6,780 research outputs found

    Phosphorus in land-water systems

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    Analyses were made to obtain information on distribution of different forms of phosphate in different environmental media, including soils, eroding material, and bottom sediment. Major emphasis was placed on determining several forms of inorganic phosphate in each media. Results show that eroding material can transport significant quantities of phosphates from soils

    Planning 3-D collision-free paths using spheres

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    A scheme for the representation of objects, the Successive Spherical Approximation (SSA), facilitates the rapid planning of collision-free paths in a 3-D, dynamic environment. The hierarchical nature of the SSA allows collision-free paths to be determined efficiently while still providing for the exact representation of dynamic objects. The concept of a freespace cell is introduced to allow human 3-D conceptual knowledge to be used in facilitating satisfying choices for paths. Collisions can be detected at a rate better than 1 second per environment object per path. This speed enables the path planning process to apply a hierarchy of rules to create a heuristically satisfying collision-free path

    The nose knows: How tri-trophic interactions and natural history shape bird foraging behavior

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    THE ECOLOGICAL QUESTION Do two species of ocean-foraging birds detect and respond to a chemical cue which is linked to their food source, and how might differences in their natural history help to explain any variation in sensitivity? ECOLOGICAL CONTENT Foraging, trophic cascades, chemical ecology, behavioral ecology, Antarctic food webs WHAT STUDENTS DO This dataset is designed for first-year biology students, but can be altered for upper-level students. After receiving sufficient background on the biology of King penguins, students must make hypotheses regarding the penguins’ sensitivity to an odor known to be associated with the primary productivity of the ocean. Students are given multiple data sets and need to analyze the data using a variety of statistical tests. Students work in pairs to examine and analyze the data, and then as a group generate conclusions to develop the larger picture. To give students a chance to apply their knowledge beyond penguins, a second dataset with other seabirds is introduced. Here students must contrast the results of seabirds to this odor against the responses of King penguins. For successful completion of the assignment, students must recognize how differences in the natural history between the two groups of birds might impact their sensitivities towards the odor. SKILLS Hypothesis creation, statistical analyses, graph creation, graph interpretation, phylogenetic tree interpretation, manipulating datasets and formulas in MSExcel, MSPowerpoint slide creation, synthesizing knowledge, drawing conclusions STUDENT-ACTIVE APPROACHES Guided inquiry, cooperative learning, jigsaw, critical thinking ASSESSABLE OUTCOMES Hypotheses creation, statistical results using MSExcel, figure creation using MSExcel, slides produced using MSPowerpoint, answers to questions SOURCE Bonadonna, F., S. Caro, P. Jouventin, and G.A. Nevitt. 2006. Evidence that blue petrel, Halobaena caerulea, fledglings can detect and orient to dimethyl sulfide. Journal of Experimental Biology 209:2165-2169. Cunningham, G.B., S. Leclaire, C. Toscani, and F. Bonadonna. 2017. Responses of king penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus adults and chicks to two food-related odours. Journal of Avian Biology 48:235-242

    Black hole solutions in 2+1 dimensions

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    We give circularly symmetric solutions for null fluid collapse in 2+1-dimensional Einstein gravity with a cosmological constant. The fluid pressure PP and energy density ρ\rho are related by P=kρP=k\rho (k1)(k\le 1). The long time limit of the solutions are black holes whose horizon structures depend on the value of kk. The k=1k=1 solution is the Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black hole metric in the long time static limit, while the k<1k<1 solutions give other, `hairy' black hole metrics in this limit.Comment: 8 pages, RevTeX (to appear in Phys. Rev. D) References to Mann and Ross, and Mann, Chan and Chan adde

    Acoustic Nonlinearities Produced by a Single Macroscopic Fracture in Granite

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    Strong nonlinear responses originating mainly from sliding on microfractures and open grain boundaries occur when rocks are strained above a threshold near 10−6 (1). We report here that introducing artificial tensile fractures in a brittle rock such as granite produces even stronger nonlinearities. By applying sufficient normal stress perpendicular to the fracture, the nonlinear response can be reduced to that typical of the intact rock. Our measurements are made by driving the sample in torsion at low frequency near 1 Hz. The nonlinear effects we observe are analogous to those caused by partially open fatigue cracks in metals, which generate harmonics when insonified at ultrasonic frequencies (2)

