134 research outputs found

    Statutory protection of freshwater flora and fauna

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    The aim of this paper is to summarize the present legislation aimed at protecting freshwater species in Britain, and briefly to review its effectiveness. Some areas have been deliberately omitted, such as fisheries legislation designed to conserve stocks, and the statutory protection of birds associated with fresh waters which forms a large subject area in its own right

    The role of sites of special scientific interest (SSSIs) in the conservation of British rivers

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    This paper discusses the particular contribution of the SSSI (Sites of Special Scientific Interest) as a way of nature conservation for rivers. In 1989, the Nature Conservancy Council proposed a dual selection system for selection of rivers; either (1) "Whole river" SSSIs representing the main types of river, or rivers which show classic and representative transitions down their lengths, or (2) "Sectional" SSSIs which are shorter stretches of river with high nature conservation interest. The NCC has recently classified all SSSIs with a river interest into 4 categories: - river SSSIs, river valley SSSIs, river adds interest - where the river clearly adds biological interest to the site, and rivers of incidental interest. The overall length of river SSSIs amounts to almost 1000 km

    The role of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) in the conservation of British rivers

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    River conservation, in its broadest sense, is now the concern of many.For some, such as the National Rivers Authority (NRA), it is a legalobligation, while for river users such as anglers it is a desirable goal butinvolves no statutory responsibilities. Public opinion polls show that thepopulace in general also feels it is important for rivers to be maintainedin a healthy state (Green & Tunstall in press), although they are notalways certain what it is they want, and their perception of whatconstitutes a "healthy" river may not coincide with that of an ecologist.Even nature conservationists have not always stated clearly theirconservation objectives for rivers, and their efforts have oftenconcentrated on "high profile" species such as otters, birds anddragonflies

    Falling through the cracks: are European directives and international conventions the panacea for freshwater nature conservation?

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    There are many ways of practising freshwater nature conservation: from strict legislative protection of individual species considered rare or threatened to protecting whole lakes or long stretches of rivers; from practical conservation management at a local scale to integrated catchment management at the river basin scale; and from the encouragement of better habitat management through codes of good practice to statutory control of pollution or abstraction. Whatever the mechanism, an essential pre-requisite is a way of choosing where to put the effort, especially when resources for nature conservation are severely limited. The aim of this article is to review the contribution from four specific international measures to the task of assigning priorities for conservation. The 1990s saw the introduction of two European directives (the Habitats Directive (HD) and the Water Framework Directive (WFD)) and one international convention (the Biodiversity Convention (CBD)) each with the potential for influencing, to a greater or lesser extent, the conservation of freshwater habitats and species. This article also discusses a much older convention – the Ramsar Convention – adopted in 1971 specifically to help tackle the conservation and management of wetlands and aquatic ecosystems. Although the authors have focused mainly on the UK, the subject is relevant to other parts of Europe and beyond. The article explores the degree to which these measures help in identifying the most important fresh waters for conservation, and asks whether or not they present the right conservation message to a wide audience

    Stream invertebrate diversity reduces with invasion of river banks by non-native plants

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    1. Invasion of riparian zones by non-native plants is a global issue and commonly perceived as a challenge for river and fishery managers, but the type and extent of ecological changes induced by such invasions remain poorly understood. Established effects on sediment delivery, allochthonous inputs and channel shading could potentially alter aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages, with implications for in-stream ecological quality. 2. We assessed responses in the diversity, quality and heterogeneity of stream macroinvertebrate communities to riparian invasion by non-native plants. Macroinvertebrates were collected from 24 sites on low order streams in central and southern Scotland during spring and autumn. The effect of invasive non-native plants (INNP) on macroinvertebrates was assessed relative to that of local physical and chemical factors. 3. INNP cover was associated with stronger effects than other factors on local diversity of macroinvertebrates (33% reduction at the highest INNP cover) but also increased macroinvertebrate abundance across sites. Invaded sites were also associated with lower macroinvertebrate biomonitoring scores. Community composition differed between invaded and uninvaded sites in autumn, but not in spring. However, INNP influence on macroinvertebrate composition was generally secondary to that of physicochemical variables (e.g. channel shade, substrate diversity). 4. We demonstrate that the influence of INNP extends beyond well-known impacts on plant communities to reductions mainly in stream macroinvertebrate diversity. Combined with the negative impact on pollution-sensitive macroinvertebrate taxa this raises concerns over the ecological health of streams with heavily invaded riparian zones. Our findings suggest that efforts to improve low order streams by actively managing severe riparian invasions are merited, but the size and uncertainty of the likely ecological gains must also be evaluated against the effort involved

    Statutory protection of freshwater flora and fauna in Britain

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    The conservation of freshwater habitats and the species they harbourdemands a diversity of approaches. Over the past 50 years, the emphasisof conservationists in general has gradually changed from one merely ofpreservation to one of active management and habitat restoration. Evenwhere such measures are successful, threats to individual species mayremain; for example, from wilful destruction or commercial exploitation.In these cases, legislation designed to protect habitats, whethernationally (such as the provisions for Sites of Special Scientific Interest(SSSIs)), or internationally (such as the designation of sites under theRamsar Convention), cannot be wholly effective

    A combined geomorphological and geophysical approach to characterising relict landslide hazard on the Jurassic Escarpments of Great Britain

