75 research outputs found

    Development of the ship hull assembly sub-process

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    Objective: The development of the ship hull assembly process is possible by changing the method of assembly of basic parts at the building site, which would shorten the duration of the process and lead to cost reduction. One of the possibilities is to increase the dimensions and mass of basic building units, as well as the crane capacity at the building site. Methods: Ship hull assembly methods involving sections, blocks and modules are used in the hull assembly phase. In the worldā€™s best shipyards, ships are built from blocks or modules, in which as much equipment as possible is installed. This paper uses the finite element method (FEM) for structural analysis, and its results serve to define the optimal technological instructions for the vertical transport of ship hull structure blocks. Results: The development of the ship hull assembly sub-process can be achieved by using the hull block assembly method instead of the hull section assembly method. For the ship presented in this paper, the mass of a block transported to the building site was increased 3 times, so the number of building units was reduced by 65%. This reduces transport activities on the building site and shortens the duration of the assembly process by 20%. This paper shows that strengthening the block structure with temporary stiffeners is necessary for safe transport. It is possible to optimize their number and layout by using structural analysis. Conclusion: The development of numerical finite element methods, software packages, and computers allow wider use of structural analysis in solving engineering problems in shipbuilding technology. The simulation of realistic situations, a wide range of analyses and a large number of results become possible, and they raise the level of knowledge and enable better decision-making in the production process


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    I male greÅ”ke u komunikaciji o rizicima u hrani mogu naruÅ”iti ugled i povjerenje u institucije ukljucene u sustav sigurnosti hrane ili proizvoace hrane i sruÅ”iti trud koji je potrebno godinama ulagati u izgradnju povjerenja kod potroÅ”aca. U kriznim situacijama tvrtke koje proizvode hranu mogu se preko noci naci u situaciji u kojoj se od njih ocekuje isprika, objaÅ”njenje, tumacenje razine opasnosti za potroÅ”ace i sl. Pri tome je i za državne institucije i za proizvoace hrane bitno razumijevanje razlicitosti u percepciji javnosti na pojedine opasnosti u hrani, kao i predvidivost mogucih reakcija javnosti. Ukljucivanje svih zainteresiranih strana u dijalog olakÅ”ava upraviteljima rizika proces evaluacije rizika, identificiranje i balansiranje izmeu mogucih opcija upravljanja rizikom, kao i implementaciju i evaluaciju donesenih mjera, a u proizvo- aca hrane reducira gubitak povjerenja potroÅ”aca. Ovaj dvosmjerni sustav naziva se interaktivna komunikacija o rizicima u hrani.Even small mistakes in communication on the risks in food can tarnish reputation and confidence in institutions included into the system of food safety or food producers, and inflicts damage to the effort which takes years to invest to earn consumersā€™ confidence. In crisis situations, companies that produce food can find themselves overnight in a situation where they are expected to apologize, justify, explain the level of danger for consumers, etc. In that process, it is important even for the public institutions and food producers to understand the differences in perception of the public of certain risks in food, as well as to predict any possible reactions of the public. Including all the interested parties to a dialogue makes it easier for risk managers to evaluate the risk, to identify and balance between the possible options in risk management, as well as to implement and evaluate measures to be taken up, and it also reduces the loss of consumersā€™ confidence to a food producer. This two- way system is called interactive communication on risks in food

