145 research outputs found

    Georges Bataille, Philosopher of Laughter

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    Why is it that when we laugh – not at jokes or to patronize – but when we laugh ecstatically and drift away from the self that seemed to constitute the majority of waking life, we feel free, at ease? And why is it, asked Georges Bataille, that after this ecstatic moment we come back to the mundane everyday with the feeling of a new and ineffable knowledge about human existence? In this paper I present Bataille on laughter and its merits as a philosophical project. Laughter is an experience to be theorized and a praxis aiding in our pursuit of truth and an ethical life. At its limits a body produces laughter – the rollercoaster ride, high-risk rescue, la petite mort – and the threshold of existence is torn asunder to reveal the absurdity of serious behaviour and thinking. Seriousness: planned futures, workdays, major and minor worries, fear of self-harm in helping others, any element that composes our stable identity. The seriousness in our lives disappears during fits of laughter, an exhaustive experience linked to death, and because of its proximity to destruction, in laughter Bataille finds knowledge of what we are as human bodies: beings composed of finite matter brought into existence by chance and as chance existences no more valuable than another human life. I will discuss and extend Bataille’s work which describes laughter and philosophical thinking as the same, the former held in higher regard for its ability to provide a richer understanding of what the copula to be entails: an affirmation of life through giving ourselves to others

    Submitting to Loving Authority: Wonder Woman’s DeleuzoGuattarian Ethics

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    In this article, I read Grant Morrison and Yanick Paquette’s Wonder Woman: Earth One, Volume 1 (2016) through Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari’s philosophy to challenge the superhero comics narrative convention of using violence as the sole means in a hero’s transcendent pursuit of justice. Deleuze and Guattari critique goal-oriented sexuality as a call for different modes of thinking about ethics and interpersonal relations. I apply their insights to superhero comics wherein we find heroes’ aggressive climaxes of physical power that set things right, i.e., back to the way things were. Most heroes are thus goal-oriented, hyperviolent, and conservative; they beat the villains into compliance to return the world to its previous order. Wonder Woman, on the contrary, turns towards what I call the ethics of the caress. She deploys intimate conversation and physical affection as well as espouses vulnerability to thereby transform her interlocutors— whether men or fellow Amazons—into submissive counterparts to “change the world for the better” (Morrison and Paquette 2016)

    Development of New Crispy Breads with the Inclusion of Vegetable Additives and Evaluation of Their Quality

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    Spelt-based crispy breads with the inclusion of herbal supplements (powders of milk thistle, mountain ash, wild rose and green tea extract) and the results of assessing the quality of new products by organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators are presented. For a tasting evaluation, a point scale has been developed for the organoleptic evaluation of sugary-grain crispy breads. On the basis of which the organoleptic analysis of crispy breads, enriched with herbal supplements, has been carried out It is established that the introduction of vegetable additives in the composition of crispy bread leads to an improvement in the organoleptic characteristics of finished products. These products are characterized by a crispy, porous structure, an attractive light cream color, a harmonious taste, a pronounced smell of used additives. According to the results of the tasting evaluation, samples enriched with herbal supplements received the highest score in relation to the control sample, which meets the requirements of potential consumers. On the basis of physico-chemical indicators, it has been established that the introduction of grain additives to crispy breads does not impair the physic-chemical properties of these products.On the basis of the obtained data, the expediency of the production of new spelt-based crispy breads with the inclusion of enriching additives with improved organoleptic properties is substantiated

    The Study Of Production Regimes And Quality Parameters Of Extruded Feed Additive Based On Corn Seed And Substandard Egg Mass

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    On the base of practical studies were established the rational parameters of technological processes of production of extruded feed additive. There was determined an expedience of mixture of substandard chicken egg mass and the crushed corn seed in two stages in frame (during 18 s) and blade (during 120…180 s) mixers. There were determined the optimal regimes of mixture extruding: pressure in working zone of extruder 2…3 mPa, consumed force of electric motor 4,0…4,5 kW, temperature on outcome of extruder 110…120 ºС, duration of process 60…120 s, diameter of matrix port 10 mm.There were given the results of study of parameters of quality and nutritive value of extruded feed additive. It was established, that in the process of extruding the quality parameters of food additive are improved at the expense of dextrinization and gelatinization of starch, decrease of bacterial and fungal pollution, disinfection of product.There was proved a possibility to solve problem of utilization of defective eggs at feeding poultry

