16 research outputs found

    A straightforward multiallelic significance test for the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium law

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    Much forensic inference based upon DNA evidence is made assuming Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) for the genetic loci being used. Several statistical tests to detect and measure deviation from HWE have been devised, and their limitations become more obvious when testing for deviation within multiallelic DNA loci. The most popular methods-Chi-square and Likelihood-ratio tests-are based on asymptotic results and cannot guarantee a good performance in the presence of low frequency genotypes. Since the parameter space dimension increases at a quadratic rate on the number of alleles, some authors suggest applying sequential methods, where the multiallelic case is reformulated as a sequence of “biallelic” tests. However, in this approach it is not obvious how to assess the general evidence of the original hypothesis; nor is it clear how to establish the significance level for its acceptance/rejection. In this work, we introduce a straightforward method for the multiallelic HWE test, which overcomes the aforementioned issues of sequential methods. The core theory for the proposed method is given by the Full Bayesian Significance Test (FBST), an intuitive Bayesian approach which does not assign positive probabilities to zero measure sets when testing sharp hypotheses. We compare FBST performance to Chi-square, Likelihood-ratio and Markov chain tests, in three numerical experiments. The results suggest that FBST is a robust and high performance method for the HWE test, even in the presence of several alleles and small sample sizes

    Avaliação auditiva no recém-nascido e suas implicações éticas Hearing evaluation on newborn babies and its ethical implications

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    O estudo tem por finalidade examinar a produção bibliográfica que investigou o uso do teste das emissões otoacústicas em recém-nascidos realizado em hospitais, dando ênfase à aprovação do referido artigo junto ao Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. O método constitui-se numa revisão bibliográfica de artigos nacionais publicados em revistas brasileiras. A busca se deu por meio de bancos de dados da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) (http://www.bireme.br), e site de busca (http://www.google.com.br), referentes aos anos de 2004 a 2006, usando os descritores emissões otoacústicas e triagem auditiva ou expressões equivalentes em neonatos, em hospitais. Outro meio foi a busca manual nas listas de referências dos artigos selecionados. Após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão, foram selecionados nove artigos em cinco tipos de revistas. A citação da aprovação do Comitê de Ética e assinatura do termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido pelo responsável estiveram presentes na grande maioria dos artigos, demonstrando a preocupação e respeito dos pesquisadores da área para com o sujeito participante no estudo.<br>The study has as purpose to examine the bibliographic production that investigates the use of the test of otoacoustic emissions in newborn babies done in hospitals. It gives emphasis in the approval of the mentioned article along the Research Ethics Committee. The method consists on bibliographic revision of national articles published in Brazilian journals. The research was realized in databases of the virtual library in health (http://www.bireme.br) and at the search engine Google (http://www.google.com.br), considering the period of 2004 to 2006. The key words used were: otoacoustic emissions and hearing triage or equivalent expressions in newborn babies in hospitals. Another source was the manual search in reference lists of the selected articles. After the application of the inclusion rules, nine articles were selected in five different journals. The citation of the approval of the Ethics Committee and the signature of the Free Consent Term, which were cleared by the responsible, were present in the majority of the articles and it demonstrates the concern and respect of the researchers of this area with the participant citizen on the study