    Metode za ranu procjenu laktacijskog tijeka u holstein prvotelki

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    The aim of this research was to define methods for early prediction (based on I. milk control record) of lactation flow in Holstein heifers as well as to choose optimal one in terms of prediction fit and application simplicity. Total of 304,569 daily yield records automatically recorded on a 1,136 first lactation Holstein cows, from March 2003 till August 2008., were included in analysis. According to the test date, calving date, the age at first calving, lactation stage when I. milk control occurred and to the average milk yield in first 25th, T1 (and 25th-45th, T2) lactation days, measuring monthcalving month-age-production-time-period subgroups were formed. The parameters of analysed nonlinear and linear methods were estimated for each defined subgroup. As models evaluation measures, adjusted coefficient of determination, and average and standard deviation of error were used. Considering obtained results, in terms of total variance explanation (R2 adj), the nonlinear Woodā€™s method showed superiority above the linear ones (Wilminkā€™s, Ali-Schaefferā€™s and Guo-Swalveā€™s method) in both time-period subgroups (T1 - 97.5 % of explained variability; T2 - 98.1 % of explained variability). Regarding the evaluation measures based on prediction error amount (eavgĀ±eSD), the lowest average error of daily milk yield prediction (less than 0.005 kg/day), as well as of lactation milk yield prediction (less than 50 kg/lactation (T1 time-period subgroup) and less than 30 kg/lactation (T2 time-period subgroup)); were determined when Woodā€™s nonlinear prediction method were applied. Obtained results indicate that estimated Woodā€™s regression parameters could be used in routine work for early prediction of Holstein heiferā€™s lactation flow.Ciljevi su provedenog istraživanja bili definirati metode za ranu procjenu (temeljem podatka utvrđenog pri I. kontroli mliječnosti) laktacijskog tijeka u prvotelki holstein pasmine te izabrati optimalnu s aspekta predikcijske točnosti te aplikacijske jednostavnosti. Analizom je obuhvaćeno ukupno 304.569 zapisa dnevne količine mlijeka izmjerenih na 1136prvotelki holstein pasmine u razdoblju od ožujka 2003. do kolovoza 2008. godine. U ovisnosti o datumu mjerenja, datumu teljenja, dobi pri prvom teljenju, stadiju laktacije pri I. provedenoj kontroli mliječnosti te prosječnoj dnevnoj proizvodnji u prvih 25, T1 (te 25-45, T2) dana laktacije, kreirane su podgrupe mjesec mjerenja - mjesec teljenja - dob - proizvodnost - vremenski period. Parametri analiziranih nelinearnih i linearnih metoda procijenjeni su za svaku definiranu podgrupu. Kao mjere evaluacije koriÅ”teni su korigirani koeficijent determinacije te prosjek i standardna devijacija pogreÅ”ke. Utvrđeni rezultati, s aspekta udjela pojaÅ”njene varijabilnosti (R2 adj), ukazuju na superiornost nelinearne Woodove metode u odnosu na linearne (Wilminkova, Ali-Schaefferova, te Guo-Swalvejeva metoda) u obje podgrupe vremenskog perioda (T1 - 97,5% pojaÅ”njene varijabilnosti; T2 - 98,1% pojaÅ”njene varijabilnosti). Obzirom na iznos predikcijske pogreÅ”ke (eavgĀ±eSD), najmanja pogreÅ”ka procjene dnevne (manje od 0,005 kg/dan), te laktacijske količine mlijeka (manje od 50 kg/laktaciji (T1 vremenski - period podgrupa), te manje od 30 kg/laktaciji (T2 vremenski - period podgrupa)); utvrđena je pri aplikaciji Woodove nelinearne metode procjene. Rezultati utvrđeni provedenim istraživanjem ukazuju na mogućnost uporabe procijenjenih Woodovih regresijskih parametara za rutinsku ranu procjenu laktacijskog tijeka u prvotelki holstein pasmine


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    Ulaskom Republike Hrvatske u Europsku uniju u posljednjih nekoliko godina implementiraju se prilagodbe koje će osigurati usklađivanje konjogojstva s važećim europskim propisima. Unatoč globalnoj ekonomskoj krizi i u sektoru konjogojstva, ukupan broj konja se u Hrvatskoj kontinuirano povećava i nastavljaju se pozitivni trendovi u uzgoju. No, iako postoji uzlazni trend, posljedice recesije zasigurno će ostaviti traga i na brojnom stanju konja u Hrvatskoj. U posljednjem desetljeću broj konja pod selekcijskim obuhvatom porastao je za viÅ”e od 72%. SrediÅ”nji registar kopitara vodi centralnu bazu podataka o kopitarima i broji 49 registra pasmina konja i 28 registra uzgojnih tipova. Centralna baza podataka s prilagođenim programskim sustavom omogućava obvezno elektronsko pohranjivanje podataka koje propisuje Europska unija, a isto se odnosi i na sustav izdavanja Identifikacijskih dokumenata (putovnica). Hrvatska broji ukupno 22.874 registriranih kopitara, od kojih je 20.041 konja. Omjer broja konja pod selekcijskim obuhvatom prema skupinama iznosi za toplokrvnjake 39%, za hladnokrvnjake 56% i za ponije 5%. Državne potpore u uzgoju autohtonih pasmina konja (hrvatski posavac, hrvatski hladnokrvnjak i međimurski konj) te zaÅ”tićenih pasmina (lipicanac i magarci) i dalje su aktivne mjere države kroz nacionalni program ruralnog razvoja. Lipicanci, arapski i engleski punokrvnjaci, trakeneri, haflingeri i gidrani uzgojeni u Hrvatskoj su i međunarodno priznate pasmine. Snažnija uzgojna udruženja, kao i državne ergele samostalno provode uzgojne programe i u potpunosti nose uzgojno selekcijski rad pasmina za koje imaju ovlaÅ”tenje resornog ministarstva. Uzgoj autohtonih pasmina konja trebao bi davati prednosti ekoloÅ”kim principima proizvodnje te je potrebno brendiranje, u cilju nacionalne karakterizacije autohtonosti i kvalitete. Konji se koriste u rekreacijske svrhe, ali su nezamjenjivi dio tradicijskih kulturnih manifestacija i kulturne baÅ”tine. Intenzivan je trend razvitka svih oblika konjičkog sporta, koji posljedično uvjetuje i povećanje broja grla i poboljÅ”anje njihove kvalitete, kao i koriÅ”tenje konja za terapijsko jahanje. Perspektiva uzgoja konja u Hrvatskoj temelji se s jedne strane na jačanju kvalitete sportskih konja kao konkurentnog proizvoda za europsko tržiÅ”te, te s druge strane na brendiranju autohtonih ekoloÅ”kih proizvoda.Owing to the accession of Croatia to the European Union, adjustments required for the harmonization of horse breeding regulations to the European ones, have been implemented in the last couple of years. Despite global economic crisis, also present in the sector of horse breeding, the total number of horses in Croatia is continuously increasing and positive trends are continuing. In spite of positive trends, consequences of the recession will definitely leave trace in the total number of horses in Croatia. In the last decade the number of horses under selection has increased more than 72%. The Central register of horses runs national horse breeding database and has 49 horse breed registers and 28 breeding type registers. The central database with its software allows saving obligatory data which are regulated by the European law. The program also supports issuing process of Identification documents for ungulates. Croatia has 22,874 registered ungulates with 20,041 horses. The proportion of horse groups under selection is 39% of warmblood horses, 56% of coldblood horses and 5% of ponies. National subsidies in the breeding of autochthonous horse breeds (Croatian Posavac, Croatian coldblood and Medjimurje horse) and protected breeds (Lipizza horses and donkeys) are active state measures in the national program of rural development. Lipizza horses, Pure Arab, Thoroughbred, Haflinger and Gidran horses bred in Croatia are internationally registered breeds. Strong breeding associations and state Stud Farms independently run breeding programs and are carrying out selection programs for breeds authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture. Breeding of autochthonous breeds of horses should prefer ecological production principles which are coming to the market as products where branding is necessary for the goal of national characterization of authenticity and quality. Horses are used for recreational purposes but are also irreplaceable part of traditional cultural manifestations and cultural legacy. Intensive trend of development in all kinds of horse sports is present. It requires the increase in the number of horses and improvement of quality. Using horses for horse therapy is also developing. Perspective in horse breeding in Croatia is based on the one hand in improving horse sport quality as competitive product for the European market, and on other hand on branding of autochthonous ecological products

