7 research outputs found

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 11

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1

    New Morphological, Distribution, and Ecological Data on <i>Scabiosa garganica</i> (Caprifoliaceae), a Poorly Known Species of the Italian Flora, with Evaluation of Its Conservation Status and Typification of the Name

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    This paper presents the results of a research performed on Gargano Promontory (SE-Italy) on the populations of Scabiosa garganica, a species with little herbarium records and whose few morphological descriptions are outdated. S. garganica belongs to the S. holosericea aggr., a group including very similar taxa that still have different taxonomic classifications. Its typical location is Monte Sant’Angelo in the Gargano area. Surveys have ascertained the existence of many populations, whose stational data help to understand the distribution and ecological conditions S. garganica is linked to. The morphological analysis of a large sample (75 plants from 9 sites) allows for the description of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of this species. The new morphological framework highlights the species autonomy of S. garganica and can contribute to clarifying the relationship with S. holosericea and S. taygetea to which it is closer. In addition, for the correct delimitation of the species, the name Scabiosa garganica is lectotypified. Finally, the species was assessed against the IUCN criteria for the evaluation of its conservation status

    The traditional food use of wild vegetables in Apulia (Italy) in the light of Italian ethnobotanical literature

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    In this work, we present a summary of an ethnobotanical research carried out in the whole Administrative Region of Apulia (southern Italy). The main topic of the investigation is the traditional knowledge about wild plants, focusing on their common names, on which parts were used in cooking and how they were used. The main aim was to establish a botanical knowledge about these culinary uses through a systematic identification of the species involved, directly in the field. In addition to this, we focused on the ecological aspects of these species and on their biological and chorological forms. Results suggest the existence of very strong ties between the local communities and this particular flora, without substantial differences between rural and urban areas or among different zones of the Apulia Region. On the other hand, in each area we found peculiar food uses, species, parts used, and recipes. The analysed wild plants still have a fundamental role in the local diet, which can predominantly be ascribed to the Mediterranean model. Moreover, we documented an increasing interest in the culinary uses of these species: in the Gargano area, for instance, more and more cultivations of Salicornia perennans Willd. subsp. perennans are underway thanks to the demand coming from restaurants. In total, we documented 214 taxa (58 families) and at least 19 of them are enduring components of the local diet. Nineteen species represent a high number, considering that the tertiary sector is nowadays predominant in Apulia (73.5 % of the local GDP, compared to 73.2 % in Italy as a whole). Furthermore, the total amount of wild species used as food is the highest in Italy, according to the Italian ethnobotanical literature. On the same basis, we were able to draft a national checklist of 539 taxa documenting the taxonomy of the wild plants involved in traditional food use in Italy, categorized by regions. In conclusion, this work shows that the available literature regarding the Italian territory provides only a partial representation of traditional food uses, even though they are widespread throughout the country. Consequently, this tradition remains to be thoroughly investigated

    New Alien Plant Taxa for Italy and Europe: An Update

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    Despite the wide amount of scientific contributions published on alien plant species, their diffusion dynamics, and their interactions with native taxa, it is increasingly difficult to slow down their spreading and their negative impact on habitats. Last recent years, in fact, a sharp rise in the number of new alien plant taxa introduced in Italy and Europe has been recorded. The aim of this work is to investigate most of the Italian territory in order to verify whether this alarming trend is still underway. Specimen collections and/or observations of alien plants have been performed in as many as 12 Italian regions. All the collected specimens are stored in public or private herbaria. Taxa have been identified according to the literature from the countries of origin of the investigated taxa, while the nomenclature followed the current international references. Updates on 106 taxa are reported. In particular, among 117 new records, 89 are first records, 27 are changes to status and there is 1 extinction. Seven new taxa for Italian alien flora are reported, two of which are new to Europe. The administrative regions with the highest number of records are Calabria (48), Sardegna (17) and Sicilia (15). Five of the surveyed taxa, for the first time, have been considered invasive aliens to Italian territory. The unfrequent amount of original results provided by this work, over the simple importance of data itself, proves how floristic investigation, still today, represents one of the most effective tools in broadening the current knowledge about alien taxa and their dynamics