42 research outputs found
Effect of drought stress on antioxidant status of wheat seedlings
The aim of this experiment was to study antioxidant status of two wheat varieties under drought stress. Investigated parameters were: relative water content (RWC), lipid peroxidation, proline content, and activity of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT, and POD). The plants were grown for 3 weeks before drought was imposed by completed withheld of watering for 6 days. The results showed that ability of some wheat varieties to enhance enzymatic antioxidant activities might be an important attribute linked to drought tolerance. This could limit cellular damage caused by active oxygen species during water deficit
The interaction between salinity stress and seed ageing during germination of Brassica napus seeds
A study was designed to examine the effects of NaCl, high temperature, high relative humidity and storage on the germination of Brassica napus seeds, both when freshly harvested and after natural and accelerated ageing. After exposure to a combination of stressful conditions, the intensity of lipid peroxidation in the seeds, seedling shoot and roots, and seed germination were measured. A significant decline in germination at all concentrations of NaCl indicates that seeds which have been exposed to accelerated ageing are significantly less able to resist even the lowest levels of salt stress. Moreover, the intensity of lipid peroxidation in the seeds and seedlings examined after a year of storage in uncontrolled conditions was higher compared with tests carried out in the year of seed production
An Insight Into Selected Properties of Merlot Wines Obtained from Three New Clone Candidates
Covering the period 2009-2012, the quality of Merlot wines obtained from three new clone candidates (namely Nos. 022, 025 and 029, respectively; fourth phase of clonal selection) developed in the Republic of Serbia was examined. The following parameters were determined: Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) index, pH value, total acidity, volatile acids, aldehydes, esters, relative density and ash. In comparison with the standard Merlot wine (originating from mother vine), FC index (from 35.73 to 37.15) and tasting score (from 17.89 to 17.95) were higher for the wines of all three clone candidates tested. These findings are in good agreement with the observed trend for the viticultural parameters indicating better properties of the new Merlot clone candidates versus mother
An Insight Into Selected Properties of Merlot Wines Obtained from Three New Clone Candidates
Covering the period 2009-2012, the quality of Merlot wines obtained from three new clone candidates (namely Nos. 022, 025 and 029, respectively; fourth phase of clonal selection) developed in the Republic of Serbia was examined. The following parameters were determined: Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) index, pH value, total acidity, volatile acids, aldehydes, esters, relative density and ash. In comparison with the standard Merlot wine (originating from mother vine), FC index (from 35.73 to 37.15) and tasting score (from 17.89 to 17.95) were higher for the wines of all three clone candidates tested. These findings are in good agreement with the observed trend for the viticultural parameters indicating better properties of the new Merlot clone candidates versus mother
Oxidative stress is known as disturbed balance between antioxidative protection mechanism and production of reactive oxygen species, which can negatively influence on normal biological and metabolical processes in living organisms, such as poplar species. Phytoremediation is promising biotechnical method of cleaning of polluted soils by various pollutants: heavy metals, organic contaminants, pesticides, oil etc. Until today, poplars showed potential for regenerating polluted soils during phytoremediation process. This study represents results of oxidative stress profiles of three poplar clones (M1, B229 and PE 19/66) shoots from Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, while being treated by different concentration of three heavy metals in soil: Ni3+, Cu2+ and Cd2+. Biochemical parameters of oxidative stress which have been analyzed were: content of soluble proteins, intensity of lipid peroxidation, antioxidative capacity by ferric reducing antioxidative power assay and activity of superoxid dismutase. Results showed that the most acceptable phytoremediation response to heavy metal pollution in soil showed clone M1. Great differences between B229 and PE 19/66 clones were in response on soil heavy metal contamination, directly suggesting of not being suitable for possible phytoremediation application.Oksidacijski stres je poznat kao naruÅ”ena ravnoteža izmeÄu antioksidacijskog mehanizma zaÅ”tite i proizvodnje reaktivnih kisikovih vrsta, Å”to može negativno utjecati na normalne bioloÅ”ke i metaboliÄke procese u živim organizmima, kao na primjer kod topola. U cilju opstanka, aerobni organizmi su stekli mehanizme antioksidacijske zaÅ”tite, gdje su od enzimskih najistraženije aktivnosti antioksidativnih enzima kao Å”to su katalaze, peroksidaze, glutation peroksidaze i superoksid dismutaza. Fitoremedijacija je obeÄavajuÄa biotehniÄka metoda ÄiÅ”Äenja zagaÄenih tala raznim oneÄiÅ”ÄujuÄim tvarima poput: teÅ”kih kovina, organskih kontaminanata, pesticida i dr. Do danas, topole su pokazale potencijal za regeneraciju oneÄiÅ”Äenih tala tijekom fitoremedijacijskog procesa.Biokemijsko profiliranje statusa oksidacijskog stresa u drvenastim biljkama nije Äesto istraživana u Srbiji i stoga je cilj ovoga pokusa bio ispitati utjecaj