5 research outputs found

    Ammonia transport accident exposure analysis

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    Anhydrous ammonia proved its efficiency and has been used extensively in the food and processing industry as a refrigerant. Between production and utilization locations it is necessary to organize transport of this substance. Due to its physicochemical properties, there is a possibility for the endangering population and environment in urban areas if the tank traffic accident occurs during the transport. Therefore, this research analyses exposure to ammonia transport accidents through the use of two software applications

    The influence of environmental characteristics on the vulnerable population exposure to the ammonia release in an accident situation

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    Istraživanje sprovedeno u doktorskoj disertaciji procenjuje izloženost osoba sa invaliditetom i životne sredine uticaju amonijaka u slučaju ostvarenja saobraćajne nesreće prilikom transporta navedene supstanci. Predložena je integrisana metoda za procenu rizika od identifikovanog problema sa fokusom na varijable životne sredine i varijable izazvane ljudskim faktorom sa značajnim uticajem na magnitudu hazarda. Za potrebe verifikacije metode sprovedena je studija slučaja koja procenjuje rasprostiranje amonijaka u životnoj sredini oslobođenog iz transportne cisterne u blizini Institucije za decu i omladinu sa smetnjama u razvoju u Veterniku, prigradskom naselju Novog Sada. Simulacije scenarija hazarda sprovedene su upotrebom ALOHA (eng. Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres) softvera i potvrdile su pretpostavku da kombinacija visoke temperature i male brzine vetra može izazvati najnepovoljniji scenario, odnosno izložiti vecće područje životne sredine uticaju oslobođenog amonijaka. Pored toga, mape hazarda su razvijene integrisanjem rezultata ostvarenih upotrebom ALOHA softvera u QGIS (eng. Quantum GIS) softver radi prikaza i analize izloženosti ranjive populacije.Research conducted within the doctoral dissertation assessing the exposure of people with disabilities to the impact of hazmat road accidents, in order to provide evidence-based knowledge necessary for the establishment of competent disaster preparedness procedures. An integrated method for the risk assessment of the identified problem was proposed focusing on environmental and human-induced variables with a significant impact on the hazard magnitude. For the purpose of method verification, a case study was developed for ammonia release from a tanker truck in the vicinity of the Institution for Children and Youth with Disabilities in Veternik, a suburban settlement of Novi Sad, Serbia. The simulation conducted with ALOHA (Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres) software confirmed assumption that the combination of high temperature and low wind speed can cause the worst-case scenario i.e. to expose a larger surface area to the influence of released ammonia. In addition, hazard maps were developed by importing the simulated area of ammonia spread into QGIS (Quantum GIS) software

    The influence of environmental characteristics on the vulnerable population exposure to the ammonia release in an accident situation

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    Istraživanje sprovedeno u doktorskoj disertaciji procenjuje izloženost osoba sa invaliditetom i životne sredine uticaju amonijaka u slučaju ostvarenja saobraćajne nesreće prilikom transporta navedene supstanci. Predložena je integrisana metoda za procenu rizika od identifikovanog problema sa fokusom na varijable životne sredine i varijable izazvane ljudskim faktorom sa značajnim uticajem na magnitudu hazarda. Za potrebe verifikacije metode sprovedena je studija slučaja koja procenjuje rasprostiranje amonijaka u životnoj sredini oslobođenog iz transportne cisterne u blizini Institucije za decu i omladinu sa smetnjama u razvoju u Veterniku, prigradskom naselju Novog Sada. Simulacije scenarija hazarda sprovedene su upotrebom ALOHA (eng. Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres) softvera i potvrdile su pretpostavku da kombinacija visoke temperature i male brzine vetra može izazvati najnepovoljniji scenario, odnosno izložiti vecće područje životne sredine uticaju oslobođenog amonijaka. Pored toga, mape hazarda su razvijene integrisanjem rezultata ostvarenih upotrebom ALOHA softvera u QGIS (eng. Quantum GIS) softver radi prikaza i analize izloženosti ranjive populacije.Research conducted within the doctoral dissertation assessing the exposure of people with disabilities to the impact of hazmat road accidents, in order to provide evidence-based knowledge necessary for the establishment of competent disaster preparedness procedures. An integrated method for the risk assessment of the identified problem was proposed focusing on environmental and human-induced variables with a significant impact on the hazard magnitude. For the purpose of method verification, a case study was developed for ammonia release from a tanker truck in the vicinity of the Institution for Children and Youth with Disabilities in Veternik, a suburban settlement of Novi Sad, Serbia. The simulation conducted with ALOHA (Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres) software confirmed assumption that the combination of high temperature and low wind speed can cause the worst-case scenario i.e. to expose a larger surface area to the influence of released ammonia. In addition, hazard maps were developed by importing the simulated area of ammonia spread into QGIS (Quantum GIS) software

    Drinking water quality in city of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina : case study

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    The paper presents the situation of system for public drinking water facilities “Waterworks” of Banja Luka city, including the current situation and new projects and facilities. The goal of the case study is to analyse and evaluate the results of basic physicochemical parameters of drinking water produced during the period of two years – 2013 and 2014. The data includes the seasonal sampling champagnes of two years, during the months January, April, Jul and October. It is important to have continual and controlled monitoring and evaluation of the wells, raw water wells and drinking water quality therefore it can be affected under negative impact of the dynamic natural change and anthropogenic activities. According to basic physicochemical parameters the population of Banja Luka is drinking water of good quality. During the research correlation and covariance of basic physicochemical parameters was evaluated

    4-Oxothiazolidines with Exocyclic C=C Double Bond(s): Synthesis, Structure, Reactions and Biological Activity

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    4-Oxothiazolidine core, owing to the wide range of pharmacological activities exhibited by its derivatives, has been recognized as an important structural motif in biologically active compounds. A subclass constitutes 4-oxothiazolidines with an exocyclic C=C double bond at the C(2)-position. Some of these derivatives are registered as active substances for the treatment of various diseases, such as Ralitoline, an antiepileptic, Etozolin, a diuretic, and Piprozolin, a choleretic. The exocyclic C=C double bond in these compounds contains one or two electron-accepting groups at its other end, so that they also belong to the class of the so-called push-pull alkenes. In the case of the nitrogen-unsubstituted molecules, the enamino tautomeric form with the exocyclic double bond is stabilized by the extended electron delocalization arising from the push-pull effect. In the absence of push-pull effect, the imino form would dominate. Therefore, these compounds exhibit properties characteristic for both 4-oxothiazolidine ring and push-pull alkenes. They are also proved to be useful synthetic interamediates for the formation of various mono- and polyheterocycles. The importance of 4-oxothiazolidine derivatives is witnessed by several review articles, the latest published in 2012, mainly dealing with the chemistry and biological activity of various 2-imino, 2-oxo, 2-thioxo and 2-alkyl(aryl)-substituted compounds. The lack of a comprehensive review on 2-alkylidene-4-oxothiazolidines has prompted us to collect the literature covering their synthesis, structure, reactivity and biological activity. Derivatives with two exocyclic C=C double bonds are included, too