178 research outputs found

    Ulceração Genital Aguda em Jovem

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    Sumário executivo

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    Três espécies de térmitas são conhecidas actualmente nos Açores: Kalotermes flavicollis (térmita de madeira húmida europeia), Cryptotermes brevis (térmita de madeira seca das Índias Ocidentais), Reticulitermes grassei (térmita subterrânea europeia). Destas, duas, a Cryptotermes brevis e a Reticulitermes grassei estão a provocar grandes prejuízos nas cidades principais dos Açores (Angra do Heroísmo, Ponta Delgada e Horta) e prevê-se que nas próximas décadas possam igualmente ocorrer noutras partes do arquipélag

    Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis em Homens com 50 Anos ou Mais em Clínica de Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis de Lisboa, Portugal

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    Introduction: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a significant public health problem worldwide. They are more frequent in young men; however the prevalence in older individuals is increasing. The aim of this study was to access the prevalence of STIs diagnosis in men aged 50 years and older. We also aimed to compare the demographic and behavioral characteristics of those diagnosed with STIs and those with non-STI conditions.Methods: We conducted a retrospective study including all men aged 50 years and older who have attended a Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STD) clinic of a central hospital in Lisbon, Portugal, between July 2015 and December 2017.Results: Between July 2015 and December of 2017,  1722 men attended the STD clinic, of which 323 (18.8%) were aged 50 years and older. Out of these 323 men, 137 (41.4%) were diagnosed with a STI, more often anogenital warts (32.9%), genital herpes simplex virus infection (19.7%) and early syphilis (19.0%). The mean age of the patients with a STI was 59.9 years and almost all (90.5%) reported an inconsistent use of a condom (90.5%). The number of men that have sex with men (MSM) was significantly higher in patients with a STI (p = 0,003) than those with a non-STI diagnosis. Additionally, 40 (29.2%) of these STI patients had been previously infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and 33 (24.1%) had a past history for syphilis, which were significantly higher than in patients in patients with a non-STI diagnosis (p = 0.015 and p = 0.001, respectively).Conclusion: Existing data on STI has mainly focused younger population with few studies performed in older individuals. Our study reports a large number of men aged 50 years and older that allows a better understanding of this age group. High levels of unsafe sex and previous diagnosis of HIV and syphilis emphasizes the importance of sexual health promotion in older individuals.Introdução: As infeções sexualmente transmissíveis (ISTs) são um problema de saúde pública a nível global. São mais frequentes em jovens do sexo masculino, no entanto verifica-se um aumento da sua prevalência em indivíduos mais velhos. Este estudo teve como objectivo principal analisar a prevalência de ISTs em homens com idade igual ou superior a 50 anos. Também foram comparadas as características demográficas e comportamentais dos doentes com diagnóstico de IST com os doentes com diagnóstico não-IST.Métodos: Realizámos um estudo retrospetivo que incluiu todos os homens com idade igual ou superior a 50 anos que recorreram à Consulta de ISTs do Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central, Portugal, entre Julho de 2015 e Dezembro de 2017.Resultados: Entre Julho de 2015 e Dezembro de 2017, na Consulta de ISTs foram observados 1722 indivíduos do sexo masculino, dos quais 323 (18,8%) com idade igual ou superior a 50 anos. Destes 323 homens, 137 (41,4%) tiveram o diagnóstico de IST, mais frequentemente condilomas anogenitais (32,9%), infecção genital por herpes simplex (19,7%) e sífilis recente (19,0%). A idade média dos doentes com IST foi de 59.9 anos e a maioria reportou um uso ocasional de preservativo (90,5%). O número de homens com sexo com homens foi significativamente superior nos doentes com IST (p = 0,003) em relação aos doentes com diagnóstico não-IST. Além disso, 40 (29,2%) dos doentes com IST tinham o diagnóstico prévio de infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH) e 33 (24,1%) tiveram sífilis no passado, ambos em numero significativamente superior que nos doentes com diagnóstico não-IST (p = 0,015 e p = 0,001, respectivamente).Conclusão: Dados atuais sobre ISTs focam-se principalmente na população jovem com escassos estudos efetuados em indivíduos mais velhos. O nosso estudo reporta um elevado número de homens com idade igual ou superior a 50 anos, permitindo uma melhor percepção desta faixa etária. Níveis elevados de ausência de protecção sexual e diagnóstico de VIH enfatizam a importância da promoção da educação sexual em indivíduos mais velhos

    Ensino - aprendizagem em ciências de saúde: metodologias ativas no ensino superior