razliÄitih koncentracija tri jona teÅ”kih kovina, Ni3+, Cu2+ i Cd2+ na razinu oksidacijskog stresa tri klona, dvije razliÄite vrste topole (Populus euramericana-M1; PE 19/66 i B-229 oba Populus deltoides vrsta). Biokemijski parametri za odreÄivanje razine oksidacijskog stresa su: lipidna peroksiĀdacija (LPx), test redukcijske snage željeza (FRAP), superoksid dismutaze (SOD) aktivnost i sadržina topivih bjelanÄevina. Ovi rezultati mogli bi dati smjernice u odabiru klonova iz kolekcije Instituta za nizijsko Å”umarstvo i životnu sredinu Univerziteta u Novom Sadu za buduÄe fitoremedijacijske uporabe ovih genotipova topola. PjeÅ”Äano fluvisol tlo u pokusnim posudama je zagaÄeno razliÄitim tretmanima teÅ”kih kovina, koji su prikazani u tablici 1. Biljni ekstrakti izraÄeni su od 2 g biljnog materijala (izbojci) i homogenizirani s kvarcnim pijeskom i suspenzirani u 10 cm3 0,1 mol/dm3 K2HPO4 pH 7,0. Homogenati su centrifugirani za 10 min na 4000 g (Quy Hai sur., 1975). Sva oÄitavanja apsorbancija za sadržaj topivih proteina, SOD i FRAP odraÄeno pomoÄu Janway UV / VIS spektrofotometra 6505 i za Äitanje koliÄine nastalog MDA koriÅ”ten je viÅ”efrekvencijski Spectrum Termo Corporation.Sve analize izvedene su u tri ponavljanja. StatistiÄka usporedba izmeÄu uzoraka izvedena je u programu Statistica 9, koristeÄi Duncan test, s statistiÄkom znaÄajnosti p <0,05. Dobiveni rezultati prikazani su grafiÄki preko histograma (slike 1. do 4.) i iznad njih su slova koja oznaÄuju statistiÄki znaÄajne razlike izmeÄu rezultata i kontrola (od a do e).Usporedni postotak je izraÄunat prema formuli: Δ (%) = (100 * uzorak / kontrola) ā100, gdje vrijednosti mogu rezultirati pozitivno (+) ako je doÅ”lo do poveÄanja u odnosu na kontrolu i rezultiralo negativno (ā), ako je doÅ”lo do smanjenja u odnosu na kontrolu.TrudiÄ i sur. (2012) analizirali su kroz iste metode okdisacijskog stresa ekstrakte liÅ”Äa i korijena spomenutih klonova topola. UsporeÄujuÄi ove rezultate, B229 klon je kroz liÅ”Äe i korijenje pokazao viÅ”e prihvatljiv antioksidacijski odgovor, dok je, u ovom istraživanju, M1 klon pokazao najprihvatljivije antioksidacijske odgovore kroz ekstrakte izbojaka. Parametri iz PilipoviÄ i sur. (2012), TrudiÄ i sur. (2012) i naÅ”e studije, mogu predstavljati udružen fizioloÅ”ki i antioksidacijski marker sustav za buduÄe razliÄite fitoremedijacijske primjene ovih klonova na tlima oneÄiÅ”Äenim raznim tvarima.Rezultati ovog istraživanja mogu ukazati na genotipske specifiÄnosti svih ispitivanih biokemijskih parametara i obilježava klonove topola, kao Å”to je M1 kao primarni, a B229 klon kao potencijalno sljedeÄi u primjeni fitoremedijacije tala oneÄiÅ”Äenih teÅ”kim kovinama. Ipak, za stjecanje novih, dubljih rezultata u vezi s oksidacijskim stresom izazvanim oneÄiÅ”Äavanjem tala teÅ”kim kovinama, potrebne su dalje in vitro antioksidacijske analize
Effect of inoculation with PGPR on basil antioxidant activity
Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is a widely utilized culinary herb. It is used to flavour foods such as vegetables, meats, fish, etc. In traditional medicine is used for treatment of various disorders such as colds, respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic and gastrointestinal disorders, etc. The effects of climate changes on agriculture can result in lower yield and nutritional quality of plants. The inoculation of plants with plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) such as Azotobacter, Streptomyces, and Bacillus are well known to lead to improvement in germination, growth, and yield. Also, it was found that PGPR enhance defence capacity of the plant. In this study, the basil seed were inoculated with selected PGPR isolates: Bac3, Azb, and Act. Control seeds were immersed into distilled water. After 6 weeks plant material was collected, and methanol extracts were prepared for antioxidant determinations. The changes in total phenol and flavonoid content, as well as antioxidant activity, were monitored. PGPR applied in the experiment have not cause significant changes in total phenol content. However, treatments with Azb and Act isolates have increased flavonoid content in basil plants. The antioxidant activity of basil plant has been measured as the ability of plant extracts to reduce DPPH radicals. Obtained results show that only treatment with Azb isolates significantly increases the antioxidant activity of basil plants. Results obtained in this study suggested that investigated isolates have different effects on the antioxidant characteristics of the basil plant. Further investigation is still needed to explore the possibility of using these PGPRs as potent bio-fertilizer in basil production
Hip-hop from dancersā viewpoint: Dance, lifestyle, and/or subculture?
The paper presents the results of field research on the population of dancers ā members of the hip-hop community who are ācontestantsā in battles. The field research was carried out in April 2022 on a sample of dancers aged 17 to 40 (N = 31). The research results indicate that the hip-hop community in Serbia is small, but that such battles in specific forms contribute to the communityās maintenance and expansion. Battles also play a significant role in the progression and expression of dancers as individuals. Dancers consider hip-hop to be not only an art form but much more, hip-hop is synonymous with a lifestyle and a āway of looking at the worldā for dancers. Although the research was carried out on a small sample, it represents the authorās pioneering contribution to a deeper understanding of the hip-hop community in Serbian society. It also indicates the need to carry out compatible research in the future