    Regionalne razlike u stavovima studenata veterinarske medicine u Hrvatskoj o dobrobiti farmskih životinja i kućnih ljubimaca

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    The aim of this study was to examine the attitudes of veterinary students in Croatia based on their home region towards the level of cognitive abilities and welfare in farm and companion animals. The survey encompassed 505 (91%) students of all six years of the integrated undergraduate and graduate study programme at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia. Student attitudes were examined through 17 statements using fivepoint Likert scale. The survey was focused on cattle, pigs, poultry, dogs and cats. The results obtained revealed that students from Zagreb and central Croatia expressed significantly higher attitudes (P<0.05) towards the level of thought process in cattle, pigs, dogs and cats, and the level of welfare in pigs than students from eastern Croatia and Dalmatia. Foreign students expressed the highest level of concern about the welfare of laying hens, and the lowest about the welfare of dogs and cats. Students from Lika and Gorski Kotar expressed the highest level of concern about the welfare of dogs and cats. No regional differences were determined in student attitudes towards the level of emotions in the observed species. The study results confirmed the existence of regional differences in the attitudes of Croatian veterinary students towards the welfare of farm and companion animals. The findings suggest that these differences may not only be the result of cultural differences among Croatian regions, but veterinary students may also increasingly encounter welfare issues in certain regions, especially in the case of companion animals.Cilj je ovoga rada bio ustvrditi razlike u stavovima studenata veterinarske medicine u Hrvatskoj s obzirom na regiju iz koje dolaze o razini kognitivnih sposobnosti i naruÅ”enosti dobrobiti farmskih životinja i kućnih ljubimaca. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 505 (91 %) studenata svih Å”est godina integriranog preddiplomskog i diplomskog studija Veterinarskog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Hrvatska. Stavovi studenata ustvrđeni su na temelju 17 izjava prema Likertovoj mjernoj ljestvici od pet stupnjeva. Izjave su se odnosile na goveda, svinje, perad, pse i mačke. Prema dobivenim rezultatima studenti iz Zagreba i srediÅ”nje Hrvatske značajno viÅ”e smatraju (P<0,05) da goveda, svinje, psi i mačke mogu misliti te da svinje imaju naruÅ”enu dobrobit, u odnosu na studente iz istočne Hrvatske i Dalmacije. Studenti koji su većinu života proveli u drugim državama iskazali su najveću zabrinutost za dobrobit kokoÅ”i nesilica, a najmanju za dobrobit pasa i mačaka. Studenti iz Like i Gorskog Kotara najviÅ”e su zabrinuti za dobrobit pasa i mačaka. Nisu ustvrđene regionalne razlike u stavovima studenata o osjećajima niti u jedne istraživane vrste životinja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da o dobrobiti farmskih životinja i kućnih ljubimaca postoje regionalne razlike u stavovima studenata veterinarske medicine u Hrvatskoj. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na to da ustvrđene razlike nisu rezultat samo kulturoloÅ”kih razlika između regija Hrvatske, nego i da se studenti u pojedinim regijama sve viÅ”e susreću s problemima dobrobiti životinja, osobito kućnih ljubimaca
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