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    Mestrado em parceria com a Escola Superior de Saúde do Instituto Politécnico da GuardaA inovação formativa no contexto do ensino superior é caracterizada por uma ação intencional que visa melhorar a aprendizagem dos estudantes de forma sustentável. A evolução social e tecnológica exige uma constante adaptação do professor, a quem os estudantes, os empregadores e ele próprio colocam sucessivamente novos desafios. Este estágio curricular teve como objetivos: (a) adquirir competências no âmbito das metodologias de ensino-aprendizagem ativas no ensino superior; (b) frequentar o curso de “Aprendizagem, com base em processos e cocriação” para professores; (c) planear e gerir o processo de cocriação; (d) facilitar um projeto de cocriação e (e) produzir cientificamente, através da realização de uma revisão sistemática da literatura, acerca das metodologias ativas no ensino-aprendizagem no ensino superior. Estágio curricular onde foram desenvolvidas atividades no âmbito do ensino/aprendizagem em ciências de saúde, recorrendo a metodologias ativas no ensino superior pela participação na formação “Aprendizagem, com base em processos e cocriação” do projeto demola, facilitação de um projeto cocriativo, gestão do processo de cocriação e produção científica de um artigo de revisão sistemática da literatura. Durante o estágio foram cumpridas com sucesso atividades que foram de encontro com os objetivos delimitados tais como o desenho/facilitação de processos de cocriação; o conhecimento/aplicação de ferramentas de cocriação; a frequência/conclusão com aproveitamento do curso de “Aprendizagem, com base em processos e cocriação”; a participação no planeamento e gestão da Unidade Extracurricular Projeto Demola; a co facilitação do projeto de cocriação “Sustainable Smile”; e a redação/apresentação/publicação de um artigo de revisão de literatura. Os alunos são o futuro e devem ser o centro do processo de aprendizagem, e por isso, as metodologias ativas no ensino/aprendizagem superior devem ser usadas como ferramentas fundamentais de ensino.Formative innovation in the context of higher education is characterized by an intentional action aimed at sustainably improving students’ learning. Social and technological evolution requires a constant adaptation of the teacher, to whom students, employers, and himself successively pose new challenges. This curricular internship had as objectives: (a) to acquire competencies within the framework of teaching-learning methodologies active in higher education; (b) participate in the course "Process-based Learning and Co-Creation" for teachers; (c) plan and manage the co-creation process; (d) Facilitate a co-creation project and (e) produce scientifically, through a systematic review of the literature, about the methodologies active in teaching-learning in higher education. Curricular internship where activities were carried out in the scope of teaching/learning in health sciences, through active methodologies in higher education, by participation in the training "Learning, based on processes and co-creation" of the demola project, facilitation of a co-creative project, management of the co-creation process and scientific production of a systematic literature review article. During the internship, activities were successfully carried out that met the defined objectives, such as the design/facilitation of co-creation processes; the knowledge/application of co-creation tools; attendance/successful completion of the “Learning, based on processes and co-creation” course; participation in the planning and management of the Extracurricular Unit Projeto Demola; co-facilitation of the “Sustainable Smile” co-creation project; and the writing/presentation/publication of a literature review article. Students are the future and should be the center of the learning process, therefore, active methodologies in higher education/learning should be used as fundamental teaching tools

    Pedro José da Fonseca e a sua obra lexicográfica

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    Doutoramento em LinguísticaEste trabalho tem por objecto de estudo a obra de Pedro José da Fonseca, precipuamente a obra lexicográfica - Pawum Lexicon (1762), Diccionario Portuguez, e Latino (1771), Diccionario abbreviado da fabula (1779) e o Diccionario da Lingoa Portugueza (1 793). Necessidade premente num contexto de remodelação de todo o panorama do ensino em Portugal e de modificação das estruturas e hábitos da sociedade portuguesa, a composição destas obras iria corresponder ao consumo escolar e às solicitações da prática pedagógica almejada pela reforma pombalina. No plano geral da descrição crítica destes dicionários, atribui-se especial relevância, no cotejamento com as fontes, ao aperfeiçoamento da técnica lexicográfica. Propõe-se: o esboço da biografia do autor e um breve enquadramento históricocultural da 2" metade do século XVIII; o estudo da obra literária de Pedro da Fonseca, examinando o seu pensamento linguístico; análise da técnica de composição dicionan'stica a nível macro e microestrutural e, por fim, uma reflexão em torno do "corpus" lexical português nos dicionários de Fonseca.This study is focused on Pedro José da Fonseca's work, particularly on his lexicographic work - Parvum Lexicon (1 762), Diccionario Portuguez, e Latino (1 77 1 ) , Diccionario abbreviado da fabula (1 779) and t he Diccionario da Lingoa Portugueza (I 793). In the context of educational reforms and changing of the structure and customs of the Portuguese society, the need to compose urgently new works that might answer the needs of Pombal's aims in relation to education and that could at the same time fulfil the capacities of school usage, emerges. In the general and critical description of these dictionaries, it is stressed, through the collation with sources, the improvement of the techniques used in the making of dictionaries. It is proposed: the outline of author's biography and the description of historical and cultural context in the second half of eighteenth century; the study of the Fonseca's literary work, analysing his linguistic ideas; analysis of lexicographic technique in terms of macrostructure and microstructure, and, at last, a reflection around the Portuguese lexical corpus in Fonseca's dictionaries.FCTFS

