114 research outputs found

    The SS-diagnostic -- an a posteriori error assessment for single-reference coupled-cluster methods

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    We propose a novel a posteriori error assessment for the single-reference coupled-cluster (SRCC) method called the SS-diagnostic. We provide a derivation of the SS-diagnostic that is rooted in the mathematical analysis of different SRCC variants. We numerically scrutinized the SS-diagnostic, testing its performance for (1) geometry optimizations, (2) electronic correlation simulations of systems with varying numerical difficulty, and (3) the square-planar copper complexes [CuCl4_4]2^{2-}, [Cu(NH3_3)4_4]2+^{2+}, and [Cu(H2_2O)4_4]2+^{2+}. Throughout the numerical investigations, the SS-diagnostic is compared to other SRCC diagnostic procedures, that is, the T1T_1, D1D_1, and D2D_2 diagnostics as well as different indices of multi-determinantal and multi-reference character in coupled-cluster theory. Our numerical investigations show that the SS-diagnostic outperforms the T1T_1, D1D_1, and D2D_2 diagnostics and is comparable to the indices of multi-determinantal and multi-reference character in coupled-cluster theory in their individual fields of applicability. The experiments investigating the performance of the SS-diagnostic for geometry optimizations using SRCC reveal that the SS-diagnostic correlates well with different error measures at a high level of statistical relevance. The experiments investigating the performance of the SS-diagnostic for electronic correlation simulations show that the SS-diagnostic correctly predicts strong multi-reference regimes. The SS-diagnostic moreover correctly detects the successful SRCC computations for [CuCl4_4]2^{2-}, [Cu(NH3_3)4_4]2+^{2+}, and [Cu(H2_2O)4_4]2+^{2+}, which have been known to be misdiagnosed by T1T_1 and D1D_1 diagnostics in the past. This shows that the SS-diagnostic is a promising candidate for an a posteriori diagnostic for SRCC calculations

    Study of the benzene⋅N2 intermolecular potential-energy surface

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    The intermolecular potential-energy surface pertaining to the interaction between benzene and N2 is investigated theoretically and experimentally. Accurate intermolecular interaction energies are evaluated for the benzene–N2 van der Waals complex using the coupled cluster singles and doubles including connected triples [CCSD(T)] method and the aug-cc-pVDZ basis set extended with a set of 3s3p2d1f1g midbond functions. After fitting the energies to an analytic function, the intermolecular Schrödinger equation is solved to yield energies, rotational constants, and Raman-scattering coefficients for the lowest intermolecular levels of several benzene–N2 isotopomers. Experimentally, intermolecular Raman spectra of jet-cooled h6- and d6-benzene–N2 measured at 0.03 cm−1 resolution by mass-selective, ionization-detected stimulated Raman spectroscopies are reported. Seven intermolecular bands are assigned for each isotopomer, including transitions involving intermolecular bending and stretching vibrations and internal rotation about the benzene C6 axis. These Raman data, together with measured rotational constants and binding energies obtained by other groups on benzene–N2, agree well with the theoretical results. Such agreement points to the promise of the quantum chemical methodology employed herein in future investigations of larger van der Waals [email protected]

    Computational and experimental investigation of intermolecular states and forces in the benzene–helium van der Waals complex

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    A study of the intermolecular potential-energy surface (IPS) and the intermolecular states of the perprotonated and perdeuterated benzene–He complex is reported. From a fit to ab initio data computed within the coupled cluster singles and doubles including connected triples model for 280 interaction geometries, an analytic IPS including two- to four-body atom–atom terms is obtained. This IPS, and two other Lennard-Jones atom–atom surfaces from the literature, are each employed in dynamically exact (within the rigid-monomer approximation) calculations of J = 0 intermolecular states of the isotopomers. Rotational constants and Raman-scattering coefficients for intermolecular vibrational transitions are also calculated for each of the three surfaces. The calculated results are compared with experimental results reported herein pertaining to intermolecular Raman spectra of benzene–He. The calculated rotational constants are compared with experimental values from the literature. The fitted IPS of this work leads to calculated observables that match the experimental results very well. The IPSs from the literature are not as successful, specifically in regard to the intermolecular Raman [email protected]