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    The Jurassic Escarpment in the North York Moors in Northern Britain has a high density of deep-seated relict landslides but their regional hazard is poorly understood due to a lack of detailed case studies. Investigation of a typical relict landslide at Great Fryup Dale suggests that the crop of the Whitby Mudstone Formation is highly susceptible to landslide hazards. The mudstone lithologies along the Escarpment form large multiple rotational failures which break down at an accelerated rate during wetter climates and degrade into extensive frontal mudflows. Geomorphological mapping, high resolution LiDAR imagery, boreholes, and geophysical ERT surveys are deployed in a combined approach to delimit internal architecture of the landslide. Cross-sections developed from these data indicate that the main movement displaced a bedrock volume of c. 1 × 107 m3 with a maximum depth of rupture of c. 50 m. The mode of failure is strongly controlled by lithology, bedding, joint pattern, and rate of lateral unloading. Dating of buried peats using the AMS method suggests that the 10 m thick frontal mudflow complex was last active in the Late Holocene, after c. 2270 ± 30 calendar years BP. Geomorphic mapping and dating work indicates that the landslide is dormant, but slope stability modelling suggests that the slope is less stable than previously assumed; implying that this and other similar landslides in Britain may become more susceptible to reactivation or extension during future wetter climatic phases. This study shows the value of a multi-technique approach for landslide hazard assessment and to enhance national landslide inventories

    Dense stellar clump formation driven by strong quasar winds in the FIRE cosmological hydrodynamic simulations

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    We investigate the formation of dense stellar clumps in a suite of high-resolution cosmological zoom-in simulations of a massive, star forming galaxy at z2z \sim 2 under the presence of strong quasar winds. Our simulations include multi-phase ISM physics from the Feedback In Realistic Environments (FIRE) project and a novel implementation of hyper-refined accretion disk winds. We show that powerful quasar winds can have a global negative impact on galaxy growth while in the strongest cases triggering the formation of an off-center clump with stellar mass M107M{\rm M}_{\star}\sim 10^{7}\,{\rm M}_{\odot}, effective radius R1/2Clump20pc{\rm R}_{\rm 1/2\,\rm Clump}\sim 20\,{\rm pc}, and surface density Σ104Mpc2\Sigma_{\star} \sim 10^{4}\,{\rm M}_{\odot}\,{\rm pc}^{-2}. The clump progenitor gas cloud is originally not star-forming, but strong ram pressure gradients driven by the quasar winds (orders of magnitude stronger than experienced in the absence of winds) lead to rapid compression and subsequent conversion of gas into stars at densities much higher than the average density of star-forming gas. The AGN-triggered star-forming clump reaches SFR50Myr1{\rm SFR} \sim 50\,{\rm M}_{\odot}\,{\rm yr}^{-1} and ΣSFR104Myr1kpc2\Sigma_{\rm SFR} \sim 10^{4}\,{\rm M}_{\odot}\,{\rm yr}^{-1}\,{\rm kpc}^{-2}, converting most of the progenitor gas cloud into stars in \sim2\,Myr, significantly faster than its initial free-fall time and with stellar feedback unable to stop star formation. In contrast, the same gas cloud in the absence of quasar winds forms stars over a much longer period of time (\sim35\,Myr), at lower densities, and losing spatial coherency. The presence of young, ultra-dense, gravitationally bound stellar clumps in recently quenched galaxies could thus indicate local positive feedback acting alongside the strong negative impact of powerful quasar winds, providing a plausible formation scenario for globular clusters.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Left ventricular remodeling and hypertrophy in patients with aortic stenosis:insights from cardiovascular magnetic resonance

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is the gold standard non-invasive method for determining left ventricular (LV) mass and volume but has not been used previously to characterise the LV remodeling response in aortic stenosis. We sought to investigate the degree and patterns of hypertrophy in aortic stenosis using CMR.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Patients with moderate or severe aortic stenosis, normal coronary arteries and no other significant valve lesions or cardiomyopathy were scanned by CMR with valve severity assessed by planimetry and velocity mapping. The extent and patterns of hypertrophy were investigated using measurements of the LV mass index, indexed LV volumes and the LV mass/volume ratio. Asymmetric forms of remodeling and hypertrophy were defined by a regional wall thickening <b>≥</b>13 mm and >1.5-fold the thickness of the opposing myocardial segment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Ninety-one patients (61±21 years; 57 male) with aortic stenosis (aortic valve area 0.93±0.32cm2) were recruited. The severity of aortic stenosis was unrelated to the degree (r<sup>2</sup>=0.012, P=0.43) and pattern (P=0.22) of hypertrophy. By univariate analysis, only male sex demonstrated an association with LV mass index (P=0.02). Six patterns of LV adaption were observed: normal ventricular geometry (n=11), concentric remodeling (n=11), asymmetric remodeling (n=11), concentric hypertrophy (n=34), asymmetric hypertrophy (n=14) and LV decompensation (n=10). Asymmetric patterns displayed considerable overlap in appearances (wall thickness 17±2mm) with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We have demonstrated that in patients with moderate and severe aortic stenosis, the pattern of LV adaption and degree of hypertrophy do not closely correlate with the severity of valve narrowing and that asymmetric patterns of wall thickening are common.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov Reference Number: NCT00930735</p