33 research outputs found

    Atomic Scale Dynamics Drive Brain-like Avalanches in Percolating Nanostructured Networks.

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    Self-assembled networks of nanoparticles and nanowires have recently emerged as promising systems for brain-like computation. Here, we focus on percolating networks of nanoparticles which exhibit brain-like dynamics. We use a combination of experiments and simulations to show that the brain-like network dynamics emerge from atomic-scale switching dynamics inside tunnel gaps that are distributed throughout the network. The atomic-scale dynamics emulate leaky integrate and fire (LIF) mechanisms in biological neurons, leading to the generation of critical avalanches of signals. These avalanches are quantitatively the same as those observed in cortical tissue and are signatures of the correlations that are required for computation. We show that the avalanches are associated with dynamical restructuring of the networks which self-tune to balanced states consistent with self-organized criticality. Our simulations allow visualization of the network states and detailed mechanisms of signal propagation

    Geometric frustration in the myosin superlattice of vertebrate muscle

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    Geometric frustration results from an incompatibility between minimum energy arrangements and the geometry of a system, and gives rise to interesting and novel phenomena. Here, we report geometric frustration in a native biological macromolecular system---vertebrate muscle. We analyse the disorder in the myosin filament rotations in the myofibrils of vertebrate striated (skeletal and cardiac) muscle, as seen in thin-section electron micrographs, and show that the distribution of rotations corresponds to an archetypical geometrically frustrated system---the triangular Ising antiferromagnet. Spatial correlations are evident out to at least six lattice spacings. The results demonstrate that geometric frustration can drive the development of structure in complex biological systems, and may have implications for the nature of the actin--myosin interactions involved in muscle contraction. Identification of the distribution of myosin filament rotations with an Ising model allows the extensive results on the latter to be applied to this system. It shows how local interactions (between adjacent myosin filaments) can determine long-range order and, conversely, how observations of long-range order (such as patterns seen in electron micrographs) can be used to estimate the energetics of these local interactions. Furthermore, since diffraction by a disordered system is a function of the second-order statistics, the derived correlations allow more accurate diffraction calculations, which can aid in interpretation of X-ray diffraction data from muscle specimens for structural analysis

    Benzyl Isothiocyanate, a Major Component from the Roots of Salvadora Persica Is Highly Active against Gram-Negative Bacteria

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    Plants produce a number of antimicrobial substances and the roots of the shrub Salvadora persica have been demonstrated to possess antimicrobial activity. Sticks from the roots of S. persica, Miswak sticks, have been used for centuries as a traditional method of cleaning teeth. Diverging reports on the chemical nature and antimicrobial repertoire of the chewing sticks from S. persica led us to explore its antibacterial properties against a panel of pathogenic or commensal bacteria and to identify the antibacterial component/s by methodical chemical characterization. S. persica root essential oil was prepared by steam distillation and solid-phase microextraction was used to sample volatiles released from fresh root. The active compound was identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and antibacterial assays. The antibacterial compound was isolated using medium-pressure liquid chromatography. Transmission electron microscopy was used to visualize the effect on bacterial cells. The main antibacterial component of both S. persica root extracts and volatiles was benzyl isothiocyanate. Root extracts as well as commercial synthetic benzyl isothiocyanate exhibited rapid and strong bactericidal effect against oral pathogens involved in periodontal disease as well as against other Gram-negative bacteria, while Gram-positive bacteria mainly displayed growth inhibition or remained unaffected. The short exposure needed to obtain bactericidal effect implies that the chewing sticks and the essential oil may have a specific role in treatment of periodontal disease in reducing Gram-negative periodontal pathogens. Our results indicate the need for further investigation into the mechanism of the specific killing of Gram-negative bacteria by S. persica root stick extracts and its active component benzyl isothiocyanate

    Human plasma protein N-glycosylation

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    A software framework for real-time multi-modal detection of microsleeps

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    A software framework is described which was designed to process EEG, video of one eye, and head movement in real time, towards achieving early detection of microsleeps for prevention of fatal accidents, particularly in transport sectors. The framework is based around a pipeline structure with user-replaceable signal processing modules. This structure can encapsulate a wide variety of feature extraction and classification techniques and can be applied to detecting a variety of aspects of cognitive state. Users of the framework can implement signal processing plugins in C++ or Python. The framework also provides a graphical user interface and the ability to save and load data to and from arbitrary file formats. Two small studies are reported which demonstrate the capabilities of the framework in typical applications: monitoring eye closure and detecting simulated microsleeps. While specifically designed for microsleep detection/prediction, the software framework can be just as appropriately applied to (i) other measures of cognitive state and (ii) development of biomedical instruments for multi-modal real-time physiological monitoring and event detection in intensive care, anaesthesiology, cardiology, neurosurgery, etc. The software framework has been made freely available for researchers to use and modify under an open source licence