    Крайове поглинання тонких плівок –Ga2O3

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    Fundamental absorption edge of b–Ga2O3 thin films, obtained by radio-frequency ion-plasmous sputtering, was investigated, using the method of optical spectroscopy. It was ascertained that the optical band gap Eg increases from 4.60 to 4.65 eV after the heat treatment films in argon atmosphere and to 5.20 eV after the reduction of annealed films in a hydrogen atmosphere. Consolidated effective mass of free charge carriers in b–Ga2O3 films after annealing and after reduction in hydrogen was estimated. It was found that the concentration of charge carriers after heat treatment in argon atmosphere is 7.30´1017 cm–3 and after reduction in hydrogen, is 2.62´1019 cm–3, which is typical for degenerated semiconductors. It was shown that the shift of fundamental absorption edge in thin films b–Ga2O3 after reduction in hydrogen is caused by Burstein-Moss effect.Методом оптичної спектроскопії досліджено область фундаментального поглинання тонких плівок b–Ga2O3, отриманих методом високочастотного іонно-плазмового розпилення. Встановлено, що оптична ширина забороненої зони Eg зростає від 4.60 еВ для плівок, відпалених в кисні до 4.65 еВ для плівок, відпалених у аргоні і до 5.20 еВ після відновлення відпалених плівок у атмосфері водню. Оцінено зведену ефективну масу вільних носіїв заряду у плівках b–Ga2O3 після відпалу плівок та після відновлення у водні. Встановлено, що концентрація носіїв заряду після відпалу в аргоні становить 7.30´1017 см–3, та після відновлення у водні –2.62´1019 см–3, що характерне для вироджених напівпровідників. Показано, що зсув краю фундаментального поглинання в тонких плівках b–Ga2O3 після відпалу в аргоні та після відновлення у водні зумовлений ефектом Бурштейна-Мосса

    Експлікація контемпоральної концепції забезпечення безпеки судової влади

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    Aim. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the recommendations for the development of the concept of ensuring the security of the judiciary. Materials and methods. The study is performed based on dialectical and systematic approaches using methods of analysis, synthesis, abstraction, and generalization, as well as formal-dogmatic and structural-logical methods. The information base of the study was the scientific works of foreign and domestic scientists, the laws of Ukraine, and bylaws. Results. According to the results of the study, the hypothesis of low dynamics of development of the conceptual foundations of ensuring the security of the judiciary due to the low relevance of this issue was refuted. The hypothesis of the complexity of the development of the concept due to the interdisciplinary nature of research concerning the security of the judiciary has been confirmed. A new methodological approach is proposed, which can be used as a basis for substantiating the directions of development of conceptual bases for the formation of the organizational and legal mechanism for ensuring the security of the judiciary. Conclusions. The results of the study confirmed the dynamic nature of the concept of judicial security. Emphasis was placed on the expediency of clarifying the theoretical and methodological principles of the security of the judiciary to form a proper foundation for the continuation of judicial reform in this area. It is noted, that at the present stage the conceptual principles of ensuring the security of the judiciary are fragmented, which is explained by the interdisciplinary nature of the issue and the intersectoral nature of the legal institution. According to the results of the study, the methodological principles of substantiation of the directions of development of conceptual bases of formation of the organizational and legal mechanism of ensuring the security of the judiciary are outlinedЦель. Целью исследования стало обоснование рекомендаций по развитию концепции обеспечения безопасности судебной власти. Материалы и методы. Исследование выполнено на базе диалектического и системного подходов с применением методов анализа, синтеза, абстрагирования и обобщения, а также формально-догматического и структурно-логического методов. Информационной базой исследования стали научные труды зарубежных и отечественных ученых, законы Украины и подзаконные акты. Результаты. По результатам проведенного исследования опровергнуто гипотезу о низкой динамике развития концептуальных основ обеспечения безопасности судебной власти в связи с низкой актуальностью данной проблематики. Подтверждена гипотеза о сложности развития концепции в связи с междисциплинарным характером направления исследований, касающихся безопасности судебной власти. Предложен новый методический подход, который может использоваться при обосновании направлений развития концептуальных основ формирования организационно-правового механизма обеспечения безопасности судебной власти. Выводы. По результатам проведенного исследования подтверждено динамичный характер концепции безопасности судебной власти. Отмечено целесообразность уточнения теоретико-методологических основ безопасности судебной власти с целью создания надлежащего фундамента для продолжения судебной реформы по этому направлению. Отмечено, что на современном этапе концептуальные основы обеспечения безопасности судебной власти являются разрозненными, что объяснено междисциплинарным характером проблематики и межотраслевым характером соответствующего института. По результатам проведенного исследования обозначены методические основы обоснования направлений развития концептуальных основ формирования организационно-правового механизма обеспечения безопасности судебной властиМета. Метою дослідження є обґрунтування рекомендацій щодо розвитку концепції забезпечення безпеки судової влади. Матеріали та методи. Дослідження виконане на базі діалектичного та системного підходів з застосуванням методів аналізу, синтезу, абстрагування та узагальнення, а також формально-догматичного та структурно-логічного методів. Інформаційною базою дослідження стали наукові праці іноземних та вітчизняних учених, закони України та підзаконні акти. Результати. За результатами проведеного дослідження спростовано гіпотезу щодо низької динаміки розвитку концептуальних засад забезпечення безпеки судової влади у зв’язку з низькою актуальністю даної проблематики. Підтверджено гіпотезу про складність розвитку концепції у зв’язку з міждисциплінарним характером напрямку досліджень, що стосується безпеки судової влади. Запропоновано новий методичний підхід, що може бути покладений в основу обґрунтування напрямків розвитку концептуальних засад формування організаційно-правового механізму забезпечення безпеки судової влади. Висновки. За результатами проведеного дослідження підтверджено динамічний характер концепції безпеки судової влади. Наголошено на доцільності уточнення теоретико-методологічних засад безпеки судової влади з метою утворення належного фундаменту для продовження судової реформи за цим напрямком. Відзначено, що на сучасному етапі концептуальні засади забезпечення безпеки судової влади є розрізненими, що пояснено міждисциплінарним характером проблематики та міжгалузевим характером відповідного інституту. За результатами проведеного дослідження окреслено методичні засади обґрунтування напрямків розвитку концептуальних засад формування організаційно-правового механізму забезпечення безпеки судової влад

