191 research outputs found
Condición juvenil, religión y movilización política en el Norte de África
In this essay I try to show that the political and religious change happened in Egypt and in some Maghreb countries (Morocco, Tunisia) can be interpreted from a multiple modernities perspective. The central claim of this essay is that the political modernization in these countries doesn’t follow the secularization paradigm of the West relying on a separation of religion and state. In these North African countries the processes of political subjectivization show a strong connection to the transformation of religious identity and the development of arenas of religious discussion, both in pluralist that in fundamentalist point of view. I will show that the new condition of youth is an important factor in this change. Young people plays the main role/are key players in the re-Islamization of society, started in the 1980s. The strong connection between politics and religion emerged from the Arab Spring is not the result of a traditionalist and antimodern resistance but it’s due to a multiplicity of causes relying on the development of modern forms of life.En este artículo intento demostrar que el cambio político y religioso que se ha dado en Egipto y en algunos países del Magreb (Marruecos, Túnez) puede interpretarse bajo una perspectiva de modernidad múltiple. El tema central de este artículo es que la modernización política en estos países no sigue el paradigma de la secularización de Occidente basándose en la separación entre religión y Estado. En estos países del Norte de África, los procesos de subjetivización política muestran un enlace muy fuerte con la transformación de la identidad religiosa y el desarrollo de anfiteatros de discusión religiosa, tanto desde un punto de vista pluralista como fundamentalista. Voy a poner en evidencia que la nueva condición juvenil es un factor importante en este cambio. Los jóvenes juegan el papel principal y son los protagonistas de la reislamización de la sociedad, empezada en 1980. La relación muy fuerte entre política y religión aparecida gracias a la primavera árabe no es el resultado de una resistencia tradicionalista y antimoderna, sino que se debe a una multiplicidad de causas que dependen del desarrollo de formas de vida modernas
Il dialogo ecumenico in Italia è diventato un tema centrale nella vita religiosa e sociale del XXI secolo a seguito della nuova situazione che si è creata con l’immigrazione di tanti cristiani non-cattolici, soprattutto dall’Europa Orientale. Il dialogo ecumenico si è sviluppato alla luce dell’esperienza di «maestri e testimoni» vissuti in Italia nel XX secolo, come Giorgio La Pira, a lungo sindaco di Firenze, del quale l’autore presenta la figura nella prospettiva della dimensione spirituale come elemento centrale per la promozione di una cultura del dialogo. Proprio figure come Giorgio La Pira hanno favorito la crescita di esperienza di dialogo nelle comunità locali che si sono dovute confrontare con pregiudizi nei confronti dell’altro, come l’autore mette in evidenza riportando un grafico con i dati sull’intolleranza in Italia
January 2002 - Staff Meeting Minutes
LES NOUVELLES FORMES D’ENGAGEMENT EN FRANCE. DISPOSITIFS INSTITUTIONNELS ET PARTICIPATIONS JUVÉNILES (VINCENZO CICCHELLI) Ce qu’il y a d’inédit dans l’engagement contemporain Pour comprendre la signification de l’essor récent en France de nouvelles formes d’engagement des adolescents et des jeunes, il est nécessaire d’avoir à l’esprit les deux éléments qui les caractérisent. D’une part, des responsables gouvernementaux, des élus locaux, des agents administratifs, des responsables associatifs ..
Concetti socio-materiali e critica sociale
The development of ICT has important consequences on social experience and on the processes of subjectivation. These changes have contributed to undermining some assumptions of sociological theory, such as the status of subject and object of knowledge, the concepts of actor, action and the social, the conditions of possibility of social criticism. The paper reconstructs some of the main logic of transformation of these assumptions, moving from a discussion of L. Gallino’s theses on the relationship between subjectivity, socio-technical change of the web, changes in the elaboration of knowledge and new forms of social criticism. It shows how the epistemic shift generated by these changes leads to an anti-essentialist critique of sociological categories. In this line some critical potentialities of the Actor-Network Theory concepts, of the Goffmanian category of frame and of the infra-empirical perspective proposed by the socio-analysis are shown
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