    Image fidelity for single - layer and multi-layer silver superlenses

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    In response to increasing interest in the area of subdiffraction-limited near-field imaging, the performance of several different realizable and theoretical superresolving silver-based lenses is simulated for a variety of different input object profiles. A computationally-efficient T-matrix technique is used to model the lenses, which consist of layers of silver with total width of 40 nm sandwiched between layers of polymethyl methacrylate and silicon dioxide. The lenses are exposed to nonperiodic bright- and dark-slit input patterns, with feature size varied between 1 nm and 2.5 μm. The performance of the lenses is characterized in terms of transfer function, contrast profile, error profile, and input-to-output correlation. It is shown that increasing the number of layers in a lens increases the lens' transmission coefficients at high spatial frequencies; however, this does not always lead to better imaging performance. The main reasons for this are lens-specific resonances that distort features at certain spatial frequencies, and the increased attenuation of the DC component of transmitted images, which reduces image fidelity, particularly for dark-line features. This suggests that, to achieve optimum results, the design of the superresolving lens system should take into account the characteristics of the images that it is expected to transmit. © 2008 Optical Society of America

    A wearable device for measuring eye dynamics in real-world conditions

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    Drowsiness and lapses of responsiveness have the potential to cause fatalities in many occupations. One subsystem of a prototype device which aims to detect these lapses as they occur is described. A head mounted camera measures several features of the eye that are known to correlate with drowsiness. The system was tested with eight combinations of eye colour, ambient lighting, and eye glasses to simulate typical real-world input conditions. A task was completed for each set of conditions to simulate a range of eye movement-saccades, tracking, and eye closure. Our image processing software correctly classified 99.3% of video frames as open/closed/partly closed, and the error rate was not affected by the combinations of input conditions. Most errors occurred during eyelid movement. The accuracy of the pupil localisation was also not influenced by input conditions, with the possible exception of one subject's glasses

    Reservoir computing with 3D nanowire networks.

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    Networks of nanowires are currently being explored for a range of applications in brain-like (or neuromorphic) computing, and especially in reservoir computing (RC). Fabrication of real-world computing devices requires that the nanowires are deposited sequentially, leading to stacking of the wires on top of each other. However, most simulations of computational tasks using these systems treat the nanowires as 1D objects lying in a perfectly 2D plane - the effect of stacking on RC performance has not yet been established. Here we use detailed simulations to compare the performance of perfectly 2D and quasi-3D (stacked) networks of nanowires in two tasks: memory capacity and nonlinear transformation. We also show that our model of the junctions between nanowires is general enough to describe a wide range of memristive networks, and consider the impact of physically realistic electrode configurations on performance. We show that the various networks and configurations have a strikingly similar performance in RC tasks, which is surprising given their radically different topologies. Our results show that networks with an experimentally achievable number of electrodes perform close to the upper bounds achievable when using the information from every wire. However, we also show important differences, in particular that the quasi-3D networks are more resilient to changes in the input parameters, generalizing better to noisy training data. Since previous literature suggests that topology plays an important role in computing performance, these results may have important implications for future applications of nanowire networks in neuromorphic computing

    Stochastic Spiking Behavior in Neuromorphic Networks Enables True Random Number Generation.

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    There is currently a great deal of interest in the use of nanoscale devices to emulate the behaviors of neurons and synapses and to facilitate brain-inspired computation. Here, it is shown that percolating networks of nanoparticles exhibit stochastic spiking behavior that is strikingly similar to that observed in biological neurons. The spiking rate can be controlled by the input stimulus, similar to "rate coding" in biology, and the distributions of times between events are log-normal, providing insights into the atomic-scale spiking mechanism. The stochasticity of the spiking behavior is then used for true random number generation, and the high quality of the generated random bit-streams is demonstrated, opening up promising routes toward integration of neuromorphic computing with secure information processing

    Atomic scale dynamics drive brain-like avalanches in percolating nanostructured networks

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    Self-assembled networks of nanoparticles and nanowires have recently emerged as promising systems for brain-like computation. Here we focus on percolating networks of nanoparticles which exhibit brain-like dynamics. We use a combination of experiments and simulations to show that the brain-like network dynamics emerge from atomic-scale switching dynamics inside tunnel gaps that are distributed throughout the network. The atomic-scale dynamics emulate leaky integrate and fire (LIF) mechanisms in biological neurons leading to the generation of critical avalanches of signals. These avalanches are quantitatively the same as those observed in cortical tissue and are signatures of the correlations that are required for computation. We show that the avalanches are associated with dynamical restructuring of the networks which self tune to balanced states consistent with self-organised criticality. Our simulations allow visualisation of the network states and detailed mechanisms of signal propagation