134 research outputs found

    Piano digitale di emergenza

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    Preliminary technical and economic analysis of a hyperloop line: case study from Italy

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    The future of mobility and transportation infrastructures has been heavily questioned during the last years. Today we are looking at how the mobility of people and goods will evolve in the coming years. With reference to this topic, Hyperloop has been at the core of the debate. Scientists and engineers believe that this technology is a great opportunity for the modern society. Nonetheless, it still presents several unsolved issues. The purpose of this work is to propose a methodology to perform technical and economic pre- feasibility studies related to the hyperloop system, with specific focus on transport demand analysis, transport sizing of the infrastructure and cost analysis of CAPEX - CAPital EXpenditure and OPEX - OPerating EXpense. For the evaluation of the potential demand, the paper refers to the Multinomial Logit model, calibrated through SP – Stated Preferences surveys. Once the Logit model has been calibrated, it is possible to envisage different scenarios, such as maximum transport demand or maximum revenue, which will be used for the subsequent design of the transport system. As far as the sizing is concerned, some technical parameters of the project are required, such as: length of the route, maximum speed, and acceleration. The combination of the scenarios defined through the calibration of the Logit model and the project parameters, allows to define several scenarios representing the potential performances of the analyzed system. Given the possible performances of the transport service, an analysis of costs and potential revenues that determines the most efficient solution can be carried out. In addition, parametric values per km can be used to define CAPEX and OPEX. The methodology illustrated above, has been applied to a case study in Italy of the Rome-Milan OD (Origin – Destination), as it is one of the national routes with the highest volume of traffic and the largest number of modal choices

    Possível envolvimento de atividade do proteassoma na germinação induzida por etileno em embriões dormentes de girassol

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    Freshly harvested sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L., Asteraceae) present physiological dormancy localized at the embrionary axis which prevents germination at low temperatures. However, dormant embryos reach about 100 % germination when incubated with the phytohormone ethylene during imbibition. To examine whether proteinase activities are implicated in the breaking of dormancy by ethylene, dormant embryos were treated with the proteinase inhibitors leupeptin, E64 and the proteasome specific inhibitor clasto-lactacystin ß-lactone (lactacystin). A few embryos (< 10 %) germinated at 10 oC in absence of ethylene but ethylene-treated embryos reached high germinability (~90 %) in the presence of leupeptin, E64, water and DMSO. On the other hand, incubation in lactacystin strongly reduced (< 20 %) the ethylene-induced germination in a dose-dependent manner. Lactacystin did not affect the germinability at 25 oC (temperature in which the embryos are no longer dormant) but increased the average germination time. The results suggest that proteasome activity may be involved in the removal of dormancy by ethylene and in the progression of the germination of sunflower embryos. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTSementes recém-colhidas de girassol (Helianthus annuus L., Asteraceae) apresentam dormência fisiológica localizada no eixo embrionário, bloqueando a germinação em baixas temperaturas. Contudo, os embriões dormentes apresentam germinabilidade próxima a 100 % quando incubados na presença de etileno durante a embebição. Para verificar se determinadas proteinases estão envolvidas na quebra da dormência pelo etileno, embriões dormentes de girassol foram tratados com os inibidores de proteinases leupeptina e E64 e o inibidor específico do proteasoma lactacistina (clasto-lactacystin ß-lactone). Observou-se que embriões incubados a 10 oC na ausência de etileno apresentaram germinabilidade menor que 10 % em todos os inibidores testados. Embriões incubados a 10 oC na presença de etileno apresentaram alta germinabilidade (~90 %) nos tratamentos com leupeptina, E64, água e DMSO, contudo, no tratamento com lactacistina a germinabilidade foi reduzida significativamente (< 20 %) numa relação concentraçãodependente. Incubação dos embriões a 25 oC, temperatura na qual a germinação ocorre sem necessidade de etileno, a lactacistina não afetou a germinabilidade (> 90 %), mas aumentou significativamente o tempo médio de germinação. Os resultados sugerem que a atividade do proteasoma pode estar envolvida tanto na quebra da dormência por etileno como na progressão da germinação de embriões de girassol

    Road infrastructure maintenance: Operative method for interventions’ ranking

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    Planned maintenance of transportation infrastructure is a milestone in maintaining the functionality and safety of road networks. This paper is part of this process and aims to propose an easily applicable and versatile operational methodology for prioritizing maintenance interventions generally scheduled on road networks of considerable extent. An operational methodology for ranking and prioritizing maintenance interventions is proposed; this method is applicable to road networks of such size that direct inspection of each situation is impossible. The core of the paper is the analytical description of this methodology, based on a weighted sum function of three blocks: i) Category − is a score related to the purpose of the intervention; ii) Asset − is a score due to the road on which the intervention is located (considering Average Daily Traffic, Accidentality, Social Cost, Road Type, Routes); iii) Typology − is a score related to the element on which the intervention is being carried out. After describing the parameters and the implementation procedure for each block, the calibration of the relative weights is described, and a sensitivity analysis is performed. In the case study, the proposed methodology is applied to the ANAS corporate network in Italy. This case study will highlight the usefulness, versatility, and operability of the methodology with GIS (Geographic Information System) tools for implementing thematic maps. A concluding section concerns the addition of a scoring block − Spatial Context − as an additional differentiating factor due to the spatial context of each road

