431 research outputs found

    Designer Nets from Local Strategies

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    We propose a local strategy for constructing scale-free networks of arbitrary degree distributions, based on the redirection method of Krapivsky and Redner [Phys. Rev. E 63, 066123 (2001)]. Our method includes a set of external parameters that can be tuned at will to match detailed behavior at small degree k, in addition to the scale-free power-law tail signature at large k. The choice of parameters determines other network characteristics, such as the degree of clustering. The method is local in that addition of a new node requires knowledge of only the immediate environs of the (randomly selected) node to which it is attached. (Global strategies require information on finite fractions of the growing net.

    Fluctuations in network dynamics

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    Most complex networks serve as conduits for various dynamical processes, ranging from mass transfer by chemical reactions in the cell to packet transfer on the Internet. We collected data on the time dependent activity of five natural and technological networks, finding that for each the coupling of the flux fluctuations with the total flux on individual nodes obeys a unique scaling law. We show that the observed scaling can explain the competition between the system's internal collective dynamics and changes in the external environment, allowing us to predict the relevant scaling exponents.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Published versio

    Dynamic Effects Increasing Network Vulnerability to Cascading Failures

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    We study cascading failures in networks using a dynamical flow model based on simple conservation and distribution laws to investigate the impact of transient dynamics caused by the rebalancing of loads after an initial network failure (triggering event). It is found that considering the flow dynamics may imply reduced network robustness compared to previous static overload failure models. This is due to the transient oscillations or overshooting in the loads, when the flow dynamics adjusts to the new (remaining) network structure. We obtain {\em upper} and {\em lower} limits to network robustness, and it is shown that {\it two} time scales τ\tau and τ0\tau_0, defined by the network dynamics, are important to consider prior to accurately addressing network robustness or vulnerability. The robustness of networks showing cascading failures is generally determined by a complex interplay between the network topology and flow dynamics, where the ratio χ=τ/τ0\chi=\tau/\tau_0 determines the relative role of the two of them.Comment: 4 pages Latex, 4 figure

    Synchronization in Random Geometric Graphs

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    In this paper we study the synchronization properties of random geometric graphs. We show that the onset of synchronization takes place roughly at the same value of the order parameter that a random graph with the same size and average connectivity. However, the dependence of the order parameter with the coupling strength indicates that the fully synchronized state is more easily attained in random graphs. We next focus on the complete synchronized state and show that this state is less stable for random geometric graphs than for other kinds of complex networks. Finally, a rewiring mechanism is proposed as a way to improve the stability of the fully synchronized state as well as to lower the value of the coupling strength at which it is achieved. Our work has important implications for the synchronization of wireless networks, and should provide valuable insights for the development and deployment of more efficient and robust distributed synchronization protocols for these systems.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Thermodynamic forces, flows, and Onsager coefficients in complex networks

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    We present Onsager formalism applied to random networks with arbitrary degree distribution. Using the well-known methods of non-equilibrium thermodynamics we identify thermodynamic forces and their conjugated flows induced in networks as a result of single node degree perturbation. The forces and the flows can be understood as a response of the system to events, such as random removal of nodes or intentional attacks on them. Finally, we show that cross effects (such as thermodiffusion, or thermoelectric phenomena), in which one force may not only give rise to its own corresponding flow, but to many other flows, can be observed also in complex networks.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Topological Evolution of Dynamical Networks: Global Criticality from Local Dynamics

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    We evolve network topology of an asymmetrically connected threshold network by a simple local rewiring rule: quiet nodes grow links, active nodes lose links. This leads to convergence of the average connectivity of the network towards the critical value Kc=2K_c =2 in the limit of large system size NN. How this principle could generate self-organization in natural complex systems is discussed for two examples: neural networks and regulatory networks in the genome.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 4 figures PostScript, revised versio

    Fingerprint for Network Topologies

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    A network's topology information can be given as an adjacency matrix. The bitmap of sorted adjacency matrix(BOSAM) is a network visualisation tool which can emphasise different network structures by just looking at reordered adjacent matrixes. A BOSAM picture resembles the shape of a flower and is characterised by a series of 'leaves'. Here we show and mathematically prove that for most networks, there is a self-similar relation between the envelope of the BOSAM leaves. This self-similar property allows us to use a single envelope to predict all other envelopes and therefore reconstruct the outline of a network's BOSAM picture. We analogise the BOSAM envelope to human's fingerprint as they share a number of common features, e.g. both are simple, easy to obtain, and strongly characteristic encoding essential information for identification.Comment: 12papes, 3 figures, in pres

    Transport on weighted Networks: when correlations are independent of degree

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    Most real-world networks are weighted graphs with the weight of the edges reflecting the relative importance of the connections. In this work, we study non degree dependent correlations between edge weights, generalizing thus the correlations beyond the degree dependent case. We propose a simple method to introduce weight-weight correlations in topologically uncorrelated graphs. This allows us to test different measures to discriminate between the different correlation types and to quantify their intensity. We also discuss here the effect of weight correlations on the transport properties of the networks, showing that positive correlations dramatically improve transport. Finally, we give two examples of real-world networks (social and transport graphs) in which weight-weight correlations are present.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Universal scaling of distances in complex networks

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    Universal scaling of distances between vertices of Erdos-Renyi random graphs, scale-free Barabasi-Albert models, science collaboration networks, biological networks, Internet Autonomous Systems and public transport networks are observed. A mean distance between two nodes of degrees k_i and k_j equals to =A-B log(k_i k_j). The scaling is valid over several decades. A simple theory for the appearance of this scaling is presented. Parameters A and B depend on the mean value of a node degree _nn calculated for the nearest neighbors and on network clustering coefficients.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Characterizing the network topology of the energy landscapes of atomic clusters

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    By dividing potential energy landscapes into basins of attractions surrounding minima and linking those basins that are connected by transition state valleys, a network description of energy landscapes naturally arises. These networks are characterized in detail for a series of small Lennard-Jones clusters and show behaviour characteristic of small-world and scale-free networks. However, unlike many such networks, this topology cannot reflect the rules governing the dynamics of network growth, because they are static spatial networks. Instead, the heterogeneity in the networks stems from differences in the potential energy of the minima, and hence the hyperareas of their associated basins of attraction. The low-energy minima with large basins of attraction act as hubs in the network.Comparisons to randomized networks with the same degree distribution reveals structuring in the networks that reflects their spatial embedding.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure
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