21 research outputs found

    Identification and profiling of salinity stress-responsive proteins in Sorghum bicolor seedlings

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    Sorghum bicolor, a drought tolerant cereal crop, is not only an important food source in the semi arid/arid regions but also a potential model for studying and gaining a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of drought and salt stress tolerance in cereals. In this study, seeds of a sweet sorghumvariety, MN1618, were planted and grown on solid MS growth medium with or without 100mM NaCl. Heat shock protein expression immunoblotting assays demonstrated that this salt treatment induced stress within natural physiological parameters for our experimental material. 2D PAGE in combination with MS/MS proteomics techniques were used to separate, visualise and identify salinity stress responsive proteins in young sorghum leaves. Out of 281 Coomassie stainable spots, 118 showed statistically significant responses (p<0.05) to salt stress treatments. Of the 118 spots, 79 were selected for tandem mass spectrometric identification, owing to their good resolution and abundance levels, and of these, 55 were positively identified. Identified proteins were divided into six functional categories including both known and novel/putative stress responsive proteins. Molecular and physiological functions of some of our proteins of interest are currently under investigation via bioinformatic and molecular biology approaches.Web of Scienc

    ARDD 2020: from aging mechanisms to interventions

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    Aging is emerging as a druggable target with growing interest from academia, industry and investors. New technologies such as artificial intelligence and advanced screening techniques, as well as a strong influence from the industry sector may lead to novel discoveries to treat age-related diseases. The present review summarizes presentations from the 7th Annual Aging Research and Drug Discovery (ARDD) meeting, held online on the 1st to 4th of September 2020. The meeting covered topics related to new methodologies to study aging, knowledge about basic mechanisms of longevity, latest interventional strategies to target the aging process as well as discussions about the impact of aging research on society and economy. More than 2000 participants and 65 speakers joined the meeting and we already look forward to an even larger meeting next year. Please mark your calendars for the 8th ARDD meeting that is scheduled for the 31st of August to 3rd of September, 2021, at Columbia University, USA

    Nanodisc-based Co-immunoprecipitation for Mass Spectrometric Identification of Membrane-interacting Proteins*

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    Proteomic identification of protein interactions with membrane associated molecules in their native membrane environment pose a challenge because of technical problems of membrane handling. We investigate the possibility of employing membrane nanodiscs for harboring the membrane associated molecule to tackle the challenges. Nanodiscs are stable, homogenous pieces of membrane with a discoidal shape. They are stabilized by an encircling amphipatic protein with an engineered epitope tag. In the present study we employ the epitope tag of the nanodiscs for detection and co-immunoprecipitation of interaction partners of the glycolipid ganglioside GM1 harbored by nanodiscs. Highly specific binding activity for nanodisc-GM1 immobilized on sensorchips was observed by surface plasmon resonance in culture media from enterotoxigenic Escherischia coli. To isolate the interaction partner(s) from enterotoxigenic Escherischia coli, GM1-nanodiscs were employed for co-immunoprecipitation. The B subunit of heat labile enterotoxin was identified as a specific interaction partner by mass spectrometry, thus demonstrating that nanodisc technology is useful for highly specific detection and identification of interaction partners to specific lipids embedded in a membrane bilayer

    Prunasin Hydrolases during Fruit Development in Sweet and Bitter Almonds1[C][W][OA]

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    Amygdalin is a cyanogenic diglucoside and constitutes the bitter component in bitter almond (Prunus dulcis). Amygdalin concentration increases in the course of fruit formation. The monoglucoside prunasin is the precursor of amygdalin. Prunasin may be degraded to hydrogen cyanide, glucose, and benzaldehyde by the action of the β-glucosidase prunasin hydrolase (PH) and mandelonitirile lyase or be glucosylated to form amygdalin. The tissue and cellular localization of PHs was determined during fruit development in two sweet and two bitter almond cultivars using a specific antibody toward PHs. Confocal studies on sections of tegument, nucellus, endosperm, and embryo showed that the localization of the PH proteins is dependent on the stage of fruit development, shifting between apoplast and symplast in opposite patterns in sweet and bitter cultivars. Two different PH genes, Ph691 and Ph692, have been identified in a sweet and a bitter almond cultivar. Both cDNAs are 86% identical on the nucleotide level, and their encoded proteins are 79% identical to each other. In addition, Ph691 and Ph692 display 92% and 86% nucleotide identity to Ph1 from black cherry (Prunus serotina). Both proteins were predicted to contain an amino-terminal signal peptide, with the size of 26 amino acid residues for PH691 and 22 residues for PH692. The PH activity and the localization of the respective proteins in vivo differ between cultivars. This implies that there might be different concentrations of prunasin available in the seed for amygdalin synthesis and that these differences may determine whether the mature almond develops into bitter or sweet

    Convergent evolution in biosynthesis of cyanogenic defence compounds in plants and insects

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    For more than 420 million years, plants, insects and their predators have co-evolved based on a chemical arms race including deployment of refined chemical defence systems by each player. Cyanogenic glucosides are produced by numerous plants and by some specialized insects and serve an important role as defence compounds in these intimate interactions. Burnet moth larvae are able to sequester cyanogenic glucosides from their food plant as well as to carry out de novo biosynthesis. Here we show that three genes (CYP405A2, CYP332A3 and UGT33A1) encode the entire biosynthetic pathway of cyanogenic glucosides in the Burnet moth Zygaena filipendulae. In both plants and insects, convergent evolution has led to two multifunctional P450 enzymes each catalysing unusual reactions and a glucosyl-transferase acting in sequence to catalyse cyanogenic glucoside formation. Thus, plants and insects have independently found a way to package a cyanide time bomb to fend off herbivores and predators

    Uni schließt Lehrerlücke im Fach Informatik

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    hnRNP A1 binding peak near the COL4A5 pseudoexon. A. RT-PCR analysis shows that knockdown of hnRNP A1 does not increase COL4A5 pseudoexon inclusion. B. hnRNP A1 binding peak (blue bar) near the 5′ splice site of the COL4A5 pseudoexon. The SSO binding site is shown. C. COL4A5 SSO transfections in HeLa and HEK293 cells decrease pseudoexon inclusion. (TIF 1448 kb

    Additional file 2: Table S1. of Global identification of hnRNP A1 binding sites for SSO-based splicing modulation

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    iCLIP raw reads and alignment. Table S2. hnRNP A1-regulated cassette exons in disease-associated genes. Table S3. Comparison with Huelga et al. hnRNP A1 HITS-CLIP. Table S4. Comparison with Huelga et al. hnRNP A1 knockdown. (DOCX 52 kb

    Additional file 3: Figure S2. of Global identification of hnRNP A1 binding sites for SSO-based splicing modulation

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    High-resolution read overlap heat map of hnRNP A1 iCLIP reads. Density of read start (top), center (middle), and end (bottom) indicated by colors and according to read length (y-axis) (20–35 nt) compared to reads of 41 bases (group R). The distributions are normalized to the total number of reads of that length. The hnRNP A1 iCLIP reads cluster around the read start sites, indicating that the hnRNP A1 crosslinking sites are located close to the read start site. (TIF 4883 kb