16 research outputs found

    Activation of p53-Dependent Growth Suppression in Human Cells by Mutations in PTEN or PIK3CA

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    In an effort to identify genes whose expression is regulated by activated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling, we performed microarray analysis and subsequent quantitative reverse transcription-PCR on an isogenic set of PTEN gene-targeted human cancer cells. Numerous p53 effectors were upregulated following PTEN deletion, including p21, GDF15, PIG3, NOXA, and PLK2. Stable depletion of p53 led to reversion of the gene expression program. Western blots revealed that p53 was stabilized in HCT116 PTEN(−/−) cells via an Akt1-dependent and p14(ARF)-independent mechanism. Stable depletion of PTEN in untransformed human fibroblasts and epithelial cells also led to upregulation of p53 and senescence-like growth arrest. Simultaneous depletion of p53 rescued this phenotype, enabling PTEN-depleted cells to continue proliferating. Next, we tested whether oncogenic PIK3CA, like inactivated PTEN, could activate p53. Retroviral expression of oncogenic human PIK3CA in MCF10A cells led to activation of p53 and upregulation of p53-regulated genes. Stable depletion of p53 reversed these PIK3CA-induced expression changes and synergized with oncogenic PIK3CA in inducing anchorage-independent growth. Finally, targeted deletion of an endogenous allele of oncogenic, but not wild-type, PIK3CA in a human cancer cell line led to a reduction in p53 levels and a decrease in the expression of p53-regulated genes. These studies demonstrate that activation of PI3K signaling by mutations in PTEN or PIK3CA can lead to activation of p53-mediated growth suppression in human cells, indicating that p53 can function as a brake on phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-triphosphate-induced mitogenesis during human cancer pathogenesis

    Epitope tagging of endogenous genes in

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    Novel banana lectin CAR-T cells to target pancreatic tumors and tumor-associated stroma

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    Background Cell therapies for solid tumors are thwarted by the hostile tumor microenvironment (TME) and by heterogeneous expression of tumor target antigens. We address both limitations with a novel class of chimeric antigen receptors based on plant lectins, which recognize the aberrant sugar residues that are a ‘hallmark’ of both malignant and associated stromal cells. We have expressed in T cells a modified lectin from banana, H84T BanLec, attached to a chimeric antigen receptor (H84T-CAR) that recognizes high-mannose (asparagine residue with five to nine mannoses). Here, we tested the efficacy of our novel H84T CAR in models of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), intractable tumors with aberrant glycosylation and characterized by desmoplastic stroma largely contributed by pancreatic stellate cells (PSCs).Methods We transduced human T cells with a second-generation retroviral construct expressing the H84T BanLec chimeric receptor, measured T-cell expansion, characterized T-cell phenotype, and tested their efficacy against PDAC tumor cells lines by flow cytometry quantification. In three-dimensional (3D) spheroid models, we measured H84T CAR T-cell disruption of PSC architecture, and T-cell infiltration by live imaging. We tested the activity of H84T CAR T cells against tumor xenografts derived from three PDAC cell lines. Antitumor activity was quantified by caliper measurement and bioluminescence signal and used anti-human vimentin to measure residual PSCs.Results H84T BanLec CAR was successfully transduced and expressed by T cells which had robust expansion and retained central memory phenotype in both CD4 and CD8 compartments. H84T CAR T cells targeted and eliminated PDAC tumor cell lines. They also disrupted PSC architecture in 3D models in vitro and reduced total tumor and stroma cells in mixed co-cultures. H84T CAR T cells exhibited improved T-cell infiltration in multicellular spheroids and had potent antitumor effects in the xenograft models. We observed no adverse effects against normal tissues.Conclusions T cells expressing H84T CAR target malignant cells and their stroma in PDAC tumor models. The incorporation of glycan-targeting lectins within CARs thus extends their activity to include both malignant cells and their supporting stromal cells, disrupting the TME that otherwise diminishes the activity of cellular therapies against solid tumors