    Suspeita da perda auditiva por familiares Hearing loss suspected by the family

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    OBJETIVOS: caracterizar e analisar a suspeita de perda auditiva, por parte de familiares, em crianças assistidas na Associação de Pais e Amigos do Deficiente Auditivo (APADA) em Teresina-PI. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo realizado na APADA no período de setembro a outubro de 2006, com aplicação de formulários para 14 mães e/ou responsáveis para levantamento das variáveis: identificar o familiar que suspeitou da perda auditiva na criança; o motivo que levou a suspeita; a idade da criança quando da detecção pelo familiar; a atitude da família após a descoberta da perda auditiva; a idade da criança quando ocorreu procura profissional e a orientação recebida; o tempo entre a suspeita da perda auditiva, por parte do familiar, e a confirmação profissional de diagnóstico. RESULTADOS: os dados apontam que 86% da suspeita foi percebido pelas mães. O motivo da suspeita foi pela não reação ao som por parte da criança (71%). 36% dos familiares perceberam o problema na idade de 7 a 12 meses. 79% tiveram como primeira atitude procurar o médico, 36% procuraram o profissional da saúde com até um ano de idade, 29% receberam a orientação do profissional para o uso do aparelho auditivo e tiveram a confirmação da perda auditiva de 7 meses a 1 ano de idade ou após os 4 anos. CONCLUSÃO: o diagnóstico da perda auditiva foi tardio frente a suspeita por parte dos familiares e dos profissionais de saúde e não estiveram relacionadas com os programas da triagem auditiva neonatal.<br>PURPOSE: to analyze and characterize children suspected by the family of hearing loss attended at Associação de Pais e Amigos do Deficiente Auditivo (APADA) in Teresina, PI. METHODS: a descriptive study was carried out at PFHIA from September to October 2006. Form were filled out by 14 mothers and/or the responsible adult to find the following variables: identify the family member who suspected hearing loss in the child; the reason which led to the suspicion; the age of the child when hearing loss was detected by the family member; the attitude of the family after discovering the hearing loss; the age of the child when professional help was obtained and the orientation received; the time lapse from suspicion of hearing loss by the family to professional confirmation. RESULTS: the data shows that hearing loss was suspected by the mothers in 86%. The reason for the suspicion was no reaction to sound from the child (71%). 36% of the families noticed the problem at the age of 7 to 12 months, 79% looked for medical help as their first attitude, 36% looked for a health professional before 1 year of age, 29% received the health orientation to use hearing aids and had the confirmation of hearing loss from 7 months to 1 year of age or after the age of 4. CONCLUSION: the diagnosis of hearing loss was late and discovered by members of the family and health professionals and was not related to newborn hearing screening programs

    Perfil dos consumidores de hortaliças minimamente processadas de Belo Horizonte Profile of minimally processed vegetable consumers in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

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    O consumidor vem apresentando cada vez maior consciência na escolha de sua alimentação, porém com menor tempo disponível para preparar refeições saudáveis. Diante disso, o mercado de hortaliças minimamente processadas tem aumentado rapidamente, proporcionando o surgimento de produtos convenientes, ou seja, produtos frescos que podem ser preparados e consumidos em pouco tempo. Assim, neste trabalho estudou-se o comportamento de compra e o perfil dos consumidores de hortaliças minimamente processadas em supermercados de Belo Horizonte. Foram aplicados questionários aos consumidores de cinco estabelecimentos que vendiam hortaliças minimamente processadas (HMP) e os entrevistados foram escolhidos aleatoriamente no momento das compras, durante o mês de novembro de 2004. Foram entrevistadas 246 pessoas, das quais apenas 23% consumiam HMP. Os principais motivos para consumir foram comodidade e praticidade (46%), pouco tempo para o preparo (21%) das refeições e higiene (11%) dos produtos, e para não consumir foram preço elevado (31,9%), gosta de preparar e/ou escolher (23%) e desconfiança (17,8%) dos produtos ofertados. Os maiores consumidores são as pessoas com maior escolaridade e nível de renda mais elevado. A sobrevalorização dos HMP em relação aos produtos comuns variou de 2,4 vezes (batata) até 39,5 vezes (cenoura), sendo a média de sobrevalorização encontrada no mercado para as onze HMP de 10 vezes.<br>Consumer's food consciousness has increased, however, time for preparing healthy food has decreased. Therefore, the market of minimally processed vegetable has increased rapidly, giving rise to the appearance of fresh products that can be prepared and consumed faster than conventional foods. Thus, the objective of this work was to establish the behavior and profile of minimally processed vegetable consumers in supermarkets of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Based on the answers to a survey, the consumers profile was traced, highlighting preferences, habits, complaints and demands. The survey was conducted with consumers of five supermarkets which sell minimally processed vegetables (MPV). Consumers were chosen randomly when they were buying in November 2004. Of two hundred and forty six interviewed persons, 23% were consumers of MPV. The main reasons for consumption were: easiness and feasibility (46%); short preparation time (21%) of meals and hygiene (11%) of the products; and the main reasons against consumption were: the high price of the precuts (31,9%); easy to prepare and/or to choose (23%) and distrusting (17,8%) the offered products. The major consumers were those with a better education. Comparing the overrating of MPV with other vegetables, a variation of 2,4 (potato) to 39,5 times (carrots) was found. On average the overrating found in markets for eleven MPV was of 10 times