    Análise da gestão do tratamento de efluentes líquidos hospitalares : estudo de caso do Hospital Angelina Caron- PR

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    Orientador: Profa.Dra. Heloise Garcia KnapikMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Tecnologia. Curso de Graduação em Engenharia AmbientalInclui referênciasResumo : Conforme passam os dias, mais aumentam os estudos afim de descobrir maneiras de mitigar impactos ao meio ambiente. Efluentes domésticos já são considerados um problema quando não tratados e/ou despejados em corpos hídricos não adequados para recebê-los, desta forma efluentes hospitalares e industriais se tornam ainda mais perigosos devida o alto volume e a alta carga e concentração de poluentes e compostos químicos. O trabalho descreveu o tratamento de lodos ativados para o efluente do hospital Angelina Caron localizado em Campina Grande do Sul – Paraná, região metropolitana de Curitiba. Avaliou-se o efluente hospitalar por meio de análises mensais, a fim de quantificar e qualificar a eficiência do tratamento de efluente realizado pelo próprio hospital antes de lançar na rede coletora responsável da região. Identificou-se que o tratamento é eficiente, porém com algumas falhas para os parâmetros de surfactantes, nitrogênio amoniacal e sólidos sedimentáveis. O hospital possui lavanderia própria que funciona integralmente, isso explica a grande concentração de surfactante e nitrogênio amoniacal encontrados no efluente. Comparou-se o efluente do estudo com outros já estudados por outros autore


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    Spelt-based crispy breads with the inclusion of herbal supplements (powders of milk thistle, mountain ash, wild rose and green tea extract) and the results of assessing the quality of new products by organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators are presented. For a tasting evaluation, a point scale has been developed for the organoleptic evaluation of sugary-grain crispy breads. On the basis of which the organoleptic analysis of crispy breads, enriched with herbal supplements, has been carried out It is established that the introduction of vegetable additives in the composition of crispy bread leads to an improvement in the organoleptic characteristics of finished products. These products are characterized by a crispy, porous structure, an attractive light cream color, a harmonious taste, a pronounced smell of used additives. According to the results of the tasting evaluation, samples enriched with herbal supplements received the highest score in relation to the control sample, which meets the requirements of potential consumers. On the basis of physico-chemical indicators, it has been established that the introduction of grain additives to crispy breads does not impair the physic-chemical properties of these products. On the basis of the obtained data, the expediency of the production of new spelt-based crispy breads with the inclusion of enriching additives with improved organoleptic properties is substantiated