157 research outputs found

    Generation of microwave radiation by nonlinear interaction of a high-power, high-repetition rate, 1064-nm laser in KTP crystals

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    We report measurements of microwave (RF) generation in the centimeter band accomplished by irradiating a nonlinear KTiOPO4_4 (KTP) crystal with a home-made, infrared laser at 10641064\,nm as a result of optical rectification (OR). The laser delivers pulse trains of duration up to 1μ1\,\mus. Each train consists of several high-intensity pulses at an adjustable repetition rate of approximately 4.6 4.6\,GHz. The duration of the generated RF pulses is determined by that of the pulse trains. We have investigated both microwave- and second harmonic (SHG) generation as a function of the laser intensity and of the orientation of the laser polarization with respect to the crystallographic axes of KTP.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Optics Letters, vol. 38 (2013

    Microwave emission by nonlinear crystals irradiated with a high-intensity, mode-locked laser

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    We report on the experimental investigation of the efficiency of some nonlinear crystals to generate microwave (RF) radiation as a result of optical rectification (OR) when irradiated with intense pulse trains delivered by a mode-locked laser at 10641064\,nm. We have investigated lithium triborate (LBO), lithium niobate (LiNbO3_3), zinc selenide (ZnSe), and also potassium titanyl orthophosphate (KTP) for comparison with previous measurements. The results are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions based on the form of the second-order nonlinear susceptibility tensor. For some crystals we investigated also the second harmonic generation (SHG) to cross check the theoretical model. We confirm the theoretical prediction that OR leads to the production of higher order RF harmonics that are overtones of the laser repetition rate.Comment: accepted for publication in Journal of Optics, in pres

    Cathodo- and radioluminescence of Tm3+^{3+}:YAG and Nd3+^{3+}:YAG in an extended wavelength range

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    We have studied the cathodo- and radioluminescence of Nd:YAG and of Tm:YAG single crystals in an extended wavelength range up to 5μ\approx 5\,\mum in view of developing a new kind of detector for low-energy, low-rate energy deposition events. Whereas the light yield in the visible range is as large as 104\approx 10^{4}\,photons/MeV, in good agreement with literature results, in the infrared range we have found a light yield 5×104\approx 5\times 10^{4}\,photons/MeV, thereby proving that ionizing radiation is particularly efficient in populating the low lying levels of rare earth doped crystals.Comment: submitted for publication in Journal of Luminescenc

    Generation of microwave fields in cavities with laser-excited nonlinear media: competition between the second- and third-order optical nonlinearities

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    We discuss a scheme for the parametric amplification of the quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic vacuum in a three-dimensional microwave resonator, and report the preliminary measurements to test its feasibility. In the present experimental scheme, the fundamental mode of a microwave cavity is nonadiabatically perturbed by modulating the index of refraction of the nonlinear optical crystal enclosed therein. Intense, multi-GHz laser pulses, such as those delivered by a mode-locked laser source, impinge on the crystal to accomplish the n-index modulation. We theoretically analyze the process of parametric generation, which is related to the third-order nonlinear coefficient \u3c7(3) of the nonlinear crystal, and assess the suitable experimental conditions for generating real photons from the vacuum. Second-order nonlinear processes are first analyzed as a possible source of spurious photons in quantum vacuum experiments when an ideal, mode-locked laser source is considered. The combination of a crystal non-null \u3c7(2) coefficient and a real mode-locked laser system\u2014i.e. one featuring offset-fromcarrier noise and unwanted secondary oscillations\u2014is also experimentally investigated, paving the way for future experiments in three-dimensional cavities

    A new technique for infrared scintillation measurements

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    We propose a new technique to measure the infrared scintillation light yield of rare earth (RE) doped crystals by comparing it to near UV-visible scintillation of a calibrated Pr:(Lu0.75_{0.75}Y0.25_{0.25})3_{3}Al5_5O12_{12} sample. As an example, we apply this technique to provide the light yield in visible and infrared range up to \SI{1700}{nm} of this crystal.Comment: submitted to NIM