    A integração curricular da intercompreensão numa turma de ELE

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    Mestrado em Ensino de Português no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário e de Língua Estrangeira (Espanhol) nos Ensinos Básico e SecundárioO presente Relatório Final de estágio tem como principal intento fazer o relato de uma experiência de integração curricular da intercompreensão (IC) numa turma de Espanhol Língua Estrangeira (ELE) do Ensino Secundário, decorrente do desenvolvimento de uma sessão na plataforma Galanet, procurando verificar de que forma esta experiência concorrre para o desenvolvimento curricular da disciplina. Após uma breve incursão pela paisagem didatológica que enforma este trabalho e pelos documentos reguladores do ensino de ELE em Portugal, prossegue-se com uma apresentação do contexto em que a intervenção foi realizada e da intervenção em si mesma (objetivos, estratégias, materiais, etc.). Posteriormente, procede-se a uma análise qualitativa e quantitativa dos dados, recolhidos ao longo das diversas intervenções didáticas: notas de campo elaboradas pela própria professora, artefactos escritos e orais elaborados pelos alunos; inquérito final. Propõe-se uma análise dos dados a partir do referencial aprendente, elaborado no âmbito do projeto Miriadi (Mutualização e Inovação por uma Rede de Intercompreensão à Distância), e do CARAP (Cadre de Référence pour les Approches Plurielles), orientado para as abordagens plurais do ensino-aprendizagem de línguas. Em concomitância, descreve-se de que forma a presente proposta de integração curricular da IC no ensino de ELE concorre para atingir os objetivos propostos pelo Programa de Espanhol para o Ensino Secundário, 10º ano iniciação. Os resultados evidenciam que a integração curricular da IC no ensino de ELE induz dinâmicas de ensino-aprendizagem que, ao colocarem os sujeitos em situações de comunicação plural, envolvem-nos nas suas dimensões afetiva e inteletual, originando significativas aprendizagens, tanto no que concerne a aspetos linguísticos comuns às diversas línguas românicas como a particularidades da língua espanhola.The final report intends to describe an experience of the program of integration of the intercomprehension in teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language, through a program developed in Galanet, in an attempt to determine how this experience can contribute for the curriculum development of the subject matters. In this study, firstly a brief review of literature and the regulatory documents of Teaching Spanish are presented. It then continues with a presentation of the context in which the research-action took place and also the objectives, strategies, materials, etc. Subsequently, a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data, collected during the various educational program, is carried out: field notes; oral and written tasks fulfilled by the students; and final questionnaire. It proposes an analysis of the data based on a list of references for evaluating the learners’ competence, developed within the project of Miriadi (Mutualization and Innovative Research within an Interconnected netwook Aiming to Develop e-Intercomprehension) and CARAP (Cadre de Référence pour les Approches Plurielles), aiming for integrated approaches of teaching and learning languages. Concurrently, it describes how this experience of integration of intercomprehension in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language contributes to achieve the objectives proposed by the Program of Spanish for the Secondary Education, level A1. The results indicate that the integration of the intercomprehension in teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language induces dynamics in teaching and learning, by involving the learners in situations of plurilingual communication, provoking their emotional and intellectual dimensions, and resulting in significant learning in terms of both linguistic aspects common to many Romance languages and Spanish language particularities as well

    A Influência das tecnologias self-service bancárias no comportamento dos clientes residentes nos Açores

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    Nos últimos anos tem-se assistido a uma significativa diversificação dos canais de distribuição e de comunicação do setor da banca mediante a introdução de tecnologias self-service, como as ATM’s, Internet Banking e Mobile Banking, que permitem aos clientes acederem às suas áreas financeiras de forma autónoma, intemporal e a partir de qualquer local. Nesta investigação analisa-se a influência da utilização frequente dessas tecnologias no comportamento dos seus utilizadores, com base numa amostra de 450 residentes nos Açores. Verifica-se que os utilizadores mais frequentes apresentam comportamentos mais positivos perante a instituição financeira relativamente aos utilizadores menos frequentes. As conclusões apontam para a importância da construção e aplicação de indicadores relevantes para as instituições financeiras locais, que possam contribuir para o desenvolvimento e aperfeiçoamento da qualidade dos serviços prestados e o aumento da satisfação dos clientes.ABSTRACT: Over the past few years there has been a significant diversification of the distribution and communication channels used within the banking sector, specifically induced by self-service technologies such as ATMs, Internet Banking, and Mobile Banking, which enable the clients to access their personal financial accounts at any location and at any time. This study investigates the influence of the frequent utilization of the three aforementioned self-service banking technologies on their users’ behaviour, considering the analysis of a sample comprising 450 respondents living in the Azores. The research reveals that more frequent users have more positive attitudes towards their banks compared with less frequent users of these technologies. This study recognizes the importance of constructing and using relevant indicators that can be used by local financial institutions in order to improve and develop service quality and consequent customer satisfaction.N/