    Innovative Energy Approach for Design and Sizing of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

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    In Italy, the availability of service areas (SAs) equipped with charging stations (CSs) for electric vehicles (EVs) on highways is limited in comparison to the total number of service areas. The scope of this work is to create a prototype and show a different approach to assessing the number of inlets required on highways. The proposed method estimates the energy requirements for the future electric fleet on highways. It is based on an energy conversion that starts with the fuel sold in the highway network and ends with the number of charging inlets. A proposed benchmark method estimates energy requirements for the electric fleet using consolidated values and statistics about refueling attitudes, with factors for range correction and winter conditions. The results depend on assumptions about future car distribution, with varying numbers of required inlets. The analysis revealed that vehicle traffic is a critical factor in determining the number of required charging inlets, with significant variance between different SAs. This study highlights the necessity of incorporating factors like weather, car charging power, and the future EV range into these estimations. The findings are useful for planning EV charging infrastructure, especially along major traffic routes and in urban areas with high-range vehicles relying on High-Power DC (HPDC) charging. The model’s applicability to urban scenarios can be improved by considering the proportion of energy recharged at the destination. A key limitation is the lack of detailed origin–destination (OD) highway data, leading to some uncertainty in the calculated range ratio coefficient and underscoring the need for future research to refine this model

    La Gestione dei trasporti in emergenza: attività, prodotti e risultati dell'esercitazione nazionale di Protezione Civile in Valtellina

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    L'articolo riporta l’esperienza maturata dal Laboratorio Mobilità e Trasporti del Politecnico di Milano in qualità di Centro di Competenza per la Gestione e la Sicurezza dei Trasporti per il Dipartimento di Protezione Civile Nazionale durante l’esercitazione nazionale di Protezione Civile in Valtellina. Le attività svolte, i prodotti realizzati e utilizzati ma soprattutto i risultati e l’esperienza emersi da una esercitazione temporalmente estesa e di estremo rilievo in ambito di Protezione Civile, si ritiene siano ancora estremamente attuali e utili come esempio per la gestione dei trasporti in caso di emergenze rilevanti

    Collective water transport electrification: Venetian ferry boat case study

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    This paper studies and analyzes the energy transition of ferry boats used in Venice as a means of public transportation. Thus, the goal is to reduce their environmental impact by replacing the current installed thermal propulsion with an equivalent low-emission electric type. A study was conducted aimed at sizing the most suitable electric motor and battery pack to be installed, as well as the most suitable charging system for the vehicle and the area involved in this case study. The shift to electric traction will bring new challenges for the service, but also the possibility to decarbonize the water transport in Venice, preserving air quality and the monuments of the UNESCO site. Therefore, it is noted how these changes may impact service delivery

    Battery Electric Buses or Fuel Cell Electric Buses? A Decarbonization Case Study in the City of Brescia, Italy

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    Nowadays, designing and adopting sustainable and greener transport systems is of upmost interest. The European Commission and different EU countries are developing plans and programs—but also delivering resources—aimed at the decarbonization of cities and transport by 2030. In this paper, the case study of the city of Brescia, a city of about 200,000 inhabitants located in northern Italy, is addressed. Specifically, a preliminary operational and financial feasibility study is performed assuming the replacement of the entire compressed natural gas (CNG) powered bus fleet of a specific line; the two alternatives considered are battery electric buses (BEBs) and fuel cell electric buses (FCEBs). For the comparison and evaluation of the two alternatives, specific economic parameters of the three alternatives (BEB, FCEB and the current solution CNGB) were considered: CAPEX (CAPital EXpenditure) and OPEX (OPerational EXpenditure). This allowed us to determine the TCO (total cost of ownership) and TCRO (total cost and revenues of ownership) along three annuities (2022, 2025 and 2030). For the BEB alternative, the TCO and TCRO values are between EUR 0.58/km and EUR 0.91/km. In the case of the FCEB solution, the values of TCO and TCRO are between EUR 1.75/km and EUR 2.15/km. Considering the current CNGB solution, the TCO and TCRO values range between EUR 1.43/km and EUR 1.51/km

    Effects of nearby buildings on lightning induced voltages on overhead power distribution lines

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    For the case of urban overhead lines, the presence of nearby buildings is expected to affect the overvoltages induced by nearby cloud-to-ground lightning return strokes. So far, this effect has been seldom taken into account in the literature on the subject. The paper presents a 3D FEM model that calculates the lightning electromagnetic pulse (LEMP) taking into account the presence of a building placed in proximity of the LEMP-coupled overhead line. As a first approximation, all the metallic elements are assumed as perfect conductors, as well as the ground plane. The calculated fields are then introduced in the Agrawal et al. coupling model for the calculation of the induced voltages. The results of a sensitivity analysis carried by varying the model and dimensions of the building, its distance to the line and the position of the lightning stroke location are presented and discussed