    Injection of photoelectrons into dense argon gas

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    The injection of photoelectrons in a gaseous or liquid sample is a widespread technique to produce a cold plasma in a weakly--ionized system in order to study the transport properties of electrons in a dense gas or liquid. We report here the experimental results of photoelectron injection into dense argon gas at the temperatureT=142.6 K as a function of the externally applied electric field and gas density. We show that the experimental data can be interpreted in terms of the so called Young-Bradbury model only if multiple scattering effects due to the dense environment are taken into account when computing the scattering properties and the energetics of the electrons.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, figure nr. 10 has been redrawn, to be submitted to Plasma Sources Science and Technolog

    Particle detection through the quantum counter concept in YAG:Er3+^{3+}

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    We report about a novel scheme for particle detection based on the infrared quantum counter concept. Its operation consists of a two-step excitation process of a four level system, that can be realized in rare earth-doped crystals when a cw pump laser is tuned to the transition from the second to the fourth level. The incident particle raises the atoms of the active material into a low lying, metastable energy state, triggering the absorption of the pump laser to a higher level. Following a rapid non-radiative decay to a fluorescent level, an optical signal is observed with a conventional detectors. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of such a scheme, we have investigated the emission from the fluorescent level 4^4S3/2_{3/2} (540 nm band) in an Er3+^{3+}-doped YAG crystal pumped by a tunable titanium sapphire laser when it is irradiated with 60 keV electrons delivered by an electron gun. We have obtained a clear signature this excitation increases the 4I13/2^{4}I_{13/2} metastable level population that can efficiently be exploited to generate a detectable optical signal

    Infrared emission spectrum and potentials of 0u+0_u^+ and 0g+0_g^+ states of Xe2_2 excimers produced by electron impact

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    We present an investigation of the Xe2_{2} excimer emission spectrum observed in the near infrared range about 7800 cm1^{-1} in pure Xe gas and in an Ar (90%) --Xe (10%) mixture and obtained by exciting the gas with energetic electrons. The Franck--Condon simulation of the spectrum shape suggests that emission stems from a bound--free molecular transition never studied before. The states involved are assigned as the bound (3)0u+(3)0_{u}^{+} state with 6p[1/2]06p [1/2]_{0} atomic limit and the dissociative (1)0g+(1)0_{g}^{+} state with 6s[3/2]16s [3/2]_{1} limit. Comparison with the spectrum simulated by using theoretical potentials shows that the dissociative one does not reproduce correctly the spectrum features.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Studies of a three-stage dark matter and neutrino observatory based on multi-ton combinations of liquid xenon and liquid argon detectors

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    We study a three stage dark matter and neutrino observatory based on multi-ton two-phase liquid Xe and Ar detectors with sufficiently low backgrounds to be sensitive to WIMP dark matter interaction cross sections down to 10E-47 cm^2, and to provide both identification and two independent measurements of the WIMP mass through the use of the two target elements in a 5:1 mass ratio, giving an expected similarity of event numbers. The same detection systems will also allow measurement of the pp solar neutrino spectrum, the neutrino flux and temperature from a Galactic supernova, and neutrinoless double beta decay of 136Xe to the lifetime level of 10E27 - 10E28 y corresponding to the Majorana mass predicted from current neutrino oscillation data. The proposed scheme would be operated in three stages G2, G3, G4, beginning with fiducial masses 1-ton Xe + 5-ton Ar (G2), progressing to 10-ton Xe + 50-ton Ar (G3) then, dependent on results and performance of the latter, expandable to 100-ton Xe + 500-ton Ar (G4). This method of scale-up offers the advantage of utilizing the Ar vessel and ancillary systems of one stage for the Xe detector of the succeeding stage, requiring only one new detector vessel at each stage. Simulations show the feasibility of reducing or rejecting all external and internal background levels to a level <1 events per year for each succeeding mass level, by utilizing an increasing outer thickness of target material as self-shielding. The system would, with increasing mass scale, become increasingly sensitive to annual signal modulation, the agreement of Xe and Ar results confirming the Galactic origin of the signal. Dark matter sensitivities for spin-dependent and inelastic interactions are also included, and we conclude with a discussion of possible further gains from the use of Xe/Ar mixtures