    Spin Chains in a Field: Crossover from Quantum to Classical Behavior

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    Extensive numerical studies have been performed on Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chains of spin (1/2) (up to N=20), spin 1 (N=14), spin (3/2) (N=10), and spin 2 (N=8). With use of the Lanczös technique, primarily, the two lowest-lying eigenvalues have been calculated for all values of wave vector q and all values of magnetization (SzT) up to saturation for each chain. From a knowledge of the eigenvector corresponding to the lowest eigenstate for each SzT, the T=0 spin-pair correlation functions have also been calculated as a function of field. We find a most unusual quantum-classical crossover phenomenon. It shows up in greatest detail in the field-dependent dispersion spectra, but the consequences are consistently manifested in the behavior of the T=0 magnetization isotherms and in the correlations both in real space and the Fourier transforms in q space. The additional data relevant to behavior in a field have allowed us to extend previous numerical studies of Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chains with higher spin whose purpose was to examine the validity of the Haldane conjecture. The Haldane conjecture implies that Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chains with integer spin have a gap in their excitation spectrum whereas chains with half-integer spin do not. While no feature of our extended investigations is in conflict with the conjecture, unusual features associated apparently with very slow convergence make the outcome less than conclusive. It appears that calculations on significantly longer chains are required to observe with confidence the large-N asymptotic limiting behavior

    Be Smart to Identify the Stroke-Like Migraine Attacks After Radiation Therapy (SMART) Syndrome

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    Stroke-like migraine attacks after radiation therapy (SMART) are uncommon, often occurring years or decades after brain radiation therapy. This syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion, and only about 40 cases describing SMART have been published, each one describing a constellation of symptoms and findings. Because symptoms can arise years after initial radiation therapy, the ability of physicians to recognize SMART and rule out other possible causes of symptoms is critical for the long-term care of oncology patients who have undergone cranial radiation. Here we present the case of a 55-year-old man who experienced SMART nine years after radiation therapy and who was successfully treated with steroids

    Diffusion Enhances Chirality Selection

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    Diffusion effect on chirality selection in a two-dimensional reaction-diffusion model is studied by the Monte Carlo simulation. The model consists of achiral reactants A which turn into either of the chiral products, R or S, in a solvent of chemically inactive vacancies V. The reaction contains the nonlinear autocatalysis as well as recycling process, and the chiral symmetry breaking is monitored by an enantiomeric excess ϕ\phi. Without dilution a strong nonlinear autocatalysis ensures chiral symmetry breaking. By dilution, the chiral order ϕ\phi decreases, and the racemic state is recovered below the critical concentration ccc_c. Diffusion effectively enhances the concentration of chiral species, and ccc_c decreases as the diffusion coefficient DD increases. The relation between ϕ\phi and cc for a system with a finite DD fits rather well to an interpolation formula between the diffusionless(D=0) and homogeneous (D=D=\infty) limits.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Excitations and Critical Behavior in Generalized Heisenberg Spin Chains

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    An international workshop on Elementary Excitations and Fluctuations in Magnetic Systems was held in Turin for five days beginning 25 May, 1987. The workshop followed much the same format as the one with the same title held in San Miniato in 1984 (proceedings: Springer Series in-Solid-State Sciences, Vol. 54), that most participants contributed talks and provided papers for the proceedings. While many of the participants had attended the first workshop, 15 of the 40 invited review papers were presented by scientists who had not. The majority of the talks reported theoretical work concerned with the introduction of new techniques. However, experimental work was also well represented, not least because many of the reported theoretical studies were motivated by experimental findings, and a highlight of the workshop was an extremely stimulating session devoted to recent neutron scattering measurements, on various systems, that exploited polarization analysis. The fine venue of the workshop, Villa Gualino, with its excellent facilities and spacious accommodation, helped to produce a delightful relaxed and friendly atmosphere. For the use of Villa Gualino and significant financial support we are indebted to our host organization, the Institute for Scientific Interchange (lSI). Additional financial support came from the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Centro Interuniversitario di Struttura della Material del Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione (CISM-MPI) and Gruppo Nazionale di Struttura della Materia (GNSM-CNR)