowdown in U.S. labor-market dynamism, changes in job stability and security, and the assessment of labor-market slack

    Założenia dydaktyczno-metodyczne podręcznika: Język polski dla cudzoziemców, cz. 1. - T. Borowczyk i H. Iljaszuk

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    Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę