15 research outputs found

    Micropropagation of Leuce-poplars and evaluation of their development under sandy site conditions in Hungary

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    AbstractLeuce-poplars are a native stand-forming tree species throughout Hungary. Several species or selections of them are used as ornamental plants in parks or to line streets and highways. They cover approximately 4.0 per cent of the total forested area in Hungary (70000 ha). The white (grey) poplar belongs to the Leuce poplars and plays a significant role in sand fixation, regional forestation, and nature conservation. The National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre, Forest Research Institute or NARIC-FRI (formerly known as the Forest Research Institute) is involved in long-term breeding work for the selection of fast-growing white poplar trees under dry conditions. In vitro multiplication of trees is applied mainly to fruit growing trees in Hungary; in forestry research it is used primarily for selective breeding. This paper presents a short overview of the most important issues concerning the biotechnology of different Populus species, the related research on micropropagation trials, and the results of field investigations of micropropagated Leuce-poplar clone experiments.</jats:p

    Efficient biotransformation of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs by endophytic and epiphytic fungi from dried leaves of a medicinal plant, Plantago lanceolata L.

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    In the current study, decomposition of diclofenac, diflunisal, ibuprofen, mefenamic acid and piroxicam was tested using nine identified strains of endophytic and epiphytic fungi (from Ascomycota) adapted to natural products resembling the pharmaceuticals. The strains were isolated from a medicinal plant, Plantago lanceolata leaves. Metabolites were tentatively identified by liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS3). Eighteen of the 45 combinations resulted in significant decrease of the concentration of the NSAIDs in model solutions. The most active strains were Aspergillus nidulans and Bipolaris tetramera, while Epicoccum nigrum and Aspergillus niger showed somewhat less potency. Piroxicam and diclofenac were most resistant to biotransformation, while ibuprofen and mefenamic acid were efficiently metabolized by most strains. Ten metabolites could be tentatively identified, including hydroxy-metabolites of all tested NSAIDs, and a dihydroxy-metabolite of piroxicam. This biotransformation is likely to modify the toxicity and bioaccumulation potential of these pharmaceuticals. The results highlight the applicability of polyphenol-rich dried medicinal plant materials as an excellent source of fungi with high biotransforming potential. The results also suggest more in-depth testing of these fungi for biodegradation processes

    Rendszergondolatok rendszerezése : Interjú a 80 éves Kerényi Attila professzorral = Systemizing the Thinking in Systems : An Interview with Attila Kerényi Celebrating his 80th Birthday

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    Kerényi Attila geográfus professzor 1943-ban született Sátoraljaújhelyen. 1967-ben földrajz–biológia szakos tanári diplomát szerzett a debreceni Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetemen. Hazai és nemzetközi elismertségét és kandidátusi disszertációját az 1980-as években folytatott talajeróziós kutatásaival szerezte. Az 1990-es években táj- és környezetvédelmi publikációival, tan- és szakkönyveivel szerzett országos hírnevet és akadémiai doktori címet. Tudományos munkásságát számos kitüntetéssel ismerték el. Több évtizedes kutatómunkájának, valamint a debreceni geográfusképzés megújítását is elősegítő oktatói tevékenységének elismeréseképpen a Magyar Érdemrend polgári tagozat tisztikeresztjét 2020-ban vette át. 80. születésnapja alkalmából a tanszéki kollégái a jelen interjú keretében kérdezték a családjáról, a szakmáról, az eredményeiről, illetve a globális környezeti rendszerek állapotának alakulásáról. = Attila Kerényi, Professor of Geography, was born in 1943 in Sátoraljaújhely. He earned a degree as a teacher of Geography and Biology in 1967. During the 1980s, he gained national and international scientific recognition for his research on soil erosion processes, and completed his candidate dissertation in 1984. In the 1990s, he became nationally acknowledged for his publications, textbooks and scientific books on landscape and environmental protection, and earned an academic doctorate title in the topic. His scientific work was recognized with numerous awards. In 2020, he was awarded the Officer’s Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit in recognition of his several decades of research and teaching activities which have greatly contributed to the renewal of geography education at the University of Debrecen. On the occasion of his 80th birthday, his colleagues interviewed Professor Kerényi about his family, profession, achievements and the state of global environmental systems

    ␤-Arrestin-and Dynamin-Dependent Endocytosis of the AT 1 Angiotensin Receptor

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    ABSTRACT The major mechanism of agonist-induced internalization of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) is ␤-arrestin-and dynamindependent endocytosis via clathrin-coated vesicles. However, recent reports have suggested that some GPCRs, exemplified by the AT 1 angiotensin receptor expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells, are internalized by a ␤-arrestinand dynamin-independent mechanism, and possibly via a clathrin-independent pathway. In this study, agonist-induced endocytosis of the rat AT 1A receptor expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells was abolished by clathrin depletion during treatment with hyperosmotic sucrose and was unaffected by inhibition of endocytosis via caveolae with filipin. In addition, internalized fluorescein-conjugated angiotensin II appeared in endosomes, as demonstrated by colocalization with transferrin. Overexpression of ␤-arrestin1(V53D) and ␤-arrestin1(1-349) exerted dominant negative inhibitory effects on the endocytosis of radioiodinated angiotensin II in CHO cells. GTPase-deficient (K44A) mutant forms of dynamin-1 and dynamin-2, and a pleckstrin homology domain-mutant (K535A) dynamin-2 with impaired phosphoinositide binding, also inhibited the endocytosis of AT 1 receptors in CHO cells. Similar results were obtained in COS-7 and HEK 293 cells. Confocal microscopy using fluorescein-conjugated angiotensin II showed that overexpression of dynamin-1(K44A) and dynamin-2(K44A) isoforms likewise inhibited agonist-induced AT 1 receptor endocytosis in CHO cells. Studies on the angiotensin II concentration-dependence of AT 1 receptor endocytosis showed that at higher agonist concentrations its rate constant was reduced and the inhibitory effects of dominant negative dynamin constructs were abolished. These data demonstrate the importance of ␤-arrestin-and dynamin-dependent endocytosis of the AT 1 receptor via clathrin-coated vesicles at physiological angiotensin II concentrations

    Extracorporalis immunmoduláns kezelések alkalmazása akut gasztroenterológiai kórképekben = The use of extracorporal immunomodulatory treatments in acute gastroenterological disorders

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    Az akut, életet veszélyeztető gasztroenterológiai kórképek közül a súlyos akut pancreatitis és az akut májelégtelenség magas mortalitású kórképek, kezelésük napjainkban is kihívást jelent. Mindkét kórkép esetén jelentős sejtkárosodás jön létre, ezen felül a gyakran társuló infekció is túlzott immunválaszt, „citokinvihart” eredményezhet, amelynek kontrollálására a gyógyszeres próbálkozások nem jelentettek kellő hatékonyságú megoldást, ezért az extracorporalis technikák kerültek előtérbe. A citokin-adszorberek közül a CytoSorb alkalmazásával van jelenleg világszerte a legtöbb tapasztalat, amely kombinálható egyéb extracorporalis szervpótló kezelésekkel is. Két esetünk kapcsán szeretnénk bemutatni a jelenlegi terápiás lehetőségeinket, illetve tapasztalatainkat

    Nem-szteroid gyulladáscsökkentő vegyületek metabolizációja Plantago lanceolata L. levelében élő fonalas gombákkal

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    A diplomadolgozatomban növény-asszociált gombák vegyületbontó hatásával foglalkoztam. Öt különböző kémiai családba tartozó gyulladáscsökkentő vegyület degradációját vizsgáltuk növény asszociált gombák által. A biotranszformáció során keletkezett metabolitokat egy modern műszeres analitikai technikával az LC-ESI-MS/MS eljárással vizsgáltuk.MSc/MABiotechnológiag

    Micropropagation of Leuce-poplar clones and its role in selection breeding

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    Leuce-poplars (mostly white poplar and its natural hybrid grey poplar) are native tree species trough Hungary. They are covering more than 4.0 per cent of the Hungarian forested area (77 000 ha). The white (grey) poplars play a significant role in the forestation under sandy soil site conditions as well as they are of importance from nature conservation point of view as well. Long-term selection breeding work is going on at the National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre Forest Research Institute (NARIC FRI), involving selection of fast-growing Leuce-poplar clones under dry site conditions. Micropropagation technology is relatively quickly spreading in forestry. In vitro multiplication of trees is applied mainly in fruit growing in Hungary, in case of forestry it is used mainly for selection breeding. This paper presents a short overview on the micropropagation trials with different Leuce-poplar clones and the early evaluation of the seedlings growing of the micropropagated clones/varieties