    The pandemic and the creative performance of cities: an empirical study in Portugal

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    In a pandemic and post-pandemic environment, the consequences for the creative economy have been brutal and nefarious. Thus, this study aims to measure cities’ creativity performance, through a composite index, reported in the year 2021. In this sense, the results show that culture, the creative economy and enabling environment, as subdimensions of creativity, show that cities suffered a significant setback in their creative performance. However, this is currently being reversed so that creativity continues to contribute to the performance and growth of cities, whereby the formation of networks/partnerships as allies of the creative class and industries that characterise this dimension becomes even more important. This means that the creative class was one of the most affected by the pandemic, given that its activities are sustained mainly by the public, which corroborated recent studies. The study’s main contribution lies in the use of the Composite Index, in which it was concluded that creativity generates employment and wealth for a country’s economy. Finally, some limitations and avenues for future research were outlined.The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the National Funds of the FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology within the project «UIDB/04007/2020» and the project «UIDB/04011/2020»

    Science, society, politics, and the media: joining efforts to manage the risk of termite infestation in the Azores

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    SRA 2008 Annual Meeting. Sunday, 7 December 2008 to Wednesday, 10 December 2008.Termites are well-established and serious pests of structural wood infestation in different parts of the world. Presently, in the Azores archipelago (Portugal), the drywood termite Cryptotermes brevis (Insecta, Isoptera) has been referred to four of the nine islands, and the damages to the buildings and other artefacts are severe and constitute a serious threat, especially in its main towns. In order to control the situation there has been a considerable scientific and political investment to survey and classify the infestation, and to develop mitigation strategies, over the last five years. Nevertheless, the infestation is far from being controlled and, also, most of the Azorean citizens are still unaware of the dangers and risks associated to this urban pest. If, however, effective educational and management practices are initiated soon, the losses from C. brevis can be greatly reduced. Therefore, the major aims of this research project are: (i) to understand people’s perspectives about the consequences of the termite infestation and their appraisal about the effectiveness of the proposed and existing management strategies; (ii) to understand the functions of the media in the making of public opinion; (iii) to develop simple ways of communicating complex technical information according to people’s perception of who is accountable and trustworthy, in order to avoid misunderstandings between science, politics, managers and society; (iv) to develop and implement devices focused on the communication between the population and the main stakeholders, to promote the involvement of citizens and their commitment as essential partners of the termite control. This paper aims to integrate data from the abovementioned stakeholders in order to identify communication problems, to create adequate strategies to solve conflicts, to facilitate dialogue and partnerships among stakeholders and to promote termite risk literacy. Data was gathered using several techniques, including interviews, descriptive-interpretative analysis of media, scientific discourses and existing operational programs. Data shows that the lack of integration among stakeholders is the most obvious barrier to be overcome by the communication devices to implement

    Workaholism and work-family interaction among emergency and critical care nurses

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    Objectives: Investigating the prevalence of workaholism as well as the relationship between work-family interaction among emergency and critical care nurses. Research methodology/design: A quantitative cross-sectional study. Setting: A total of 219 nurses took part in the Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS-10) and the Survey WorkHome Interaction Nijmegen (SWING), which included socio–demographic and occupational question. Data was gathered in Spain between June and September 2019. Results: Workaholism was found to be prevalent in 28.3% of the participants. In all four categories, workaholism was statistically connected to work-home interaction, with workaholics having higher means than nonworkaholics. Perceived work stress was related to workaholism (p =.036). In the Work Excessively dimension, female nurses had significantly higher mean scores (M = 2.26) than their male counterparts (M = 1,88). In addition, in the Negative Work-Home Interaction (M = 2.04), the global mean scores were higher than in the Negative Home-Work Interaction (M = 1.34), indicating conflict and a negative impact of work on the family. Conclusion: The findings of this study demonstrated the necessity of taking into account demands and resources from both the work and home domains since it has been shown that both have an impact on one other. Furthermore, given the vital responsibilities that emergency and critical care nurses play in the health care system, our findings suggest that occupational health treatments should be used to identify those working profiles that are particularly at risk.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio